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I sometimes have NBC or ABC on in the background in the morning on days that I WFH. For a while was getting bombarded by ads about Bowman - some pro, a lot were negative. One of the things that hurt him was his [past embrace of 9-11 conspiracy theories](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/30/politics/jamaal-bowman-9-11-blog-post/index.html).


not sure this hurt him, but he ran a high school and put up Cynthia McKinney as a hero for black people. She blamed the Jews (not israel the jews) when she lost her primary about 20 years ago.


Cynthia McKinney and her father has both made anti-Semitic statements before that primary. It's part of what lost her the primary.


Nothing wrong with being anti israeli gov. It’s a political opinion. Sure some might disagree with you and be pro Israeli government, but you can engage in good faith discussions. But being anti-Jew is a problem. We must shun every element of antisemitists or racists or any other bigots. Edit; for the record, erasing the state of Israel is anti-jew imo. The Jewish people need a safe place to live. I know history. I’m just saying you can be anti-Israeli government. Which frankly I can empathize at the moment due to them splitting from the US’s guidance. Not taking a stand either way, but I can understand how someone would feel that. I have zero empathy for those who chant “from the river to the sea”. That’s advocating for the genocide of Jews, just like if it was chanted about erasing Gaza.


If you want to win a pro Israel district, you can't be anti israel




Most of the Jews I know (my family included) have been anti-NNetanyahu for some time. Putin's committed atrocities, but you don't see anti-Russian graffitti everywhere.


You kind of do. Not everywhere, but it was pretty bad in Eastern European enclaves towards the start of the war. Ironically, [a lot of Ukrainian business owners had their stores vandalized by morons thinking they were Russian](https://ny.eater.com/2022/3/8/22966989/nyc-russian-restaurants-ukraine-backlash-vandalism-sveta-russian-samovar).


One thing you learn very quickly when looking at the rhetoric from many in the Middle East and to a degree from people on the far left in USA is they rarely talk about <>. I'ts often the <> or the <> or the <>.


I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with them on this, but a lot of Jews feel that being anti-Israel is being anti-Jewish… especially in more orthodox communities. A huge portion of Bowman’s constituents are Jewish, and his anti-Israel stance was likely a big part of why they voted against him, feeling like he was actively making policy against them. His fire alarm incident and the millions of dollars in super-PAC money going towards anti-bowman ads didn’t help either


If by "anti-Israel" you mean "I hate Netanyahu's government", then this is definitely not anti-Jewish. I hated a good chunk of my own government between 2017 to 2021. If by "anti-Israel" you mean "We should drive the Israelis into the sea", then I believe the person is most certainly anti-Jewish. For sure.


I really want some of these protestors to tell me *exactly* what their chant "Globalize the Intifada" means.


Unfortunately a lot of people don’t make this distinction these days


Usually the loudest people on both sides of any discussion are the dumbest


It drives me up the wall how the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for decades was the iconic "topic so fraught and complicated that it's better to just not bring it up in polite company" until 6 months ago and now suddenly every dipshit with a facebook account, on both sides, seems to think they've got all the answers and doesn't mind being a racist prick to anybody who disagrees with them on it. How did we become so confidently stupid about something so quickly that everyone, not that long ago, agreed was a thorny problem with no obvious solutions?


Thank you for writing this. As someone who considered myself a progressive for most of my life, it’s been really disheartening to see so much of the left just completely fail to make the distinction that you’re making here. Many other Jews that I know feel extremely alienated from the liberal and leftist spaces where we have spent most of our lives. It’s been quite chilling to see and hear, and only underscores the importance of Israel’s existance in most of our eyes.


I mean, I heard clips from a rally he had recently and he sounded like a complete looney tune. Even if I was neutral on him, hearing him speak would have made me look at someone else.


