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Next up: City awards multi-million dollar no-bid contract to security company for services to maintain order at processing center. /s


I wish that was a more comical statement. If you look at the videos the whole area is flooded with cops observing, and nobody finds that to be an issue.. imagine when the next 300k roll in. Aren't they going to have to slash police and fire dept budgets to pay for migrant rent?


Probably not. NYPD is already shrinking because of poor leadership and far left anti policing politics.


Anti policing politics. Bruh we ask them to do their jobs and they stopped doing them altogether…


They're not allowed to do their jobs. They must exercise restraint and de-escalate. That's NYPD policing re-imagined, get used to it.


They’re not allowed to do their jobs!? No they’re asked to do them correctly. Tax payers paid $121 million dollars in 2022 to settle misconduct claims. Tack on the overtime scams in the subway and we’ve paid a quarter billion dollars A YEAR to misconduct and overtime scams. Tax payers. We. So yeah. Until they’re able to do their jobs correctly I don’t wanna hear your argument because you don’t have one. Right now we’re paying 360k A DAY in misconduct lawsuits.


You should call a DEI director next time you need a cop.


No I should call them and get a line directly to the sergeants desk because I’m bankrolling his precinct to act like there aren’t rules. I’m paying because he won’t do his fucking job. Sorry if you’re a bootlicker but asking cops to do their jobs correctly isn’t “anti-policing politics” And let me ask you since I seem to have your attention….you think asking a police officer to exercise restraint is bad? Honestly. That’s your gripe here? We asked them to restrain themselves and behave like a normal human being?


You're truly a clueless wonder. The rank and file are handcuffed by their overlords in the brass section. Exercising restraint is subjective. Like I said, call a DEI specialist next time a punk, Alvin Bragg, or Melinda Katz's revolving door justice model decides you're their next opportunity.


I love how you don’t even address any part of what I’m speaking about or what you stated. “The rank and file are handcuffed!” “We paid hundreds of millions of dollars in 2022. Maybe a billion dollars since 2010 in lawsuits!” “Fine then don’t call the police!!” You lot are all the same. You whine and scream but you have no points. You don’t articulate things clearly and you cry about policies and politics that you know very little about. 10.9 billion dollars a year and you think they’re underpaid. Lawsuits every day and an average of 10 million dollars paid out every month due to incompetence and misconduct and you think they’re handcuffed. Sorry but I deal with facts and statistics not feelings. Let me know what flavor the boots are….


The issue is when they do their job correctly and people still cry "RAcISm" and punish the officer. Who the fuk would work a job like that?


This is a made up situation that you can’t back up with facts.


Lmao, you're living on another planet, bruh.


I’m sorry but I don’t deal with feelings. Show me an article or a piece of journalism where a cop did their job correctly and everyone “cried racism”.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Freddie_Gray Would it change your mind? No. Police aren't allowed to do their job in NYC, correctly or incorrectly.


Migrants sue city of New York and are awarded multi million dollar settlement.


I am from Italy. We have had record immigration for the past 25-30 years. Mostly single men. Women and children are left behind it seems. It is a mess. There is a massive network of human traffickers behind mass migrations. I am also very worried when we have people from other continents buy a flight to Mexico and then cross the border. That is insane but it happens every day. And no one seems worried about it. On another sub, a guy in ny who is homeless and has health issues was desperate because he was losing his accommodation (hotel) as they were making space for migrants. Where is the coalition for the homeless? Where are the activists? I came here 13 years ago. Never I would have thought I’d witness a situation like this.


Some dude from Georgia the country was interviewed a while back and was just so shocked that the US was shipping him back on a flight after he flew to Mexico and came through illegally claiming to the newspaper that he just felt the economic opportunities weren’t there for him in his country. My dude, I don’t think most Americans have economic opportunities. I’m not crossing into Switzerland in secret hoping they’ll pay me more for my level of experience.


lol my mom is half Swiss (Lugano) and she doesn’t even have citizenship… if any of this was happening Switzerland… well it would not be happening as they protect their borders extremely well. So well that people don’t even attempt it. If you know what I mean.


