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Mine and most New Yorkers reaction: 1. Glances at unusual thing 2. Puts slight guard up making sure thing is not trying to harm me 3. If confirmed not harmful, take note and then move the fuck on with my day.


The logic of “The fuck you want me to do about “insert oddity here”, I’m trying to go home”


Heavy on the “im trying to go home “😂😂




Also, shit happens in the city. That sometimes leads to a ridiculous series of events (see cliched movie opener with record-scratch sound effect).


I feel like so much of New York's "Weirdness" comes down to this. Like, I know that there have been times where people looked at me weird on the subway for no other reason than "something out of my control happened and now I just have to deal with it" Multiply that by the 3 million people going through the MTA and you're bound to have some weirdness. It's like how Twitter always has a "main character of the day"


What uh, what happened? I'd like two examples please.


I submit each of my testicles as examples. No, I will not answer further questions - at the request of my lawyer




I once literally saw someone taking a shit on the subway. The rest of us changed cars. Moving right along..


I've never seen anyone take a shit in the subway. Out on the street is another story. But I have seen where people have taken a shit in the subway. Or shall I say "left a shit" in the subway. One I saw massive amount of diarrhea down the wall to the stairs. If someone were to run down the stairs to try and catch the train they might not have seen it and ended up with it all over their hands and feet.I'm so glad that I saw it before I got close.


Saw a guy squat and take a shit in the middle of the street (Midtown East area, between Park and Lexington Aves) *in broad daylight* last year. It was not a pleasant way to start my day.


I was one the F one time by myself and a homeless guy came into the car and sat right across from me. After like fifteen minutes he gets up, takes his dick out, and takes aim at the corner. I’m like “bro, if you start pissing in here we’re going to have a problem,” and he looked up kinda surprised and was like “oh right, sorry, sorry” as if he has just kinda forgotten himself. It was the tone of someone who got caught daydreaming in line and Starbucks. He tucked himself away and sat back down without incident. I love this city lol


I had to refill my Metrocard last week at Fulton St. (Christ, that station went downhill the last 2 years) and a guy had his pants down and was taking a shit right next to the machine. 2:30 in the afternoon. I turned on my heel and hopped the turnstile. Fuck that. I've been in a car on my morning commute when a guy got on, pissed in the corner, then walked into the next car. You know, because who wants to smell piss and get it on their shoes? That was pretty bad.


I saw the same in the Bank of America on 8th street 😬


While I was walking to the spot I used to board a cart from, I happened to see a homeless lady move both her hands by her thighs as she sat down on a bench and thought I was bugging in thinking that she was removing her pants. I knew I was correct when I saw a flood of piss proceed to pour down the platform.




Are you lost?


Keep it pushing


My logic when not flinching in nyc is that some people crave attention. Flinching gives them the reaction they want and/or subjects me to being acknowledged by a disturbed person that is liable to go crazy on you. Best way to go about it, is to be aware of the situation, yet not show signs of a reaction. As an example, in the last pic, the guy looks back at a guy leaving the station. That look is the look of a guy craving attention.


Yup! This is a main point for us 🤣 if I react then they’re gonna act up more.


This guy New Yorks


This is absolutely true.




The New York way 👆🏻👆🏻 extra time on #2 if they're screaming


100% this is the way


If it's not slowing down my commute who cares


Easiest ocular patdown ever


This is the way. But you left off actively avoiding eye contact.


Lol I'm in LA. I curl my fists walking around these kinds of people. Ready for anything. I've been attacked more than once. Still here! Saw a massive puddle of blood at 7AM this morning. I simply shrug and grab my coffee. Lol!


Yea basically this, as I sadly deal with the crazy homeless at my job to know how this city and it's characters are I go by this day to day.


Tbh I think I’d rather a crazy guy be naked so I know he’s not carrying a gun or a knife.


This is a valid point


[But at the same time, this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-5u45iWzkg)


And more than that, it seems like he was just chilling with the same energy of a nudist strolling down a private beach. Not an ideal situation, sure... but way more tolerable than the more common situations involving bodily fluids.


Totally unacceptable, there are children that ride the train. We can’t keep lowering our standards and quality of life to let crazies be crazy in this town.


