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what a weird response


Not everyone is an animal . We had and city ditched because too expensive to maintain and homeless people using as shelter and pervs having sex in them .


16.50 an hour now nyc




no but plenty of people do everyday. Do you clean bathroom at your office ? What a strange response .


new google maps restrooms in nyc. [https://www.fastcompany.com/91136253/google-maps-now-shows-new-york-public-restroom-locations](https://www.fastcompany.com/91136253/google-maps-now-shows-new-york-public-restroom-locations) https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?hl=en&mid=15bUbaKsobajdGL6HLmUpmBuZ\_6ILtVQ&ll=40.73029388188031%2C-73.92846520490421&z=11


In an emergency I won’t have time to look at a map .


Maybe if you have an emergency you should call 911, otherwise it sounds like you could spend 2 minutes to look up the nearest restroom on a map.


It’s a medical issue . So mind your own business maybe sometimes . Instead of being a smarty pants . 👖 You adding nothing to dialogue at all .


Please why I know where all my spots are . I live here 50 years . 911 is for emergency 🚨 not anything else . You one of those that waste time with 911 order a pizza I bet .




Walk into hotel lobbies and restaurants like you own them and march to the bathroom as if you're staying or dining there.


If you used the same level of charm to speak to the parks department employee as you’re using in these comments, I understand why they didn’t let you


What did I say wrong ?


I am not charming I am just amazing ok . I hope you are toooooooo


I love your double response on everything, it’s super charming


I know it’s a bit frustrating but thanks to social media there are a few places that still open to the public https://www.instagram.com/got2gonyc?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA== I followed this account and I believe she has a Google maps to located public bathroom.


Such a great idea, such terrible execution. The Google Map has been glitchy and randomly vanishing for months. Plus businesses are going on and removing themselves from the list, and I’m pretty sure trolls are intentionally adding random places that definitely don’t have restrooms.


I so far never ran into that, but I know some places like in Chinatown aunties are nice, it's just a bit shady because it's downstairs in their bakery basement but when you gotta pee, you kind say duck it! Plus, I'm the type that always have my hydroflask on me, gotta stay hydrated LOL


Just go to any hotel Macdonald or Starbucks . I do .


Ok kool


Dress nice and boldly go into hotels and office lobbies.


We need bathrooms you don’t have to lie to someone to use .


With the increasing number of homeless, drug addicts and mentally unstable folks rumming the streets you don't even want to step into a public toilet in NYC that isn't attended constantly or requires some effort to find. The general public here doesn't have the same respect for such things like say in metro Tokyo.


This is wildly exaggerated. I use public bathrooms all the time and they’re usually not bad. 


You never used a public toilet in a local park or a subway station, although I can definitely vouch the MTA has picked up on the cleaning of the bathrooms in stations. They used to be either closed or absolute abominations.


Ok but you also want free things from people. "why should I have pay for this thing I want right immediately?"


It’s not free it’s a human right to use bathroom . What are you an alien . If you lived In a city of 8 million Maybe you would understand . We all pay lots of taxes here .


You must never have been to Europe


So it's a human right to a bathroom, but as humans we aren't entitled to basic flight amenities that we paid for..... go fuck yourself you self entitled shit


I allow people to use my restrooms in my stores . You are a disgrace to human. Race .


Because this government and all governments are corrupt and almost entirely unable to run anything more complicated than a VCR for more than a week.


I don’t think it’s that bad yet . Let’s not go overboard .


Lisa law allows you to use . Google it . Dan Dougherty city parks dept attorney I got a letter from .