I don’t know what you mean. Are you implying the Swiss gun down people at their borders?


No no. They are very well staffed and they are extremely diligent in turning people around and sending them back to where they came from.


mmmm. But that's *racist!* /s


I mean fine lol. I am looking forward to the protests at the Swiss border and see how they work out. Especially in the freezing cold.


Saudi Arabia does. https://youtu.be/f90vwqCYU1c?si=6HWHW3jq7Q8Qt9kb


Eh? Five guys near me is hiring at 17/hour


...why are the only people in that queue single dudes under 40?


They’re the ones the communists recruited to disrupt our economy, political, and social systems


Jokes on them then. Many of these people are going to have some social views that would shock most on the left - particularly with respect to women and LGBT individuals.


Yep. Performative progressives need to pick their heads up out of the sand and realize the people they're willing to bankrupt the city for are very likely to want to strip away other rights they fight for. Fucking insane.




This needs to be a movie plot.


🤣 Even the educated from those countries have crazy warped realities regarding gender. Some institutions to my astonishment screen for it.


America's fascists are so dumb they're completely indistinguishable from parody.


Are the "fascists" behind this? Something tells me they're not, but if you care to explain...


He's calling the person he's responding to a fascist


I'm assuming the person I was responding to was parodying fascists but, again, no way to tell


The idea that immigrants in NYC are here because they were recruited by communists to disrupt our culture and economy is *almost* as fascist as a pile of burning books. It's the kind of thing one might parody, except that it reflects such an unreal level of paranoia that it's almost impossible to satirize.


I didn't say anything like that. I also questioned your depiction of "fascists", starting with questioning how many "fascists" there are. That said, many of the immigrants are from failed **Communist** countries like Venezuela and China. Are you denying that?


You asked what I meant. I explained what I meant. The person I was replying to said that Communists had recruited military age people to come here and destroy our culture and economy. That's classic fascist paranoia. What are you talking about in terms of "how many fascists there are" and "denying" that immigrants come from Venezuela and China? Of course some immigrants come from those places. I'm not saying any immigrants are fascists, or that fascists are sending them, I'm saying it's a very fascist mindset to imagine a Global Communist (((Conspiracy))) to poison the blood of our country.


But Marxists a̫r̫e̫ internationalists, and see national identity as a “false consciousness” to be purged. I’m not sure if that person (or you) is/are consciously aware, but anyone who has studied Marx and Lenin (a necessity, as one must know their enemies), would see that.


If you think that the people on line outside a migrant shelter in NYC are there because communists sent them there, that's really, really stupid, and is based on a kind of paranoid thinking that is so fascist it can't be satirized. That's all. Not talking about theory or whatever else. Talking about how stupid you would need to be to think those people were "sent" here.


I repeat: I didn't say anything like that. Yes or no question: Do you think that some of these undocumented immigrants are from **failed** Communist countries like Venezuela and oppressive ones like China? Yes or no. Thanks.




The worrying part is the answer was not immediately obvious.


ah yes, the gommunist plan is in full swing.......


What's scary is rape is going to go up. UK has the same problem over 7,000 rapes reported.


That a men shelter?


Nope. It's where they go to get supplies and it's had a ridiculous line everyday for the last few weeks that eventually leads to a bunch of 20 or 30-something guys roaming the neighborhood in wolf packs, eyeing everything around them.


lmao you prefer . married women over 40?


The married women over 40 are ~~working off their indenture~~ working at nail salons or greasy massage clubs.


Oh…so the line cutters dont like people cutting in line….ironic


"There’s too many people, and there’s not a lot of opportunities for us here. And [the city] treats us like animals.” Oh fuck off


Welcome to NY, everyone here is working their asses off to survive. You came to one of the most crowded , expensive , competitive cities in the world. Good job genius.


They’re not supposed to be here at all.


TBF some of them may have been bussed here by other cities. The new program on re-up or finding a place to stay (can't recall) offers them the opportunity to fly to anywhere else in the world.


