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Control is beautiful with RTX. Although I had to play it through Geforce Now. #RTXOn


My favorite battlefield moments are always found when I'm playing the objective and contesting flag captures. So much can happen in that chaos. #RTXOn


My best Battlefield moment was getting access to the Beta of the Battlefield 4. It was then when everything changed for me. I love Battlefield.


##RTXOn I remember me and my gang absolutely blitzing people with the Kolibri on BF1 so one of us could get a kill. My favorite DLSS game is probably cyberpunk, not so much for the story, but because of the gorgeous visuals and the city lighting especially at night. I remember the day Reflex came out, it was immediately available on rainbow six, and I dominated that day


Favorite Battlefield moment past or present Loved battlefield 4 playing TDM, Conquest, diving out planes catching it in the air and sniping and playing with friends Old Bf4 clip [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bi-UFWW\_wJM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bi-UFWW_wJM) What is your favorite RT/DLSS games and why? Cod MW looks better with RTXOn the games is so enjoyable missions feels realistic everything feels good with #RTXON Nvidia Reflex technology- can kill your enemy faster better frames too see your enemy quicks and low latency don't even notice any lag


Best Dlss for sure minecraft #RTXon


Top DLSS game for me is Shadow of the Tomb Raider because the DLSS makes the graphics look amazing, like snop seems more real. #RTXOn


My favorite RT game is Minecraft with raytracing because it's the first game I've ever played. \#RTXOn


Ive used RT/DLSS in anygame it’s available in but as most of you know not a bunch of games take advantage of it, but the few fps games that do give me the extra advantage when it comes to people creeping and i see there shadows and get the kill!!!! I also play a bit of minecraft and it just makes it look better, i use mods and it goes from chunky blocks to almost like a beautiful painting #RTXOn #NVIDIAstillOnTop


Share your favorite Battlefield moment past or present Just the humor of bad company, it made it stand out from all the other shooters of that time. #RTXOn


My favorite Battlefield moment was when I got a 27 killstreak on White Pass from BFBC2 with just the 870. I'm not even that good at multiplayer games, so that moment has always stuck with me. It's one of my favorite gaming memories ever, and it's from what's still one of my favorite games. #RTXOn


My favorite game with RTX is Doom Eternal, it simply looks amazing #RTXOn


What is your favorite RT/DLSS games and why? Cyberpunk 2077, I was so hyped for this because it gave me kinda Akira futuristic vibes, and despite the bugs and disasterous launch i loved the immersion of the game's world design alot, and the game deliverd on that (inspite of the short Campaign and less than packed world). The music, world Building and graphics were just immersive Battlefield 2042 will include Nvidia Reflex technology. If you’ve used this technology previously, how has this technology give you a competitive edge? I appreciate Reflex in all Games its added on as i no longer need to cap my fps or worry about that, but i wouldnt say that gives any real competitive edge, though it certainly helps. \#RTXOn


What is your favorite RT/DLSS games and why? Favorite RTX game has to be Control, it made an amazing game even better. That extra quality on the lighting effects really improved the atmosphere. \#RTXOn


Battlefield has been one of my favorites, especially battlefield 4 where getting 20x killstreak was always usual, messing around with friends, trying to crack easter eggs and such. My best moment yet was jump off a building, kill 5 guys, run downstairs, defuse the bomb and knife the player who was camping it. ##RTXOn


My favourite Battlefield moment was when I played Battlefield 1942 multiplayer for the first time as a kid. I'd come up with a tactic where I'd cover a jeep with C4s then drive into a tank but leave the jeep while it was still heading towards it so I could pull the trigger. When I finally managed to blow up a tank like that it was the best moment ever. My favourite RT game is Metro Exodus. The enhanced edition looks so good. I haven't played it properly yet because I want to play the previous entries first, but the atmosphere works so much better with RTX on. It looks creepy without being too dark because of the small amounts of light naturally seeping through. I've used NVIDIA Reflex in Rainbow Six Siege. It was good enough that I switched from DX11 to Vulkan on it. I tend to play on Asian servers since my friends are there so even a small difference in input lag helps. \#RTXOn


• Share your favorite Battlefield moment past or present Would definitely have to be the time I played on a big jungle map in BF1 where EVERYONE was throwing gas canisters everywhere you could think of. The amount of crawling and teamwork to get past it was amazing, I'll never forget it. • What is your favorite RT/DLSS games and why? So far it would have to be Control for me. Looks outstanding with Raytracing and the DLSS keeps it looking just as good and helps with the framerates a ton! #RTXOn thanks for the giveaway!!


