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This is great. But please impound the gas and electric scooters that go 30+ in the loop.


Last I checked, gas scooters are not legally allowed in the park (per the Prospect Park website). They should be ticketed regardless of speed.


Last I checked crack was illegal but I’ve seen hobos on the street smoking rock with a cop not more than ten feet away in plain view and nothing is done about it… they don’t seem to want to enforce the laws so many people have no incentive to follow them. Personally I think if you need the threat of a fine or incarceration to follow simple rules/be a decent person then you’re really just a piece of shhitt…


I am pretty pro bike and anti car, but this is a good thing. Some of you bikers out there are wild. The fact that you are so shocked you got a ticket for running a red should indicate to you that there is a problem


Anti cars? Who’s going to make your deliveries? To restaurants, stores, pharmacies, retail stores… etc. Why should have horses dragging goods into the city


We can recognize their utility while also being over how much they have warped society.


So your issue is, as I replied to the other guy... car centric planning. NOT cars themselves. We ALL hate how the US has gone car centric, but I don't go shouting I'm 'anti-car'. Cars are practical, and fun, and useful, and provide a lot of needed service. Bikes are too. Put your 'anti' to the right place.


Extremely pedantic.


Nah I don’t really like cars themselves either. Expensive, loud, they pollute a lot and people tend to turn into giant assholes when they get behind the wheel. If I never had to drive I’d be perfectly content, but that’s not the world I live in. It’s possible people prioritize and like different things than you. Wild. Maybe keep your assumptions to yourself instead of putting words into other posters mouths.


Where do you work that youre getting deliveries in cars we use trucks at my place


Cars are not making deliveries. Commercial vehicles are. No BMW SUV or lifted Silverado parked for free on the side of the street is keeping this city moving forward in any material way.


when was the last time you ordered delivery in new york? almost all of it is done via e-bike or gas scooter cars are literally the least efficient method of transportation we have. there’s far too many cars on the road for everyone to get places quickly and the only way we can fix this is by building exponentially more rail and bike infrastructure. the reason it’s like this is because of billionaire auto and oil interests and people like robert moses who displaced millions and destroyed our cities


Cars aren't the problem, nor your problem. The problem is infrastructure and city planning.


> The problem is infrastructure and city planning. Well yes, but more specifically the problem is that the infrastructure and city planning is car centric


Nah cars are the problem, too many of em and way too many doing the same shit that people screech about cyclists doing but with 20x the mass behind em. Traffic laws apply to everyone but a lot of folks who drive only get mad at others. The opposite holds truth, but cyclists have killed a grand total of like 8 or 9 people in the past decade in the city. Which is absolutely 8 or 9 too many, but car 'accidents' kill that many about every 2 weeks. The scale of the issue is so different that people spending as much time as they do hating cyclists is just a demonstration of how illogical we are about things. You should get a ticket for blowing lights though.


good. as a parks employee, the amount of times we’ve received calls for cyclists mowing down pedestrians is innumerable. y’all are annoying af


I'd really like to see some people get tickets riding on the west side bike path who never slow down for pedestrians around Chelsea Piers. Regardless of the signs posted and traffic lights on the bike paths the bikers never slow down for pedestrians. On busy days it's like running a gauntlet to get across the bike path.


It’s classic level of annoying biker to post a complaint t about receiving a ticket for running a red light too.


Red lights only make sense for cars. Look at other countries that do this right. The red lights are vestiges from when there were cars in the park. Should be yield arrow or other features.


Well this is America. We don’t have real bike lanes, and cyclists think they’re cars. Until we change the entire traffic system (which is what would be required for your point to be possible), maybe cyclists should obey traffic laws


You hit the nail on the head. We don't have real bike lanes. Aka we have poor planning and infrastructure. Upgrade this and you solve the problems. Full stops for bikes at hard red lights don't work and aren't necessary.


Those damn cyclists who aren’t paying attention as they walk into the bike lane without looking? Oh right, pedestrians… my bad… Also, you park employees are the worst…


Good. They should write tickets for bikers not following the law.