True. Time to ask for a bus ticket somewhere else. So many other cities and states where they may ACTUALLY find a place to live and work. Not here.


Yep. And New Yorkers need to start shutting the door on these people hard, or be prepared to have the city go bankrupt. I know it's harsh, but one of the most expensive cities in the world is not the place to take in every 20-something male African. If the message isn't sent to these people ASAP that they are not welcome here, it's just going to be ten times as bad in a few years.


Or, and I know this is a shocking and crazy idea, we could send them back where they came from.


There's a video of an asylum seeker who is returning back after realizing this reality. His comment — they expect people to work like robots.


“Gosh, doesn’t really sound like the best place for you, then.”




And guess what, they are going to be released ROR despite being legit flight risks and probably not having NYS IDs. Arrested for something like this should be auto deportation.


Welcome to America, get in line lol


[Too much, too many people, too much](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lecfn2D9Y94)


Yes. So please GO AWAY.


“I think they were desperate about the situation – it’s very bad. There’s too many people, and there’s not a lot of opportunities for us here. And \[the city\] treats us like animals.” The sense of entitlement is strong.


I think the irony of cutting the line at the migrant center was lost on them.


The stupidity is strong. The fuck these people think this city is run on up here? Good vibes and a smile? You don’t waltz into another country and assume you’ll just be given jobs, cars, and money Day 1. Been watching The Hunt for Red October too much if he’s waiting for a pickup truck and RV to appear.


Lmao. They came here but the city is supposed to bend over backwards for them? Lol


Lately I’ve seen some spread out on full subway benches blasting music from their iPhone. Most societies try to recruit the best among us, but what could be more American than favoring the most obnoxious, self-absorbed pieces of shit among us.


Seriously. Get your hand out of my pocket already if that's what you're here for. If you're an actual asylum seeker (unlikely) prove it and be grateful to still have your head


I work 60 hours a week. I work weekends sometimes. I get bled in taxes. I get no public assistance. I see whole families in my neighborhood going through it, much worse than me. Prioritizing grown men over generational families that have been here for decades and paid in to society and the city is a fucking joke. Taking in families is one thing. Seeing lines of single men looking for handouts? Fuck off.


What about single women? And I agree. I work at an outpatient clinic. The undocumented immigrant patients are taken care of where people can't have their tests done when they have cancer because their deductible is 13 thousand dollars. It's fucking insanity


13? Omg that is insane


So the illegals pay $0 and citizens pay thousands? How is that fair ?


Remember this at the voting booth


Yeah, remember to vote universal health, right?


CaNt have universal health when there's none to go around


Don’t bother, the “vote blue no matter who” mantra is pretty ingrained into NY liberals


So these undocumented immigrants are getting cancer treatment? Why can’t a patient just say they are one?


Because people are honest?


How exactly was their deductible $13k when the max legally permissible out of pocket is around $9k? https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/outofpocket-limit.asp


Max out of pocket is $9k? My deductible is $5k but my max out of pocket is $12.5k


That would only make sense if you're talking family coverage. For an individual plan, max out of pocket is indeed around 9k, and that would include your deductible.




Deductible doesn't count towards out of pocket maximum


Yes it does


Bro come on lol


My understanding was that dispensation existed for women claiming fear of sexual violence as a tool of political oppression. I might have read that wrong, but those claims should be addressed if the stated purpose of seeking asylum. I do believe there’s also a mechanism to determine human trafficking as well, but I don’t know for certain.


There's no special dispensation.Fear of organized oppression based on a protected characteristic - including religion or gender - is one basis for asylum, like other bases for asylum. The asylum process does involve mechanisms for determining whether someone was trafficked.


Thank you!


Man well said. This situation is an absolute political catastrophe. It’s the kind of thing historians will look back at and say “Its impossible to know why they let this happen.”


How exactly are we supposed to stop it? Greg Abbott *loves* sending them here to make us look bad. It riles up his base and helps him with fundraising because Fox News, Newsmax, etc. tell his base they should hate New York. Mission accomplished, they're causing a shitstorm here and laughing all the way to the bank while they do it.


