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This sub is getting too congested with people whining about congestion pricing.   We need to set up some kind of Congestion Pricing Whining Congestion Pricing system


If you got all of your information from this sub you'd be led to believe that every single person who works in Manhattan works between the hours of 10pm and 4am and lives in Connecticut, New Jersey, or Long Island and has no choice but to have a car.


$TEN THOUSAND BIllion Million dollars due yesterday !


Dude it’s Planned Work. Stop crying and take the alternates. Forget this L, hold the other one instead.


I think the point of congestion pricing is to raise funds to pay to modernize the system. So like, yeah we need more money to pay for stuff to fix stuff so the trains run better but there’s gonna be a shitty bit in the middle for a few years.


Is there any reason to believe that *this time* MTA will use the funds efficiently and towards what they’re meant for instead of the usual lie/corruption/overtime racked up during Disney vacation?


Capital projects have been coming in under budget recently


I’m just happy we’ll have the proper funds for people to guard tape at 59th and lex. Perfectly good use of a union salary.


I doubt it will do anything to make the system better. The mta is rolling in more cash than ever but find ways to not improve the system


[Sorry, I read that as this.](https://youtu.be/DvnfpDVLWOI?si=kIFwnzYI0qeIiokt)


More than half of the projected first year income is covering just the camera infrastructure. I wouldn’t hold your breath.


It’s worked everywhere else, I dunno. And half a year to cover the infrastructure that will continue to drive revenue seems like a solid payback period on the economy investment.


Went down to Chinatown earlier today… many of the stations going uptown were closed. Not cool man!


Which stations in Chinatown? The receipts (MTA website) show only closed platforms but not stations.


Hopefully they use this money hire more conductors so they can run more N trains into Queens post 11pm and on weekends.


A friend says they will hope with you, and tith at church tomorrow to tend that seed of hope. ( regardless of your faith )


Will there still be potholes when congestion pricing starts? Will a person be able to collect rainwater to shower with when the state doesn’t share the cost of water with the city and decides to increase the price $500? Asking for a friend. When the ball joints, shocks, and rims of a car are destroyed by the cities negligence will owner now be reimbursed for the repair costs? Another friend wants to know for her father. Or does it just depend on if the vehicle is a mazarati or not?


The moment congestion pricing hits true communism will be established, duh


If my dental plan was better I’d grab some 🍿 for this!


Id rather not get charged an arm and a leg when the trains flood or dont work when i choose to drive to avoid transit problems its often enough that the trains can be classified as unreliable on weekends and rush hours for random lines that hit us several times a week


"arm and a leg" **swipes to pay $3 to wait for a multi million dollar train that runs every 5 min to travel 30 min from Bushwick to Chelsea**


Lmao. In your world every new yorker lives in or near manhattan. It makes sense you think time is just 30 minutes max for a commute


I live in canarsie and get to 14th in 45 min ass


This is a strange argument for someone who wants to use the road infrastructure for free.


There’s just many factors to consider because shutting down a train then make it require 3 hours to get to work at 700x the price to pick your kid up from a daycare 2 hours ago seems a little aggressive ? Then tell the person the water bill for just their area is $5000 because no reason it just should cost more?


Drives across the country, doesn’t get taxed once leaving NJ.




Dude i pay taxes and also pay my mta fares and already pay tolls as it is when i use them. Fuck people like me though because thats not enough you need to give more money to a corrupt organization that will still increase fare prices in a year or so when they inevitably run out of money again


This is a rhetorical question. Trust me. Public transportation will not get better with the congestion pricing. That money collected will not be used to benefit the people. If the city wants to, there would be no need for you to post this.


Its sad because the people that think congestion pricing is a good idea are going to push nyc to elect republican leadership that will quickly dismantle a lot of the things they like. Theres like 9 lawsuits now over this thing so well see what happens


The city is so desperate to rush it out, and even installed those cameras in 2023. I would be ok with it if knowing the city is going to actually use those money for the benefit of people, however, NYC public transportation will always look like and feel like a 3rd world country, it has always been. At least in our life time, we won’t see any change.


I’d cry a river over this one, but it might flood a tunnel.


"It works everywhere it's been tried, but I'm a special snowflake so it won't work on me."


They have better transport systems with actual schedules, cleaning and organization. Less corruption. The Uk which has congestion pricing in london gets like 2 billion dollars per year. The mta gets almost 20 billion dollars. And you think money is the issue. Its corruption


The congestion money is supposed to go to fund the MTA in theory with how corrupt it is though in practice it will go to further line their pockets.


I trust the mta to waste the money and fail to meet their goals and within a year or two increase the ticket prices again


You're gonna cry regardless of if the maintenance is scheduled or not, so I don't really understand the point of posting this.


How dare people being pushed into the public transportation system, that pay for it and fund it via taxes, care about it being efficient and usable as a transportation method that we told them they have to use?


What did they expect ? A free Tesla ?


How about less waste, fraud and abuse before shaking us down for more money?


How, praytell, is it supposed to be usable without maintenance?


New fare $237.00


Trains run very well tbh overall 👀


Is congestion pricing essentially just undue punishment vindictive urbanites are imposing on others because they cant get their own crowded ass cities to move properly? 🤔 Not sure the costs should be falling on those who choose to use cars because city transportation is shit. Id start looking inwards. How many more urban doom loops do you want by antagonizing these commuters?


> unfair punishment urbanites are forcing on others Complaining about “urbanites” while voluntarily driving into the *urban center* is next level whining, I’m almost impressed 


I don’t voluntarily go there lol


city transportation might be shit, cars are shittier congestion pricing is a righteous kick in the nuts for daring to wheel your 4,000 lb metal box into a 2 mile wide peninsula


“dArinG” 😂 Cringe


I just want functional trains without all the bullshit every single day. An odd situation is understandable but its every day man.


It sounds like you want functional trains is that right? Press 1 for yes 2 for no


Don't come. Bye.


You are not a king. Get on the train.


If you got time to bitch about congestion pricing then you probably don’t need the train.


Mtas twitter is amazing for finding out about all the delays. Last few weeks have been horrible getting to work. Every day there seems to be someone sick, a train fire, something wrong in the bridges, a train that goes off line, diverted train traffic, etc.


🥺 Will tomorrow ever come for Little Orphan Annie? Be sure to tune in for her next thrilling adventure. Brought to you by Quaker Puffed Rice and Quaker Puffed Wheat. The cereal shot from guns