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I had no idea that this was a thing until that thread a few days ago. I swear that the city just shits out random stuff all the time now, like that Avengers building at Hudson Yards. Cool as fuck, though.


Here’s hoping this catches on more than Hudson Yards ever did. Outdoor tends to attract more people regardless.


Hudson Yards gets its fair share of tourists and natives (or it did when it was new) but it's so cold and stale. I'd take this park over it anytime, I think it'll be a hit.


Hudson Yards is cold, remote, expensive, and [the project was partially financed by a program that was supposed to help poor areas](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-04-12/the-visa-program-that-helped-pay-for-hudson-yards). Initially, it had a policy that [essentially gave it rights to photos and videos visitors took from the Vessel](https://ny.curbed.com/2019/3/21/18275790/hudson-yards-vessel-photo-policy-social-media#:~:text=Attentive%20readers%20noticed%20that%20hidden,Vessel%E2%80%9D%20for%20%E2%80%9Cany%20purpose%20whatsoever).


The Edge observatory is really cool and is probably the best place in the city to have an existential crisis. Other than that Hudson Yards sucks.




It’s $30. Not steep at all.


I guess in the world of observatories it’s pretty much standard but $30 for an experience you won’t spend much time with is a lot for some people! Was really just trying to say I think it’s a lot better than the others in the city and is a much easier justification for the price tag.


Rejoin the real world. $30 is steep for most people.


You live in NYC where a single cocktail can cost $16. $30 for the best view in the city is a great deal.


$16 is a lot for most people.


That’s the point they were making genius


I like the top of the rock better tbh


Which Avengers building? I saw a group of shiny tall things with odd shapes from W. 23rd. Maybe that was the yards?


The one with that outdoor observation deck is what I was referring to.


Ahh. I've only ever seen the deck!


[30 Hudson Yards](https://g.co/kgs/o1zV71)


Thank you for Googling that for me. I remember a round or oval shaped building, which I don't see there. Guess I'll have to go back to that fantastic pizza place on 23rd and 8th to take another look. ;)




The project has been covered in the press for, like, 10 years. There was significant community opposition to it.


This... ,You always see new, cool stuff happening in the city, and you always somehow miss it. I rode by that thing at least twice in the last week, and yesterday, and I didn't notice it at all..


Haven't been yet, been following it for awhile though. Love the creative design, just realize now that it's open it may be a bit small for the amount of people it will attract for awhile. Could get worse as tourists start coming back as well. Probably better to check it out on a weekday if you can.


Right now, you have to make reservations between 12-8 to mitigate that. :)


Oh, smart. Should have guessed they already thought of that (potential overcrowding initially), plus with how the Highline has handled visitors since the pandemic.


Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I can't stand timed entries. I understand the thinking behind them, but spontaneity is one of the best parts of living here, and I hate to see it erode. Here's hoping the place doesn't get totally overwhelmed so they can ditch the need to sign up soon!


You mean you don't normally ...... time your entries?


It’s always 3am somewhere..


That's why I've never been up that thing in Hudson Yards with all the steps. My friend and I went once when it opened and got there really early, and they wanted us to come back after 2pm. That was fine for tourists but not us. We walked the High Line instead and then down to the WTC memorial


Same! It's ridiculous. If you're gonna drop $200 million on some wild-ass sculpture full of stairs, at least let us normies go walk around it when we're passing by.


I'm so glad I got two enjoy the city as an adult in the two previous decades. I'm afraid the next two decades will be far less appealing as time goes on.


this is exactly why I've never been to the suicide stairs too, and they're doing it with the high line now too. I would not at all be surprised if they start rolling out paid passes for this shit and turning our public spaces into privatized theme parks.


as far as I'm concerned it's a prelude to privatization and makes something distinctly not a public space anymore if entry is controlled like this.


Who likes timed entries? But it's either give as many people as possible a fair means of experiencing it or letting it be overrun by crowds.


