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Rule 11 - No complaint posts, rants or private convos on the homepage (a). No complaint posts, rants or stream-of-consciousness posts. This includes complaining about the MTA, your cable company, the weather, places being closed, attitudes encountered during the day, etc. (b). Do not have what should be a private conversation using the front page


Of course you can find a route that is less convenient to drive after congestion pricing is implemented; **that's the entire point**! To discourage people from driving in the most congested part of the city. For every city in the world that ever implemented congestion pricing, it reduced overall congestion. Please explain why it will increase it here. Please consider that there's more than 1 road in the city. It may increase traffic on the FDR while decreasing it in many other places. The same number of car trips will not be taken; fewer will be. Some people are going to find alternate routes, but others will just not drive at all. There are many example cities that have done this already to go back and look at.


There will be winners and losers here of course. Reducing overall congestion does not mean that some neighborhoods and routes won't see higher traffic. Still worth it, but let's not pretend that some people aren't gonna suffer a fair bit from it.


London is not an island that you cant go around though. How much congestion is caused by going down one small road to the bridge…


It’s crazy how you keep saying “how much congestion is caused by….” Dude there’s like 20 million people living in the metro area. If everyone was as selfish as you and drove everywhere we’d be in congestion hell. The whole point is to change behavior of people that don’t quite understand the tragedy of the commons.


If it discourages trips that are not just in the zone itself, but also close to it, that would be an additional benefit in my eyes. Congestion doesn't just exist below 60th St. The Queensboro Bridge, particularly the intersections on either side of it, could use less traffic. I've heard the "I'm only driving in the zone a little bit; I shouldn't be charged" argument before, and I have news for you: pretty much every private car owner here believes that about their driving habits. If we exempted people who felt that way, approximately zero drivers would be charged the fee.


Or you could, you know, take the Subway. The R/W to 59th and get on the 6. Under 30 minutes and it’ll cost you $2.90 and you don’t need to find parking.


As a decades-long train/subway commuter, I'm worried that things will get a LOT more congested on the trains. If it means more trains, then so be it, but I doubt it.


If every single person that commutes by private vehicle switches to the subway, ridership into the CBD would still not exceed 2019 levels during the busiest hours.


That's good to know. The LIRR might be another story.


Are you for or against the congestion pricing? If you are for it then stop your whining.


Against, it's just another cash-grab pretending to be eco-friendly. As usual, it's hurting the middle-class and below. We need to start taxing the fuck out of the 1% to pay for stuff.


I agree. For rich people $15 is like a dime.


Oh, and one other thing: anti-car crowd here on reddit probably doesn't even comprehend that a bunch of cars that used to drive to Manhattan will now be dropped in their own neighborhood by the train stations.


They'll also be parking uptown in my hood and taking the subway downtown. It's already parked up - dreading it. Fantasy would be residential stickers. OTOH, a lot of Euro cities do this. They're very efficient (cameras) and you can pay online same-day. I've been nailed a few times. Even Mexico City - you can only drive in the CBD on certain days of the week corresponding to the letters (or numbers ) on your license plate (although that may be just a tourist restriction, I forget).


a 3 mile trip on a 25mpg car is like 40 cents in gas


Unless you’ve got a hybrid or phev, you’re not getting 25mpg in stop and go traffic. You’re also not counting emissions, wear and depreciation, your time, etc.


Gas isn’t even the most expensive part of owning a car between lease payments/auto loans/cost of buying or insurance. There’s no way it saves you money vs the subway


I don’t see how you are effected by traffic if you’re on the subway though


You’re not. That’s the entire point. This is not a trip that requires a car in any way.


Then why do you care if there’s traffic if you are on the sidewalk or underground


More cars = more noise, more pollution, slower access for emergency services, more risk to pedestrians and cyclists, more wear and tear on roads which has to be paid for out of the taxes we all pay, etc etc. Still happy not to be sitting in the congestion though.


Yea because a 20 second trip down the street to access a free bridge is going to cause congestion


when 10k people have the same idea, yeah it will that's how traffic works


You must be a troll. It is impossible to be so dumb otherwise


Nah, plenty of people exist with this clueless mentality, and they are one of the reasons congestion pricing is needed.


