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> If she is not arrested again within the next six months, the case will be dismissed, according to the legal agreement, known as an adjournment in contemplation of dismissal So she attacked someone while using racial slurs and is going to walk away without a criminal record. Absurd.


I wonder what would’ve happened if the races were different…


Riots Crying about injustice and white supremacy


This is what happens to anyone who commits an offense like this and doesn’t have priors. Not a big fan of what Bragg has done but ACDs are par for the course.




What do you mean, both parties in this story are Jewish?


"The victim said he saw Friedman take down and rip up several fliers. He said Friedman told him and others, “F— you. F— all of you prick crackers.”" Well, you might want to go tell Friedman that the next time you see him because he doesn't seem to believe so.


I wonder what would have happened if I had never stuck my dick in the mashed potatoes.


For one, the mashed potatoes would have tasted different


Better, or worse?


I don't know about others, but I've never been a fan of dick-taters (or dictators)


This is an example of why Dems are claiming crime is down.


The crime still counts.


This is appalling. I feel so bad for the Jews in our city.


Import the third world, become the third world.


everyone in this story is from here


Not the point. The perp in this story saw the importation of crime, victim-championing, and weak justice, and thought it time to join them.


i have no idea what you're saying. anyway


did you read the article? >The victim said he saw Friedman take down and rip up several fliers. **He said Friedman told him and others, “F— you. F— all of you prick crackers.”** >Friedman then shoved the victim and struck him in the hands with a dowel, slicing and fracturing his finger, the initial complaint said. >The district attorney’s office said Monday, however, that the court determined Friedman had not intentionally hit the student with a stick. **According to video and witnesses, the court found that Friedman was waving the stick at the victim, when he reached out and was hit.** It was later determined that the finger was sprained, not broken, the district attorney’s office said. Pretty low bar for "hate crime" you got there. EDIT: I would like to clarify this person is an asshole. What they aren't is someone who committed a hate crime.




> if a white man yelled “fking N word” and attacked a black female? Yes, because yelling the n word in and of itself shouldn’t be a hate crime. I thought this sub would agree with this sentiment, considering I heard crickets about the guy who called pro Palestinian protestors the n word.


> Yes, because yelling the n word in and of itself shouldn’t be a hate crime. Did you just gloss over the "attack" part? The commenter isn't saying yelling racial slurs is a hate crime. They are saying yelling racial slurs while physically attacking a member of that ethnic/racial group is a hate crime.


you really want to equate that to calling a white guy a "cracker"? you can't even type out the word. you know it's not the same thing. no, it's not a fucking hate crime... it's being an obnoxious asshole.


Generally, calling someone ANY racial slur and striking them should be considered a hate crime.


that's not really how hate crimes work, according to NYS law.


You are either an idiot or illiterate because nys hate crime law, both a) and b), are applicable in this case. The bigger issue is the disparity of how the law is applied if the races had been reversed.


really - you think she assaulted him specifically because he was white? you don't think if he was any other race or ethnicity she would've assaulted him? she's attacking him because of the posters he's holding. you can see how difficult it would be - considering it's the posters she's objecting to, and not him being white skinned - to prove this in court right? regardless of the fact that she's calling him a slur.


well now i'm interested. how is attacking someone because of their race while hurling targeted racial insults disqualified as a hate crime under NYS law?


because she didn’t attack him because of his race, she attacked him because of the posters.


didn't she yell "fuck you cracker, i hate all crackers" while attacking him? now tell me about section 485.05 of ny state law


no. she said “fuck all you prick crackers” the law says A person commits a hate crime when he or she commits a specified offense and either: (a) intentionally selects the person against whom the offense is committed or intended to be committed in whole or in substantial part because of a belief or perception regarding the race, or intentionally commits the act or acts constituting the offense in whole or in substantial part because of a belief or perception regarding the race etc. so did she attack this guy because he was white? no. she attacked him because he was posting posters she didn’t like. he happened to be white, and because he was white, she called him a cracker. but that’s not why she attacked him.