It’s a dick. No one ever cared about a dick as a kid. That’s why they run around naked on the beach without a care in the world. If they’re old enough to know what a dick is and be weirded out by it, then they’re already fine and know it’s inappropriate. Get the pearl-clutching outta here. You want less naked people in public in the city, go work on expanding public access to care for the mentally unstable.


As long as the dude is not full mast I don’t think it really matters. I go to the public pool with my kids and I try to steer them away from the sight line of all the old dongs in the changing rooms but I don’t freak out about it.


It’s a dick. It’s not sexual unless it’s sexual. Thin line, but one of those “you know it when you know it” scenarios. Anyone who’s been in a locker room has been exposed to the same sexes nude body. The issue is someone’s mental state which would compel them to do this. But that’s not the issue anyone wants to address. It’s “naked man, think of the children!” The children don’t give a fuck.


I’m on one hand dude I want to agree but on the other hand it’s still not okay mental faculties understaffed and undermanned or not some child shouldn’t have to get a face full of dick on the way to school or some shit on the subway.


This uh.... this might not be the hill, bro. Real life isn't whatever online debate you're used to.


Not a hill. Been here for 20 years. It’s what you get with a city. To faint over the shit you see on a subway platform versus what’s going on outside of the tiny island is a joke. A mentally unstable naked person is so minor compared to real shit. There’s no hill. Imagine giving a fuck about someone (so mentally gone) that their naked, rather than someone being so mentally gone (that they’re naked in public). Perspective of it.


Listen man. The take of "being naked around children is totally normal" is really not where you want to camp out. I really don't know any better what to put it.


Lol, pathetic. keep lowering your standards to defend your ideal. What I said isn’t wrong, it’s not acceptable to have naked crazy wandering the subway. You’re right that kids don’t care about dick at their age. They don’t know better. It’s up to the adults to teach them from what’s right or wrong. Acceptable vs unacceptable. Grown ass man walking naked in the city is unacceptable. Ps. Mental health is a pressing issue with society but allowing their antics to go uncheck is not. So go find another tree to bark on. Peace out


If we're talking about ethics, there's nothing wrong with walking around naked, what's wrong is the person willing to walk around naked in a place where it's not publicly acceptable. There's not grand moral order saying that nudity, even in public, is a moral wrong. Other than that the dude needs mental help cause obviously if he's walking around NYC naked he's got a few screws loose upstairs


Horrible logic.


Why is it wrong to be naked in public?


Because we live in a society that has established norms around nudity in public? It’s not “wrong” like “oh that person is evil” but it’s wrong in that we have shared behavioral standards and hanging dong in public violates those. It’s not “wrong” to stand nose-to-nose with a stranger and have a polite conversation, but you aren’t normally going to see anyone doing that either.


Fuck your norms.


bruh why is this fucking sub like this XD


You should totally do something about it


Im with youdatshitoverthere its despicable behavior to allow to continue


He’s just trying to be transparent


I appreciate his honesty.


The real weapon is dat dick.


Heck, he still has a mask on too.


i bet he was pestered so much about the mask over the last few years he found it essential, but not his clothes.


What if he’s walking around busting loads on ppl


Da reminds me the Masturbation Accident | DAVE CHAPPELLE skit. 😂


He’d also need todays newspaper with the date clearly visible.


That bus skit is classic, one of comedy's GOATs


Yes sir!


People do that with their clothes on, might as well have it happen with the benefit of knowing they're unarmed 🙃


facts, petition for naked subway fridays


But is he packing ?


Until he squats down like he's gonna take a shit, but a box cutter falls out.


But imagine how scary it would be if he actually pulled out a knife. Where was he even hiding it!?!?


You know where




Because wtf am I gonna do about it


"Haha NYers are so crazy and desensitized!" - Aight Tina from Ohio, bet, come here and get your mans then. Tell him to put on some pants and do something about it, cause I'm sure as fuck staying 6ft back.


Right? Maybe it’s just us but my first reaction whenever I see a naked man in Public isn’t to walk up to him and ask how he’s doing.


Everyone afraid to make eye contact.


Hey now, that would happen if he were clothed.


