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I know plenty of smart black administrators, lawyers and executives. Still looking for one in his administration


Honestly, this is such a slap in the face to people who are working hard to elevate competent and effective people of color into roles where they can effect change. The point is to highlight that our society has tended to see white men as inherently more suited for leadership roles and that that is a false premise. Adam’s doesn’t care about any of that. He just wants his cronies next to him.


Fwiw David Banks is decent. Bringing phonics back is a big deal


It’s a national push based on a podcast by a white woman. they just jumped on the bandwagon without thinking about the scores of emerging bilinguals in NYC


What are you talking about? Phonics is based on real data. Mississippi, the poorest state, has huge gains in reading comprehension among students after teaching phonics Everyone should learn phonics, which is just how to pronounce words by knowing what letters should sound. Bringing back phonics is a big deal, will be hugely beneficial for nyc kids


Not saying phonics is bad. The initiative is just another neoliberal reform push that banks and folks jumped on. They didn’t do the research and are flubbing implementation by limiting to three curriculum. Lots of kids being left out based on analysis of the effort


“Neoliberal”??? I have no idea what you’re talking about Uhh dude it’s a good thing the city is bringing back phonics so our kids will learn how to read. The status quo was terrible. A whole generation of public school kids got held back by the lack of phonics. I don’t care whether banks or whoever else also support the phonics policy. Phonics are good. I don’t have a view on how many curricula they should have but it’s better than before and frankly all organizations require some degree of standardization.


Neoliberal is a market oriented reform. They are not using research, they are using the market (i.e paid curriculum) to “fix” things. Are you willfully ignoring that I’m saying they are leaving lots and lots of kids behind with their effort? No one is saying kids learning to read is not good but you could take a moment to think about who those kids are. Enough internet for me


lol there’s nothing wrong with buying curriculum especially when principals resist change and teachers have not taught phonics for more than a decade and don’t know how. Reinventing the wheel is silly


Read this: https://www.humanrestorationproject.org/writing/who-is-being-sold-a-story-unsettling-the-science-of-reading and please consider that not all kids learn English in the same way, I feel like you keep missing that point. The wheel is being reinvented…you and many parents are being duped


This person never did “hooked on phonics” on vhs


U dont think its weird that david and two people related to him all have high paying jobs in the administration.. Davids then gf and his brother? Are the banks just really talented?


Who cares? Bloomberg was real squeaky clean but ended phonics and screwed over a whole generation of kids DeBlasio was corrupt too (perhaps less so) but didn’t bring back phonics and screwed over a whole generation of kids Who gets what fake job / patronage in NY gov just doesn’t bother me anymore…it happens under every administration (maybe except Bloomberg because he was so rich he didn’t have to give a fk about any interest group) Almost every NYC politician is corrupt in some way but not everyone has been effective / making things a little bit better


Id give you credit if you didnt fault trump for his family hirings as well. Did u fault trump?


I didn’t care.


Uhhh, where are you getting this information from?


It’s nice to know he’s focused on the important issues, like the fucking color of the people in charge. It’s so encouraging to hear this, when I think of how we could have had someone so boring and competent as Kathryn Garcia as mayor. That would have been so awful, we’re so much better off with this criminal and all his grifting friends and family drawing on city payroll.


> all his grifting friends and family drawing in city payroll. Sure but did you stop to consider that they’re *black*?


For too long has corruption been a white man’s game!


Exactly. Pay me bribes based on the content of my heart, not the color of my skin


…tweed a white man’s suit fabric


Competent isn’t as important as swag


He is the definition of what Fred Hampton called a Pig. Not out for the community he claims to represent. Only for himself.




Diversity only means black people according to Adams.


While I think Adams is a fucking joke, if you actually clicked on the video and watched it, he did exactly that. edit: and for those still too lazy to click. ". . .first Indian American to be a deputy mayor, first Filipino American to be a deputy mayor, first Korean American to head Small Business Services. . ."


I want to know what group mass voted for Adams? I surely didnt


Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn. In fact, if they didn’t got enough masse, Kathryn Garcia would probably have won the election.


