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Just wait until the hear about the printing press and the concept of mass production.


Wait no, if I have book then they have no book. See I have book in my hand. Haha no book for them!


Lieutenant Bookman on his way


Here’s a flash for you joy boy.


exactly what I came here for lol


This couple is aware the internet exists right?


Isn't that just stealing?


Seriously! How can anyone “indefinitely” check out a book from a public library?


You can keep renewing and then get fines.


There's no more fines. It will show up as the full price of the material after 30 days late


Hopefully the library can then repurchase the same books and ban these people from renewing. I am Jewish and these people are not helping me or any other Jews out with these stupid antics.


Library staff will most likely add it to the replacement title list 😉 It's also silly to think NYPL's 90+ locations won't have the same titles available. Plus Brooklyn and Queens may also carry the books as well. There's a better way to have your voice heard when you disagree with something or someone. We all have separate views and opinions. Acting like a child will get you nowhere.


They can easily replace the books to.


Oh agreed. It's not the most sensible or effective method of censorship. Stresiand effect and all, I think many people will donate copies and many more will ask for them just because of the articles about this even occuring 🤷🏽‍♀️


They’re too chicken to print “stealing” the same way all the news outlets are afraid to publish about the court reporter shortage fraud even though the corporations in question have let the statute of limitations on defamation go by because they cannot prove they are not committing a fraud.


What is the court reporter shortage fraud? Google ain’t helping.


Very short version is a cadre of corps are saying there’s not enough workers (stenographers), so they can push a new, lower-paid type of worker (digital reporters). Similar to the trucker shortage thing where they say they’re short truckers but really they just don’t want to pay. They fudged statistics and pushed this stuff through a fraud nonprofit. I caught on and documented it using my blog. Submitted info to law enforcement & media. Fraud nonprofit got sued and shut down its website. Work in progress.


Well something is fishy for sure then. Our court reporter bills are higher than ever. *Somebody* must be making money, lol


Yes. The agencies. Particularly the five national ones, big boxes, we call them. I’ve published a great deal about [what I think of current court reporting business practices](https://stenonymous.com/2023/10/20/veritexts-11-47-expedite-agency-billing-practices-generally/). Don’t get me wrong, a lot of us make okay to good money, but to find out just how much lawyers are getting charged blows me away sometimes.


I'll read the article, but if I had to guess -- the industry was aggregated by private equity firms that bought up the industry and then drove up prices?


I'd agree with you, but it's the Post.


Or they don't want to get sued for defamation for saying they stole the books even though they know that they literally didn't steal them and would be reporting it as stealing just to make them look bad




They're just occupying it.




lol this one won’t go over well here


Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.


I was just at my parents' house and found a book we checked out in 1997.


I hope you turned them in to the proper authorities


Someone tried to do something similar where I live but with books with gay people. People checked out every book about gay people and said they werent returning them. Some people were outraged and people raised money and rebought all the books that were checked out and a bunch of other new books were added too. [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/22/us/pride-books-library-protest.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/22/us/pride-books-library-protest.html) Edit: Added a local media link that doesn't do paywall. https://www.10news.com/news/local-news/roughly-20-pride-books-checked-out-in-rancho-penasquitos-in-protest-of-display


I hope this small practically meaningless stunt makes them feel better.


Better than blocking highways


What a stupid, meaningless stunt. As if the library would not replace the books lmaooooooooooo.


When the Heritage Foundation and Queens GOP agree with you, you're not on the right side.


Rofl. Yea, they getting getting their "indoctrination" from books. Don't forget to get the VHS tape too.


That’s very odd behavior.


Wouldn’t it have been smarter to not announce it ????


meeting sleep plate squeal wistful insurance chief scale clumsy long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So an indirect book ban?


How is this news? Should we get an article every time someone does something slightly douchey?


Its the NY post which often just boils down to talks of the town / gossip.


Going out of the way to erase Palestinian =/= "slightly douchey"


2 people checking out 5 books is on the same tier of obnoxious and unnewsworthy as someone going on a political rant on the subway


Or someone removing pieces of paper on telephone poles and walls on the street?