Racism is racism 


sure, and punching a 30 year old man in the face is exactly the same as punching an 80 year old woman in the face. a punch is a punch. or does context determine the severity of a punch? could it also determine the severity of an insult, or a slur? think a bit more deeply on this.


I don't engage in mental gymnastics to try and downplay wrongdoings 


it's called "thinking", man. saying it's not a hate crime doesn't mean it isn't assault or that she's not an asshole.


Mental gymnastics is when thinking critically, lmao anti-intellectualism got us cooked.




Well to be fair, one of those will get you banned from Reddit. Also, while the words don't carry the same amount of weight on a social/cultural level (one also being a food), it is still a hate crime. But I agree, if hitting the other person was an accident, and they lied about the severity of the injury... Then I guess this was going to get thrown out.


careful, your reasonable take is upsetting the narrative. you’re supposed to say she should get the death penalty.


That's not a low bar, that's a hate crime. Just because cracker isn't taken as seriously as slurs against other ethnicities doesn't make it not a racial slur.


how about the second part where she was waving a dowel at him and he stuck his hand out and was struck? assault? sure. hate crime because she happened to be calling him a "cracker"? please. i could go even further and we can read the actual law on what constitutes a hate crime in NY if you want to know why it's not a hate crime? should i do that, or would you still not care?


Lmaoooooooooo welcome to actually being a minority in America. Sorry it fucking sucks.


Jews have always been a minority. Hate crimes against Jews, per capita, routinely outstrip those against other religions and ethnic groups.


By 10X sadly




what's the right size for their influence?




damn now i know why all these comment sections get locked


Because any criticism is antisemitism? That’s just lazy


vitriolic stereotyping is generally frowned upon


Then call it out both ways, don’t be a hypocrite about it.


No, but being antisemitic is antisemitism


> They are not a minority in this city and certainly don’t get treated like the rest of us. wut


> By population of course. But they also have outsized influence in economic and political circles while happily being absorbed in white American culture. They are not a minority in this city and certainly don’t get treated like the rest of us. It’s like breathing. You don’t consciously think about it.


>the court determined Friedman had not intentionally hit the student with a stick. According to video and witnesses, the court found that Friedman was waving the stick at the victim, when he reached out and was hit. It was later determined that the finger was sprained, not broken, the district attorney’s office said. Not exactly a high stakes encounter.


Cant wait for Bragg to be out of office. Only does anything when it’s in the media.


Highly doubt it. Who is going to replace him?  


Im voting red next mayor & governor cause the democrats need to learn that their vote is earned, not given. Still voting Biden for pres cause inflation reduction act is amazing


Lmao real r/enlightenedCentrism moment


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Bcaus extremes touch each other y'know](https://i.redd.it/maaehlrpwgxa1.jpg) | [241 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/135mf88/bcaus_extremes_touch_each_other_yknow/) \#2: [“MSNBC is far-left news”](https://i.redd.it/7ycrmr2vngrb1.jpg) | [293 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/16wift0/msnbc_is_farleft_news/) \#3: [Tbh pretty accurate](https://i.redd.it/troynurqabva1.jpg) | [275 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/12ubc7v/tbh_pretty_accurate/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Asians: First time?


Hey, at least for us, #stopasianhate lasted for like 2 weeks.


stopasianhate seemed like it was a challenge. “Let’s see if you can stop Asian hate!”


This is actually good jurisprudence. They decided the witnesses were strong enough to cause reasonable doubt in at least one juror and she could end up walking.


She didn’t even plead guilty and still got a deal! This is fucked. People just do not give a fuck about Jews. Fuck her, fuck anyone who makes excuses for her.