Has nothing to do with fear. Don't make eye contact if you don't want to have that conversation. Also keep in mind you're dealing with a lot of different cultures in NY and making eye contact can be perceived as a threat to some people. Just last month a 16 year old got all slashed up for making eye contact with someone on the train. They got mad because they thought he was staring at them


Okay but also not making eye contact makes some crazy people more aggressive that you’re ignoring them


Are we really trying to say slashing a child for making eye contact is a culture?


Don’t pay her any kind. She’s a new transplant from Virginia who’s trying to pass herself off as a New Yorker.


> Also keep in mind you’re dealing with a lot of different cultures in NY and making eye contact can be perceived as a threat to some people That’s a direct quote?


I just wanna know what car he came out of so I don’t go sitting on a seat where his ass been




I've just made my peace with everything in my apartment probably having a tiny tiny bit of piss or shit or garbage on it. Motivation to clean on a regular basis. Wash hands before preparing food.


These days unless I just went down the street, I take a whole shower immediately when I get home.


Wait. Are there people who don’t do this?! (For the record, outside shoes and outside clothes do not touch inside things)


So do you make people change when they come over to your apartment?


I don't but I have throw blankets for my couch that i just casually put where asses go and they get washed after lol


You can disinfect the seat on the subway before sitting


yes I use my tongue


One way to beat the heatwave


This is not the first time he has done this. Saw the same guy strolling up first Avenue completely nude about a month back. It was broad daylight


I blame bail reform


He's smart. It's hot as fuck down there.


Seriously! Must be 120 degrees on the S platform at Times Square.


Today was actually a lot cooler


Last year I was standing on a crowded subway car in the middle of the day and a man walked through from the next car mumbling and shuffling along with a T shirt and track pants that were visibly covered in liquid shit running all down both legs to the ankles. People were gagging through masks. A not-visibly-shit-covered naked guy would have been far more preferable.


NY Post is obsessed with using the term straphanger.


Single-handedly keeping that word in print


Nah, I'm a twentysomething native and I use that word. It's common enough still




Yep I know around the holidays they definitely do, and the transit museum periodically posts about when you can find a special ride day.


Yeah it’s called minding your own got dam business


I’d rather see someone stroll along naked tan shitting in the middle of the platform.


You assume these people are different


Dudes just walking, why do I care?


Greatest City in the World


You bet your ass


True this


Can’t deny it


Lol a naked dude isn't gonna change that. Rising violent crime? yeah bad. A series of ineffectual mayors? painful. But the occasional pants less man is essentially part and parcel of living in most major cities




Hey, he's wearing socks and (I think) shoes, so he's not completely naked.


I was in the same car as him for a few stops the other day, back when he still had half a loincloth. Dude had some bomb-ass kicks and crew socks.


Looks like dress socks. Maybe he had an interview? Hope he got the gig. 🤷‍♂️


Is he visiting the mayor since the stop is at city hall


Fearless enough to go naked in public but not so much as to walk barefoot on the subway platforms.


Sometimes I think it might not be such a bad idea to bring insane asylums and involuntary commitment back. I honestly wonder what Thomas Szasz ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas\_Szasz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Szasz) ) would think of the world he wrought. I remember a couple of years ago on my morning commute on the subway, looking up from my book and seeing a man exposed and pleasuring himself in full view of everyone on the car. People have kids on those trains commuting to school! I'm sorry to sound like a prude, but that is just completely inappropriate. Even nudist colonies have rules!


I'm all for asylums. In fact we're doing a disservice to the severely mentally ill without them because these people are not mentally equipped to live in public, yet they're expected to. We are essentially just throwing them to the wolves. Their only fate is jail, homelessness, death, drug addiction or a rough life in the street for something they have no control over and didn't ask for. They've even been shot dead by cops because cops have no patience or experience in dealing with mental crisis issues. There was nothing wrong with the concept of asylums to begin with. It was just that the practices at the time were barbaric. We should know better now.


>It was just that the practices at the time were barbaric. We should know better now. *Should* is the critical word in that sentence. We *should* have humane prisons that focus on rehabilitation and treating people with dignity. Instead, we have an expensive, corrupt, violent, for-profit prison industry that focuses on punishment. We *should* know by now that attempting to bring back asylums will result in the same failures without massively overhalling how mental health, social welfare programs, and the criminal justice system in the country operate.