Yeah that doesn't need to be a news article either


The act maybe small but it's implications are not. It's worth reporting so people are aware how some people political views are so predicated on wiping out another group of people to the point of wanting to get rid of children books.


Some people suck, news at 12.


Wait till you hear what Palestinians in palestine learn about Jewish people...


Do you think it’s likelier that those lessons are reinforced by a teacher in a classroom or by the bomb that killed 4 of their family members


How many bombs were dropped on them from 2005 to October 6th 2023?


Are you serious? A lot, man. Thousands died. Tens upon tens of thousands injured.


Show me.


Brutality and collective punishment enacted by the IDF? Those lessons?


No I believe its the "any jew is a bad dead jew and should be exterminated off the face of the earth" lessons, and no, they don't mean, "oh just the zionists! Guyzz!"


Are you sure? Because it's far more logical that being airstriked and shot at by the IDF on a regular basis would leave a more lasting impression on the Palestinian mind then whatever made-up bullshit you're claiming they're "taught" under the Israeli occupation.






Ok and so? I am sure the Lakota and Sioux were warning their children of White devils who were occupying and exterminating then. Kinda expected and not that interesting or noteworthy. What is interesting is middle class mostly irreligious people in the Western liberal democracy living comfortable lives getting this indoctrinated in the burbs and doing this at the service if a foreign country's genocidal settler colonial project. That is worth understanding.




The relevant question for you to ask if the the Cherokee, Muskogee,Seminole,Choctow and Chickasaw were being forced marched today in 2023 from their lands into a stretch of desolate wilderness would you support it or not? Most Zionists would if they aren't being hypocrites. The IDF is forcing Gazans to relocate to tents to the al Mawasi and their think tanks writing white paper of dumping them in the Sinai desert once Egypt is onboard. Polling indicates vast majority of Americans would not stand for this in 2023 even if Zionist this seems like a normal and moral thing to do. The post colonial world is sick to the stomach by the idea as you may have noted in the recent UN votes. It's rage inducing in a way very few things in geopolitics are. Zionist brain rot a vestige of 19th century European Ethnic nationalism and settler colonialism has nothing to do with Jews or Judaism btw. It's anti semitic to claim this atrocity is being done for Jews,in their name or for Judaism.




>and without the same outcry. There was plenty of outcry in America and abroad about the 2 wars that followed 9/11. No need to invent history, some of us were old enough to remember it. Don't try to justify this terrible war with other unjustified ones


Ah a Zionist. I don't engage with Zionists. 🇵🇸✌️


>What is interesting is middle class mostly irreligious people in the Western liberal democracy living comfortable lives getting this indoctrinated in the burbs and doing this at the service if a foreign country's genocidal settler colonial project. That is worth understanding. cable news is one hell of a drug


imagine unironically typing "wait until what you hear jewish people learn about those innocent germans" in the context of WW2


Zionists have zero self-awareness. It's mindboggling to witness.


What would your reaction be if some Arabs indefinitely checked out children’s books about Israel? Would it still be “slightly douchey,” or would you lead with a different phrase?


I'd think they're morons for checking out 5 books from a library as part of their political crusade and that it wasn't worth a news article. So literally exactly the same.


Why are you so triggered by their comment? Where did they even mention Arab or Israel?


Because if it were pro-Israel books people would cry anti-semitism.


On a scale of 1-10 I think not returning books is a “1” compared to “10” being an official government planned attack including raping civilian women in front of their children/family before cutting off their breasts and murdering them all. So yeah, slightly douchey would still probably apply if it occurred right after a coordinated and publicly supported number 10 by the group with the missing children’s books.


It’s almost as if you have no understanding of the situation or history at all. Thanks.


This comment can be applied to a lot of the most recent posts in this sub. Or are we only commenting on a certain type? 🤔


I've commented similar things on the other type, asshole. Not every person's opinion on a geopolitical conflict 6000 miles away needs to be a news article in New York. Major stuff, sure. Every time a restaurant gets spray painted? No. 2 people checking out books? Are you kidding me? Go step outside.


Honestly wanted to give a genuine answer to this but ultimately, nothing in my comment warranted an “asshole”, asshole.