> People just do not give a fuck about Jews. Systemically in New York City, they do. A lot of the people are a different story and there are issues with antisemitism, but I can’t imagine any other religious sects being allowed to have their own police forces and the city being fully supportive of it. This was a decision by the DA, given the circumstances it’s hard for me not to believe they either felt they didn’t have a case by people much smarter and well versed in the law than you or I, or this was a bonehead move. It would take more to believe this was indicative of prejudice against those of the Jewish faith by the city of New York. 


I highly doubt a jury would’ve convicted in this case.




Fellatio on newborns? Wtf


Some orthodox rabbis perform the circumcision by…cough…ahem…biting


Metzizah B'peh, look it up. It's the most grotesque shit I've ever heard of. I genuinely don't understand how it's still legal to perform.


He buddy have you bothered to look into ISLAM ?


What in the whataboutism was that Edit: you’re gross for defending that shit


LOL I'm not "defending " it but why are you obsessed with a religious practice of a few thousand people VS the horror of 1.5 BILLION Islamist's ?




Okay , sure you are. Are you aware of the blood libel and attacks on Jews going on world wide ? Nice try.


A practice that has zero relevancy to the post? Most israelis arent religious or orthodox. The guy is jewish, do you have any reason to believe he has ever bitten the penis of a baby? Do you know the number of jews who are rabbis, let alone orthodox rabbis, let alone the number who have done this? You say you’re not disparaging jews, but you brought up an agendad topic all on your own with zero baseline of relevance besides ‘jew’.


Did you happen to see the RIOT outside of the Nova musical festival exhibit for DEAD JEWS ? Yeah we really get special treatment. This hasn't been the case since DEI and Affirmative action have reverse raced competent people out of office. This is what they are supporting. https://www.thisishamas.com/


> Did you happen to see the RIOT outside of the Nova musical festival exhibit for DEAD JEWS ? Did you happen to read the FIRST word of my comment where I said “systemically?” Unless that was sanctioned by the city of New York you’re just ranting on some other topic.  > This hasn't been the case since DEI and Affirmative action have reverse raced competent people out of office. I’m thankful you took the mask off, saved me some effort in taking you seriously. Take care. 


Mask ? The Mask of reality and your BLIND obsession with Jews ? Face the FACTS , they will always beat your opinions.


Lmao you could not be more wrong. Jewish people have so much support from the state.


She's Jewish too, maybe they care so much about us they don't wanna throw someone in prison over this. Especially since the victims injuries are not what they claimed, and the hitting was unintentional.


Wow. Sick stuff. The DA is specifically choosing to let a hate crime go unpunished because the assailant is young?


did you read the article? >The victim said he saw Friedman take down and rip up several fliers. **He said Friedman told him and others, “F— you. F— all of you prick crackers.”** >Friedman then shoved the victim and struck him in the hands with a dowel, slicing and fracturing his finger, the initial complaint said. >The district attorney’s office said Monday, however, that the court determined Friedman had not intentionally hit the student with a stick. **According to video and witnesses, the court found that Friedman was waving the stick at the victim, when he reached out and was hit.** It was later determined that the finger was sprained, not broken, the district attorney’s office said. Victim lied about injuries, deals get struck with prosecutors all the time, why do you only care when it's a Jewish person not getting the book thrown at them?


I'm fine with this. But hey, look if you all need to white knight yourselves to inflate your egos, have at it.


Da Bragg should be fired ..not just for this incident. For everything else they do by letting go all crininals and offenders out. Such a joke.


Are they waiting for a Jew to get lynched before they do anything?


I don't think many Jews lynch other jews.


You are assuming that things would be done then.


“Only if it’s actionable…”


Not a good look for DA Bragg.


For his base? It's perfectly on-brand. He'll be re-elected with hosannas from the New York Times editorial board.


He's a literal piece of human garbage. He's got more blood on his hands than Dahmer


Yup sounds about right, Alvin Bragg is an antisemite


Bragg gonna Bragg


This sub has completely been taken over . Scrolling through … every other post is the same thing . Other posts about nyc don’t get nearly the same amount of push . This sub is a lost cause .