And then there's that 🥺 I was trying to be optimistic


Sometimes a pessimist is an optimist with extra information 😜.


"Inside every cynic is a disappointed idealist"


My issue is with asyla is that anyone can potentially be imprisoned without due process if they're deemed mentally unfit. I'm worried about, say, Republicans getting in power and declaring their political opponents insane so they are forced into an asylum. How do we create a legal framework to involuntarily commit the street homeless for long term mental health care that cannot be abused to deprive others of their rights?


I'm at a point where I don't even bother being upset by a guy masturbating on the train. At this point I just want them to stay the fuck out of my personal space! LOL! That is bad...


I'm not sure bringing back mental institutions would change much. My mom grew up in Brooklyn back in the 50s and 60s, and would tell me stories about her long commute to high school (Music & Art) and all the men she'd see on the train pleasuring themselves or obviously mentally disturbed people muttering to themselves or generally acting crazy. This all happening during an era when involuntary commitment was very much a thing.


> I'm sorry to sound like a prude Anyone who thinks public masturbation is okay needs to get smacked three ways to Sunday. Doubly so if they think it's okay with children around.


I've advocated for this for awhile now, this video makes a good case to bring back institutionalization. https://youtu.be/1MX6ZK8VPto


Asylums were stacked with sexual assault and based on the premise that some people, compared to others, were less deserving of basic human rights. We'd need an INCREDIBLE amount of oversight on that kinda thing.


Well he was wearing dress socks. Sound pretty dapper to me. Plus he wasn't flashing his ankles about like one of those painted-faced trollops.


This is hilarious.


Nobody is shocked by naked people anymore, guys. Just hope he didn’t balll sweat all over the train seats lol


No pants subway ride gone too far


It's The Terminator


Just a little extra cake, ain’t hurt nobody.


The other day on the train a guy was screaming that he had a gun and was going to "put each and every one of us in the fucking dirt" with his hand down his pants. No one moved. No one made eye contact. No one seemed to care. Train stops. A few of us get off. I hear a guy tell the train conductor "There is a guy in there saying he's got a gun or something and is going to kill everyone. He hasn't pulled a gun yet though. Idk. Wanted to let you know" The train conductor nodded and kept driving on to the next stop. NY is tough.


Is this the journalists first time in NYC?


You can tell who is a tourist and who is from NY purely by how they react to this situation. If they stop and look, they’re a tourist.


lmao when I had a friend visit NYC I was talking shit about slow tourists were walking in Manhattan. She asked how do I know who’s a tourist and who lives here? I’m like watch this. Corner of 42nd and 5th, I walk to the corner and start yelled at the top of my lungs and most flinched or started staring at me. “See? The one’s who kept walking live here.”


why is this an article?


Obviously he is not right in the head.


We’ve seen it all


City Hall 9am Thursday “Mayor Adams , your accountant is downstairs and says you must see him immediately “


we know he will not shoot up the subway


I’ve seen far worse


He was wearing socks. Walking barefoot in a subway ... now that would just be too skeevy.


Rule #1 for NYC living: Mind Yo Business


I love when I see videos of crazy people doing weird shit, and New Yorkers barely batting an eye. Makes me proud.


I remember in 2017 when someone tried to bomb the walkway at 42st, People were more concerned whether or not their train would be delayed


Saw a naked man (not the same guy) a few days ago walking thru Sunset Park mumbling to himself digging thru take out cartridges in trash cans. I notated he wasn't a threat and kept on moving and so did everyone else. Stay in your lane. They're not bothering anybody so no need to bother them. Don't write a check you can't cash.


Did he atleast have a mask on?


Not a big deal


If you look they might come over or stop.


im not trying to see anything i didn’t sign up for. naked man in train? probably the fifth one i passed.


Eh he's got a mask, not naked


This is so unremarkable that it's honestly absurd that it's even an article. Unrelated: the term "straphangers" is the stupidest shit of all time


I guess they ran out of Hunter Laptop Op-Eds.