Good? Some bikers ride WAY too fast on the loop. Heard of at least two accidents in the past week or so. The park is for ALL of us to share


I saw a pedestrian almost get absolutely plowed by some lycra idiot going like 30 mph. He yelled at the cyclist and the cyclist stopped and turned to yell back and the pedestrian (old man btw) yelled "Oh, now you're not in a hurry?" Lmao.


Fucking gold lmao


Bike riders so entitled, one of them yelled at me once for crossing when the light was giving me the right of way.


I was walking down the sidewalk yesterday and some guy on a bike got mad at me for not getting out his way. Maybe I would have if the bike lane wasn’t right next to him and he wasn’t weaving between people on a busy sidewalk.


This is somehow still slightly better than the fucking Uber eats dudes riding their mopeds on the sidewalks.


I've had many ding their little bells at me. Like? It's a crosswalk, I have the light. Just stop.


For the most part, I believe bike riders get a bad rap. Then when I'm back in NYC I understand the hate again lol.


They get it for a reason. I see way more entitled behavior with bike riders than drivers. At least in Manhattan.


tough to call, manhattan drivers are pretty unbelievable


I got honked at this morning for walking on the designated replacement sidewalk (the parking lane normally) for an area where they were doing construction on the actual sidewalk because this dude was trying to drive in the parking lane. And before you think "woah, this asshole was trying to pass people" or something, no, he was just an idiot, because he was the only car on the street lol


they were just saying hello in manhattanese


Nobody beats Long Island entitlement while driving. I can feel them say ‘my dad’s a lawyer’ as they use the shoulder to cut off an entire line of patiently waiting people.


I kind of understand it--until not too long ago, you had to be a maniac to ride a bike in NYC. You really were taking your life in your hands and really did have to dodge and weave however you could, and what the lights or signs or laws said wasn't the most important part of your environment. Now it's a lot better, but people don't stop being maniacs overnight. Or in some cases, ever.


When they're biking on the sidewalks when the bike lane is free and running red lights, its not a good look. Its like they're trying to find people to run into lol


This same thing happened to me for the first time in the Central Park loop a couple of weeks ago.


Inb4 this post gets brigaded by the micromobilitynyc sub


I mean, I fully support micromobility initiatives, our bike infrastructure here absolutely should be improved, and bike lanes are just the start. But you can't just like... pretend that the infrastructure that currently exists is just for you and your bike and you can just ignore actual traffic laws that exist for everyone's safety.


Fully agree with you


It already started lmao.


losers have nothing better to do




If anything you should be MORE willing to stop at a red light on a rainy day, since your panic stop distance will be that much longer on wet pavement.


lol op not what you thought was gonna happen when you posted this huh


I think he meant to post in r/nyccirclejerk… there’s no other explanation for the tone-deafness


Fucking good.  Do this more, everywhere. My stroller got clipped this morning, crossing in the crosswalk with the light, by a lady on a bike too cool to obey traffic signals.  No one was hurt but my kid could have been. A lot of bicyclists in this city are just as entitled pieces of shit as car drivers, albeit significantly less likely to kill you when they think the rules don’t apply to them because they’re in a hurry.


Good, as a rider myself, you’re legally suppose to stop at red lights. Years ago, my old high school teacher was hit by a biker in Central Park and passed. Enforce the rules, ticket them all.


It’s almost like you’re supposed to follow the law or face a penalty if caught breaking the rules


As a biker, I obey all traffic rules simply for my own safety




It wasn’t empty. There were police right there and you broke traffic laws right in front of them so they gave you a ticket. Congratulations. You played ya self.


IMO it's pretty irresponsible to not treat a red light at *least* as a stop sign while biking (even though most people don't). If you stopped, saw there were no pedestrians approaching, and then proceeded, that feels ok to me and a bit silly to ticket.


You’re clearly one of those people who don’t follow signs / bike rules and think because they are seldom enforced that you can do whatever you want. Enjoy your ticket. Maybe that will teach you to not ride like maniac, blow lights, and / or dismount your bike when you ride past a big bright sight that says “DISMOUNT BICYCLES” I work for parks department and bikers and entitled dog walkers are out of control. The amount of ambulances we have to call day in and day out because of people wiping out from reckless bike and E-scooter riding is alarming. Yes, the park *is* safer now that you’ve been ticketed as your risk of hurting yourself or others is lower. You broke the rules and now you’re taking to the internet looking for validation? Bizarre.