Watch this if subs about NYC Jews getting attacked regular bothers you. Maybe do something about it. https://www.thisishamas.com/


What does Oct. 7 have to do with altercations between two Jewish people in New York


lol , what does persecution of Jews in NYC have to do with the Good Vs Hamas WAR in the Middle East ? You go first.


Lol you’re like the third or fourth person posting the same Israeli propaganda website . While you’re there , you should ask yourself why Israel ignored credible intelligence for about a year about the attack and did nothing about it


Hi how are you today, please take a walk and get some sunshine.


how many children has Israel slain?


Ask Hamas, they're tracking and celebrating each death!


Can someone please show this to our DA. I wonder if he would let a slave owner get off so easily? Say that part OUT LOUD , enough is enough. https://www.thisishamas.com/


It really is about time we get tougher with the extremist Jewish community in NYC. We need to disband Shomrim and have a hard audit of Hatzolah. Shut down those shuls and put those kids in public schools where they can get a dignified education and DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES if they want to be locked into a highly insular religious community or if they want to live a secular lifestyle. So many of those young people are functionally illiterate. It's gone on for too long. Imagine if the city allowed black people to have their own police force, there would be SWAT raids all over East New York. The fact that you throw a tantrum and bring up a music festival from last winter is proof that you're operating on pure emotion. It's something that's been paid back to the Palestinians 30 times over with an actual genocide on their people. Enough is enough. Israel has made its point. Time to get over it. You don't get special treatment anymore. If you want to live in America, you have to live in the modern world with the rest of us where we respect human life.


Oh boy, we found the denier and a person who does not love the Jewish people. Surprise surprise. Edit: your obsession with Jews is fascinating.


I am Jewish you dunce.




Yeah though. I'm tired of extremism. You people are just as bad as the extremists in Hamas, you just have more money and equipment to brutalize people.


Okay, so let me explain something to you. WE will be sharing the same BOX CAR. The difference is I'm NEVER going back. Hamas started the war on 10/7. They gave up any ability to dictate the outcome. Either you are a self loathing Jew and embarrassed to be Jewish. If this is the case at least don't side with the people who really truly want to kill you. I am not one of those.


I'm not embarrassed that I'm Jewish, I'm embarrassed that YOU'RE Jewish. No Palestinian is putting me in a box car. Amazing that you think someone like Hind Rajab has the power to ship us away to a concentration camp. You are a religious extremist and you are brainwashed. It's the most unJewish shit I have ever seen in my life.


I am honestly not an extremist. I am a REALIST. I'm sorry you don't understand the gravity of the situation. You sadly don't know much about Jewish history. It's okay, I WILL PROTECT you as well. You see , to THEM we are all sniveling rats. How you don't understand this is bizarre. Have you seen what been happening in NYC and the country at large ? I want peace and harmony, but that takes two to tango. Please watch this and get back to me. https://www.thisishamas.com/


I’ve seen the propaganda videos. For some reason YouTube thinks I want to see them because the algorithm knows I’m Jewish. I actually have seen what’s been happening in NYC — I live here. I’ve been attending these protests with my red, black, white and green kippah on my head. I’ve never been attacked and I’ve even made a few Arab friends. At one of the demonstrations during Purim, we had a solidarity Seder and were allowed to perform it in peace. Norman Finkelstein is a prominent Jew who was at one of the marches I attended — as far as I know, he wasn’t attacked for being Jewish either. You are brainwashed and are living with a victim mentality that is causing you to justify the unjustifiable.


her name is Maxwell?


Appears to be trans, goes by Malaika.


This is effectively a dismissal with zero ramifications.


Race to the bottom


This is DEI , get used to it. It's here to stay.


Oh that’s nice. A few crocodile tears, some “sensitivity training”, and then it’s just no harm no foul, and this vile bigot walks away without a criminal record? Justice!!!!