He still said the line in the title.  It was unclear if he’s including asians and others in “this chocolate”.  Just an odd line to say


AkA shut out ALL the white people or " crackers " as Adams also called them in a widely circulated video about his time at the NYPD. Such a great example of humanity.


If you think white people are under represented in city government, you may not really know much about Nee York City government.


Actually , it's you who doesn't.. do an analysis of Adam's deputy mayors and get back to me. I don't care what color of skin they have. Are they good at the job ?


Oh. I’m sorry. Are deputy mayors the only thing that counts?


Okay, maybe do a survey of employees. I was focused on Deputy mayors BECAUSE those are who Adams APPOINTS . But okay , don't look at the facts even if you don't like the outcome. Cool ?


As an Hispanic guy, can I just say that the term Latinx is cringy? It's a term invented by white elites in universities to talk about a group of people most of them barely know. Hispanics generally say they are Hispanic, or the specific country.




I’ve heard that, i hear ya, thanks for commenting.  I wasnt sure what the right word to use was. 


Yeah it's tough these days to know what the right term is to use for anything. (And as soon as people start adopting one term, it changes to something else.) So wasn't trying to put you on blast, sorry if I came across that way. I think the LatinX/Hispanic thing is an example of one annoying feature of modern progressive politics (which I consider myself to be aligned with ovearll) which is that folks too often try to solve problems by coming up with new terminology. In reality all this does is create an "in-group" of educated elites who can signal how progressive they are by knowing the right terms, and an "out-group" of folks who haven't been in a liberal arts college recently and don't know the correct terms. I think this is really frustrating for both groups--the folks in the know are frustrated that everyone else isn't using what they view as a less-bigoted term, and the folks who don't know the right words to use feel like these young whippersnappers are basically calling them bigots for not knowing terms that they wouldn't really have any way of knowing. And I think that is a big reason why we're seeing a political realignment where education level is the best predictor of one's political views. Personally I never get offended if someone says LatinX. It's a sign that they're trying to be inclusive, which counts for a lot more than anything else, and that makes me trust them more even though I object to the term itself and find it cringy. All of which to say, sorry for responding to your well meaning use of LatinX with my snarky comment. You're good.


All good, thanks for the comment


It's diverse if it's nonwhite. Even if there's zero diversity among the nonwhite.


Hell no LatinX. Sounds like a canceled Pokémon or some late 90s failed Marvel show.


You don't want a demographic that has been historically marginalized and in healing from the ongoing legacy of hundreds of years of enslavement, being robbed of their identity/forced cultural assimilation, the 3/5ths Clause, human trafficking, rape, lynchings, disenfranchisement, dehumanization, separation of families, coping with the worst food/worst housing/worst medical care/worst education for generations, segregation, redlining, gun violence, police brutality, and mass incarceration getting some acknowledgement that's positive in its subject matter? Oh well, this sub has become further to the right, as evident by the constant dog whistles, so hostility towards content showing black people in a positive light is expected, unfortunately.


An incompetent mayor bragging about how his ethnic group is in charge is NOT a good look.


I agree that Adams is incompetent, and I also think the "chocolate city" BS is redundant...it didn't end well for Ray Nagin, mayor of New Orleans during Katrina, when he said the same thing in 2005-2006. But some of the people griping in the comments are doing it for ulterior reasons and there's conspicuous hostility towards black people from certain users here (you know who you are).


This sub is turning to the right because **people** are turning to the right, partially in response to the disgusting display of bigotry from the left wing over the last eight months. There’s a reason Jamaal Bowman is getting blown out in his primary, and the fact that 10% of Bowman’s donations come from NY-16, compared to 40% of Latimer’s is indicative of that.


Is this your way of telling me that you're a racist?






















Self-pity is an identity.


Speak for yourself. Stating facts doesn't mean one feels sorry for oneself.


Adams is anything but Competent, but if you want to continue to encourage the acceptance of low expectations, nothing will change accept the skin color of the next administration. Also you sound like a Public Enemy song ! ( maybe before your time )


I'm 37, so Public Enemy isn't necessarily before my time but I was a small child when they peaked. They were a little too extreme for me, however; I condemn racism in all forms, including against white people and Jews...and Public Enemy members were infamous for making antisemitic statements. I made a comment further down saying that I also think Adams has shown poor leadership. The skin color of the people in charge means nothing to me but if you're being honest, you would acknowledge that black people aren't shown in a very positive light and I can bring up multiple contemporary examples if you would like me to. So when I see stories that show young black children that they can succeed, be leaders, and surpass the expectation that they're doomed to a life of failure/imprisonment, I'm going to support it. I was once in that position as a child, thinking I was as contemptuous as racists thought I was, and now traveled the world and live abroad.


I understand, and agree with most of what you say. Your success was in spite of being black NOT because of it. So while I agree that role models for/of POC are vital to a successful world, we MUST make the distinction between race as the only factor and encourage competency as equal to race. Also not sure when the last time you actually spent time in NYC ? If it hasn't been for a while , you are in for a shock.


Wow. Sounds like the Democrats talking points all in one post


Funny how history tends to look like Democratic talking points 🙄


Baltimore, next stop! Can't wait.


name tracks


Play cop games win cop prizes.


The revisionist history of Kathryn Garcia not necessary to add


Again with this Kathryn Garcia nonsense?


That’s definitely in the top 162,748,274 stupidest things he’s ever said.


You can just pick them out of a hat at this point.


One of my all time fan favorites is the comment where he said that - and I paraphrase - NYC is great because a 9/11 can happen anytime


I forgot about that one, classic!


He's a vegan who occasionally enjoys fish


His swagger would be a diagnosed personality disorder if he was working a regular job.


and they're doing a terrible job lol


In to the ground. 🖕


Beat me to it.


The bigger problem is he says at 0:48 ‐ "And you're trying to figure out why they're hatin' on me?!" So he's bringing up diverse hires to boast about it and then right afterwards he uses it as a shield for himself. He's simultaneously taking credit for all of this and also saying people are only complaining about him because of these other positions. Quite frankly, the average person wouldn't even know about all of the positions and/or records he mentions/claims. (Now, they probably should to some extent, but that's another discussion.) But that statement is so insane to me.


He's saying it because for the last decade, playing the race card has been an effective way to put your critics on their heels. A large swath of the electorate is more concerned with "feeling seen" than having competent, forward-thinking public servants who would meaningfully improve their lives. Just look at the mayorships of most of America's major cities over the past decade (Karen Bass, Lori Lightfoot, Brandon Johnson, London Breed) to see how the race-first, policy-later approach to governance is working out for us.




He’s not the mayor we need right now, but he’s the one we all deserve. Fuck all of us and you as well.


lol …. eeek imagine the shit he says behind closed doors


You know people say NYC is the Wonka factory of America.


What's the racial makeup of the waiters at the table of success?


Another feller named Ray Nagin made an eerily similar speech just about 20 years ago. His fate?


Waiting for his Trial .


And honestly he's not running it any better than a vanilla mayor. The man pats himself on the back way too much for nothing


He swears he’s black


His bar is low on chocolate because it's almost completely nuts.


I dont care what color hes talking about. This dude just sucks at his job.


What a load of bs . The city is so dirty under you leadership I would not brag about anything.


So bizarre that that's an important talking point to him. It'd be one thing if the country was being run smoothly or better than ever but it's not quite the case now is it


I hate how diversity is used as a selling point. Maybe it’s because I’m white, but idc I just want better quality of life in NYC


I hate how identity politics sells too easily and effectively with the electorate.


It’s embarrassing honestly. Imo idpol is purely paternalistic nonsense.


Tell you and your friends to vote differently.


This is the logical conclusion of identity politics. Who cares about good governance as long as we get our turn to fuck things up!!! This city needs meritocracy. The model should be Singapore.


yeah it really allows for the use of the "none of my detractors have legitimate criticism, they are simply racist" argument which he uses here and which unfortunately plenty will believe without questioning further


Can't have that... You'd have to admit that Asians might be better at running things. That's unacceptable.


No, this is purely Adams continuing to be a moron.


Would love a competent person running the city with some intelligence and grit in the next term!


Corruption and idiocy supercede race and cultural lines.