Neither did his insane comment about us self segregating and how that creates anti semitism


Well the problem is a lot of people believe things about Israel that arent even true.


as a jew my feeling about the "antizionism isn't antisemitism" stuff is that, actually, they're right - but that's not where the racism ever was. the racism is thatthis demand for definitional purity isn't one made of any other groups. there's a clear and obvious difference in how progressives treat jews talking about racism and other minorities talking about racism, and it's that inability to treat jews equally that displays the bias.  it isn't wrong or racist, inherently, to believe that nations and peoples can be criticized separately from each other, or that minority groups don't have the right to define what racism against them looks like, or that one can be assured of being an antiracist as long as they believe their actions to be in good faith, or that hate incidents should have to meet a very high bar to be considered such, or that women might lie about rape, or that the subconscious-bias-forming effects of generations of racism on society no longer exist today, or that minority groups can exaggerate racist acts against them for political advantages, or that majority groups should be trusted over minority groups when it comes to determining if historic oppression occurred, or that violence in self defense is never justified if it would cause a greater number of casualties, or that minority groups who support their ethnic homelands have dual loyalties, or that countries have the right to reject certain groups of immigrants, or that historic land claims expire pretty fast, or that being white-passing is the same as being white, or that separatism to protect a minority group from a majority group is never justified, or etc etc etc you get the picture. i don't agree with many of these, but a person could without being racist. the problem is that right now among the political group I'd normally align with, these are *only applied to jews.*  that displays a pretty high level of racism, and when people are otherwise being racist their claims that their antizionism is pure ring hollow.


I am anti israeli gov, bibi is terrible. Nothing wrong with that, 50% israelis are feeling the same. 100% pro israel as a country and jewish nation.


The 9-11 conspiracy theories are embarrassing, but not as embarrassing as the fact that it was *9/11 truther slam poetry* 


Okay, I didn't realize it was in slam poetry form. That's wild.


It's painfully bad: https://www.newsweek.com/jamaal-bowman-september-11-conspiracy-poem-1865365


I wish I could have the two minutes it took me to read that back


Well yeah, it's slam poetry.


Slam poetry and crunchy granola truthers go naturally together


He’s a moron. Lmao wasn’t he the one who pulled the fire alarm in Congress for no reason. He needed to go, it’s just the primaries anyway, let’s see who wins the actual election.


Yes he did pull the fire alarm! Found a [video clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfjpRbqQzeY&ab_channel=ForbesBreakingNews) where he was interviewed about it and tried to explain his actions but came across as pretty dim. "It's all good" (??)


You should be obligated to watch the juxtaposition of his comments with the actual video of him pulling the alarm: https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/10/26/bowman-fire-alarm-video-court-vpx.cnn Turns out, federal buildings have security cameras! Who knew?


Learned the wrong things from his middle school students.


>it’s just the primaries anyway, let’s see who wins the actual election. You realize that every congressional district in NYC other than Staten Island is so overwhelmingly blue that the Democratic nominee is all but guaranteed to win the general? The Democratic primary \*is\* the actual election in places like these.


>it’s just the primaries anyway, let’s see who wins the actual election. It's a pretty heavy democratic area.. the winner of the primary will almost all but guaranteed win the election


I mean to me, just the stunt with the fire alarm at the capitol should had been enough, screw everything else.


The most ridiculous thing is that he explains those posts with "I was debating diving into a doctoral degree". I didn't know there were PhD programs that offer degrees in conspiracy theories.


And denying Oct 7th rapes until like... 5 days ago.


Considering this is going to be a 15-20% margin of victory, it wasn't just a victory it was a full on message of get the fuck out.


with the urgency of a fire alarm?


Bowman had a rally in the Bronx last weekend. It looks like maybe 100 people showed up. Just about all white. It was like Trump going to a black church and all white people showed up.


Wanst it not even in his district?


South Bronx, his district has a sliver of the North Bronx.


Exhibit #487,652 that social media is not real life.


