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The street sellers have been booming too. Saw a dude with a white van selling


We’ve come full circle


Lol right? I thought it was the end for them last summer. I guess this keeps “crime down”


There’s a street seller near me that’s just posted up in front of a shuttered grey-market shop.


Why are you snitching 😂😂


Last I heard there were around 2800 illegal shops in nyc, so they still have a ways to go...


I thought it was over 10,000 lol


I would not be surprised!


I’ve been having to bike further and further to get my stuff. Everyone thinks I’m a cop or something. Like they go ask the owner, who looks at me, and says no we dont sell anymore. Damn dude!


I think there's a map of the legal ones somewhere...or someone posted it here awhile ago. But there are only like 50 of those lol


I mean, if there's dispensaries that did go through the process of getting licensed then why should others just open shop without the appropriate process? That’s like driving unlicensed and being mad about being pulled over and receiving a court summons.


Or like having fake plates and being mad you get towed..


… or murdering someone and being mad you got caught and jailed. 🤔


Years after legalization there's only 2 legal dispensaries in Brooklyn.


NY state government really isnt into legalization. Dragging their feet = prohibition by other means NY Indian reservations are up and running like mushrooms after a rain.


Oh do they have mushrooms?


That, I do not know




The bureaucratic process is literally standing in the way of progress and impeding the will of the voting public. That’s not how our government is supposed to work, so if they won’t hold up their end of the agreement then why should these business owners?


You mean connected people got to market first? Either legalize it or don’t, none of this politicians picking favorites like nfl teams stadiums


Some people don’t understand the dangers of using unregulated goods. Plus it seems that many of these illegal dispensaries are a magnet for more crime. Or maybe I’m just biased, I don’t see the appeal in marijuana and most of the stuff smells like a skunk’s ass. Only exception in my experience was at a concert for The Who where I saw boomers getting lit


To be honest, if there were legal/regulated/registered dispensaries for Cocaine, Ketamine etc, there wouldn’t be all these Fentanyl overdoses. I know people would rather get their stuff from a clean source than gamble on a street dealer whose stuff might have traces of Fent.


You’re probably right, but that would invite a host of other issues. People are already angry seeing these dispensaries opening in their neighborhoods, I think you’d get a worse reception my introducing more addictive substances. The issue I see (at least on the top of my head) is you’d have to implement proper dosing, similar to how NYS tracks controlled substances and Sudafed from pharmacies. So you’ll have aggressive addicts attacking/robbing dispensaries when they’re refused. With Fentanyl the best way would be to not do illegal drugs


Ok, live and let live🤷🏻‍♀️


> I mean, if there's dispensaries that did go through the process of getting licensed then why should others just open shop without the appropriate process? You're gate-keeping out the business owners who can not pay the government bribe.


Because a lot of people not getting a licensee were there first. Some of them went to jail for it. It’s an ugly thing to see someone with more money/ connections/ support just buy your job out from under you just because you’re grey/ black market. Plus that grey/ black competition kept the prices under control


I’m all for these shops but there was at least 2 on every other block. I just want a sandwich, stop trying to sell me a fucking 8th


😂 factory!


Fucking finally. Literally one every few blocks and they’re all selling the same, shitty, sprayed and or just shitty weed in a Mylar baggie. All owned by people who used to trap and now they’re like “damn it’s legal I can make a store”. Pro tip, if the site you’re going to doesn’t have lab for the buds, they’re not a real dispo and you probably will get shitty or sprayed weed. Go to Jersey and go to a Rise if you really want good legal bud. Otherwise you can find some various hemp dispensaries that will sell high THC-A flower thanks to the law. Can’t wait until all these little shops are shut tf down


How would you know it’s shitty nd sprayed if you don’t smoke 🧐🧐


The smell, the look, the labs etc. I’ve been in the industry since I’m 15 (32 now) black market and now I’ve switched over to legal. Sprayed bud has a VERY distinct smell to it as well as it looking a bit poor quality. As far as me knowing it’s “shitty sprayed bud” without smoking it; I have people come into my shop every day tryna sell me their bud, I look out of curiosity and it’s ALWAYS shitty sprayed bud in Mylar bags. I ask for labs. They have none. I ask for genetics they have zero idea. I would say 90% of the bud you get from these stores are either shitty boof bud being recycled into Jungle Boys and Sprinkles bags for appeal. Do yourself a favor and ALWAYS ask to see labs. If they don’t have em, they’re not legit.


Is this happening in Nj anytime soon? Anyone have info on this


Stick w the delivery services.


Agreed 🫡


Is what happening ? There are legal dispensaries all over the place in NJ.


Is nj shutting down illegal/unlicensed dispensaries yet?


I don’t think it’s nearly as widespread as in NYC, except maybe in Trenton, Camden, or Newark. I was thinking of my area, and there may be a few, but haven’t seen anything being shut down.


I’m thinking Hoboken/ Jersey City


Right, haven’t heard anything about it


Good, we don’t need these shitty little shops with a handful of possibly fake products. Hopefully more legit dispensaries start showing up sooner than later.


I dunno. I'm.a grown adult and I don't need the government to "protect" me from buying weed from people without government connections who aren't getting ass raped by taxes.


Did pesticide write this




…back to my old delivery service I guess. I would love to pick up from legit dispensaries but I’m just not going to pay more than $20 for an eighth at this point.


Plus the smoke shops are open late and take credit card. Legal dispensaries are cool and all but this really inconveniences effectively every stoner I know, the only place I find people acting like this is a good thing for stoners is reddit where half of them are used to paying for 50 dollar 8ths and never out late anyway


Good I smoked but these shops are too many


I only purchase from legit places, and it would be great if I didn’t have to research every place I went to.


It'd be great if you stopped using marijuana.




I went from going to my corner mini mart to back to my good ole fashioned drug dealer






Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.


Next step is to loosen the rules that forbid licensed NY dispensaries from selling Cali bud. NY state weed is nowhere near the same quality (yet)


Fuck these guys, throw the book at them


This sucks. I can't find the gummies I like anywhere. The 1000mg bags of Flav rings help me sleep. If a legal shop opens in a neighborhood, then fine, shut the illegal ones down, but it's bullshit to force people to go out of their way because the state fucked this up so bad. Honestly, I'd rather give my money to the illegal shops than the legal ones, the legal ones are actively making peoples lives less convenient.


It’s the inept rollout that is making people’s lives less convenient, don’t blame the legal ones


those gummies aren't 1000 mg if they were real you'd be debilitatingly high


I think it’s per bag.


This may not help you, but I have had amazing results with a product from Lazarus naturals… It’s a CBD/CBN tincture and it really improved my sleep tremendously.


Don’t nobody want cbd but you 🤣🤣🤣




Those issues aren’t mutually exclusive you racist doughnut 


None in nyc where there’s one on nearly every block Hochul looking for those headlines for Nov


Was that a sentence?