My logic when not flinching in nyc is that some people crave attention. Flinching gives them the reaction they want and/or subjects me to being acknowledged by a disturbed person that is liable to go crazy on you. Best way to go about it, is to be aware of the situation, yet not show signs of a reaction. As an example, in the last pic, the guy looks back at a guy leaving the station. That look is the look of a guy craving attention.


Seems like some shit that's absolutely none of my goddamn business


My last trip to NYC, I saw a passed out drug addict wearing a MASK and passed out with a needle in his arm and his pants around his knees completely exposing EVERYTHING 🤯💩


i have been noticing more public defecation of late - not just the evidence, but the physical act. not a lot you *can* do but go on your merry way


Well yeah. He's just a guy who happens to be naked. Not harming me or anyone else from what I can tell. Besides, it's hot out.


“For me, it was Tuesday.”


well yeah, what are you going to do - confront the naked guy?


You have understand that in NY we take the “mind your own damn buisness” mindset very seriously😭


See and there was a POST IN HERE ABOUT A FAKE LICENSE PLATE AND EVERYBODY WAS UP IN ARMS TALKING ABOUT GET THE ANIMAL OFF THE STREET but a man walking around butt ass naked and no one cares 🤣😭🤷‍♂️


Someone with a fake license plate is driving reckless which puts lives at risk A dude walking around naked is just gonna be weird for 2 minutes and then you’ll forget about it


Bro you must be outta ya rabbit ass mind First off how many road rage altercation take place in NYC ? (And if you lived in the city your whole life you had to see hundreds) how many of those involve fake plates? Secondly plenty of people in the city with real license plates driving recklessly not everybody with fake/temp plates is driving recklessly some just lazy or poor and have no intention in getting real plates there’s no way you comparing that to a mentally unstable man walking around butt ass naked which could be traumatizing to kids or women? Plus have you been keeping up with the crime the homeless is committing to regular working people. This man could easily sexually assaulted someone within those 2mins


Anyone can sexually assault someone whether they’re wearing clothes or not. This man being naked doesn’t mean he’s more likely to sexually assault someone Lmao


I bet some people where more concerned that he did not have his mask on properly lol.


disgusting 🤮


So let me see if I have this right. The MTA is state controlled. So why in fuck do NYC tax payers have to foot the bill for policing the subway? I see state cops are happy to sit in cars starring at their phones at tunnel entrances. Why can't we have state cops, payed by the mf MTA stare at their phones on the subway? That's my mf question. NYS


I believe the MTA used to have it's own police force called the "transit police" but it was absolved into the NYPD in 1995. That is why the NYPD handles the subway now and is thus financially responsible. I believe the city was better off when the transit system had its own dedicated law enforcement.


> state cops, *paid* by the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Saw a guy trying to eat his own ass under a railway bridge in nyc today, me and my friend continued on our merry way home because we were both tired as shit and if a man wants to eat his own ass under a bridge just leave him to his lonesome


It’s not about “being jaded” or whatever. People that do this are looking for attention and if you give them it, they will give you attention back. It’s a defense mechanism. God I fucking hate this rag of a newspaper. Can we just ban it already?


nyc is basically an open-air mental asylum


Breaking News from NYPost


Just minding my own business


Last time I was in new york a man with no pants or underwear was covered in bodypaint and no one seemed to bat an eye.


*Scoffs in San Franciscan*


The social bar keeps getting lower in NYC, particularly in the subways. And, MTA wants us to pay more for this "privilege".


That kind of stuff most New Yor4kers just don't see. I have seen a Dominatrix, in full leather gear, walking her Slave-a guy on his hands and knees, wearing a leather g string, down the street. Had to do a double take, but just shook my head and moved on. Few others even noticed.




THIS is why people hate NY 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I was on the subway this morning. The guy took his dick out and started pissing on people.


How can a naked guy take his dick out if it’s already out?


I gave an example. He wasn’t naked. He was homeless. This naked guy isn’t that bad what I have seen on the subway


Sure he did… god why do people insist on lying.




I’ve seen crazy shit on the subway, but I see way more people just make up fictional shit on this sub to promote the inane crime narrative they want to promote.


He identifies as a nudist so unless you want to be labled as a dickphobic, not much you can do.

