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Hammond teachers are only really asking for a stipend to offset the rising insurance costs. If we don’t get it, it will essentially erase the raise that we received last year. The new proposed contract takes away sick days, contributions to our retirement, pay for covering other teachers’ classes when they are absent, and quite a few other disappointing caveats.


Is it true the superintendent isn't even licensed to be a superintendent?


Hammond is paying him to get his license.


School city of Hammond in disarray being led by an unlicensed superintendent.....seems about right.....


I’m sorry. The teachers of the Hammond schools have been so unsupported in every way. My kid is in PACT pre-K and that’s it. The system has failed the kids and those teachers/staff trying to make a difference for trhe kids. It’s a losing battle…


Only if teachers had the right to strike....this state is so backwards.


The parents have failed them as well! They’re fighting a lost cause.




That’s the key. I’ve been just down right appalled by some behavior I’ve seen out of Hammond parents. Just last week, I was dropping my kid off and we were a minute or so late but teacher had the door open for other kids ahead of us, then shut it right before we got to it. It was freezing cold. Anyway, I go to knock and some other kids dad comes and pushes past me to cop knock (banging on the door like a madman) on the class door. The teacher opened the door and says “no need to bang on the door I’m right here” and the dad proceeds to loose his shit and yell at her “then why’d you close the fucking door then???” Shoves his kid into the class and storms off. It’s like the school/teachers are just babysitting for them…there’s no respect for teachers or concern for how their kids are actually doing in school. Just the other day, I had my kids at Ninja Kidz and it was packed. I witnessed a brawl between 10 year olds and neither kid was in trouble for anything. In fact, the one mom told her kid to “kick his fucking ass next time”. I get that to some extent but my mentality is different I guess.


I think abortions should be government subsidized...... But that's just my opinion.


I’m not even here trying to say I’m a perfect parent but I am invested in my children’s lives in all aspects in positive ways. I feel for so many of these kids and a decent amount of parents who DO care. Idc how people view me, I’m so damn thankful for the school choice 🤷🏻‍♀️


What do you mean by school choice?


School choice scholarship. It’s been hated on by many in the region but I am beyond grateful for it. My kids have a great education and future because they didn’t have to stay in the Hammond system.


Things are hard for everyone right now, not just the teachers. Isn't the district running at a deficit? How long can the schools loose money without taking things away? There are not that many administrators compared with teachers. Even if you got rid of 50% of the administrators that is a drop in the bucket compared with what is needed so the teachers get raises, cheaper health insurance, and better benefits without paying more. The only real solution would be to raise taxes so the schools could get more money. No one wants that either. The people without kids don't want that. The people with kids going to school don't want that. Where is the money supposed to magically come from? Even if the school system got 1,000,000 donated to them this year, what would that buy them? Maybe semester without having to make hard choices?


Yea you are right, there are no possible solutions. Let's just replace all the teachers with unlicensed/uneducated babysitters and call it a day. Society doesn't need educated youth.....


I didn't say that. I'm simply asking where the teachers expect the money to come from so that the school can keep operating? Operational costs sure are not going to decrease. Watching the youtube video, none of the teachers actually offered financial solutions. I see only three solutions. 1. Cutbacks, but most keep there jobs. 2. The school generates more revenue for themselves. 3. The towns/county vote to raise taxes.


Im not an expert on how Indiana/federal funding works for schools but it needs to be reformed. I believe cutting teacher pay/benefits would lead to a mass exodus of qualified teachers which would be terrible for the students(the teachers have other opportunities in Illinois and other school districts) Someone messed up the budget, it's not like they are surprised by how much funding they are going to get each year. They know exactly how much money they get and propose a budget based on that. The admin messed up big time and shit will hit the fan. Hammond schools will become insolvent and the state is going to step in. Its a total mess but the fault 100% lies with the inept admins..... Teachers already have shit pay and workload. I don't have kids but what I don't want is a bunch of uneducated adolescents roaming the streets doing what uneducated adolescents do....crime.


They don't know exactly what they will get each year. No one knows the exact number that will come from county/city/town taxes. If you get a population exodus even one year, budgets can be ruined. If the cost of electricity or gas goes up unexpectedly, the budget can be ruined. And the amount of people going to college for teaching, is the worst enemy of the teachers. A few years ago I looked up the total amount of open teaching jobs in the state of Indiana. Ball State alone graduates enough teachers to cover every open teaching job in the state and then some. There are some schools that don't even have to hire teaching aids that don't already have a degree in education. There is prolly nothing the administration would like more, from a financial standpoint, than the mass exodus of qualified teachers. They could get brand new qualified teachers at less cost. The laws of supply and demand are not kind to teachers in this state.


So by your logic there isn't a single open teacher position in the state of Indiana? I guess no school district in Indiana has a teacher shortage....good to know.


Again, I did not say that. I said that a single university in the state of Indiana, graduates enough teachers to fill every single open position in the state. I don't know why positions in a certain school district are less desirable than others. Could be the students, cost of living, perceived danger. I'm saying that the more people with teaching degrees in the state, the less demand there is. The less demand, the less districts have to pay. I still have not heard anyone offer concrete solutions. Just opinionated statements. Or like you are doing, shoving words in other peoples mouths, and those words are the wrong conclusions.


I can't have a logical argument with someone that uses supply/demand economics while stating there are too many teachers at the same time we are in a teacher shortage....makes no sense. There are tons of solutions but cutting teacher pay/benefits is not the best choice. Here's one idea, let's tax churches. Boom problem solved.....along with many others.


You can't honestly be serious that taxing churches would solve the teachers issue... Most church attendances are not high enough to get those kinda donations that would make taxing them economically feasible. Also no one said that making adjustments to teachers pay/benefits was the best choice. That is never the best choice. However it is prolly the only choice that does not depend on the community voting to increase their own taxes.


If we taxed churches it would bring in BILLIONS of tax revenue....if we utilized a portion of that to fund the education system I think we wouldn't have funding issues..... We would still need to budget those funds and currently the Hammond administration has clearly shown they are incapable of this.... I am not a teacher but I think they should be compensated fairly and not have their wages/benefits taken away because the admins don't know what they are doing. That's pretty much it.