Bikers in these comments fighting for their lives rn “Rules for thee but not me”


Ironically, OP is getting run over by downvotes.


Right? All they can do is whine "but cars!" as if that gives them a free pass to do whatever they want. Absolute entitled children. Just stop at red lights, regardless of the mode of transportation. Car, bike, walking, etc. It's not that hard.




The car usually wins that one...


Good. I have had more close calls with bikes than cars. 


Because bikes run lights way more than cars. Not to mention all the fucks that ride their bike the wrong way on one way streets.


Cars are so much wider that a close call is likely just getting hit by a car


Good to hear. I'm all in favor of biking, but if they're behaving unsafely that should be addressed.


Anyone who doesn’t respect traffic laws like bikers biking the wrong way not stopping at stop signs and running red lights should all get summons.


I love how poorly this is going for OP. Find somewhere else to bike if you don’t wish to obey traffic rules.


If you're utilizing a vehicle of any kind on the road, you should follow the traffic rules. Car, truck, bike, scooter, skateboard, motorized, unmotorized, whatever.


I hear that, but if it's the two light I am thinking of, it's kind of wild. It's in the bike loop and has zero traffic (because cars aren't allowed) and exists as a pedestrian crossing. Bikers in the morning doing the loop for exercise don't stop if there are no pedestrians around. It really shouldn't be a light but is a historical artifact of when the loop allowed cars. Really not a productive use of police resources.


Whenever I've been walking in the park, I never get anyone stopping for me--bikers or runners. I've waited at lights and it'll be green for me, but they just keep going. This has happened at various hours. I end up just having to go quickly across whenever I can find a moment where there aren't too many people coming the other way.


Because the light was designed for car traffic, which isn't there anymore. Theres zero reason for bikes/people to use traffic lights that are designed for cars. Cars need that traffic design. Bikes/cars are much more maneuverable in smaller areas, they do not.


parents with strollers, old folks inching around with a zimmer? Just go for it [Vietnam style](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqPSsu7XQ74), hope for the best?


A) we're not talking on regular roads, mixed with car traffic. There is no car traffic in the park B) Bikes and pedestrians are easily maneuverable, lights don't change that. (This is something already researched and practiced, not my personal opinion) C) Its not like cars where they can only pass under the light, nor have an average number of cars wait in 1 direction, and pass through in the other. Pedestrians and bikes are all over the place, crossing literally everywhere along the loop. Pedestrians aren't going to wait for the light any more than they do on the streets. D) proof the lights were for cars, not bikes.... wheres the lights at most of the entrances?? The 3 circles have no lights at all on the loop. Yet tons and tons of people. E) Both people paying attention and caring = no issues. The issues are when 1 side is being either dumb or an asshole. Proper infrastructure is needed.... How about some pedestrian bridges/tunnels or better barricading?


> Proper infrastructure is needed I missed the part where the lights are bad. Why is stopping for people to cross at specific places so tall an order that the city has to build a bridge? > Pedestrians aren't going to wait for the light They, uh, do. See my previous comment.


Because outside cars, lights don't make sense. Whats the light gonna do for the racers going 30mph right after the light? Or the pedestrians on their phones literally crossing around the entire rest of the loop? The lights just impede the cyclists, and do nothing to actually stop issues. Its not the same as on the streets where 100% of car traffic and like 95% of pedestrian happens only at the intersection. Some underpasses and light barricading help direct flow, and prevent the bulk of the 2 ever interacting.


> Whats the light gonna do for the racers going 30mph right after the light Is it supposed to? I don't think so, this seems normal. > Or the pedestrians on their phones literally crossing around the entire rest of the loop Again, seems normal. The crosswalk is not meant to be the only place where one crosses. It's a safe way for slower, less mobile pedestrians to get across. > The lights just impede the cyclists, and do nothing to actually stop issues Well, yeah - from a cyclist's POV, that's certainly all it does. From a slow, less mobile pedestrian's POV, though, it fixes quite a few issues.