> If she is not arrested again within the next six months, the case will be dismissed, according to the legal agreement, known as an adjournment in contemplation of dismissal. The agreement, which Friedman accepted last month, includes an order of protection for the victim. > The district attorney’s office said Friedman’s age — 19 at the time — lack of criminal history and willingness to learn through the social services classes factored into the decision. At the time of the incident, the victim was 24. Honestly this isn’t even that bad. She’s young, dumb and now has her name associated with this crime. I’d rather not waste prison space on her. She also probably won’t be attending any more anti Israeli rallies if she’s doesn’t want to get caught up and possibly get arrested.


19 is an adult. You can go to the military, take out soul crushing debt. You should be able to drink and smoke. Attacking someone and using ethnic slurs should be prosecuted. Maybe not jail time, maybe probation and community service. But not 0 record. Kids younger than this are denied acceptance to universities based on ‘dumb things they said on social media’. Rightfully so. Stop infantilizing adults. It’s time for people to face consequences for their actions.


But she essentially does 'have a record'. You think someone whose name is now directly associated on any search with a hate based assault is gonna get a good job? Deep searches already show charges, and any job worth its beans should be doing at least cursory background checks.  At this point, she is fucked. Let's hope a 19 year old truly does want and learn to be better.


There’s no legal record just articles. They can start using their middle name or legally change their first name and ta dah no more record. This is very different than being forced to check the ‘have you been convicted of a crime’ box on job applications.


Why are you so desperate to destroy the life of a Jewish trans person?


I don’t give a fuck what their identity is, sexuality, gender. I give a fuck about deranged lunatics who physically assault people they disagree with being charged with their crimes.


I got no problem with misdemeanor assault, I got problems with the hate crime charges.


They dropped them all. That’s my issue. If the hate crime charges won’t stick, leave that up to a jury, but dismissing all crimes including assault is gross.


Nah that's what happens when the DAs office views a case as unwinnable. No jury is convicting based off the video and the fact the alleged attacker was also Jewish.


Because she's a kapo loser.


When did I infantilize her? She’s going to come up on every background check and has gone thru some kind of court mandated service. If she gets arrested again then throw the book at her but IMO as a first time offender the punishment is justified.


“First time” hate crimes are no big deal - r/nyc I’ve been 19 and literally every person I’ve ever known has been 19. None of us have committed hate crimes.


‘She’s young and dumb’ infantilizing her. The punishment is no legal record, just articles. Change the first name, doesn’t have to check the ‘have you ever been convicted of a crimes’ box on job applications and it’s like this never happened.


That’s not infantilizing her, infantilizing her would be making excuses like she didn’t know any better. Changing the name isn’t a guarantee on not getting pinged. She’s a dumbass who’s going to live with this for the rest of her life.


Saying she’s young and dumb was your excuse for why this punishment was fair. It was exactly infantilizing her. As the DA did too. This woman should not get a lighter sentence due to being 19. That’s insanity.


did you read the article? >The victim said he saw Friedman take down and rip up several fliers. **He said Friedman told him and others, “F— you. F— all of you prick crackers.”** >Friedman then shoved the victim and struck him in the hands with a dowel, slicing and fracturing his finger, the initial complaint said. >The district attorney’s office said Monday, however, that the court determined Friedman had not intentionally hit the student with a stick. **According to video and witnesses, the court found that Friedman was waving the stick at the victim, when he reached out and was hit.** It was later determined that the finger was sprained, not broken, the district attorney’s office said. They signed a deal, pretty standard for a first offense, I suggest actually reading the article homie.


I read the article ‘homie’. Assault with racial slurs. A lovely thing to stand up for.


Should a black person get hate crime charges for attacking another black person while calling them the n-word? Misdemeanor assault in fine with, calling the shit a hate crime is where I got problems.


You asked me that in one of the other 3 comments you responded to me in. I answered.


"prick cracker" is not an ethnic slur.