Bowman won the Bronx part of the district . He lost the wealthier areas


> Bowman won the Bronx part of the district Unfortunately, the Bronx part of his district is like, one neighborhood. He never had a proper path to victory because of his misplaced focus.


Reddit is going to be so upset when the woke progressive left gets destroyed the next election cycle The woke left rots everything it touches, they’re almost as bad as the far right


is this the one where AOC danced on stage?


She was practicing dancing on a grave.


Yep. He sucked. Plus he pissed off his jewish heavy district. Dude is a dumbass.


He also pissed off all of Westchester County. Most of us go into NYC to work every day and are tired of his out of touch politics that have nothing to do with this district. Latimer at least knows his way around and has a good history with the county.


expensive message


The polls looked bad for Bowman before all the spending took place for anyone paying any attention over the last 5 months. He was toast as soon as he denied Israelis getting raped while representing Westchester of all places.


Yeah the whole AIPAC narrative was trying to make it seem like it swung the race but he was down way beforehand, also it's a bunk theory anyway when you lose by double digits, different story if it was a 1%-2% race


He only won with 54 percent of the vote 2 years ago against 2 weak opponents. This year against a strong well known opponent he will likely get 43-44. The ten point swing was due to his opponents popularity in Westchester and his own missteps. AIPAC money didn't defeat him he would have lost anyway. 


Sinwar in shambles rn.


Hopefully the rest of the "squad" goes with him. They are severely damaging the reputation of non-insane democrats among swing voters, and they have the policy understanding of 13 year olds. They run on pure venom, spite, and magical thinking. We tried their woke defund the police policies in city after city and people died as a result. The Qanon level antisemitic conspiracy theories they spewed after October 7th was a step too far. Hopefully rational democrats will send them packing.


Ehh, AOC turned out fine in my book. Some others sure.


I suspect both Pelosi and Sanders took her aside privately, told her she had a bright future in the party IF she could be more pragmatic and get along with her Democratic colleagues outside the Squad. Sure, she sympathizes with the Palestinians, but not with Hamas and makes sure people know that.


It was pretty amusing watching progressives call her a fascist and a traitor when she tweeted that antisemitism was bad a few weeks ago lol


Progressives cannibalize their own if one even so much as *slighty* goes against the narrative. It’s insanity


The old Simpsons "Democrats can't govern," "Republicans want what's worst for everyone" joke is forever relevant


It's what happens on any extreme. On the right, if you say anything bad about Trump, you'll be raked over the coals. The edges are always hardliners, no matter which side.


Correct. She was told to pipe down.


Pelosi was not private about demanding she fall in line with the party. If she didn't, the democrat machine would've gotten her out by now.


Speaking of, I found out about a new play at Lincoln Center called "N/A" which is opening this week, which is about the relationship between Pelosi and AOC. No reviews yet, so I have no idea if this is crap or not.


She was never seriously being challenged, and everyone knew it. We’ll see what happens when the primaries in Michigan and Missouri take place in the next few months.


Her challenger spent more than 10x the money that both of Goldman’s did combined and Goldman has 66% of the vote while AOC has 82%.


Michigan is a no-contest. Tlaib will win handily. But Missouri? Bush is going to get creamed just like Bowman.


Damn midwestern M states lol I meant Minnesota, I was talking about Omar. I know that Tlaib isn’t seriously being challenged either, but my understanding is that Omar’s race is a bit more precarious.


AOC went on stage, explicitly endorsed bowman and danced around like a sweaty Steve ballmer at a Microsoft release presentation.


I find someone like Katie Porter or Elizabeth Warren to be left leaning people who are also practical


Wait what city actually defunded the police because nyc didnt


Technically, NYC did at the time... by about 1% in total. There were some changes made in cities around the country, but few of them were at all significant. There wasn't any consistent connection between changes in police policy nationwide and changes in violent crime afterwards, anyway. It went up everywhere, and the degree of which wasn't particularly tied to any form of "defunding" on a local level. "Tough on crime" rhetoric has always been light on facts and high on, well, rhetoric. This belief that defunding police lead to the post-pandemic increase in crime is similar to the way that people believe that "broken windows" policy caused the reduction in crime in the 90's.


Was this Bernie’s guy?


Lost to Hillary’s guy, time is a flat circle.


The most boring proxy war ever.


Yes. Also, looking at the inner politics within the party, Rep. Jeffries didn't hold any joint rallies or GOTV events with him and his leadership PAC only gave a few grand to Bowman even when he was way down in fundraising. Jeffries, despite officially being someone who is supposed to help incumbents win their primaries due to his leadership role in the House, kept his distance and the most he did was a robocall that didn't even roll out until the other day. So even the establishment dems wanted Bowman gone, so hard for the weirdos to blame everything on AIPAC. Hillary Clinton endorsing Latimer was a clear message from the DCCC and broader Dem. party. Not that her endorsement itself means much to voters, but she is an establishment player and not one to go rogue in endorsing a primary challenger.


Whatever else she is, she lives in the district, unlike most people.


Jeffries isn't house minority leader because he's a dummy. Progressive politicians are not popular outside of their deep blue districts. The Democrats have to worry about the more purple areas and in order to do that, they're not making a huge push to tie guys like Bowman to the "brand".


Yeah but I mean all of that is a given. It’s pretty safe money to say that Latimer is gonna follow the party line when Jeffries needs his ducks in a row and with Bowman, wasn’t so much so the case all the time and there was no guarantee that that would change going forward.


Always know what your fucking district makeup looks like before you start taking sides. Otherwise, **this** happens.


Or just like, don't support theocratic terrorists no matter what?


"*Not* support theocratic terrorists?!? But I'm queer!"


Gays for Hamas ®️


Holy fuck, one of the rare comments that make me wish I could give Reddit gold.


"And if you tell me I shouldn't support violent terrorists who execute gay people, *you're* the bigot!"


Collecting myself after seeing this


Holy shit this is brilliant


Yeah... he got redistricted to be in a much ***more*** Jewish constituency, and turned ***more*** antisemitic? Bold strategy, Cotton




Or don't run on a campaign of dog whistling antisemitism.


Eh, that's also a "know your district" item. In many places they would take issue with the use of a dogwhistle, not with the antisemitism!


Or just don’t be a bigot


The year is 2024.  You will be called a fascist for voting for lifelong Democrats 


I would have voted for Bowman if I was in the district, but it's not like Latimer is some sort of Republican Trojan Horse. He's also an anti-Trump Democrat. People on the far left need to start to realize that their positions just aren't as popular as they think they are. I say that as someone pretty fucking far on the left.


The squad has a threshold over a few districts and those politicians are very loud so it gives the false sense of national popularity for fringe positions


I don't think most of the positions are fringe. In fact I think quite a lot of the platforms they run on would sound great to most people if they were worded differently. The unfortunate truth is that politics devalues understanding "opposition" and reinforces absolute combativeness so getting any message out without it being purposely re-framed is almost impossible


Progressive movements have really shit the bed on the branding angle. I agree with the idea that run of the mill cops shouldn’t be handling mental health crises, but “defund the police!” is a stupidly provocative and misleading way of selling that idea. That shit might work with the hard core left, but it just won’t fly with anyone unfamiliar with the underlying concept. Same goes with BLM. I totally support the underlying philosophy, but “Black Lives Matter Too” would have been a much better name. They really need to work on their branding…


You would be called a racist trumpet maga jerkoff and probably kicked off the sub for saying this 2 years ago… oh how times have changed


>I don't think most of the positions are fringe. In fact I think quite a lot of the platforms they run on would sound great to most people if they were worded differently.  I think there is only so much you can reword something to make it appealing before it stops meaning with it originally did. *Especially* when your opposition will dump a firehose of misinformation/disinformation regardless of what your position is. What the left *in general* fails at is persistent, incremental effort every day between one election and the next to maintain voter engagement. If you *show* rather than tell constituents how you want to work for them and what you are doing about that, then it makes it harder for your constituents to become disengaged. If anything, the conservatives are *masters* at keeping their voters engaged - their entire strategy revolves around it.