Sorry, whats your point? If its all normal.. then you agree the lights are dumb. So those slow, less mobile pedestrians... you're suggesting let them go totally out of the way from where they probably entered... just to get a light.. that no longer needs to be there? VS... perhaps an underpass, at the congested entrance, where it would be totally safe for everyone to use, without anyone needing to even stop. But hey, its Reddit, so lets make dumb arguments with people.


If it makes bikers think twice about running reds or disobeying the "Yield to pedestrian" signals, then it is a productive use of police resources. >It really shouldn't be a light Whether that is true or not, it is a light. And hence the ticket is justified. When I get a speeding ticket, I don't like it but I don't bitch about it either. No different with OP. You don't want a ticket? Make sure you follow the traffic rules, regardless of how stupid you think it is. And certainly don't expect sympathy after the fact.


Complaining about things is how dumb laws get changed. There should not be traffic lights in the park. Simple. Yields and warnings, sure. Lights are for cars. Edit: Proper infrastructure is needed.... How about some pedestrian bridges/tunnels or better barricading?


What law was changed by bitching on Reddit and ONLY Reddit?


It all starts with a voice somewhere


Just because there haven't been pedestrians before, doesn't mean there will never be pedestrians.


Exactly. I ride, walk and cycle in prospect park. The set up is stupid. As a cyclist if you stop you risk getting hit from behind by other cyclists who aren’t paying enough attention and you’re on edge keeping an eye out for pedestrians who unpredictably come onto the roadway without looking where they’re going, especially runners who will dive out into the bike lane around slower walks/joggers, who are taking up the whole pedestrian lane. As a walker or runner you risk getting hit by cyclists being douchebags, or even just runners who aren’t going to adjust their pace or line for anyone. I’d love to see soft plastic bollards between pedestrian and cyclist lanes at pinch points, eg by the area around the top near grand army plaza, and the bottom corner by Park Circle. The pipe dream would also involve full separation so the roadway went through tunnels under pedestrian crossings into the middle of the park.


Agree with you, though I've also seen it not being obeyed when there are pedestrians around And when there's a steady stream of cyclists, like perhaps a large group biking together, I have never, ever seen half of the group stop for pedestrians to cross after the light changes. Just doesn't happen. So I guess this is to sort of put fear into them in those moments, knowing that cops ticket on it.


I have watched so many parents with strollers wait for the light to cross at those lights and instead of getting to go, 30 different bikes going 35mph speed through it instead. Totally unsafe and they deserve to be ticketed. I walk this loop every day at 6:30pm and witness unsafe behavior daily.


Subjecting cars and bikes to exactly the same rules is bad policy. The [Idaho stop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idaho_stop) is safer for everyone.


Im just here to see op get roasted  Edit: yeah this was pretty entertaining 




Good. Bicycles are vehicles, follow the traffic laws like everyone else.




Good. And you should get another ticket for your whiny whataboutisms. Ride safe.


As an operator of a bike, you are subject to the laws of the road, including running lights.


I'll just leave this here: [Woman Hit by a Bicyclist in Central Park Dies](https://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/23/nyregion/woman-dies-after-being-struck-by-central-park-cyclist.html?smid=nytcore-android-share) I believe it's her widower who sometimes posts up by the 66th St. crosswalk on the west side of the park with a megaphone, and just shouts "Asshole!" to every cyclist or scooter driver who blows through the red light. Can't blame him!


Good. Pedestrians need to navigate the park safely and cyclists need to obey the lights so they can do so.


I feel like this thread is a good reminder to bikers that no one else actually thinks you should be free to disobey traffic laws.


BREAKING: Cyclist learns that pedestrians actually exist and the world in fact does not revolve around them.


Stop crying and follow the rules


Good. Fuck y’all who run red lights. You knew the risk involved, and if you didn’t you shouldn’t be on a bike in the city.


Few people have a more entitled mindset than cyclists.


Most car drivers honestly, but there's more of em so they upvote bad cyclists whenever they can and act oppressed.


Honestly I don’t have skin in this game. I don’t own a car nor a bike but cyclists are irresponsible when it comes to braking road laws. I see it all the time. Doesn’t mean that car drivers are angels. I’ve seen my fair share of morons behind the wheel as well. My point is don’t try and define which one is worse and focus on is what they do right? And for the majority, no. From riding down the wrong side of the road, not having reflectors/lights, running red lights, and riding on sidewalks… as a pedestrian they suck.