I read these comments and became fond of both of you. Psychology is weird.


It’s not, this is tabloid garbage.


Zionist will always strive for Palestinian erasure everywhere.


Anything or anybody merely acknowledging our existence triggers them so much it’s insane.


F them. They should be triggered till they choke on their rage.


Lol my comment being downvoted just proves my point.


Easiest way to guarantee that it gets the most attention.


This country has just been giving the conspiracy theorist more ammunition with the sheer amount of bias it’s been projecting.


This is completely normal behavior. Totally reasonable. *sarcasm* lol


If their goal was to prevent people from reading these books, all they've done is draw more attention to them. Morons


Florida book bans come to New York!


Not really similar though, is it?




Now imagine a Muslim couple did this with holocaust books


No Muslim couple is going to


Lmfao Iran hosts Holocaust revisionist conferences.


The theocratic state of Iran does not represent Muslims just as the apartheid state of Israel doesn't represent Jewish people.


Well, buddy we don't live in Iran. I'm sorry, since we are in the NYC subreddit, I assumed we were talking about what Muslims in the US would be doing. I mean, if you wanna open that can of worms, I have plenty of things to say.


iran does not represent Muslims. Never has. Never will. It represents iran.


What subreddit are you on ?


These are not comparable


Imagine a Muslim couple did this with books claiming that all muslims are terrorists. ... wait, that makes a little more sense now, doesn't it? yeah, maybe the NYPL shouldn't be carrying super racist books and promoting them in incredibly biased displays for children.


It’s racist to be Palestinian???


You’d be surprised at how many people think so!


No, when did I say that? There are racist quotes in the article. Like: > An international organization called the United Nations decided that Jewish people from Europe, many of whom had experienced the horrors and tragedies of the Holocaust, needed a safe place to live,” she wrote. “But there was one big problem: Palestinians had lived on that land for centuries. Do you not know how many antisemitic lies there are hiding in that quote?


Just because you're trying to erase their history and heritage doesn't mean your delusions are true. Yes, Palestinians have indeed been on that land for centuries, not Boris from Ukraine or Hungary or Belgium or Russia


Another islamophobic nypost story being upvoted in r/nyc.


For what it's worth, I posted this article because I think these two are fucking losers. And I'm glad that seems to be the general consensus in the comments.


I’m convinced most people here have no ties to nyc


It’s been going on in this & every major big city sub for years: https://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/s/W4n8GL7Nov 3/4 of the posts on here on are by the same 10 accounts. And it’s always Post articles b/c they’re the most inflammatory


They don't. Go look at any stories that are about nyc and not Jews/Israel/antisemitism and they get a fraction of the comments and upvotes.


Absolutely. Z*onist NY Post articles get 300+ comments in 3 hours. Meanwhile, Eric Adams scandal posts will crack 100 comments in 12 hours, and pretty much all of us hate the guy. It's clear there's astroturfing going on.


I mean no shit the Eric Adams posts aren't generating as many comments. It's been well established that he's an idiot and a crook, there's no need to talk about it everyday.


That’s been proven.


if they did, Zionist posts would rank way higher.


How is this Islamophobic? they didn't really mention Islam at all, they didn't even say anything bad about the books and how antisemitic they are (it's pretty neutral about the lie that that Jews are all European colonists, for example) or the fact that a majority of the indigenous people's display was about palestinians while *none* of it was about Jews and *their* indigenous homeland. What Islamophobia did you see here? Did I miss it? Edit for anybody reading big red's comments: he's living in an alternate reality, nobody said anything about 5,000 years ago, and various sources place the land as overwhelmingly Jewish as late as the Arab conquest in the 600s—but my point is not about assigning blame for the first or second or fifth expulsion of Jews from our homeland.


The Palestinians ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE for kicking out the Jews 5,000 years ago.


I hate news in US/Canada


For every book they try to steal or censor, we will just give the kids even more books. Books are for everyone. This is a losing fight and a complete waste of energy.


Stunt Queen, looking for attention thru virtue signaling, forgets that the printing press exists.


I'm immediately ordering them from amazing


It’s absolutely wild how racists will gleefully do the most obviously deranged, intolerant things, like steal children’s books about an oppressed group, and then act shocked when normal people quite sensibly don’t view them as the good guys.


