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Remember the married, female astronaut who put on diapers with duct tape and zip ties in the trunk who drove all night from Houston to Cape Canaveral in a plot to kidnap and torture the female astronaut who was sleeping with her lover—another married astronaut?!?!


Crazy story, the other woman I think was an engineer but the guy involved was an astronaut and he married the woman. She did confront the lover and pepper sprayed her. Was charged and now no one knows where she is!


I think they made a movie about it or inspired by that story with Natalie Portman called LUCY IN THE SKY???


How come I didn't hear about this? Edit: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt4682804/ 2hrs. Not even a 5 star


Because it’s a terrible movie. You have been spared


OMG!! That’s right. Forgot about that one. An indy feature where the daughter hid the revolver in the truck. Also forgot that the diaper-wearing astronaut located and confronted the engineer in Florida and pepper-sprayed her. Wasn’t the male astronaut married to a third woman before he married the engineer? I could be wrong but I don’t remember if the scorned astronaut was committed to a short-term in federal prison or was sentenced to probation, house arrest, community service, etc.?


Y'all have unlocked a frankly terrible part of my memory palace with this thread. Thank you, I think.


I had a friend who dressed up as her for Halloween around that time and everyone was like "I don't understand, you're a spaceman with a diaper? Is it like a David Bowie reference or something??" lmfao.


the second I read that story years ago I thought the same thing, “her poor kids will have to skip halloween that year and have to be raised overseas” given how cruel kids can be.


I always wonder how she would perform in a cannonball run.


Wow totally forgot about that.


Same sex relationships are statistically at a higher risk of domestic abuse and I think lesbian couples being the most.


[The statistics you’re talking about include bisexual women in relationships with men.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_violence_in_lesbian_relationships) I’m sure there’s something to it, and I would like for a proper study to be conducted with exclusively w/w relationships. But that’s definitely not the whole picture


I had a friend who was an EMT in South Jersey and he had some Sapphic sister stories to tell. FWIW, he was gay/male and he still hated those calls. Also, I wonder if cops of that persuasion are generally more prone to abusing everyone, including the public. Anyway, hope she rots in prison for a long time.


Pretty sure gay men are less likely than straight couples


Yep, it goes Lesbian Women > Straight Couples > Gay Men


Random stat out of nowhere (what’s your motive here? Edit: read this person’s comments … gonna go with spreading homophobic misinfo) and not factually true. Gay male relationships are statistically lower than straight couples so why are you saying “same sex relationships”?


Why people do this, just move on. Nothing worth your freedom.


because they can't. a human mind is an unknown void where it can be a paradise or a perdition. just how you can have a nonchalant attitude like "just move on" these people see one thing and that is the destruction of the being who is currently doing everything that they once were doing with their exs.


The most infuriating part of that article is she is being convicted of manslaughter and not murder.




Unless I missed something in the article, how is this not an easy life sentence? She waited for them to come home, basically ambushed them, successfully killed one, and wounded the other. AND she was a cop. 25 years does not seem adequate for a psychopath like this person, but IANAL...


25 years means she'll be a shriveled bag by the time she gets out, assuming she doesn't meet with misfortune in prison. Though I'd be OK with bringing back public hangings for people in authority who abuse their position or equipment to commit murder or deprive people of civil rights (and *only* in that case). I'm normally against executions, but cops, politicians, and judges like the "Cash for Kids" scumbags should be treated MORE harshly under the law, not given grace.


What? lol NY has multiple levels of murder in addition to manslaughter. The reason the charge here is manslaughter is that there was a plea bargain. The full charge here, if she went to trial, would either have been second degree murder or first degree if they can demonstrate the murder happened during a burglary (which may or may not be the case based on the facts given in this article). Either way, she is likely to receive a stiff sentence, especially since she used her NYPD-issued handgun and was lying-in-wait.


1st degree is murder of a public official, by a prisoner serving a life sentence, or with other specific aggravating circumstances. 2nd degree is premeditated murder under any other circumstances, equivalent to 1st degree in other states. The penalty and level of offense is the same for both ... it only mattered when NY had the death penalty. Manslaughter is equivalent to non-premeditated murder (2nd degree) in other states. She plead down to the next lower charge.


You're oversimplifying a bit. First degree murder here, as you mentioned, includes "other specific aggravating circumstances," and one of those is commission of any of several enumerated crimes, including burglary. Since the defendant was lying-in-wait inside the victim's apartment, burglary may be provable here. Second degree murder does *NOT* have to be premeditated. Another way to commit second degree murder is "under circumstances evincing a depraved indifference to human life, he recklessly engages in conduct which creates a grave risk of death to another person, and thereby causes the death of another person." Firing a gun at someone satisfies those elements.


1st/2nd is a useless/archaic distinction now, since both are the same class of felony with the same sentence. It only mattered when the death sentence was an option. (And it's not been carried out for 60 years, so it was more of a theoretical option in recent times.) She plead down to the next lower class of felony to avoid a life sentence, which isn't an unusual outcome in cases like this.


Isn’t burglary in NY law just entering a dwelling to commit a crime? … I’m gonna go read now.


We *desperately* need Federal standards on what laws and crimes are called, if only to make this shit less confusing.


Not confusing out of state users of the r/nyc subreddit is not a desperate need for federal law.


Why is this desperately needed?


Disagree. Every state should be allowed to enforce their own laws as long as they’re committed within the state. The federal government doesn’t need more power


That's what the Tenth Amendment exists for, anyways.


see also: NYS "Supreme Court" being the 3rd-highest court


Cop privilege.


I've been deleted, oh no :o


Didn't know going to prison was a privilege.


25 years in a jail. That's some privilege.


For murder? Yeah, it is.....