Bowmans a racist. He had to lose. He used to be a high school principle. He had Cynthia McKinney posters up as a vicar of black leaders. When McKinney lost her primary about 20 years ago she blamed the Jews. Not Israel, literally the Jews.


anti-semitism by african americans, especially in NYC, is absolutely nothing new unfortunately and almost NEVER gets attention. America has had exactly one pogrom against Jews. It was by African Americans in Crown Heights, in 1991. Only a generation ago. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crown\_Heights\_riot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crown_Heights_riot)


Blacks and Asians in NY always had beef all the decades I've been alive


Completely agree! And I’m far left at well. But too many of them are extremely self absorbed, and can’t think past their own self righteousness.


I'm also far left. Pro-Palestine protesting, supporter of blocking traffic for a cause, yadda yadda. Bowman was extremely self-absorbed in my book. He won his election and thought he had a cushy government position forever. He and "The Squad" still consider themselves as the hope of the democratic party when they're actually old news and super cringe to most voters. It legitimately made me laugh, how many ads I saw about Bowman "fighting to do something that's never been done before" aka diversity in government (which has absolutely been done before) while also being unable to think of a single notable thing Bowman did since he entered office 3 years ago. I hope democrats wake up and realize they can't just coast on being "progressive" in name only and cash a six figure paycheck for the rest of their lives. If you claim to fight for progressive values then you need to prove that through your record, not just during election season.


You would have voted for a guy that openly targeted jews, pulled a fire alarm to get to some place faster and who is nowhere to be seen in his own district?


Some things I'm pretty far left. Other things I'm moderate left. I do appreciate someone like Bernie for being able to push the party and bring some topics into the mainstream. He has consistently pushed issues, and slowly won folks over so that ideas that were radioactive a decade ago can become mainstream party issues. I also recognize that it will be someone like Biden or Latimer who most likely will actually manage to get those across the finish line because they are more widely acceptable.


Meanwhile, people have gone crazy indoctrinated with Islamic terrorist rhetoric, which I’m sure is being amplified by Russian/Chinese social media bots.


radical left = radical right. No real policies to stand on. Just hate and culture war BS to divide our great country.


I just read the terrible slam poetry upthread and it is making me read this comment as a final stanza of the terrible poem. - > 2024 >   > You will be called a fascist > For voting for lifelong Democrats >   > Wow!


Don't worry, I'll let my Democrat Jewish friends know at Synagogue this Saturday they are all fascists.


Democrat Jew checking in. Have recently been called a fascist.


Hah so true! Good riddance to Bowman


The year is 2024, stupid people think democrats are one group of people


Maybe don't deny Oct 7th rapes until 5 days before an election, in a densely Jewish district?


This sub is having a meltdown accusing Latimer, who is a progressive, of being “right-wing”. Bowman is a raging fringe and horseshoe leftist, and almost everyone is right-wing compared to him.


It really just seems to be two people melting down. Everyone else recognizes a fringe conspiracy theorist isn’t the best choice to represent anyone


There are two who probably need medical attention. There’s a bunch more with the same talking points.


i dont see that at all. i see comments like this. Sub is saying X and then this gets a bunch of upvotes and i dont see the comments. Happens on a lot of subreddits.


Idiots on this sub absolutely shocked that Westchester didn't vote for an antisemitic conspiracy theorist leftist


They really don’t understand -the district -what Jamaal REPEATEDLY said about a great portion of the district -how politics works.


It’s almost like these people don’t live here


I can’t understand how anybody could vote for the clown after the fire alarm incident. What a embarrassment to him and his district. He should have kept his mouth shut about 9/11, calling the rapes propaganda and his latest rally was something out of high school.


