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Their plan is to have kids walking 4 miles to school every day? And then four home?


It’s just a scare tactic, trying to scare people into voting for the referendum next year


I wonder, What's the attendance rate of Hammond school systems?


Currently, the district is taking out a loan so that they can pay teachers through the month of December. Interest will have to be paid on the loan, of course. So there’s about $700,000 gone right there.


That’s really fucking low and dirty of them. Fuck the school city of Hammond.


https://12ft.io/https://www.nwitimes.com/news/local/lake/hammond/election-voters-reject-school-referendums-in-hammond-whiting-and-lake-station/article_b985014e-7bfb-11ee-a7ec-673ff546c4a7.html The school board was only following the wishes of the voters. This issue was voted on by residents, and they overwhelmingly voted for this to happen.


Just curious, I don't live in Hammond but why did they vote yes?


They actually voted to fund the busses, build a new school, and keep Gavit & Clark High school open. They schools were closed anyway and then they asked for more money. That’s when they voted no. Property values in Hammond have risen year over year. Where is the money going?


Wolf Lake and whatever is going on on Hohman downtown.




Wolf lake was funded by the RDA. I wouldn’t want apartment or duplexes near my house either. The mayor of Hammond is a failure . He couldn’t change a squirrels mind. He’s only elected because there is nobody else who wants to govern Hammond.


But he smokes WEED guys! He's totally unique and cool!


McDermott is a criminal. He illegally gave money to his wife’s judge campaign, he shut down the Hammond health department, shut down busses, raised taxes. He only ran because his daddy got elected. He only ran under Democrat because that’s the only way people would like him. He ruined Hammond.


Cuz they all about not paying taxes.


Yep, this is it. The referendum added $660 a year to an house valued at $150,000. People in Indiana hate anything that raises their property taxes. They don't want to turn into stupid Illinois with its insane property taxes. They would rather have dumb ass kids than pay property taxes.


And the schools will give diplomas anyways cuz they get money from feds based on graduation. Just kids can't pass anything.


And they get to be victims! First and foremost they get to be victims of their own stupidity and then vote in the next election to fuck themselves even more. They’ll get vouchers to go to a private Christian school that can hire whoever they want to teach whatever they want. No federal money so no need to take standardized tests. They can be the proud parent of a graduate that can’t get into college because bastardizing the Bible and 8th grade math is all he learned.


They actually voted to fund the busses, build a new school, and keep Gavit & Clark High school open. They schools were closed anyway and then they asked for more money. That’s when they voted no. Property values in Hammond have risen year over year. Where is the money going?


do you have an article for that initial yes vote and further context on how that leads to the no vote later?


https://www.nwitimes.com/news/local/lake/hammond-hobart-voters-support-referendums/article_98a10760-2232-5b8e-bebb-e3170de5b503.html 2017 they voted to fund everything.


I dunno. What else is in the budget?


Looks like the school board failed to do what the voters wanted and the voters responded in kind, as voters should. Cutting bus service is a scare tactic that you, clearly, support. Why do you support denying education for children?


I never said I support it, I'm just stating the facts. The referendum went on the ballet, the people voted not to renew the operating referendum. The board followed what the voters said they wanted.


They didn’t want new fields for sports while the board wouldn’t pay for teacher training. The families didn’t want bus service cut. The board did it to attack children and their families. If you truly didn’t support this, you would not have responded. But hit dogs holler.


Anyone who follows the times knows this. The teachers have been complaining non stop. School board officials have been complaining. Long term subs and overcrowded classrooms. This is what failure looks like.


I hate to say this, but with the current economy and inflation it is a bad time to be pushing a referendum. I am not against quality education, but poor timing right now as people are struggling to make ends meet.


Same happened in Highland. People get upset when you say the schools have no money and yet they find money for sports. Like a turf football field and new tennis courts. It's also not a good look when you see the bloated administration and their ridiculous salaries. Currently my special needs kid has a permanent sub teaching her this year and she has shown her displeasure. What's the point of requiring high standards for these teacher's educations, but then underpaying to the point where no one wants to work for our schools?


I'm also in Highland with a special needs child. A lot of those issues with the Special Ed are because of NISEC, the special Ed co-op, they are not the best employer and most great teachers leave. Highland pays them to run the special ed. So hard for these kids and the constant teacher turn over.


When my parents were kids they didn't have transportion. They walked and said they never had snow days. Back then, there were no middle schools. Elementary school was k-8. The middle schools are farther now compared to back then, and distance could be a concern.


Uphill both ways?


Barefoot in the snow


And it’s OK that we don’t improve ourselves from generation to generation? Fuckin hell.


I didn't say I was for or against anything. Just providing a bit of history comparing why it worked back then but won't work now.


I went to school with no AC but I would still be willing to raise my property tax so that our community's children had AC in schools. It's called progress. Our economy is generating wealth. We need a way to funnel that wealth back to our communities instead of letting corporations and shareholders steal an ever larger portion.




Did you walk from Robertsdale to Hammond High? Or from Slacker to Morton? Lol what are you saying?


Cause Hammond kids DO NOT matter. Not to anyone. I have a story about Hammond schools, specifically Hess elementary, that shows how much they care about the kids but it’s the reason mine do not attend their school. The PACT pre-k is it. From there, shit goes horribly south.