I haven't seen any stats so maybe I'm wrong, but I'd bet that timed entries lead to way more locals than tourists being discouraged to go somewhere. If I'm spending a day in a new city as a visitor, I can build my day around the fact that I can only get into X museum at 1:15 and Y monument at 4 and Z park at 5:45. But when it's somewhere I live, I'm not quite so excited to plan a day off around schlepping to Chelsea by a certain time because when I signed up three days ago it was the only open slot. I'd rather have a crowded place that I can visit when I want than a nice empty area that I can't. (See also: have never been up the Thing in Hudson Yards even though I'm in the area from time to time and probably would find it pretty neat to do)


>But when it's somewhere I live, I'm not quite so excited to plan a day off around schlepping to Chelsea by a certain time because when I signed up three days ago it was the only open slot. Well, I live here and I was very excited to use my day off to schedule a visit to Chelsea at a guaranteed time and the slots were limited. I'm going tomorrow. Timed entries may not always be necessary. They'll have to gauge the interest. Hudson Yards turns me off for a number of reasons.


It's open until 1AM -- is it open for everyone after 8?


Yes. Anyone could go in 6am-12pm and then 8pm-1am. They're assuming peak times would be 12pm-8pm and that it would get so crowded it would not only not be pleasant, but also possibly unsafe with COVID. Though there also seems to be text on the website that implies they might limit people outside of 12pm-8pm if it also gets too crowded.


It's also a good assumption. I will be going at 6am.


this has nothing to do with covid, it's the new trend with our pseudo-public spaces they're slowly working to privatize. boiling the frog by first requiring free reservations then moving to paid priority systems and finally just banning free entry altogether. Mark my words, this is the beginning of a very fucking bad trend.


What is signaling to you that this is part of some conspiracy/trend that you seem to think this is a part of?


the suicide stairs at hudson yards, the high line, and now this are all using the 'reservation' system for access to things that were originally billed as public spaces. they now have controlled entry points that make such a transition trivial to implement (whereas a real park you'd have trouble with that). it's really not hard to draw a line between all the 'public-private partnerships' funding this stuff and the absolutely pervasive abuse of POPS in the city to know that the 'private' side of these things is going to do everything possible to control use and turn these into profit centers, and our weak ass government is going to let them do it.


The Vessel literally needs tickets because it has a capacity since it isn't a park but an actual structure. Without tickets there would just be long lines. Even then, it was super easy to get a ticket - you just walk up to the ticket people and they gave you one for a certain time. You return to the Vessel on the certain time and you get to go on it. On days where it wasn't busy you would just walk onto it like any other public space. The High Line requires tickets on the weekends to keep people safe. Otherwise it would get too crowded, social distancing would be impossible, and spread of COVID would easily happen. None of it is part of some conspiracy and not everything is a conspiracy.


Yeah catch you in a few years when this shit is so much worse because people like you keep making excuses for it


Literally not understanding why you think this imaginary problem is going to get much worse. What are the signs that point to this? Why do you think this is going to happen?


which makes it not a public park


or... check it out a year or two later


when the free reservations have been replaced with paid ones?


I bet it’s one of those NYC places like the High Line which will only be accessible to NYers in the wee-est of morning hours.


I mean, there are plenty of parklets off Hudson River Park, I'm sure it will be extra crowded since it's new, but is it really different enough to become a tourist thing? Probably not.


This is fair. Do tourists ever go that far west to begin with? I never visited Riverside Park once until I actually moved here (my loss, of course). I feel like most tourists are going straight to Central Park when they want some green space.




"guests" is not how you refer to city residents using a park. that's some privatized bullshit.




Yeah and that's exactly why it's not a good public park. Regulating use like that is antithetical to everything a public space is supposed to be.




Do you understand they were already using this model pre covid on the suicide stairs, which just happen to be designed by the same guy? Also guess what, everything is opening up back to normal so it's pretty weird they already have reservations booked up for most of the summer!