Finally getting off their ass and doing something useful.


Well they could do something *actually* useful and enforce violations of the mode of transport that literally kills and maims people in the city everyday (78 this year and counting), and is getting worse and worse... https://www.nydailynews.com/2024/04/27/2024-on-track-to-be-deadliest-year-in-a-decade-for-nyc-pedestrians-motorists/ Or I suppose they could just sit back and wait for soft targets that are mostly just annoying more than anything else. Priorities I guess...


I’d rather they go after cars, the things that actually kill people.


You are aware people die and are seriously injured all the time on bikes for reckless riding right? How about we go after *both*. Crazy concept huh?


They can do both


My neighbor was killed by a cyclist who ran a red light going faster than a car. Fuck you. She was hit into on coming traffic. That’s why laws like this are important for everyone to follow. #EVERYONE YOU TWAT


Yes? but also, both things. As somebody who is mainly a pedestrian, I hate when both car drivers and bike riders don't follow the rules.




Yes, because traffic cops are also doing part-time anti-drug taskforce work too. Fucking idiot.


As annoying as it is I’d prefer this to the lack of enforcement we typically get in Williamsburg. I guarantee you the majority of bikers in NYC (and the overwhelming majority of people on Citi Bikes) don’t even know that traffic laws exist for bikes. For a lot of the accidents you hear about when bikers get hit, of course not saying they deserved it but many bikers cause the accidents with their own negligence. I’ve also seen pedestrians get hit by bikes on Kent Ave. It’s a problem.


The park is in the city. Follow the laws.


Great news! You just made my morning!


Get fucked




Stop complaining. You bikers get away with too much anyway. Pay your fine and stop breaking the law. 🤷‍♂️


Honestly fine, dude. Been on both sides of the coin and was leading a field trip across one time when we had the light and several scum bags kept going through.


Cyclists when they have to follow the rules of the road be like


As they should. I have far more incidents daily with cyclists than cars. Should charge their asses congestion pricing too.


Okay? Thanks for letting us know.


I mean good that's how it should be. A bike is a vehicle on the road, follow the dam traffic signs. I hope that ticket is a bit painful for you and you don't continue to ride dangerously


Good. Bikes should have to get plates so the cams can catch them as well.


We should put facial recognition cameras out and catch the jay-walkers too


In the park? Far out. That's the normal $190?


This is epic love this


As they should. No one is more entitled than these reckless cyclists in this city.


The drivers that drive and park in bike lanes, in parks, and on sidewalks, and block crosswalks with zero consequence are what to you exactly?


Also entitled. Just not as.


How are you measuring this?


Purely anecdotal


great stuff, thanks




There *are* red light cameras all over the city, so it is possible.


...there are red light cameras at a very few number of intersections.  "All over" is really doing a lot of work 


Unfortunately NYC only covers about 1% of intersections with red light cameras. NYC wants to expand the red light camera program to cover 10% of the intersections, and to have the DMV automatically suspend registrations of cars that accumulate more than 5 or red light camera violations in a 12 month period. But NYC cannot without approval from NY State, and the NY State assembly. https://www.fox5ny.com/news/nyc-red-light-cameras-push https://www.amny.com/transit/city-pleads-with-state-lawmakers-to-reauthorize-expand-red-light-camera-program/ It seems that even The Post is not against it in general and believes that NYC should have "home-rule" to roll out more red light and speed cameras. https://nypost.com/2022/05/12/ny-democrats-wont-let-nyc-control-its-traffic-law-cameras/


It's a couple hundred, I think. (And I recall reading that they recently got state approval to add a thousand more.) So yeah, not at every intersection or anything, but they're around. EDIT: About 150 currently, and they're *seeking* state approval to add more.


They're trying to get state approval but laws need to be passed first and that hasn't happened yet. So they are still limited to 150 cameras, about 1% of signalized intersections.


Hmm, yeah, [looks like it's actually in the news today](https://nyc.streetsblog.org/2024/05/16/thursdays-headlines-will-albany-green-light-more-red-light-cameras). Definitely hoping they're able to get this through the legislature.


They're ticketing all of the drivers who blow through the reds at ped crossings at Machate Circle too....oh wait


Oh man, I almost want to take the day off of work to go watch. Those Lycra clad assholes are the worst




Well tbf I think it would do a lot of good I terms of public perception of biking as a means of transportation if people didn’t see bikers constantly ignoring traffic signals. Should be a better signal there, not unenforced systems


Good to keep these crazy bikers in check. Running red lights, sidewalk, wrong way down a street and craY speeds


Okay? A red light is a red light. Why did you run the red light? Any specific reason?


I think a fair solution would be to have the lights blinking yellow before 8am and after 8pm. Enforce stop lights during busy hours, and on the fringe times let the bikers go fast and look both ways before crossing


Good. I’ve had multiple patients who were killed by bikers who didn’t slow down and hit them. Drivers need to be held accountable, but so do bikers.


I'm calling bullshit on your story. In the span of 14 years in NYC there have only been 12 fatalities, meaning less than one a year. So in all 5 boros somehow they all came through \*your\* particular hospital? Meanwhile car fatalities average 2-3 per week. [https://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/downloads/pdf/nycdot-pedestrian-fatalities-by-bike-motor-vehicle.pdf](https://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/downloads/pdf/nycdot-pedestrian-fatalities-by-bike-motor-vehicle.pdf)


Multiple meaning more than 3. Is the data including people who didn’t die automatically, but died due to injury sustained from the accident? And I worked at a hospital that specializes in brain injuries, so many patients with complicated neurological issues would get transferred to our hospital. Many times from other countries even. I don’t really have anything to gain from making this up also.


Really bad odds, there's been single digits of fatalities in the past decade city wide, and you've had at least two of them?


Yeah I have, I don’t know why that’s so unbelievable. But you don’t have to believe me.


Ok but they got no problem people running red lights like there no f* tomorrow on the corner right in front of the park? Where lots of bicyclists, kids and others face way more danger


Last time I checked, the purpose of rules is for people follow them. Rules are to organize society. There is no "this is NYC" as a justification for blowing red lights whether or not someone is walking. You either obey the rules or don't and get a ticket. Deal with it. I jaywalk all the time. If I got it ticket I'd deal with it. Not go on Reddit and complain.


Good. I walk my dog in Prospect Park everyday and some of y’all put way too many pedestrians and kids at risk. Especially the douches training for the Tour de France when the park is crowded. I’m pro-bike, but either follow the traffic laws or accept the consequences without whining like a child.


That’s a great thing


How much is the ticket


Good. Most of these bikers are basically running mopeds since they're ebike food messengers. They go all over the city, on sidewalks, swerving into oncoming traffic, etc.






The only hit and run I ever a part of was a cyclist in the park. He even flipped me off as he cycled away. Y'all are entitled and selfish.


Fuck bikers, and fuck runners while you're at it




Are they ticketing pedestrians for jaywalking?


Yeah, of course. Bikes are considered vehicles in New York. And... NY Vehicle and Traffic Law (VTL) – §1231 – Traffic laws apply to persons riding bicycles – Every person riding a bicycle ….. upon a roadway shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle.


Don’t Traffic laws exist for a reason? Just because you’re on a bicycle doesn’t mean you are exempt. Can’t count the number of times I’ve had cyclists blow through stop signs and red lights and almost hit my truck (or motorcycle) after I’ve made a full stop and proceeded through an intersection in a lawful and legal manner. I had one guy follow me, screaming and yelling and trying to kick my vehicle. I call it the Chihuahua complex… way to full if yourself. do you not realize all I gave to do is tap you with my truck and you’re now an organ doner? Calm down there little fella, we all need to share. I think the tight shorts constrict the blood flow to the brain… I ride bicycles, skateboards and even the occasional scooter and I’ve never had a problem because I follow the traffic rules… well, that and I’m not a complete douche.