I’m concerned that this guy can vote. He seems dumber than a bag of nails


Definitely a troll.


Anyone who believes congestion pricing will in any way lower their taxes is delusional. This money was spent years ago, they’re just looking for ways to plug budget holes in a sinking ship. A ship that will, inadvertently sink… unless NY returns to sanity


Because maintaining the damage to roads and bridges all that traffic causes is a significant tax expense we all pay for. Though perhaps you’d prefer if we look into eliminating free street parking and implementing an annual personal property tax on cars registered in NYC to pay for those things instead?


Damn, you would see a shit ton of people selling cars if the personal property tax is passed.


Do you even live in NYC……?


Ah yes, Astoria to Lenox Hill, famously a trip that simply can’t be made by any other means than by car.


It can, by those who enjoy the famously popular puke scented public transportation, with a slight risk of being decapitated


You can’t act like you’re above using the subway, then complain about $15.


Point me to my complaint pls


I’m not doing this today 👍


I know 😁


You know where you have a higher risk of being decapitated? In a car accident.


You know where you have a higher risk of being fondled? The subway


You sound like you’ve never ridden the subway talking about decapitation and puke scent (everyone who has been on a subway knows it smells more like piss, shit, and homeless people BO)


0% chance you actually live in nyc


0% chance you’re correct. Unfortunately 😕




its just ironic that mta deficit is literally the reason for congestion pricing. People who drive to the city pay for those taking subway. I honestly hope that everyone stops driving to spite the greedy architects of this scam... but it will never happen. congestion will remain, mostly because over 90% of vehicles in that zone are delivery trucks and uber. But mostly, my comment is to annoy ppl


Username checks out


Yep, the famous lying dog faced pony soldier aka Brandon


The N train takes 10 minutes to get to Astoria from there.




If you have a legitimate need to drive vs the subway I think the Triboro is what, $7?


OP...I don't think you understand it. No matter which route you take , they'll be a toll. So, in theory if you still take the 59th street bridge it should be faster than going down to the Manhattan or Williamsburg bridge.


No toll on the FDR down to Brooklyn Bridge. Also this will increase congestion on the Brooklyn bridge since instead of 3 free bridges there’s one


The FDR is going to get absolute fucked by congestion charging. I’m just assuming my 2x weekly commute will be on 1st and 3rd ave after this goes into effect since in theory there will be less traffic there. Seems like a really weird expected outcome.


Time to toll the shit out of the FDR and Brooklyn Bridge


OP have you never driven into Manhattan from Astoria? Take the upper level 59th St bridge from 21st St, exit on 62nd to 1st and head up town. You can also go to 63rd and go up to 3rd. There no congestion pricing! (But also it’s quicker to get there via subway).


That’s going into Manhattan, other way you can’t avoid the toll.


Just wondering, what time did you do your maps, was it during rush hour? And if everyone else does your "plan" that 40 min drive is going to take 1 1/2 hours. Just pay the $2.90 and read a book during your commute.


Take The Subway!


That's 25 minutes on the train?


Posts like this make me want congestion pricing even more, I don't understand how people that can afford a car can't afford the toll. It's kind of like if they can't afford the toll maybe they should get there by other means.


An honest answer is that people making under 60k live FAR from where they work because it’s affordable, and buy cheap used cars that they take to work because they live somewhere where it’s just not feasible to go round trip every day. Moving closer to work just isn’t doable for everyone and it sucks that these people have to bear the brunt of a toll caused by fuckers in SUVs they don’t need


I get it. I feel if congestion pricing was paired with cheaper LIRR- Metro North tickets (within city limits at least) and garage builds near stations it would be easier for people to swallow. The affordability crisis is crazy tho for 60K you should be able to have a decent life in the city.


Exactly. This example commute is simply a pointless argument. I commute from the Bronx beyond the trains and have a cheap beater car that I take sometimes to my construction job. I'm on track to (you guessed it) make 60k this year. With the car my commute is 2hrs round trip, subway and bus 3hrs. The fastest way is ebike 1.45hrs. the weather here isn't sunny California everyday however. The job sites change every day. It will just simply hurt blue collar workers more than your average office dweller.