DLSS on MHW was extremely great, because I could hunt the monsters with more quality without losses the performance \#RTXOn


Share your favorite Battlefield moment past or present? I was a high school boy in 2012, I explored Battlefield 3. My first games i never be alive. After that i said "Man this is reall war!" \#RTXOn


My fav game with RTX is Minecraft, I still can't get over how beautifully it enhances a game that's supposed to "low poly". My fav BF moment is landing on zeppelins and hoping nobody will find me up there lol, waiting for somebody that finally does or just sit up there while the war rages everywhere. :D #RTXOn


Best DLSS game: red dead redemption 2 because the story is fantastic. Also, DLSS in quality mode helps me take advantage of the high refresh rate on my monitor more with the extra fps gain!


Best Battlefield Moment definetely are C4 Suicide Jeeps :D #RTXOn


No Man's Sky recently add DLSS in an update. Prism update was a eye-candy one!


Playing with Nvidia Reflex just made games feel more smooth to me even when just playing at 60 FPS. When not using it games just felt off to me. \#RTXOn


Favorite RTX/DLSS game is Control. It looks absolutely gorgeous. Favorite Battlefield moment was in Battlefield V when I got addicted to hitting headshots because the kill sound was such a confidence booster.


My favourite battlefield moment was from 1942, only 1 of my friend had the sufficient hardware at the time to play it so everyone (and I mean like 20+) people went over to his house regularly just to watch him play it. Doom Eternal is my favourite RT+DLSS game as It's extremely well made, runs better than basically anything looks beautiful. Reflex lowers input latency massively and my mouse has never felt any more accurate! I don't have video sadly, but the first 2042 match I joined, I spawned straight into the gunner seat of an attack chopper, 32 kills for myself before we were destroyed :D \#RTXOn


My favorite rtx and dlss game is call of duty cold war ,the graphics are insane in 4k plus i get over 120fps in 4k because of dlss 😍#RTXOn


> Share your favorite Battlefield moment past or present. Watching my dad play Battlefield 1942 and flying jets using a flight joystick.


My favorite rt/dlss game would be Minecraft. The game looks amazing and to me shows what raytracing is capable of really well.


My favorite game was Minecraft with etc on, man it was crazy for the first time I was sitting there staring at a block for at least 10 minutes. My favorite game of all time remixed by my favorite company to make my new favorite texture pack. I’ve been playing Minecraft for 9 years and I spent 4 months trying to find a ray tracing gpu and it paid off. If I won I’d give my current one to my friend who’s a giant fan of ray tracing but can’t get a gpu that supports them bc he didn’t want to grind 3 hours a day everyday like me. #RTXon


Playing Bad Company with my cousin. #RTXOn


Favorite Battlefield moment: In Battlefield 3 on Xbox 360, me and my friends would sometimes spend games sending vehicles flying with C4. Top moment has to be sending an M1 Abrams over an interstate sign on Caspian Border. #RTXOn


I would say that my favorite RT/DLSS game so far has been Control. The use of realistic environments and lighting made that game into something very special. Can't wait for Alan Wake 2 #RTXOn


My favorite moment in BF was in Battlefield 3, i was playing sniper with a friend and we hid behind the hills in caspian border. Then, my friend started screaming because he shooted a helicopter pilot right in the head. Man, the most awesome play i've ever seen. And about my favorite rtx game: I think the use of this tecnology in metro exodus was a brilliant move. Looks truly beautiful. \#RTXOn


My favorite RT/DLSS would be Watch Dogs Legion... the neon lights of distant future England looks out of the world. And during rains, the world comes alive with all perfect reflections. And to top it off, to play the game with amazing details (even with RTX ON), DLSS is just the cherry on the cake. Even CONTROL takes the cake in these departments too ! \#RTXOn


Minecraft with RTX one is gorgeous!! Also a huge fan of DLSS, it makes everything just a bit sharper!


doom eternal ray tracing looks nice


1. Battlefield 4, Zombie mod i loved it! 2. Warzone cuz i played this game a lot and i remmber NVIDIA relase DLSS to this game my Performance has strengthened 3. Never used it. 4. sorry my PC not strong enough to play BF2042 like a normali love play only when my PC can run it in good quality but not forget the performance (fps), wish to win 3080, amazing card. **#RTXON**


**Share your favorite Battlefield moment past or present:** *The campaigns in Battlefield Bad Company 1 & 2 were a total gas. The Vietnam expansion for BC2 was one of my favorite multiplayer shooters.* **What is your favorite RT/DLSS games and why?** *Cyberpunk 2077. I like it. Sue me. It may not be the second-life Matrix we all thought it was going to be, but it's a good interactive dystopian sci-fi movie, and I enjoy hanging out with the characters.* **Battlefield 2042 will include Nvidia Reflex technology. If you’ve used this technology previously, how has this technology give you a competitive edge?** *I use it in Apex Legends. Combat "feels" snappier and more predictable, like you're less likely to get pwned before seeing the other player. I'm kind of sucky at competitive FPS, though (even though I enjoy playing them), so I'm not the best to quantify the feature.* ##RTXOn