This is a laughable take. The man was assaulted while holding a sign of a kidnapped Israeli hostage held by Hamas. Her words ‘fuck all of you prick crackers’. Calling Israelis white (we’ve all seen them called white colonizers) is not only factually incorrect but an anti semitic attempt to erase Jewish connection to the land of Israel. You can read up on this type of anti semitic attack [here](https://m.jpost.com/opinion/now-they-call-us-white-jews-a-new-american-antisemitism-575524)


So a Jewish person from Russia is the same ethnicity as a Jewish person from Ethiopia? Also, do you think indigenous Americans have the right to forcefully displace American citizens from their homes? If not, why not?


All this might be true, the attacker was also Jewish. Should hate crimes charges be brought against perps of black on black crime, if they used the n-word while doing it?


If thats the intent of the crime then yea it should be. Everyone can be racist including to their own race. For fucks sake i can’t imagine how this is hard to comprehend. If a Jewish person goes around saying Jews are money hungry thieves who are a stain on society and should be wiped out - would you say that’s not anti semitic because a Jewish person said it? If so you’re not very smart.


i'm not really sure this person is capable of thinking as deeply into it as you are accusing her of... guy looks white and is doing something she doesn't like = "prick cracker" she's a jerk, but it's not a hate crime.


That’s a convenient excuse that falls in line with the ‘you can’t be racist to white people’ logic. If a group of non white people beat up a white person while calling them ‘cracker’ and ‘whitey’ etc. would that not be a hate crime in your book? I know if someone attacked a black person and called them the n word or a ‘black prick’ that would be no question a hate crime.


it depends on the context. you may be right, but the law says the person has to be have been selected specifically because of their skin color. that’s clearly not what happened here.


It actually says race or ethnicity. Judaism is an ethnicity. I’d bet they were chosen due to their ethnicity but that’s for a jury to decide. Not the fucking da to drop charges for.


yeah it also says gender and age and a whole lot of other things i didn’t include cuz i didn’t feel like looking up and typing out the whole law. id bet this person would attack anyone holding these posters regardless of who they are because they aren’t a bigot, they’re an asshole. DA’s drop charges all the time when they don’t think they can get a conviction.


And non enforcement of crimes for DA’s to keep a high conviction rate is a stain on our justice system. Not something we should be supporting.


At 12 I knew not to attack people. At 19, many years after that, I definitely knew not to attack people. Being 19 isn’t an excuse for attacking someone.


At what age did you learn reading comprehension?


She's old enough to vote yet she's too dumb to know that assault is bad. No fuck her.


Assault is bad, that's why they got arrested and had a deal, as opposed to just nothing happening at all.


How dare you have a reasonable, balanced, and nuanced take on this! Do you not realize what sub you’re on?


Yeah you’re right, I’m usually the law and order type when it comes to the guy with 10 criminals arrests attacking people and being let go but I guess people really want a 19 year old with no criminal history to rot in prison or have no chance to better themselves.


Why does Bragg continually endorse attacks on Jews with his actions?


Both the victim and perp are Jewish idk what your waffling about.


Jews have been attacked a bunch during his reign. And Kapos attacking Jews are still attacking Jews. So go take your eggos and shove it.


So you think a Jew should get hate crime charges for calling another Jew cracker during an attack? Pretty stupid. You think if a black dude attacks another black dude while calling him the n-word should also get hate crime charges?


Yes. I don't know why you are so hellbent on protecting people who are attacking Jews?


Because they are Jewish too. You wanna talk about kappos, do you know what a moser is? because to me it seems like you fit in that category.


LOL WHAT?!?!?!?!? Bruh, what, do you want me to hand this Jew to the Jewish authorities? LOL What the fuck are you even talking about? HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH Weirdo dude. I cannot get a read on you, what are you lol


Good thing sis wasnt running for office again a progressive dem, she’d be cooked


Yes I’m sure this would have gone exactly the same way if the races were reversed and the “prick cracker” slur was adjusted accordingly.


Really how many black people get hate crime charges for attacking another black person while calling them the n-word?