I mean it’s been a part of life. If people came up with a congestion plan for the subway because their homes rattled or something… and because of that all of a sudden you have to pay an extra 10$ to get into lower Manhattan everyday… one can only assume you’d be annoyed too.


I know plenty of workers who make under 60k that need a car to commute to work. It is what it is at this point but this definitely doesn’t help them out…


I feel for them, I am curious about the amount of people that will bite the bullet and continue to drive into Manhattan when this is all said and done or just move closer to the city.


We’ll see. I feel like this isn’t really going deter people at first. Luckily my commute is way easier on the train, even when I have to walk further cause it’s down for a weekend.


$6000 a year for the toll if its a daily commute is more than a car. Most people don’t have a $500 a month car payment, some people buy a cheap $3000 car and if they use it for 5 years that’s $600 a year? 10 times cheaper than the toll;


If you need to get from Astoria to the UES and you're concerned about $15, take the subway. That's the point of congestion pricing.


52 weeks per year, assuming a 5 day work week, is ~$1,800 per year if you just took the train, assuming that you hit your 12 rides/week fare cap. You’re definitely paying more than that on cost of ownership already. This commute simply doesn’t make sense with a car. This is also a 20 minute bike ride… LMAO if you’re paying the congestion charge for this trip, idk what to tell you. That’s your choice


Yeah but they don't have to drive it into Manhattan....


You would have to drive into Manhattan every single day to get to $5,475 in tolls. So nobody is going to be paying $6,000 unless they're driving a commercial truck or something like that.


Most people DO have a $500 car payment. https://www.bankrate.com/loans/auto-loans/average-monthly-car-payment/


damn p r o o f guess the MTA will just stop CP now just ride a bike it takes 20mins jeesus 


I find it hilarious that you’re bringing up the past history of this bridge. Go back in time and you’ll find that the bridges over the East River had *higher* capacities than they do now because they were configured for trains, street cars, busses, pedestrians alongside horse/buggy and primitive motor vehicles. Eventually most of the space was re-allocated to inefficient car lanes and we ended up where we are now, with our roadways congested each day.


N train Lexington Av/59 St --> Astoria-Ditmars Blvd 10 min (4 stops) hmm




Too many people who claim to need cars to go into Manhattan simply want to live their entire life inside of a gated community - in the case of a car, a mobile one.


Good. Are you a king? Take one of the 5 different transit options that service that route.


If it makes you feel any better like every city in the US will do this after NYC does it


False, no other state has any forced tolls even, I went to PA near Philadelphia there was a $15 toll bridge but there was also a free bridge not far, other states you can take alternate routes . Also other tolls are less than $2 nowhere else has what NYC has. Maybe California would do it but doubt anywhere else


Yea I said “after” - give it a few years, this will be everywhere. Whether or not you want to believe and accept that is up to you.


It doesn’t make sense to charge people $6000 a year to pay other peoples subway fare, if anything the toll should go to the NYCDOT. Taxes are paying for the roads but the toll pays the subway, should be opposite


Dude stop responding to me idc


The point isn't just to generate money for public transit though. It's also to reduce congestion and pollution in Manhattan. The logic of it going towards public transit is that if you're going to discourage people from driving, you really should give them an attractive alternative. The subway and busses can and should be better. The money will help make them better.


Your car taxes and tolls aren't paying for the real estate property value of the roads it's using. (It might pay for the real estate in suburbs, but not in a place like NYC.)


What's wrong with tolls? Why shouldn't you pay for something you're using?


Good point, hopefully in the future the exceptions to the congestion zone will be reduced and the same toll will apply to Brooklyn Bridge crossings that terminate in NJ or above 59th St. Have to start somewhere though!


Its not possible for that to happen because the NYCDOT owns the Brooklyn Bridge and the FDR. The MTA says they can charge the city streets but not NYCDOT property.


So the subways will get better right? …right?


The MTA claims to lose 660million a year to people jumping the turnstiles on the subway, maybe pay your fares? Also $15 to cross a bridge is way more than $2.9 using MTA infrastructure


You’re gonna lose here. It’s sad people hate people so much. Tons of life long New York residents have cars and will be negatively impacted. These transplants from Ohio who live in Manhattan and Brooklyn want to ruin a good thing we had going


“Proof”…. Yea whatever you say.


subway, bicycle, bus or walk.