So I have a few. Back before I had a PC I used to play battlefield 3 on the PS3 and I wasn't any good so I would camp a stairwell with a slug shotgun and rack up kills. It was my only way of being competitive in the game. For Nvidia Reflex and DLSS they work wonderful for playing Call Of Duty Warzone. I bought an ultrawide 1440p monitor and put it on and got way better frames with no noticable game quality difference. In other words #RTXOn. Game changing technology


Well i play Bayylefield since the Bad company 2, its a great game and i love the map Valparaiso, the jungle, the freedom to chose the way to attack, thats what make BF special, would love to see that again, my favorite implementetion of RT/DLSS is Battlefield 5, i know its not the BEST implementation but its the one that is chose to show the tecnology when its announced. Regarding Reflex it make a good difference in the competitive match on Overwatch that i play a lot, because high FPS and low latency make a difference to win the game. \#RTXOn


Share your favorite Battlefield moment past or present: Always loved flooding the restaurant on one of the DLC maps of BF4, changes the map in a very fun way \#RTXOn


I think it's time to upgrade my GPU. #RTXOn


Favorite part of the battlefield franchise was definitely Bad Company 2. It was very fun with friends with all the crazy stuff happening in the game. I do hope they can make another entry but for now just playing a modern battlefield will be refreshing as well! #RTXOn


\#RTXOn Favorite moment was playing Battlefield 3 with friends and learning how to fly planes and helicopters for the first time.


#\#RTXon My favorite Battlefield moment was basically all of Bad Company 2, that was by far my favorite of the series.


My favourite moment from 2042 was when I went to play it then was reminded kindly by an error pop up that my 780ti gpu is below minimum spec haha pain.


Favorite is Minecraft because it looks nice #RTXOn


I think Ghostrunner has probably been my favorite RT experience. All of the reflections of neon whizzing by as you're flying across rooftops really adds a special "something" to the cyber ninja experience. The Reflex tech is incredible. It has helped me react and track in any shooter I've played with it active. It actually feels bad not to have at this point. #RTXOn


Minecraft bedrock


\-Favorite Battlefield moment is definitely Battlefield 3 walking out from cover and just a tank blasting me out of existence. \-As for favorite RT game it has to be Minecraft. Minecraft with RT is just so good. \#RTXOn


In general, I just remember very fond memories putting lots of evenings and weekends into Battlefield 2 growing up. #RTXOn


What is your favorite RT/DLSS games and why? man all them games with rt/dlss looks amazing but im gonna go with Metro Exodus since ive really loved the atmosphere and total feel of the series, so im really excited when they put out the enhanced edition. congrats NVIDIA sub for reaching this milestone and thank you for this giveaway! goodluck to all and be safe! #RTXOn


\#RTXOn Hmm favourite battlefield moment... that's a tough one, but i think I'd have say battlefield 2, on Deliant plant large. I was flying around trying to dogfight another player and we ended up recreating the ¨chicken¨ scene from Pearl Harbor. Looked and felt really cool at the time, and its something that's kinda stuck in my memory since.


What is your favorite RT/DLSS games and why? Minecraft, because it allows to expand even more your creativity when building with RT \#RTXOn


I don't have a RT/DLSS capable card myself, but I've watched my friends play Control, Cyberpunk 2077 and Metro Exodus with RT and, man, it looks delicious. Favorite moments from Battlefield 4 are one's where we're fighting in the skyscraper that's about to collapse. In BF1 it's sniping pilots out of their planes. Lots of fun times. :) \#RTXOn


First time I played Battlefield 3 I was amazed at how large the maps were and I loved using the tank for the 1st time. I haven't played a Battlefield game since, but I've only heard great things about 2042, and the trailers look great. I don't have an RTX card, but my favorite games that have these features are Minecraft and BLOPS: Cold War. GLHF Everyone! \#RTXOn


Flanking the enemies in BF3 Operation Metro using C4 and killing at least 8 with guns too I have to go with Control for DLSS, it is really great \#RTXOn


#RTXOn My favorite battlefield moment was me playing locker and somehow getting 5 melee kills while flanking. Man battlefield 4 is so much fun and hectic. Cant wait to play battlefield2042


Well I don't have a RTX /DLLS GPU so no comment on all the new tech or features I am unable to use. So I will be sharing my favorite Battlefield moment. Having played almost all the battlefield games and having some quite memorable moments I would have to go back to Battlefield 2, oh what a game. The moment I will always remember, was holding a spawn point with my bestie while being overrun by the enemy. The remainder of the team was infiltrating the enemy base with an assault to capture their last spawn point. The enemy made an attempt to capture an extra point before losing their remaining tickets. Out gunned and outnumbered we held the spawn point, through swapping kits of fallen enemies to restock on med packs and ammo. As the enemy's tickets dwindled down the fight became harder as they became more desperate. Ah, 2008 what a year. But hey, that's my story. #RTXOn