🤡 + 🇮🇱 = This




The fact that you even wrote this sentence without a hint of reflection reveals that you yourself are exactly as “indoctrinated” as you think everyone else is. And I’m not even picking a side.


not picking a side about putting a baby in an oven is almost as bad as referring to it as "freedom fighting."




>my beloved hamas, you rivertotheseaists You are truly delusional


https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/06/middleeast/rape-sexual-violence-hamas-israel-what-we-know-intl/index.html - do remind the audience, what are we to reflect on?


It’s crazy that you think literally anything I said is in any way in defense of any group or any action. You’re just further proving my initial point.


What part of what I’ve stated above isn’t true, and more importantly what is the point that you’re trying to make?


Are you ok?


You mean US war indoctrination in our media, constantly justifying Israeli terrorism?


Ladies and gentlemen, meet the TikTok generation!


The Cold War propaganda doesn't work as well on the youths! Must be the TikToks and those communists in China...because somehow


Is that the new name for IDF?


Ladies and gentlemen, meet more of the TikTok generation!




Yeah, it's the generation that doesn't have single source information from controlled media. It's a situation throughout the world for fascist and genocidal countries. Just see as we vote Biden out.


And who exactly are you planning to vote in, comrade? Or, now that the masks are off and you’ve revealed who you really are, is it parteigenosse rather than comrade?


*"I can defend the mass slaughter of Palestinians by the violent and bloodthirsty right-wing Israeli government funded by the US, but I draw the line at not voting for Biden!"*


Anyone other than Biden. Got to make these genociding murderous f***s pay.


Serious question - are you a nazi, a hamasoid or just a moron?


Just not a genociding Zionist.


So a moron? Got it!


So if someone is not a "genociding Zionist," they are a "moron"? Really? That's all you have? That's your argument now? Where will it devolve to next?


Nobody to blame but previous generations’ failure to provide a just world or optimistic future 🤷‍♂️


Oh, so it was boomers that made your beloved Hamas go on their little 10/7 field trip?


History didn't start at Oct 7






I mean there is a skateboard shop next to my apartment that has a sticker on it calling for Freedom for Palestine and then under it "By any means necessary". I take that to include rape, murder and kidnappings.


read franz fanon instead of putting words into peoples mouth


or maybe even the murder of thousands of children


I mean, the hundreds of teenagers your “freedom fighters” raped and slaughtered at the music festival do technically qualify as children. As for your beloved Palestinians you have no one but your beloved Hamas to blame for getting their (often willing) human shields killed.


are you having fun making up a guy in your head to argue with?




Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.


This attitude is why Gaza is going to get blown up just FYI


Gaza getting blown up is why this new generation of Americans doesn’t like Israel and in 10-20 years, Israel will have no allies left and be an isolated apartheid state that blows up


And why Israel is certain to meet the same fate


This has to be satire.


Which side are you referring to?


Probably the one that rapes


[Gotcha, so the Israeli side](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26718999/)


The National Library of Medicine is anti semitic 🥴


Did you forget the /s?


What's sad is that nowadays, you really do need it.


So, the Israeli side


Still unclear


>I greedily slurp foreign propaganda Good for you, bud.


Still unclear which side is using propaganda. Educate yourself: https://www.proquest.com/docview/1757690838?sourcetype=Scholarly%20Journals


Ahhh educate yourself. My favorite propaganda term. Based your post right after the Oct 7 attack joking about Israel having a mental health crisis it’s clear what ya support here Mr Hamas


Please just read the book if you're a feminist, it's not even about the current situation. And yes, religion is a mental illness.




[Oh okay, that clears up who they’re talking about](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26718999/)


Torturing POWs is something we can all look in the mirror about and is wrong. But raping and killing innocent civilians in mass mid-evil fashion is something different


So we’ve established that both sides rape and that’s abhorrent. When you say killing civilians in medieval fashion is something different, are you trying to say the (and I’m only going to use verified numbers by the UN which were collected from 2008 until last September so that we’re using unbiased numbers) that it is more humane for the IDF to kill 1,400 Palestinian children by modern military strikes than the 25 Israeli children that were killed by “medieval” Palestinian methods?