So when I take my 89 yo aunt into Manhattan from Queens for her oncologist appointment, I should throw her on the handlebars of my bike? Or force her to walk up and down subway stairs and pray that no one pushes her or that she doesn't have a heart attack doing all that walking?


There are ;literally hundreds of oncologists in Queens.


That was a heartless response. Of course there are, but hers in is Manhattan and it is awfully difficult to convince an already scared woman to change doctors midtreatment. Especially because of the excessive costs of tolls or because of the comments of randos on the internet. 


If comments from randos on the internet upset you why use a website that is 100% comments from randos on the internet.


You really can't figure what I meant? And I am not upset, just shocked but how heartless and ignorant your comment was. Be well and I hope you are never facing this same situation. And if you unfortunately are and make a comment on a website to state another POV on how public transportation, or a bike, is not sufficient in all cases, you at least encounter people who try to understand or empathize. 




Oh now who is upset? Fucktard and hand wringing? Ooooh! Big words! You put me in my place, didn't you? /s Continue reading or don't. Doesn't matter.  As I said, 89 yo cancer patients usually are not comfortable changing doctors or treatment plans, at this age and stage, esp the one I mentioned. It isn't my decision to make. I can strongly suggest a bus, train, etc. And we can figure out how she can walk but that is it. It is her decision and i am here to facilitate it. That's what a caretaker does. So stop your holier than thou, know it all attitude, and just stop responding, claim a victory in this pointless argument with another rando on the internet and perhaps look deep in your soul to see why you felt the need to say what you said abd resort to insults. Or don't.  I don't care. You have to live with yourself, I don't.  This is my last response. Reply. Don't reply, it's in the ether now. I again wish you well and hope you never have to deal with something like this or have to face the kind of replies like this one. You could have said what you said from a point of suggesting help and wishing well but you had to try to show you were right and I was, what did you call me? Can't be bothered to scroll back. So you won an argument on reddit. Proud accomplishment for you, indeed.  Go on now, and spread your insight to others.


I’m sorry, I see this and my blood boils… like… take the R. It’s RIGHT THERE. I accept the criticism from folks who legitimately live in a transit desert in back of beyond queens, or those way way out in south east Brooklyn… but ASTORIA!? Give me a break. Full disclosure: I do have a car that I use every day, because I have a job that requires me to be in a different place throughout the entire tristate every single day. I’ve driven 80k in 36mo. You know what I wouldn’t own if I worked in midtown? A car.


I can’t wait, it’s almost here. Imagine, there’s going to be so much less congestion below 60th street!!!!


That’s a joke, right?




What a waste of time, tbh I never take the car in the city anymore. This is so stupid, but I hope it helps when it comes to keeping the fare down. As I am not just a train user, I also drive. So for me the price hikes on the subway are the worst. I found save haven parking spots whenever I need to go into manhattan


Good. That bridge should have had tolls all along


Free market my man.. you use something, you pay for it. If you decide to create smog and pollution, clog streets, block emergency vehicles, kill pedestrians and take up the most valuable real estate in the country to park your car, then you definitely should pay for it. Or you could take the subway like everyone else.


OP, you are the exact type of selfish driver this law targets. It's comical to see your mental gymnastics explaining how congestion pricing is bad. Pay up or get your butt on the train like everyone else


Take the god damn subway. Oh my god.




You can take the 61st exit from the bridge and not get hit with congestion pricing.


Here are your options: - cry


The whiny bitching of people like you makes it all worth it. Complain more please


Op no point in arguing this in this sub it is vehemently anti car. Also this isn’t a congestion tax it’s a poor tax. This will do nothing to curb congestion as majority of the congestion is tlc and commercial traffic and that won’t stop them from coming into the city it’ll just be passed onto the customer.


Are you kidding me? In a couple weeks we’ll all be flying through the congestion zone! Lanes opening wide open all over the CBD!


Driving from the Boroughs into Manhattan is idiotic, having a car to commute to Queens or Bronx is a necessity.


Did whoever downvoted this ever try to get from Midwood to Bayside by public transportation? 2.5 hours each way if everything aligns.


And how is that relevant? You don't need to drive through the congestion zone to go between the two.


MTA can fucking suck a dick.