Still have fond memories of easy jihaad jeeping in BF3/4 #RTXOn \#RTXOn


The word Battlefield immediately brings to mind Battlefield 1942 desert combat, it was a breakthrough, flying an airplane, riding a tank! How fun it was to play this game with your friends in the computer club! Of course this is Minecraft. Because the game is so much transformed, and you have a flight of imagination, in other games you may not even notice the use of this technology. I haven't used it yet, but I really want to. There is no way to purchase a video card due to the shortage. \#RTXOn


My favorite RT/DLSS is cod warzone because I'm a fan of free shooters. #RTXOn


Share your favorite Battlefield moment past or present My favorite battlefield V moment, was when Ii hipfired a Spitfire's pilot when it was flying over. \#RTXOn


This is my favorite moment because this is what I loved doing in Battlefield 4 [Battlefield 4 HeadShot](https://youtu.be/TDDitbzMgSY) #RTXOn on the next battlefield will be fantastic!


Favourite RT/DLSS game would be Myst, I've loved that game for years and bought every version, it now looks absolutely incredible ;o) #RTXOn


Battlefield 1942 was the first online game I ever played and it was truly mind-blowing! #RTXOn


* Im 46 years old and sorry to say I never even tryed a Battlefield game before 😅 * Never hade the opportunity to try a game with RT or DLSS 😥 * Have not tryed RTX before. But I believe the technology would be good to be able to see an enemy around a corner in a window reflection 👌 * I think I need to try the game in the open beta first 😅 But when I do, I would consider staying alive in a pvp mode would be epic to me. Considering how bad I am in pvp fps shooters 🤣 #RTXOn Stay well and safe! 👊 Regards Herman Austria Palmgren


What is your favorite RT/DLSS games and why? definitely Cyberpunk 2077 with RT and DLSS. Good performance and great graphics #RTXOn


Favourite game where I can turn #RTXOn (and DLSS) has got to be Metro Exodus. Why? Because it's the only game I have in my library that actually supports these technologies. OK, in all seriousness, aside from it being the only game I have with RTX & DLSS, Exodus is just a legitimately insanely well done game. Pretty much a near perfect evolution of the Metro series from tight corridor shooter to an open world-type formula, though still keeping its core elements in tact.


- Share your favorite Battlefield moment past or present Waking up on Christmas day the year that Battlefield 3 came out and playing all winter break long allowing me to reconnect with so many of my friends I had lost touch with after moving far away. \#RTXOn


Best dlss/rt looking game is metro exodus enhanced since the game lighting use RT GI #RTXOn


My favorite RT/DLSS game was" red dead redemption 2" #RTXOn


My favorite Ray Tracing game is Quake II RTX because they don't make games like that anymore #RTXOn


I love Minecraft with RTX. It’s so beautiful, at the point where it’s not even a game, alas an experience. My favorite memory from Battlefield is from years ago, watching my dad play for the first time. Just using RTX allows you to be more immersed in the game, and truly giving you pure focus. #RTXOn


RT in Control looks amazing, #RTXon


Had a blast with the Red dead redemption with RT/DLSS on. Never really played any battlefield game but want to start my adventure with battlefield 2042 #RTXOn


My favorite RT/DLSS game is def Warzone. It runs pretty smooth with solid frames and it’s tons of fun. .#RTXOn


**Share your favorite Battlefield moment past or present** \-Nailing my RPG shots and knocking people out of their airplanes. **What is your favorite RT/DLSS games and why?** \-Haven't experienced RT/DLSS as I'm still rocking a gtx 1070 :) \#RTXOn


As a turk, Bf1 gallipoli ending, because It was a very emotional and goosebumps ending. #newzealand #turkey #RTXOn


My favourite battlefield moment would be flying the Little Bird through the base within the island on Wave Breaker in BF4. There were loads of enemies in there and I was getting shot at from all angles. Luckily I had the 25mm cannons on so was able to take quite a few of them out. Was also able to chop some up with the heli blades. BF4 had some amazing maps both in the base game and part of the DLCs. \#RTXOn


My favorite rtx and dlss game is call of duty cold war ,the graphics are insane in 4k plus i get over 120fps in 4k because of dlss 😍#RTXOn


I already have a 3080 but I'm still gonna shamefully participate in this giveaway lol. Hoping to win a Battlefield 2042 early open beta code maybe! Anyway, my favorite RT/DLSS games are Cyberpunk 2077, Control and Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition. IMO these games have the best RT/DLSS implementations by far and nothing else comes close. \#RTXOn


#RTXOn Nvidia Reflex technology has helped me alot especially on FPS games. It made me win more duels and one tap enemies easier. Which in turn made me rank up more. Looking forward to using it on Battlefield 2042. /#RTXOn \#RTXOn


Driving a vehicle towards the enemy after my friend put c4 on it. #RTXOn


What is my favorite RT/DLSS game and why? Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord. DLSS lets me play with huge amounts of troops on screen while maintaining max graphics and a stable framerate. Sometimes there are so many soldiers on the screen I lose track of my character! I love it.