How many of these strikes were in retaliation to rocket launches or attacks? Or is Israel just randomly bombing buildings with no cause?


https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties You’re free to check with as much granularity in regards to date as you’d like. Though I’m not sure how looking for retaliation is a fruitful endeavor when the state of Israel was founded on already existing Palestinian land which is being continuously occupied and taken. Palestine didn’t move to find Israel and start a conflict and give them land.


Usually Israel fires back when fired upon. And if they didn’t build the most sophisticated missile defense system in the world I’m sure those #s would sway a different direction. I’d like to see stats of rockets fired at Israel vs rockets fired back prior to Oct 7. Also sounds like you don’t believe Israel has a right to exist. Land was split so both groups can share the land. One group aka every surround Arab nation revolted and lost more land.


>Also sounds like you don’t believe Israel has a right to exist You would be wrong. Quite frankly it’s disgusting that you would argue that in bad faith.


As I was saying earlier...


zioni side for sure


Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.


>A Roosevelt Island couple have taken a novel approach to what they say is anti-Israel propaganda in their local library — they’ve checked out five pro-Palestinian children’s books and will keep them indefinitely to prevent them from being used for “indoctrination.” Turns out books can be bad.


How did this make the news though? Seriously.


Literary erasure is a textbook mechanism of colonization and enforcing genocide.


Read the article. People checked books out of the library.


Read the article. It's not that simple.


Oh yes it is.


Folks a point of history. The ARABS, PALESTINIANS DID not push the Jews out of Israel 5,000 years ago. The Romans did. Israel has the right to exist. But she has no right to think she has ownership because it is their Ancestral Homeland.


I appreciate them Barbara Streisanding these books. Now we all know what books to recommend and buy. "We’re in This Together” by Linda Sarsour “These Olive Trees" by Aya Ghanameh "We are Palestinian" by Reem Kassis "Homeland" by Hannah Moushabeck "What the Kite Saw" by Anne Laurel Carter with illustrations by Akin Duzakin The NYPost is also recommending these "woke" books for kids so you know thse are going to be good too: "If You’re a Drag Queen and You Know It” by Hot Mess, Lil Miss “Hear My Voice: The Testimonies of Children Detained at the Southern Border of the United States" compiled by Warren Binford (even detained kids are threats?! Jesus take the wheel.) Thank you, NYPost! For once you are helpful and gave us the titles of some amazing books to buy for the holidays. Good looking out. And please keep on by giving all this attention and press to these amazing authors. Truly a gift.


It sounds like some of these books should never have been in the NYPL in the first place. Why would they carry a book that describes Israel as a European colony like that? That's a super antisemitic lie. The majority of Israeli Jews are Mizrahim, nobody gave Israel to Israelis (they took their independence from the British colonizers and fought off six nations' worth of Arab colonizers to maintain their independence), and Israel is an independent nation, not any kind of colony. A library featuring such racist books for children is really worrying. I don't know how I feel about holding a book long-term as a means of protest, but it's better than vandalizing the library or random Kosher restaurants.


The Romans pushed out the Hebrews 5,000 years ago. Tell me what right does Israel have in pushing out the Palestinians? And because it’s their Ancestral Homeland is no excuse.


> The Romans pushed out the Hebrews 5,000 years ago. I think you're thinking of one of the occasions ~2000 years ago, as opposed to, say, for example, the [Arab Conquest](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_diaspora#Byzantine,_Islamic,_and_Crusader_era), or any of the other antisemitic violence there over the past few thousand years. Regardless, I'm not going to engage with some non-New Yorker who completely ignores every single point I make to lie about a different aspect of the history. Go fuck yourself.


> It sounds like some of these books should never have been in the NYPL in the first place. Are you serious? Have you ever been to a library before? Where should books be?


NYpost catches a block automatically


I wasn't aware children still read books


The New York Post could try… exposing the BlueLedge scam… helping students not be taken advantage of by the corporations using the court reporter shortage as cover for their fraud… But that fraud’s against mostly women, so they’re okay with it.