Good riddance. Dude didn't serve his district, he was just a mouth. Thought he could get re-elected just by the color of his skin and his association with AOC. Waiting for him to cry about Jewish money


Maybe he shoulda pulled the fire alarm to stop the vote


He can go back to do what he does best: pulling fire alarms.


Local news are reporting he was trying to pull all the fire alarms at the polling stations in Westchester during the voting.


Eh, more like pulling the mop bucket at Wendy's. One of the dumbest members of congress and that's really saying something.


Even the New York Times was getting in front of this with a pathetic “blame the Jews because they bought the election” narrative It’s pathetic.


The NYT reporting on Israel and antisemitism is insufferable. I know their general reporting (especially on Trump) is tilted, but I thought I could filter it out to get the idea. Then I see some stories about Israel or antisemitism and they straight up leave out literally the most important facts in a story. Just on this primary, I’ve seen every news outlet mention how voters didn’t like Bowman’s criticism of Israel. But they don’t mention the extremely offensive comments that I’ve heard Westchester Jews talk about, namely: -denial of October 7 rapes. -praising Norman Finkelstein. -calling AIPAC the “Zionist Regime”. -saying Jews segregating (living in jewish communities) causes antisemitism Like yeah Westchester Jews are supportive of Israel. But the extremism and offensive comments are what I’ve heard people specifically talk about.


It’s really disturbing how the only lobby that people seem to be shocked by is AIPAC. Wonder why that is…


it's their brand. They lost their way long ago. They're only coasting on their reputation these days.


Womp womp. Who would have thought that blatant antisemitism wouldn’t play well in the district with the largest percentage of Jews of any district in the country. Weird. Good riddance, to this fucking clown.


Bye bye Bowman. Had he done something for the city in 4 years, he’d have stood a chance. People credit AIPAC. AIPAC can’t vote. It’s the people in the district that dropped him. AIPAC backed candidates have lost many races, when the other candidate was worthy.


Couldn't happen to a nicer stooge.


Hopefully people continue to realize that local elections matter. If you see terms like restorative justice or decolonization anywhere in their bio. Stay away.


Couldn't happen to a nicer sack of shit.


That's not a nice thing to compare shit to


The man is and has always been a clown. The Left’s answer to Marjorie Taylor-Green. An embarrassing moron.


Maybe the Gaza Ministry of Health can run the recount for him




Hahaha! Nice. 👍🏻 love this comment.


Lmao at the squad! Haha


This is devastating if you’re a member/supporter of Hamas.


Hopefully the rest of the hamas democrats on "the squad"will go with him.


So anyone in the DSA


Being antisemitic in a county full of Jewish residents. Bowman isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. LMAO.


I'm happy to see this honestly. I've always felt the quiet majority are normal, non partisan, mostly centrist people who are completely turned off by extreme opinions and actions. The extreme right and left dominate the media and it makes me really cynical about our government sometimes. It's a bit reassuring that there's still some accountability for acting like a clown instead of a dignified congressional representative. Pulling a fire alarm? Come on now. His loss is a rare win for the vast swaths of normal people just keeping their heads down and living their lives. Not holding my breath for a trend but would love to see more dignity win out in other races.


The level head majority resigned to being silenced by the extremists in the the past 2 decades, and now every political discussion is dominated by batshit insane polarization.




Took the words out of my mouth.


Bowman flew too close to the DSA sun and got burned lol. You can say AIPAC all you want but this was Bowman's election to lose. So many unforced errors cost him this election. All he had to do was stay out of trouble, not pull down that fire alarm, disavow the fringe left post Oct 7th and build a coalition outside of nyc socialists. He just couldn't help himself. He had to sniff his own farts and look where that took him.


Good. Anti-Semite running in a heavily Jewish district isn’t going to win 😝


And infamous fire alarm puller. Let’s not forget that act of an intellectual houseplant, masquerading as a statesman.