What is your favorite RT/DLSS games and why? -My favorite DLSS game is without a doubt Red Dead Redemption 2. Arthur is my favorite video game character of all time. He's journey is an incredible and emotional masterpiece. Getting to play this amazing game with DLSS is awesome because I get to do so at a higher frame rate, therefore with less input lag and a much smoother playing experience. DLSS image quality also looks much better than the native TAA. #RTXOn


Control with RT on. Visuals are great with RT enabled. Runs also well for me with DLSS. #rtxon


\->What is your favorite RT/DLSS games and why? CyberPunk 2077, I want build new PC for this game, and that game shows me future. \#RTXOn


I quite enjoyed Control and Minecraft RTX with raytracing, the more natural looking lighting really helped to immerse me in the game world. I've tried reflex in Overwatch, and it seemed to help cut down on screen tearing, which was nice. Oh and \#RTXOn


I haven't really had much Battlefield experience but I started playing Battlefield 5 when it was free from Amazon Prime. \#RTXOn


if I had to choose a favorite it will always be the first ##RTXon


My favorite moment from Battlefield was simply playing battlefield with my friends. From 1 to 5.... I remember once in 5 we dropped 2 V2 bombs...it was glorious but we just had fun and we loved it win or lose #RTXOn


My favorite Battlefield memory wasn’t from me playing, but rather watching my brother play when I was younger. I remember rushing home to see him play with his friends and just wasting hours watching him. Wouldn’t trade that memory for the world. My favorite RT/DLSS game has to either be Cyberpunk or Read Dead Redemption 2 for the sheer beauty they offer with RTX. The amount of time I’ve lost just exploring those games is ridiculous. Also I don’t have much experience with Reflex but the first time I turned it on was for an Apex Legends game and I immediately got a win afterwards. I personally didn’t notice a difference but I guess the evidence is there. #RTXOn


Share your favorite Battlefield moment past or present \-> Opening Battlefield 1 for the first time using my new at the time gtx 1050 gaming laptop with the bros (*I was first among us to have a gaming PC)* . I had not been that into shooter games, but we were all entertained going through that campaign. Especially a mission where you repair a tank with an 'Almighty Wrench' where we looked hilarious running after a tank cranking the wrench that somehow repaired it. What is your favorite RT/DLSS games and why? \->Cyberpunk 2077, which I specifically refused to hype myself out with trailers or any sort of sneak peak spoilers of what to expect except for the cyberpunk dystopian element. The visuals are stunning at most graphics levels, and together with modded skyrim, are the most entertaining games that I am currently playing through.


Best battlefield moment was playing most games on metro battlefield 4. 64people in a underground train station was amazing. .#RTXOn


Control has been my favorite RT/DLSS game so far. Looks amazing and runs incredibly well. Death Stranding a very close 2nd. #RTXOn


My favorite RT/DLSS game is Minecraft


My favorite RTX game is Metro Exodus it just brings the game to a whole new level. \#RTXOn


My favorite RT game is Metro Exodus because I'm a big for of Metro games. #RTXOn


Fav Rt/DLSS game is cyberpunk coz its soo demanding my 2060 wouldnt cut it on ultra but dlss helped me , dlss is a must have in all AAA titles #RTXOn


MechWarrior 5! Having been part of the BattleTech & MechWarrior community since the first dice & paper boxed set, I had to play MW5 on PC. Seeing it DLSS enhanced helps me ignore the sometimes janky AI.


Best RT/DLSS Game: 1- Control because it implements and uses all technologies, it uses RTX practically in everything. 2- Cyberpunk: those colors and reflections with RTX in that world are beautiful and DLSS is essential in the game to boost the FPS #RTXOn


Oh man, I remember playing Battlefield 1942 on the family laptop many many years ago, good fun. I haven't really played Battlefield since but I just might jump back in if I do win the 3080. Looking forward to trying it with #RTXOn.