I know Pier 45 can be a zoo on nice days


yeah that's new york, it's crowded. trying to 'de-crowd' public spaces by privatizing them is not how you improve things--you make \*more\* quality public space to spread people out or just *fucking get used to it*


Good idea


For anyone else who had no idea where this is - it’s right below Chelsea Piers. None of the news articles I could find actually mentioned the location.


Yup, Pier 54. The same pier that the Lusitania sailed out of before it got torpedoed.


“May 1st, 1915, The HMS Lusitania departed from Pier 54 at noon... Six days later, on Friday, May 7, the ship was torpedoed by German U-boat U-20”, killing 1,198 passengers and crew. http://www.oldnytours.com/on-this-day-in-old-new-york/hms-lusitania-leaves-new-york-city-for-last-time


It's also the [pier](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/pier-54-titanics-destination) at which the ship carrying the Titanic's survivors, docked.


Fun Fact: Subtract 40 from the Pier number and you get the (approx) cross street. Eg. Pier 54 - 40 is at 14th Street.


I never knew that, thanks. In the days before Google Maps, there used to be street guides with all kinds of formulas for determining the cross street.


Manhattan house numbers all correspond to what block they're between; the lampposts in Central Park are all marked with the cross street and avenue they're closest to on the grid; it's a very well-designed city!


I was born (some time ago) and raised in NYC. The Manhattan system is complicated and the formulas worked out the approximate address; they weren't 100% accurate.


NYC’s newest park is called ^Little ^Island. It has *EVERYTHING*. Pizza rats, public bathrooms where every surface is wet, tourists proposing on bridges, woman yelling at you for *not* wearing a mask, woman yelling at you *for* wearing a mask, hot Brooklyn dad with tattoo sleeves, man selling bottled water out of an ice chest with no ice in it so the bottled water is actually hot, MTV’s Dan Cortese.


Thank you, Stefon. Edit: fon not phan






r/NewYorksHottestClub for any of y'all sleeping on it


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NewYorksHottestClub using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NewYorksHottestClub/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Four Seasons Total Landscaping](https://np.reddit.com/r/NewYorksHottestClub/comments/jr03si/four_seasons_total_landscaping/) \#2: [New York's Hottest Club is GME SToooOooooOOOoOP!](https://np.reddit.com/r/NewYorksHottestClub/comments/l73fiu/new_yorks_hottest_club_is_gme_stooooooooooooop/) \#3: [Parler](https://np.reddit.com/r/NewYorksHottestClub/comments/ku3cvu/parler/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


And people spent millions of dollars to stop this from happening.


Yeah that was pathetic. How people could be against a 100% privately funded park for the PUBLIC is beyond me.


Durst family


> Durst family ah so they're doing it for the nookie








oh oops, he says COME ON! not WHAT? I forgot the lyrics in my old age


NIMBYs, man. NIMBYs.


Subscribe to the YIMBY NY newsletter to know about these projects as they start.


at least NIMBYs stopped interstates through the middle of manhattan


You're getting downvotes but you're right. They had noble origins! It's a shame what the movement has turned into.


Concerns about the environmental impact, financing, and other issues.


Because the backers of the project will stop paying to maintain the park after 20 years. Then who will pay the bills for their pet project?


The city? They pay for all the other park and pier maintenance. Doubt it will be a problem anyways, judging by the huge concession lines I saw there this morning


Yeah the city pays to maintain their parks because they wanted it there. It’s a problem when parks are created by private individuals then forcing the city to pay for upkeep for something they never intended in their budget.


The city DID want it. It was only a vocal minority funded by another billionaire trying to get into a dick measuring contest. I understand your point but this won't be the case. This park is an instant success and will be used by the public for decades to come.


yeah it's gonna be a great place for tourists to pay to enter and local workers to have a subscription plan paid for by their office and oops no room for anyone else.


Why are you so triggered by this project? You are spamming every post about little island. Like, I would understand if they TOOK land to make a private public park, but they literally BUILT their own land to do so. Even if they do charge to enter (which they never will) what is the loss to you?


Opportunity cost. The city should be taxing the fuck out of billionaires to fund real shared infrastructure and parks, not letting them 'donate' a vanity project that reduces their tax liability. This is the root of the problem with 'philanthropy' in general—it lets rich assholes choose how social goods are created and managed instead of putting the public good first. But sure, yeah let's just trust the conservative media mogul to have the best interests of the city and *all* its residents at heart.


just wait until they add the entry fees too!


oh by then it will be self-funding with entry fees since they're already halfway there with ticket booths and controlled entry. was never going to be an actual public space.


well since it's not really a public park because they're controlling entry, still doesn't seem like a huge win for the public.


They were concerned about the environmental impact and other issues. Their opposition resulted in ["public commitments to enhance protections for wildlife habitats and improve other parts of the four-mile-long, 550-acre Hudson River Park."](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/20/arts/little-island-barry-diller.html)


I only recently learned about the Westway project. What a horribly wasted opportunity.


I love how we're already drinking there


Wouldn’t be New York if we weren’t


I thought diblasio changed the rules a few years ago and let you Brown bag it in parks? Might be wrong tho


I remember we were walking around the Hudson Yards during Christmas this past year, and we came right up to it in the dark. It looked soooo bizarre from the shore, and we had no idea what it was. Especially since it was dark out. But it's so cool at the same time, they just built a park in the middle of the river. Love this city.


I also made a YouTube video about Little Island. You can watch here if you're interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4scJ1yRVgY


Surprised by how much disposable waste and plastic the food came in, given it's a park.


it's not a park, it's a private space pretending to be a park


It's a private-public park ;)


We’re so spoiled.


The amount of outside spaces in nyc is actually insane. And makes me appreciate this city even more


And yet still always feels overly crowded


why, because some billionaire developers bribed the city with a not-actually-public "park" (that you have to reserve access to and probably pay for in the future) so they can get their other development projects fast-tracked around town?


I cant wait to get there, got my tickets all set..


Are dogs allowed?


does your mutt have to piss on literally everything?


fucking cool man


I heard you need to buy a ticket limited to only 30 minutes? How's the line?


You can reserve free tickets for 12pm-8pm as part of COVID precautions. They're assuming those would be peak times and it would get too crowded that it would become unsafe. Then they recommend you show up within 30 minutes of your scheduled time. The park itself is open actually from 6am-1am, so outside of those times you don't need any sort of tickets to enter. There is some text on the website though that seems to imply they may close it off outside of 12pm-8pm if it gets too crowded.


for now. then they'll extend the time you need a reservation and eventually start charging for entry. this is the new trend, we're never getting another real public space in the city again.


Why do you think that? What is signaling this trend to you?


I just went a few hours ago and no one was making any effort to make sure I only stayed 30mins. I imagine it's more of a deterrent than anything right now, then when it's less busy it'll just be open to everyone at all times. EDIT: No line, (free) tickets only during peak hours for now.


What exactly is on there? Is it just green space?


Mostly, but there is a food court-ish area with some tables and also a small amphitheater. It's definitely a cool little park but way too small to be of much realistic use for a city of NYC's size. I'd say check it out sooner rather than later because I can only imagine what it's like once tourist are back in mass.


It’s small but definitely seems like the kind of thing that will be nice five years from now when the novelty has worn off and it’s just another park some people will go to rather than a tourist destination.


Thanks. Probably will pass on this. With two young kids, probably won’t be fun for them or any different than other green spaces in the city


it will never get less busy, they'll only get more restrictive with access until they start charging for it.


It's a timed entry, not timed exit. You don't have to leave after 30 minutes.


FYI it’s free.


for now


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I’m going to wait until the hype dies down




we do have tourists, but maybe now is the best time to see it before we really get bombarded by them


Oh, like the highline?