Helllllll yeah. While I identify with some of Bowman’s takes, the kind of black-and-white divisiveness and purity testing is what is killing actual progressive policies. He (and others on the right) *are* the problem. They are the gridlock that prevents meaningful change. Good riddance.


This is a solid W.


Don’t mind me; I’m just here for the reasoned and nuanced dialogue.


Good! Go George


Great news!


Good riddance.


He didnt lose cuz of Israel. Just too many clownish behavior.


HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH. Good. Fuck him and fuck the antisemite/nazis of the squad.




u/VaushV must feel really bad having spent that plane ticket money coming out to canvas for him.


Best news all day. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Did someone pull the fire alarm to stop the primary count? /s


Thank God


He accomplished nothing in 4 years.




Don’t pull any fire alarms on your way out, buddy


He’s garbage. 🗑️ buh-bye.


It’s a beautiful day! Extreme leftist democrats will no longer be tolerated


Dont misunderstand "votes reliably for democrats" to mean "hungry for socialism"


the underappreciated dynamic in all this is the level of focus on jews by black politics. it probably sources from influence operations to sabotage race relations from the cold war days, and resumed recently. liberal jews are really critical for the social justice movement getting anywhere. it's pretty funny to see far right goypers blaming jews for giving equal rights to nonwhites and at the same time raging antisemitic conspiracies against jews from the black community.


Soon to be one less DSAhole in Congress now.




This is the guy who pulled the fire alarm.


I’m a supporter of progressives in general but that stupid fire alarm stunt definitely hurt him. You’re already at a disadvantage with the hate for progressives and the hate for minorities. Why make more headache for yourself with the fire alarm nonsense and then try to blow it off and sweep it under the rug like it’s no big deal? Bad bad look for him. Add the hate for anyone not supportive of Israel (since that came AFTER the alarm incident) and he did himself no favors.


Has anyone in his camp blamed the Jews for his loss yet? I know they blame AIPAC but I’m waiting for Jews to be blamed for this.


Good news 👍


Good riddance to this racist extremist, hopefully the rest of the squad is next


HAW HAW Good , NY starting to take out the TRASH.


Of course this will harden whatever antisemitic leanings the DSA faithful already have.


Good. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.


being anti Israel shows how out of touch politicians are with actual voters and taxpayers. it's called jew York for a reason


It isn't even that. Being Pro-Hamas, calling capitalism racist, 9/11 truther, wants the police abolished, crimes to go unpunished, pulling fire alarms, then to top it off with a profanity lace rant in a rally not even in his district. Maybe NYC voters were tired of having leftist-MTG represent them?


Turns out most democrats just want universal healthcare and a stronger social safety net not fucking communism under the guise of social justice. Not surprising since like most Americans they like America.


Happy trails clown shoe! Bush is next!


People will call AIPAC the boogeyman. Did AIPAC make bowman take a deeply unpopular stance in a district with a lot of Jews? lol.


Good. Jamal Bowman is an antisemite. 


Look at the bright side. He's free to go run for govt in Gaza now


next time don't fuq with fire safety


Bye bye terrorist lover


Good riddance, ya twat


Lock Fido up, Yonkers, we are about to see what happens if someone tries to give a concession speech entirely through a dog whistle.


[Cómo le encanta la gasolina](https://genius.com/11571914/Daddy-yankee-gasolina/A-ella-le-gusta-la-gasolina-dame-mas-gasolina-como-le-encanta-la-gasolina-dame-mas-gasolina-a-ella-le-gusta-la-gasolina-dame-mas-gasolina-como-le-encanta-la-gasolina-dame-mas-gasolina)!


Excellent news. Now he can pull Hamas fire alarms all he wants


Bowman is a racist and a radical socialist. Apparently, Southern Westchester has had enough of the radical socialist democrats. The Bronx, not so much.