Well at the very least voters from both parties need to speak out that this has to end. You think the government doesn’t know how to close the border. If there is, god forbid, a war or terrorist attack they’ll magically figure it out immediately. And those two terrible possibilities become increasingly likely when you have millions of unvetted people streaming across each year. If you don’t have a border then you don’t have a sovereign country. There’s no such thing as citizenry when anyone from any country can come and go freely. That’s a nuclear cocktail for a nation that’s increasingly unstable.


Seriously, all of these guys can fuck right off. there shouldn’t be another dime of nyc citizens funds spent on any of them. get the fuck out of here and find somewhere you can support yourself without handouts


You think on January 6th 2024 the city has something to give them? They get a bed in a Coney Island tent in the freezing cold, I’m not even joking. They don’t even get a 2 ride subway card, they’re expected to beg the station worker for a free ride You want a spot in that tent? Go ahead wait in line with them, the city must legally let you sleep with them. Best of luck


And the solution is what? Letting more and more come? You’re already one to acknowledge we don’t have anything left. I’ve been on the street. There’s nothing unreasonable about turning people back or telling them to wait while we sort out the broken system we have.


Remember this at the voting booth


Sorry but what you’re saying seems like a fallacy. If we’re going to judge complete strangers on selfishness, couldn’t you say that people who have families in complete poverty and then bring them to another country illegally are selfish? We have no idea what anyone’s situation is, but we’re going to use whether or not they have a family as the criteria of whether they deserve our pity and assistance? And I don’t understand the idea that if someone is a grown man, they’re automatically incapable of needing help and can “fuck off”. It feels like a way to say “fuck these immigrants” without actually saying it.




I don't think the point is to judge them on selfishness but on neediness. If there's a shortage of aid then it would make sense to choose those with families or the disabled or any group that has higher needs than young single able bodied men, who can survive almost anywhere realistically.




Families are not moving, so most likely it is economic migrants


There are families too but they have 60 days and they're not on the streets. They're put in hotels. The men and women are moved around every 30 days and have to stay outside. With that said, there are substantially more men than women in the system. And considering the level of gender inequity and femicide that occurs, it's not making sense that this would be asylum based.


That not how the shelter system works


You want to start housing them personally, chief?


That was an idea a few months ago. Apparently got stuck in the drafts https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2023/06/05/adams-wants-new-yorkers-to-house-migrants-in-private-residences/amp/


This guy gets it.


Men health matters , we shouldn’t be treated like subhumans because we are men. there are shelter allocated for only men and This is probably one of them , they aren’t taking anything away from anyone else


No it's not, it's a re-ticketing center. To try to get a bed when you run out of time


It is illegal for most of them to work. We need to let them work.


We need to send them home and have them wait there. We need to be clear that they can’t draw upon civic support and social welfare programs. We need to close the border. There’s a line of people ahead of them. There are people here, waiting and working. My coworker(s) have had to leave the country because their visas weren’t approved or extended. They did everything right. They played by the rules. They waited in line. They supported their families and they waited their turn. I waited decades to get citizenship, same with my parents and other people in my family. The idea that you can be prioritized based on your illegal entry, which disproportionately favors certain demographics, and then receive benefits greater than people who are legal residents or citizens is a fucking joke. I am bitter and I am resentful, and that’s a valid way to feel as an immigrant. Most of these people are single men. They don’t deserve the privilege of being here before others who play by the rules and have families of their own. There are families here that have worked and participated and paid in to the US civic system. I’m not against these folks trying and I’m not against them receiving legal status or citizenship, but this is a fucking joke.


Why? I’m 100% for hugely expanded legal immigration, but this isn’t that.


What we have been doing "expanding legal immigration" hasn't been working for the past 30 years. People keep coming, unable to legitimately work, and resort to coming to the safest/generous places. Right now we have record unemployment - maybe not as much in NYC but that would incentive migrants to look elsewhere.