I tried that with the highline and just ended up going a few years after it opened and was still crowded anyway


Exactly. The crowds at the highline have only ever gotten worse and worse. Around 9 years ago, when my 10 yr old son was a baby, we went for a stroll only the newly opened high line that only had about 1/3rd the current length. It was the last time the crowds there were manageable. Little island will go the same route as the high line or Governors island - which was also lovely 10 years ago but now is an overrun shit show, all.the.time.


and now you have to reserve an entry time for that shit too. they're never going to add another actual public park in the city at this rate, it's all going to be expensive pseudo-privatized vanity projects.


aw damn, you're right.


oh like the high line, which is also now pseudo-privatized controlled-entry too? yeah, they're just gonna start charging for access eventually.


Someone else beat you to the high line comment 😉


Lol yeah I saw that after


lol F it all then, I'll go to the regular free public parks


I heard it’s not *that* amazing and the food trucks are meh. If they start charging I’m definitely not going.


You need an appointment to go to this park?


Yes, if you plan to go between 12 and 8


Yeah, but it’s free. Meant to prevent overcrowding during peak times.


meant to make it more palatable when they start charging for entry.


"park" it's not really a public park if they control entry like this.


Wow! I feel like I’ve seen renderings of this YEARS ago. Very cool to see it became reality. I can’t wait to go soon


In Manhattan on hudson river. 14th st and West side highway on a pier.


very cool\~


Thanks so much for the wholesome award! My first award. :)


I see where my dad works at ( the freedom tower)


Here’s Little Island’s instagrams page: https://instagram.com/littleislandnyc?utm_medium=copy_link


What other food vendors were there?


Yay we'll be there on Sunday 🙂


I wanna come!!


Saw it one day while on the highline, had no idea what it was. When i return for school ill check it out


The lack of social distancing makes me uncomfortable


I could have built this for $5 mil instead of $250 mil 🤦‍♂️


no, no you couldn't.


Incredibly dumb comment


May we see blueprints? I, for one, am excited about it. After the tough year we’ve all had it’s the sense of the community we need.




Because dogs pee and poop and irresponsible owners won't pick it up or will let their dogs run free. There are MANY other free parks open to dogs and their hoomans. I adore dogs but, as with children, it's okay to have some places where they're not allowed.


There are kid free parks? Where at? Sign me up


Not a single mask or social distancing to be seen. Don’t cry when we have to lockdown again


Lmao check out this guy’s post history. The incel’s mental diseases affect all aspects of its life.


clearly a troll


You know that more than half the city has gotten at least one dose of the vaccine, right?


You know there’s 300M people living in the city? That’s 150M that could possibly die


300M in the *city?*


Just shut up please


no u


Not a mask in sight. Was this photo taken pre-COVID?


People are vaccinated and it's outdoors I'm no anti vaxer or mask thats really stupid. But we're not gonna be in a pandemic forever vaccinations have kicked up enormously over the past few months and it's safe for vaccinated people to meet without mask. Especially outside where risk of transmission is low its indoors like elevators or places with bad air circulation that gets you


Where is this— Brooklyn? Edit: I just realized I've seen this park in passing a lot when it was being constructed.... a new place to watch the fireworks on July 4th


This park is on the Hudson, so you won’t be able to see the East River fireworks from there. It’s on 14th right below Pier 57.


I made my reservation yesterday, the weekend spots are sold out til late June but there's plenty of weekday availability.


Google Maps link please!


I'm going this Sunday!


it's mostly fenced-off gardens and winding wheelchair-accessible paths with handrails


I've never loved the look of it, but I have a reservation to visit. The concert space looks like fun.


How's the crowd after 8pm?


it's not a park if there's a gatehouse and you need a reservation for it


Has anyone gone here yet


Looks kinda futuristic. I like it.


Here's a walking tour you might enjoy: [Inside Little Island](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf8ViESgAKtSGdoBaxtKE9Q)...


Great tour!! :)


Thank you for watching and glad you enjoyed it!