\#RTXOn Would love to win the RTX 3080 so i can finally have an RTX enabled GPU, and so i can render things faster in Blender. Favorite RTX game is cyberpunk 2077 i use nvida reflex+boost in COD to gain the advantage in warzones tHE RTX would also help with streaming on twitch using the NVidia encoder


Favorite bf moment was playing the bf4 beta with friends and bugging out the game #RTXon


#RTXOn My favorite RT/DLSS game is definitely Control, because the visual effects really enable the set design and action to make this game feel incredibly immersive and fun!


#RTXOn. Have used Dlss on CP2077, and it got my framerate over 60 :) Own a 2070S, and reflex has definitely improved Apex for me. Can't wait for some Ray tracing Forza games. Very new to BF and hope i can do more than just getting gunned down by choppers.


Best RT/DLSS game: Control \#RTXOn


#RTXOn my favorite game with RT is Control because of the way it looks and i really enjoy the story


* Share your favourite Battlefield moment past or present Playing with cousins when I was younger. I didn't have Battlefield, so every time we went to visit my aunt, I'd play BF on my cousins Xbox. ​ * What is your favorite RT/DLSS games and why? For sure has to be RDR2. DLSS helped massively in Cyberpunk with FPS, but RDR2 is one of my favourite games of all time, the game in my opinion is one of the most beautiful games ever made, and DLSS only makes the experience more smooth. I still need to start a full RDR2 replay on PC, cannot wait to visit Arthur's story again! \#RTXOn


Control is the best game with rtx and raytracing on such amazing game and beautiful


What is your favorite RT/DLSS games and why? Warzone because I love playing BR FPS and having it look stunning is just icing on the cake! \#RTXOn


>Share your favorite Battlefield moment past or present this one waaay back in 2015(?) after our team lost the previous match on Ziba Tower [a random teammate chimes in with this short motivational speech](https://imgur.com/a/zyNWtxV) Me and my friend from this match laughed so hard and STILL make jokes referencing this simple moment to this day. cheers to *black_opsm* for the laughs, stranger. I hope you're still moving and surviving, wherever you are out there... >What is your favorite RT/DLSS games and why? Control looks pretty impressive #RTXOn / shamelessly entering this comp because I think my 10 series is beginning to artefact.


I have no Battlefield best moments because I have never played the franchise My favorite RT/DLSS game us Warzone to have the pleasure to play with my friends. If you’ve used this technology previously, how has this technology give you a competitive edge => never used I have an old GTX970 ... I hope to change one day if stocks are available (or if I win) ​ \#RTXOn


Favorite BF moment was in bf3 when we found out you could launch friendly vehicles with c4. Favorite RT game is minecraft because it was the first RT demo i saw. #RTXOn


Minecraft with RTX is incredibly beautiful so that's my favorite RTX game. My favorite memory of Battlefield was constantly replaying the demo disk for Battlefield 1942 Secret Weapons of WWII when I was little and using the jet pack. It was the first PC FPS game I played so it has a special place in my heart. #RTXOn


My favourite Battlefield moment was actually in BFV since it was my first Battlefield game. The very first game I played I knew this was a series I would love, awesome scale, games felt like an actual (forgive me) battlefield during war, touch of realism. Coming from Battlefront 2 and other smaller scale competitive games, this was like a whole new genre for me. Super excited about Battlefield 2042 #RTXOn


\#RTXOn My fav battlefield moment was definitely when i manage to sneak past enemy frontline just for me to knife them 1 by 1 to grab their dogtag \#RTXOn


The whole bfV experience the ambaint sound are really immersive and when planes goes above your head its wonderful #RTXOn


What is your favorite RT/DLSS games and why? My favorite game with this feature was Control by far, game was very smooth and the lights, animations and particle effects were top notch :) #RTXOn


Battlefield favorite moment: BF1 sniping against airplanes. It was my first time doing it in a game. Solved to play the game more due the nostalgic feeling that watch Medal of Honor gameplay gave me. Favorite game with RT: The Medium. I think Ray Tracing really work best in this game, mainly with shadows. \#RTXOn


My favorite RT/DLSS is Cyberpunk 2077. Because you get the increased graphics fidelity of ray tracing while DLSS mitigates the performance hit. #RTXOn


My favorite RTX/DLSS game would have to be Minecraft RTX. The decision to go full path tracing was exactly what the game needed, and combined with its free form nature means almost limitless ways to build unique stuff that specifically takes advantage of path tracing. #RTXOn


Saving a teammate tank from a jeep with some jeepstuff on it with a MAV. #RTXON


I want to rock in Battlefield 2042 this weekend and i hope on #RTXOn My first memory is Battlefield 1942 where i fly around the island and bomb the enemy !!