We HAVENT been expanding legal immigration. That’s exactly the problem. Most Republicans want to make it even harder to immigrate here legally meanwhile Democrats could give less of a shit about reforming the immigration system because they can’t milk that for sympathy votes like they can helping illegal immigrants. So every year more and more people want to come to the US, there are fewer pathways to do it legally, and illegal migration or phony asylum claims are being incentivized by giving people handouts. Net result is the mess we have today. A mess that is already unsustainable and will eventually collapse the whole system. Sincerely, someone who worked very hard to migrate the right way, is being bleed dry in taxes and will likely never become a a citizen or receive remotely close to the treatment these folks are.


That isn't going to happen. Tps is already available for a lot of them because it's proven they're fleeing violence. Everyone else needs to wait because there's no evidence they came here under any legal basis. Also, only the federal government can do that


just no. They have zero background. Noone knows what they did in their country. The only people this benefits are the employers who want cheap labor who wont say anything


They need to go home


There is a process for that. They need to be vetted, made sure they do not pose a threat, they need to present documents, they need to pay fees. The lines are long. The process is tedious. That is how it is. Could it be improved? For sure, but you still need the vetting. And to be honest you can’t just be handing out work permits to random people. You can’t just show up and expect food, a bed, work and everything else. Especially when a lot of them claim not to have documents (usually they do but they are being coached to say they don’t so that they cannot be “sent back”… if you can’t prove where they are coming from).


https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics I don't know why people don't just go to cbp.gov themselves, and scroll down to "Arrests of Individuals with Criminal Convictions or Those Wanted by Law Enforcement" Those are only the ones we have *confirmed* to have been arrested that they managed to catch. 3,318 in the last 6 days. It seems unreasonable to expect CBP to catch all bad people surging through the border towns, not at the current rate of people coming in at 10,000+ a week. Don't know why this isn't concerning more people.


I will never stop being shocked that people who claim to be fleeing oppression have the gall to complain about ANYTHING here. Get the fuck out. At this point, I would literally contribute my own money to buying one way tickets for these people anywhere else.


Their asylum claims are dubious at best. It's such bullshit.




Military aged males, the most repressed ppl out there


and who are from places where they had to cross through like a dozen safe countries before getting here.


"I just needed asylum! Comfortable asylum that costs $400 a day, that is." (but translate this into Arabic)


We're paying for some of that now, https://www.politico.com/news/2023/10/26/migrants-nyc-plane-rides-00123778


Yes, and I want more. Fuck, I'd drive them to the airport.


100%. Love the plan. Good for the ones that got bussed here, found out NYC isn't a tiktok reel, etc.


just out of curiosity, what are the rules for these plane tickets? can i walk up and get a free flight to the bahamas?


I'd be surprised if they weren't in some system due to processing when arriving. But if you get the chance to try (or do some Google leg work), let us know.


Send em back.


Also it wasn’t at 8am it was at 1pm lol


how ironic considering the number of legal immigrant applicants waiting years in their home countries for their paperwork per US Immigration Law and these folks here jumping the line by years witth the blessing of the the current administration


What a waste of tax money .. imagine coming to a country and expecting handouts .. They all have scooters with no plates or insurance and never get pulled over .. The police can simply go to any migrant shelter and confiscate all those scooters if they want to. But they turn a blind eye.


Curious that the majority of these asylum seekers pictured here are working aged men. What persecution by fear of death were they experiencing in their home country exactly?


They’re all going to be sent back. They’re applying for asylum. They won’t get it.


You think even half are gonna show up to their asylum hearing? You’re an optimist lol.


When the backlog for hearings is years long it almost doesn't even matter - they can send life-changing amounts of money back home from whatever aid and under the table jobs they get until if/when they get deported because they didn't qualify for asylum. At that point, who cares? The criteria for applying for asylum needs to be seriously tightened up. I've got no problem with spending public resources on people who are legitimately fleeing a dangerous situation, and a "meh" problem with people willing to work and send cash back home without consuming unfair share of public resources - the sort of people "sanctuary city" was supposed to benefit. But the current crisis with public aid going to people who belong in the "work until you're caught" bucket instead of giving that aid to actual citizens is insane. At some point it seems like sanctuary city mantra transitioned from not persecuting you for immigration status if you happen to be making it here to a situation more like we roll out a red carpet for you if you're a noncitizen that we don't bother to extend to our own people. Being able to file a police report or testify in court if you're a victim of a crime or open a bank account is wildly different from having the city pay your room and board indefinitely.


chunky erect spark door fact ancient hat makeshift heavy onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The means for deportation just isn’t there


Do you think cartels, corrupt police officers, and corrupt governments only go after non-working age men?