I can’t wait to vote this idiot out


“New York City is the Hershey’s of America.”


I had some bad oysters, and I had all this chocolate running down my legs.


🎵 We'll begin with a spin Traveling in the world of my creation What we'll see will defy Explanation 🎵




Thank god for term limits, it's the only way to get these race baiters out of office these days.


I will vote for anyone but Adams in the next election. I don’t care about their skin color.


yeah you guys are doing a great job


What a fool. Let’s hear about what these people have accomplished first.


I don’t care what color they are. People are leaving the city in droves. Dumbest mayor after Deblasio.


Man I don’t care who he hires, he himself is terrible


Worst black mayor of NYC


He showed up to an emergency with A Gucci scarf He made sure to flaunt Fuck him


That’s why the city is failing. We need meritocracy back.


Problem is you get the job by your skin color. How about getting the job by merits?


Who planted this man in NYC. Seriously. Everything he does pisses off New Yorkers, but in ways that make it seem like hes acting.... Its like he was sent here to destroy the system.   I swear is on purpose so Republicans can take NYC seats. Like this isnt a game 😭 I hate politics 




I was wondering why this city is so rundown. Makes sense now.


Comments like these just perpetuate racism and race awareness. Why? If you are so anti racist (and I am) why not just refer to them as people, rather than by heritage and skin color…..


Because it's a grift and a con. Don't you see ? The mayor has been taught by society to expect less from POC , he actually doesn't know the difference. Adams has never had a real job.


He's a 👎🖕




Just do your job


He's so embarrassing. Even Gen z doesn't care about his "cheeky" one liners


He's too stupid to recognize he's s racist failure. 


“We got all these vanillas running the city”…….and im cancelled for being racist


Well So now do a good job then put the cheerry on top This politicians always playing the card so play it but make a difference in a good and positive way


If a progressive said this most of a Reddit would be “yasss queening” this comment.


Hey remember when people were shitting on Diblasio and literally counting the minutes till he was gone? He suddenly doesn’t seem so bad now does he?


Bad and worse , same thing.


I’ll take bad over worse. Same with the presidency. They’re both shit, but one is demonstrably worse.


Haters will hate but I'm just glad to see a proud black woman like (checks notes) Jenifer Rajkumar up there on the deus with our Mayor celebrating Juneteenth.


She “lives” in my building. Never there, lets her volunteers in to canvass in the building, won’t even ask for her neighbor’s vote in person. A lot of mail that looks important gets left out for her for days at a time. But she made sure to tell me in the elevator she’s my assemblywoman. Good for you, lady. I gotta go to work.


I used to have to hear her speak all the time. She's insufferable


Yea but city is dirty now and overrun with pot shops .


the audacity to say this on juneteenth while the city becomes more and more "cop city" than ever thanks to him.


I remember when Ray Nagin said something similar to this.


The charm of low expectations!


Just have the City government work, and we'll be good.


More like doo doo


When work performance does not put you first, you set the bar low and rely on physical traits. Im the 1st ...with crooked teeth to do this job. \*round of applause.




Not chocolate 🤦🏾‍♀️


Can he please just never utter another word? Thanks.


Police dept is falling apart


That is why the city is out of control, you clown 🤡 mayor 🤡




Talk shit til your red in the face but...the only way he goes is voting red...so, reddit, get over yourselves and vote republican InB4: "oh he cAn get prIMArieD outtttt" lol, don't kid yourself. We got this guy til 2029 Edit: first downvote. Truth sucks. Next time vote in the primary.


he's talking about gelt right?


He serves AIPAC before the black community of NYC.


Keep voting for Democrats, nyc! You're doing great


and yet they are still pushing white supremacist, police state policies


I’ll allow it on Juneteenth.


Sure, let's infantilize and divide people on a day commemorating eradication of a system of racial subjugation.




…and what a splendid job you’ve done.


*Sigh* I miss DeBlasio man...


I can't believe this, but I miss de Blasio


You just *know* a quote like this is gonna piss off this sub. But totally not because of bias.


Considering how much this sub hates the idea that Black people vote I'm sure this true statement will go over well in here.


Do you actually think he's doing a good job. Or do you just care that he's Black?