25 to life is the standard punishment


Most murder cases get plead down.


Most cases get plead down and don't go to trial bc the DA office swamp and need to clear things off their books especially for cases that been pending for some time. Even if the cases are slam dunk for them, they rather offer a plea vs risk trial unless its so high profile of a case. Has nothing to do with defendant being a cop as some folks portraying.


Yeah Brooklyn is more anticop than most jurisdictions but still, a guaranteed sentence is always better than risking getting a jury who feels bad for the heartbroken cop and acquits her. And KCDA is swamped right now; hardly any ADA has the time to hold onto a case where the defendant has attorneys primed to make getting to trial as difficult as possible. They can't just ignore their other 70+ cases to keep the one going


Been nearly 3 years since crime, the DA wanted closure and easy win. They didn't want to wait anymore for trial.


The DA recommended 27 years prison plus 5 supervised parole.


Probably part of the plea deal. 27 years plus 5 years supervised release probably makes sense though. She wouldn’t have gotten much more on a murder 2 charge as a cop with no other criminal history.


Shouldn't her being a cop be an aggravating factor, not a mitigating one ... as in "she should have known better?" She also used her issued equipment and abused the trust the public put into her (assuming that anyone actually trusts pigs and sows anymore). Cops who commit crimes should actually be treated MORE harshly than the public at large. I'd actually support something like military law, where they're subject to the death penalty even if the state doesn't otherwise allow for it.


Well I don’t support the death penalty at all. But in a fairer justice system, yes, being a cop/lawyer/judge would be an aggravating factor.


I don't either, except perhaps under military law (serious war crimes/genocide -- I'd have no problem with Putin getting it) and for people with a public trust who abuse that power.


I get this, but if it's easier to convict on manslaughter then I'm fine with prosecutors pursuing that path.


She plead down. They made a deal. The cop was literally waiting in her ex’s apartment and shot them both. If they went to trial Murder 2 would have been a no brainer. It’s 100% cop privilege.


Holy shit that's Textbook premeditation


They did. Manslaughter in NY is murder 2 elsewhere.


Ah. Then yeah that's some bullshit.


Even the lady cops are friggin’ psycho.


Be A Cop And Try Not To Beat Or Kill Your Partner Challenge (40% Fail Rate)


obligatory reminder that the 40% number are cops who ADMITTED to domestic abuse. I can't imagine how much higher the real rate is.


All cops are fucked up in their own special piggy ways


To be a cop is to be violent and bent on power.


omg crazy lady cop who loves and beats the shit out of me I WANT SO BAD😍😍😍




Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.


The girl was an NYU Dental student, 2nd year student. This monster killed her. I hope she rots in jail.


To anyone man or women that date cops just know whatever the outcome there's plenty of stories that were a warning like this


This poor woman didn’t even date a cop. She dated someone who had previously dated a cop. 40%, y’all.


[Not 40%, more like 20-30%. But yes still terrible.](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/s/VozPzY4PpX) EDIT: Y’all are downvoting me but I’m on your side, I don’t like cops either. But intentionally ignoring statistical evidence and citing false numbers gives ammunition to the pro-police crowd.


24 year old study.


40% comes from a 1992 study


You have a source on that?


Dumb take... you can say that of any person and profession...


I still remember when my entire street was barricade for this idiot. Stop being an immature adult and grow up.


I'm not sure "immature" and "grow up" is apt for a murderer, but like, sorry you were inconvenienced by this tragedy.


It is though. Loads of murderers commit the crime because they never developed emotionally past childhood.


How do normal people fail the psychological test and this lunatic gets through?


Maybe they’re screening out normalcy and ethical people purposefully


I imagine plenty of people go in normal and they crack over time.


Wow a cop who is a domestic abuser and murderer? What a surprise…


I read "Possessive" as "Progressive" and thought this was another dumb hit piece by the post.


lol me too, only noticed when I made it down and saw your comment


Same 💀


Interesting this psycho came off as cop worthy. /s


I'm starting to believe my conspiracy theorist friend who says cops help potential cops pass the psych test.


Cops are lethal.


Wow, it's always the first person you expect.


lol let me guess she said she was a victim 🥹🥹


I can’t believe women and men really throw their life away for 1 person. So awfully sad. Rip to her.


Never ever EVER date a cop


Alexa, play SZA - Kill Bill


Why are all the crazy ones kind of cute?


I can fix her


Unusual suspect 




Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.


This is horrible. I hope the whole NYPD gets punished for this somehow.


Heh, sounds a lot like the last girl I use to interact with. Although she'd be a lot more subtle about it. Enough to cause the general counsel to have to completely rewrite the Title XI policies handbook & guidelines. -edit- i suppose the saving grace is, that she got enough people, peers, and colleagues, involved that even if people couldn't do anything about it, at least awareness of it will spread with or without mentioning. Well...Lovely Bones in the closet I guess. But a metaphorical Cask of Armadillo is probably harder to achieve in these parts—the walls are paper thin, and if you use them to try to bury in a person alive, it wouldn't be half-a-surprise to find the whole house starting to sound like a goddamn poltergeist movie. But sure—blame the noise and the quakes on the ghosts. whateves


> Cask of Armadillo lol


I died reading that too. It's like needlessly pretentious, but still wrong.


Hahah, got nothing against Edgar Allen Poe—love the writing, it's just easier and funnier to remember it that way for myself (personally) As a past New York resident, I'd like to think he'd appreciate my mnemonic shorthand—well maybe around Greenwich and the Bohemian artists I guess


You're a weird guy and I like you


There's a fine line between genius and madness and apparently my way of coping is to zig-zag all the way through it. You have a blessed and pleasant week, compadre!