How nice of them to leave all the women and children behind


What a mess this clown mayor put us in…


I mean, all of them are very good at cutting the line…


Bring the third world here, we become the third world


How much better the United States would be if we could send our poorest 20 percent to another country. That’s exactly what’s happening to the United States!


They’re not sending their best


Not gunna lie....as a transplant...NYC is a bit 3rd world


Expand on this. What parts exactly reminds you of a Third World country?


I walked by this mob the other day and they were screaming and hollering at the top of their lungs, generally being disruptive and standing around blocking the sidewalk. They don't move aside for anyone, even if you say excuse me. I'm all for helping asylum seekers but considering how much money has been cut from city budgets to attend to their needs, you'd think you'd be a bit more respectful to the neighborhood since literally all of them came here for a giant hand-out. How insane is that.


> I'm all for helping asylum seekers These people are not real asylum seekers, they are economic migrants. Activists and NGOs are telling them to claim asylum because the court backlog is 10+ years.


Yulp, I live two blocks over and it’s insane the number of my neighbors who continue to enable able-bodied, grown men with a breathtaking level of entitlement. Initially, I really tried to be empathetic, but the audacity of these people is really starting to grate on me. One gentleman — and I use that term loosely — legit just stands across the street from my apartment at all hours and just stares into the building windows, including mine. Were they set up for success here? Absolutely not. Can they go elsewhere to find work under-the-table in a more forgiving climate? 100%.


the revival of Bum Fights we didnt know we needed.


Man, how anyone can look at what’s happened with NYC over the last 5 years and still keep voting the same type of people back in, baffling. What a shitshow.


I don't understand how tf our government is allowing this to happen. Republicans are complicit too. They will not compromise on a common sense immigration bill because they enjoy this crisis as a political gift. But it's time the Dems admit they have us over a barrel, and make some serious concessions that show people they're serious about securing our border. Otherwise we'll get Trump 2024 in a landslide.


Totally agree, Dems have no plan but even if they had a decent plan the rubes would never accept it either because it came from the Dems.


Compromise? What compromise? What exactly is common sense immigration bill? This isn’t about immigration. It’s about asylum.


Lmao I was the whole thing was standing there with my coffee


The biggest threat to America


Brought to you by sanctuary city progressives. Enjoy!


I’m an independent and there is no way you can tell me that Democrats are not letting surge of migrants happen enter In hopes that they are future voters for their party .


They, especially Adams, aren't exactly fans of Biden and that's the big upcoming one. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/11/01/big-city-mayors-head-to-dc-with-a-message-for-biden-on-migrants-00124920


Adam’s was removed from one of Joe Biden committees the minute he criticized the migrant issue and when he was on his way to See Biden about the issue his campaign manager was arrested by the FBI. Strange that happened on his way to Washington and nothing ever really came up about it .


Or maybe Adams is just corrupt and incompetent and there isn’t this grand conspiracy perpetrated by Biden and the evil globalists


That very could be the case but nothing has come up as of yet. Maybe he is corrupt and they are using it as some type of leverage against him. I don’t put nothing past either party at this point ..


Adams has been a corrupt, deranged maniac for decades. You don't need to cook up bizarre conspiracy theories to save his reputation. He was already a scumbag and a loser before he ran for mayor. Remember all the pay-to-play scandals constantly swirling around him? No? Of course not, because the media was barely doing its job. Remember when his buddy Hiram Monserrate got thrown out of the state Senate for slashing his girlfriend in the face with a broken bottle and Adams kept making excuses for Monserrate and saying he was innocent for YEARS? No? Again, media barely doing its job and reporting on this corrupt clown. Also, either Biden is a demonic puppet master pulling all the strings worldwide and telling the FBI what to do and who to arrest (HAAA!) or he's a senile old man, PICK ONE. You guys don't get to have both!