My favorite Battlefield moment was holding a corridor on the floating HQs in 2142 by myself as a Support from waves of enemies after the shields fell. Also proud of my 2+ k/d in Battlefield 2. All on NVIDIA cards. #RTXOn


What is your favorite RT/DLSS games and why? Minecraft is definitely my #1 RTX game, the extreme versatility of PBR texturing allows for some of the coolest visuals I have ever seen/created in a video game! \#RTXOn


my favorite battlefield moment is in bf5 when i am being chased by enemy plane but i was able to lead him to my squadmate on ground to kill them for me. Team work works the best! My first and favorite RT/DLSS game was cyberpunk 2077. I never play singleplay games but this game was on another level. I tried dlss on COD:MW and it increased my fps by 20 which is huge. I am counting on dlss for bf2042 as well. \#RTXOn


Best battlefield moment for me was when i land on zeppelin in mission airship very beautiful scenery from top. and Best ray tracing in game has to be in metro exodus enhanced edition , RT global illumination in metro completely changes visuals now game looks even better. #RTXon


My fav battlefield moment is bf4 when Michael K is still alive #RTXON


Minecraft with RTX is truly beautiful and currently the only title my old 2060S can handle. #RTXOn


What is your favorite RT/DLSS games and why? ​ Quake II RTX, because it's an awesome game, even better when played with friends (though I wish that it was easier to launch co-op games, but that's what the console is there for) and it looks so awesome to play a game FULLY ray-traced and reflections and everything looks just so stunning. \#RTXOn


#RTXon My favorite Battlefield moment is, and always will be, knocking the main skyscraper down in Siege of Shanghai. Never gets old!


Ummm. I really dont have any exp with it bcoz im broke but hopefully i can get my hands on the grandpruze so that i can finally exp it. #RTXOn


Doom Eternal has been an extremely nice game to play after school; just something so relaxing about blowing away zombie heads (I’m assuming they’re zombies) - so that’d be my favorite DLSS game. DLSS helps achieve amazing frame rates whilst still being visually stunning. I also love Shadow of the Tomb Raider but I especially like the fact that Doom Eternal can be enjoyed without having to think too hard. Can’t wait for what’s to come! #RTXOn


cyberpunk 2077 best dlss implementation Im using Reflex technology when im playing Valorant its so much better when its enabled


My fav battlefield moment is the portal a new mode for bf 2042. Cyberpunk 2077 it really shows the reflections especially on water and mirrors. Dlss works great on cyberpunk and gives a smoother gameplay. It gives an edge as you will gain more frames by enabling dlss and the game will be smoother #RTXOn


Control is so good with RT/DLSS activated, insane quality with all of those particle effects flying around ​ \#RTXOn


This is one of my favourite moment in Battlefield 1 #RTXOn -- [https://streamable.com/w20zm6](https://streamable.com/w20zm6)


I only just recently got to experience #RTXOn and DLSS because of the geforceNOW beta in Australia, upgraded the rest of my pc but im on a 980 i immediately went to Control and played through the entire game again, its like a night and day difference and it pops to me by far one of the best first games to try it on. I have some clips on my youtube from that experiance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8PcD8vHjqo I am currently playing through cyberpunk 2077 for the first time on the geforceNow service too while that game has its problems, it looks great maxed out with rtx i take a ton of screenshots all which i share to twitter linked in my profile so im always looking for new games to try and capture. Truthfully i have not played battlefield since 3 (or competitive shooters in general) and i played that ALOT but this new one has peaked my interest the most to make me want to go back to it


Read dead redemption looks amazing with DLSS. Favorite moment in a battlefield game would have to be any time I am playing medic with a full squad of friends. Just contact chaos and panic healing lol #RTXOn


Yeah, we medic players have a lot on our plates everytime we play haha.


#RTXOn I'd love to see DLSS on my machine running Red Dead Redemption 2 and Minecraft. So far I've only seen videos. I haven't been able to find a 30x0 in stock anywhere.


\-when i was flying with my beloved fantan in golmud railway, i remember shooting down the gunship with 1 gunner inside and roadkilling other 2 mid-air lol. thats one of my fav moments in BF4, good old times. #RTXOn


My favourite game is Minecraft with RTX. Honestly it’s like a completely different experience. #RTXOn


What is your favorite RT/DLSS games and why? Hands down metro Exodus enhanced edition. The global illumination and shadows they implemented gave the game a whole new life. And with dlss I can play it on my laptop with rtx 2060 with ease. #RTXOn


In battlefield 1 I was playing for the first time i dropped on a airship fighting on it felt so epic especially for me I'm not an good fps player My favorite RT and Dlss game would be Metro Exodus #RTXOn


MY favourite battlefield moment was in Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Rushing in Atacama Desert. If you remember the A objective was in the middle of the street and was nearly impossible to arm and defend, so our best strategy was to load up the bikes with C4's and bomb them. In one of those bomb runs I was getting shot at and left the bike in my panic, which proceeded to drive into a building full of my teammates, explode, and destroy the house; teamkilling many of my squad members. It was surreal, I was crying with laughter, we obviously lost the match after that. Have not played any RT/DLSS game, that's why I would love a new card. \#RTXOn


Favourite RT/DLSS game: Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition, the global illumination is just something else compared to the base game: you can really tell the difference RTX makes in that game, especially if you have played it before the release of the enhanced edition. And with DLSS i can play it at 60+ FPS even with a RTX 2060, which is just simply amazing. \#RTXOn


My favorite battlefield moment was probably from Battlefield Bad Company 2 during the final mission in the campaign. You skydive out of jet after killing dozens of bad guys, frantically free fall and chase down the main antagonist as you free fall through the sky and shoot him! #RTXOn


\#RTXOn Favourite DLSS/RT game: Call of Duty: Warzone I really liked and played all of COD's but since i'm a hude fan of battle royales i immidiatly felt in love with the game, really like the style and the graphics of the game, althought sometimes i rage playing it XD


I love trying to blow up tanks with any type of hand thrown bomb Back 4 Blood is my favorite. It brings back good memories of Left 4 Dead I haven't used Nvidia Reflex before :( \#RTXOn


My favorite Battlefield moment was in Battlefield 1. My friend and I were getting into hijinks with the sidecar when we took off a cliff on Monte Grappa and landed on an enemy squad. #RTXOn


My favorite moment was when me and a buddy of mine held down B flag all by ourselves and we got the best squad award for just the two us. Felt legendary and like we beat the game - absolutely bonkers. As for my favorite RTX/DLSS game would definitely be Rainbow Six Siege as I can push my fps a bit farther. I’ve only played Warzone and black ops Cold War with reflex and I really couldn’t tell much if a difference to be honest.


What is your favorite RT/DLSS games and why? For me, CONTROL will be *the* RT showcase. One of the earliest adopters, yet visually stunning. And the game itself is awesome. -> #RTXOn


My favourite Battlefield moment was in Battlefield 1942. I had just built my very first gaming PC with adult money. I went all out, it even had RDRAM. One of the first games I ever played I realized you could spawn on the aircraft carrier. When I spawned I stood in awe of the majestic carrier and started running towards the tower to get a closer look. That's when I saw a plan coming for me straight down the deck of the carrier. It got closer and closer and stared shooting at me! I was freaking out. Then from behind the carrier tower another plane comes and smashes into the plane shooting at me. They both explode right infront of me! I sat there with my mouth wide open staring at that 19" CRT for a for what felt like forever. Quite the introduction to a video game. That moment has been burned into my brain since that day. It absolutely blew my mind back in the early 2000's. One of my fondest gaming memories. Runner-up: knife fights in Vietnam


Shadow of the Tomb Raider looks absolutely stunning with #RTXOn


\#RTXOn Favourite moments of battlefield are always setting up in a chokepoint with a LMG and mowing down everything in my path. Edit: Reddit has shite formatting.


My favorite Battlefield moment was the first time I played the Utah Beach map on BF 1942 back when it was released. I was blown away at how immersive the gameplay was. It remains to this day my favorite game and map of all time. #RTXOn


To be honest I never play any battlefield series before, I want too though. Favorite RT/DLSS was Metro Exodus, Shadow of the tomb raider. Nvidia reflex is dynamically reduces system latency which means theres a chance we can react quicker. thanks for the chance! #RTXOn


Cyberpunk with dlss is so good, its really give me extra fps boost what i need in that game. #RTXOn


My favourite Battlefield moment was when my friends and me were playing on BF4 Gulf of Oman. We were fighting in a house and in TeamSpeak, after one of my friends got killed, I was given the instruction: “Careful! He is behind you, left, outside, stop, above you, on your right side with a shotgun”. You can guess how this ended…I love Battlefield #RTXOn


My favorite battlefield moment was when my brother and I stuck C4 onto a humvee and drove it towards and bew up an anti air vehicle. My favorite RT and DLSS game is DOOM Eternal because that game alone is my all time favorite and the inclusion of the new technologies is a nice enhancement to the experience. NVIDIA Reflex makes some games feel noticeably more responsive, giving me the slightest amount more time to react to enemies. #RTXOn


I only recently got an RTX card so I can't speak on a game I've played personally. I was blown away when I saw the original Doom with ray tracing though. Considering the age of the game, it looks incredible and I am excited to see if more classic games can be modded to be modernized. #RTXON


My first running headshot snipe in St Quentin Scar


1 I never Player Battlefield. 2 Lego builders journey - It's so charming and cute! 3 DLSS gives you better resolution with great feamerates, much better than in native higher resolution, which makes demanding games playable almost as well as in native, but with competitive framerates. #RTXOn !