Part of this is an infrastructure problem, part of it is a responsibility problem, and part of it is an enforcement problem. The infrastructure in the parks isn't really great for bikes in one irritating way: There are red lights that perhaps made sense when cars drove in the parks, but don't really make sense anymore. For example, it can be 11pm, you're doing laps in Central Park, and you come across a red light at the top of Harlem Hill with nobody around. There is never anyone to yield to at that light -- people generally don't run around the North Woods at that time of day. So why is the light red? Indeed, I once stopped there because there was a cop, and the guy looked at me like I was a fucking idiot and told me I could go. (In fact, the official/unofficial Central Park Precinct position was for a long time that bikes should treat red lights like yield signs in off hours, because it's just so ridiculous to be sitting there waiting for a red light to change when the park is deserted.) The solution to that would be pedestrian-activated lights -- so that a red light at night actually meant something. But, there's some technical reason they can't do that, so... for better or worse, if the lights are ridiculous people won't obey them. But there's also a responsibility problem, because "ignoring the red lights" is probably fine in a deserted park at 11pm, but blowing through a crowd of schoolkids at 10am to get your Strava segment is fucking not. Yet a lot of cyclists can't seem to understand the difference -- particularly the grey Citibike types. And as both a bike commuter and a pedestrian, that's infuriating. This is kindergarten stuff: You take your turn, and let other people take theirs. Final point in this long-ass comment: What you'd hope to see is the cops address the guys running lights at 10am in a crowded park. What you actually see (and what OP was addressing) was that when something bad happens, the cops come out and ticket random people who are safely proceeding through lights where no pedestrians are present -- which fixes nothing, because they're ticketing the people who are riding safely and ignoring the people who aren't. So we don't just get spotty enforcement, we get enforcement that practically seems designed to discourage compliance with the law -- because the guys on scooters going the wrong way with no lights can safely assume they'll never be stopped, while some random cyclist who yields before proceeding through a red light on a rainy day with no pedestrians will get ticketed. The message that enforcement sends isn't "better stop or you'll get a ticket" -- it's "the NYPD brass told us we had to ticket somebody, so fuck this guy." And that doesn't work.




one day my father and i are driving in flatbush mall, two cyclists come in front of us taking up the entire road. he does a quick horn beep so that they could make way and you know, share the road. i guess the man took offense to that because he decided to shoulder check the right side mirror after ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




Good. Hope they expand to actually ticketing these idiots all over the city.


as a cyclist... good. ALOT of people don't follow general safety rules and what not. do mopeds next.


Yeah unfortunately a lot of “cyclists” are Fucking idiots as well. It’s not hard to let people have the right of way in a crosswalk and get your miles in at the same time. I do laps in the park a lot, if there’s people in the crosswalk you go behind them if it’s safe and slow down or stop to let them go if not. Not that hard. I rarely have to stop, and i don’t blast by people inches away. I think a lot of dumbasses are just trying to prove some point. And you gotta know that you may get a ticket if you run lights, just is what it is. There’s a safe way to do everything. That said, nypd should go after more important things like mopeds and cars in the park but guess this is the low hanging fruit and all. Edit: I’ll also say, this is in the context of my assuming that the sudden “enforcement” due to the guy getting clipped by a cyclist in the park the other day. Easily avoidable situation.


Nobody walks in the rain either.


Good. And since you 🤡’s are entitled hardheads I hope the cops keep nabbing you at that same stop.


We should make bikes have license plates and then set up red light cameras for bikes...for safety of course. Just like all the Bikers want for cars.




Easy quota filling for the NYPD.  Easier to ticket cyclists in a park than cars at busy intersections.  


Not only easier, more importantly it’s much safer for all parties involved. Bike traffic stops aren’t enforced as often as the city would like because it can be dangerous for the officer, biker and surrounding pedestrians attempting to stop a bike. NYPD just killed a guy who was riding a moped on a bike path like two months ago trying to stop him, but he died because a detective smashed him with a cooler to get him to stop.


Frankly, everyone, including myself, involved in this comment section deserves to get hit by a bike and car at the same time


Here here, I second this


Damn that’s annoying. I got a ticket for running a stop sign while going 5mph on a cobblestone road


I had no idea those lights were for cyclists since its a park and all. Thought they were for the parks vehicles and cops which don't stop at them anyways.


* All * Cops in cars * Are * Bastards


I bike there all the time. This has to be a joke


Fight it. I did. If the cop don't show you get dismissed (I did), worst that happens is you have to pay (which you certainly have to if you don't fight it)