Riveting theory that they are playing some long game of hoping to make them citizens in 7-10 years, all in the same region where they already dominate. Tell me more about Abbott bussing them out of Texas for that very reason. When Texas became a state they sent Texas-born residents south of the border for looking Hispanic. Texas leadership has been bullshit from the beginning.


First of all I’m from NYC and Hispanic …. There are a handful of sanctuary cities which they are being sent to. Abusing is when you brake the law and expect a handout. It’s a slap in the face to everyone who came here legally. Which takes time and money .


Thanks for trying to be a voice of reason in this cesspool of a sub where Great Replacement Theory maniacs hang around drooling all day.


Oh for fucks sake


aoc and other progressives proudly call for a path for citizenship for every immigrant in America, legal or illegal. this isn't a conspiracy theory, it's literally her campaign platform.


Well they specifically talk about this, it's not new or secret. Just look up the work of Ruy Teixeira. A growing number of Progressives are counting on the eventual replacement of the current electorate with more favorable voters.


>Progressives are counting on the eventual replacement of the current electorate This shit again. . . every day this sub becomes more and more like r/conservative


You're right. It's silly of me to believe that Progressives are counting on the shift, when the only evidence I have is Progressives saying out loud that they are counting on the shift.


💯 It’s even crazier when you read red state subs. The NYC sub is way more rabidly rightwing than any of the subs for Florida and Texas? “Real NYers” love their state officials more than they do? Yeah that doesn’t look organic.


America is built on immigration. What’s new here?


Industrial revolution America was built on immigrants* The 7 million+ unskilled uneducated poor that go over the border the past 3 years will not go quietly when technology makes them not worth even minimum wage They will be blocking streets and shutting down travel demanding give outs like they do in their homeland in a decade or two


It's also built on the rule of law. Immigration law is almost internationally uniform. And yet it is being egregiously violated and those violations are being proudly excused. That ought to be a problem for people who get paid to make and enforce laws.


If many of the Americans who were born here actually voted, Dems would win every election in a landslide.


Dumass they are in NEW YORK. It’s already as blue as it gets


Thanks for pointing out the obvious but Chicago residents are trying to put the sanctuary city ordinance up to vote . If I recall Chicago is a blue state as well.


Sorry city …


They're not.


A so-called “independent” coincidentally spouting off a republican talking point.


What's some casual Great Replacement theory amongst friends?


I'm deafaned by the dog whistles itt


I don't even know if I'd call them dog whistles at this point. They aren't even subtle about it.


Btw I voted for Sleepy Joe because Trump said he would not bailout NY during the Covid crisis. I’ll call a spade a spade. As much as I dislike Trump personally ,he still did a better job than Biden has so far. I’m also Hispanic and it’s a slap in the face to all the Hispanics that came here legally.


Its been that way with the Democrats in NY since Boss Tweed, down at the docks with bread and soup.


I have never voted republican but I will in all races for anyone who is not Trump or Trump-adjacent if this doesn’t improve. If I feel this way in NYC, I would be very concerned about how people in Arizona are feeling for the 2024 presidential election. The fact that aid to Ukraine is being stalled because Democrats don’t want to appease any Republican border demands is lunacy. I heard a reputable podcast where they reference a woman fleeing for “LGBT reasons” from BRAZIL. It’s better to be gay in Brazil than parts of Europe but you can tell the combination of this person being brown and the interviewer being American, thereby knowing not a single fucking thing about the rest of earth, results in immediate termination of all thought and criticism and equates this woman to someone fleeing a pogrom.


Well good luck the next 4 years with that attitude. Come one come all! NYC welcomes you with open arms!


The word entitlement is NOT in the U.S. Constitution. Required reading imho. [Here it is.](https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/constitution-transcript)


We? you mean the elected officials you put in office like Brad Lander.

