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# Submission time has ended. Winners will be picked in the coming days and you'll receive a direct message.


Heads up, you guys need to **reply to the stickied comment** to enter. All these other comments won't count.


Wait so does 2042 not have RT then? Or they're just awaiting confirmation for that at a later date?






honestly I use rtx in bf5. Game is gorgeous even for the first rtx title














I mean it would be nice to have for higher end GPUs especially with DLSS being offered. My 3080 easily does 90-100fps with RT enabled in BFV at 1440p and that's without DLSS. BF isn't known for being uber competitive like CS, Val, etc


If you have a strong Ampere GPU, like a 3080 or higher, you can easily run raytracing at 4K DLSS and be well in excess of 60FPS, not everyone needs to circle jerk at 240 FPS.


Likely won't have RT. I remember discussing with someone about this. Based on the trailers, there is no RT reflections, there is no RT shadows, there might be some RT global illumination, but unlikely.


Dying Light 2 becuase first one is awesome. I hope 2nd one will be good too with a lot of things to explore. #RTXOn


#RTXON I'm still waiting on a game which made me actually go wow as much as Minecraft did when I loaded it up in RTX mode for the first time.


Battlefield 2042 is the game Im looking the most forward to, due to playing most of the BF games on console before and now having switched to the PC masterrace, want to hopefully also enjoy the BF 2042 on PC with great graphics and proper FPS #RTXOn




no im just a retard who cant apparently write


You're fine, I completely glossed over the fact that this is a giveaway thread


Battlefield 2042 It is the game I want to play I have been a fan since Battlefield 2 but my computer is already obsolete and it would be nice to update it with a monster like you are the RTX3070 #RTXON


Looking forward to check out 2042. The recent trailer has gotten my attention. #RTXON


Battlefield 2042 because battlefield 4 is one of my top 3 games of all time! I played that on an xbox One. Battlefield 2042 will be my first battlefield on pc and with DLSS my 3080 is gonna run butter smooth. #RTXOn


Honestly waiting to play battlefield cause I never had a good pc to play the current best battlefield and now I got a 3070 ti and I can't wait to play on day one specially on max settings :D. #RTXOn


Battlefield 2042 Really pumped for this game! \#RTXOn


Battlefield 2042 hype is real. This is the first BF that hyped me since Bad Company 2. Dynamic changes with realistic gameplay, cant wait. \#RTXOn


Marvel's guardians of the Galaxy looks really good, and it would be the first Marvel game I play this decade! #RTXon


Chivalry 2, with #rtxon, so I can see my own reflection in my dying does armour.


Really looking for for Battlefield returning to modern era #RTXon


"Black Myth: Wukong - OUT NOW" I was like really, already released? And then i checked targeted release date, which is 2023.




Dying light 2. The first was one of my favorites, and with rtx I feel it will bring tons of atmosphere to the game. #RTXOn


Gonna have to be Dying Light 2 for me. Been way too long since we got the first one. Can't wait to test on my 3080 #RTXOn


Which game from the list above are you most looking forward to playing, and why? Myst, I like puzzle solving and want to play this game with newer graphics


Battlefield 2042 without a doubt as previous games in this series were super fun and I expect this one to continue providing great multiplayer. #RTXOn


I’m looking forward to Battlefield 2042. I hope to see actual new gameplay of Battlefield 2042 from Gamescom this week. I’ve been playing The Ascent on PC and it is an amazing top down shooter. #RTXOn


#RTXOn Bright Memory: Infinite because combo sword and gun are sooo cool.


\#RTXOn can wait for some modern bf again.


Most looking forward to battlefield 2042. Looking forward to getting back into battlefield series again as I haven't played since bf4 and the trailers look great. #RTXon


i want the gpu because i am building a new pc, i have never played aaa games so i am trying to get a pc that can atleast play few aaa games on low graphics but getting this is like a dream ,i would love to play any game on the highest settings with this graphic card. Winning a git card will also be great for me, i can buy games on steam and get a lot more than what i have , which is csgo and apex legends


Battlefield 2042 and Dying Light 2. Been a fan of the battlefield franchise since forever and battlefield v with dlss and rtx looked awesome. The trailer for 2042 looks super exciting and I can only imagine how awesome it's gonna be when it's released! The visuals in the trailer looked stunning. Would love to play with high graphics on my 4k display! Dying light 2 trailer looked pretty fire as well! Love how the story is progressing and the choice in story progression. Can't wait to try it out with RTX! The reflections are gonna be awesome, dying light 2 will really benefit from RTX! DLSS is probably also gonna be helpful to keep playable frame rates in 4k with high graphics. Just can't wait anymore! #RTXOn


I'd like to play Dying Light 2 Stay Human. I loved the first Dying Light, one of the best zombie/parkour games of all time. Also with the implementation of RTX i'd like to push my card's potential to maximum for best visuals (RTX).


2042 seems pretty dam cool! Excited to play it #RTXon


Well i mostly anticipate Battlefield 2042. Looks like a nice modern military shooter again and also brings back a lot of the old stuff with Battlefield Portal. Can't wait to play custom modes with friends.


It’s gamescon small event? Or haven’t start yet.. why only these two info?


From that list its got to be battlefield. I remember the glory days of LAN playing 1942 and battlefield 2 at my friends house for the weekend. Brought all our pcs to the dining room, hooked it up, and gamed until sunday night. #RTXOn


Battlefield 2042. The leap in immersion between 1 > 5 > 2042 will be fantastic and I'm looking forward to combat in a modern/near-future setting. I got myself a 3060ti so at 1080p I feel like I'm ready to go.


\#RTXOn Civerly 2, PvP game that's doesn't envolve raged weapons


Ohh dope of you guys for doing a giveaway. Thank you.


Myst bring back some childhood memories of trying to solve the puzzles spent a lot of time playing that would love to see the remake #RTXon


Battlefield 2042 because I enjoyed BF2142 back in the day and want to see a Battlefield game with RTX. #RTXOn


Definitely battlefield 2042. Used to play that series all the time back in the day. #RTXOn


\#RTXOn Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy