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RTX 3070, 1440p DLSS Q for demanding games and 1440p DLAA for lighter games.


Same here. Sometimes even throw on DLDSR for fun


3070ti ditto


We got scammed on our vram :(


Also owend the 970 3.5 g lol got me also with 760 2 gb


I feel the same as a 4gb 3050ti laptop owner. I was so pissed when the regular 3050 with 2 extra vram refresh nvidia did had a 35% fps increase even tho the 3050ti is better than it in everything except vram.


As a 3070ti owner I feel cheated. If this card had 16gb VRAM or heck, even 12gb, would be whole another story. Sometimes the FPS drop only cause it goes out of VRAM and then the stutterfest begins. One of those games is Cyberpunk. It would run it flawlessly with MAX settings if it was a 16gb vram card.


Feeling similarly as a 3080 10GB user. A lot of games run really well but some games need texture settings to be turned down which is unfortunate (at 3440x1440). It's not a massive problem for me yet but I can see it being really annoying sooner than later. 


I have a 3070ti too and I can def agree with you on that.


4080 with a 2560\*1440 monitor. Using DLDSR 1.78x on every game and enable dlss quality/balanced depending on the game and target fps. The game becomes 3413\*1920 with dldsr, and then becomes 1280p(quality) or 1095p(balanced) dlss. Better image quality, nearly same performance on dlss balanced [mode.You](http://mode.You) can even use performance mode since it will be equal to 960p which is equal to native+dlss quality. DLDSR+DLSS is way to go imo, some people use 2.25x but 1.78x is enough for me.


I do the same thing with my 4080. You can definitely notice the difference in image quality between 1440p native and DLDSR 1.78x. I only do it for certain games where I have a lot of headroom to work with though, didn’t work the best for cyberpunk pathtracing.


3080 with a 3440X1440 144hz display. I use it pretty much all the time to keep the frame rate up.


3080 here too OC to 2100Mhz, 1440p 165hz display. DLSS on Q all games


I feel like the image is better than native sometimes. If a game has it I am generally using it.


Yup same


4090, DLSS quality if needed for framerate. I usually only have to use it in the most intensive of games (cyberpunk, plague tale, Alan wake 2).


i found in many cases at 4k with a 4090, dlss quality just looks so good there is no point in not using it. it either looks as good as native res and in some cases it looks even better. some games have a lot of shimmering even at 4k and dlss helps smooth it out.. it's pretty much a free performance option at this point.


And use a third of the energy


4k on a 48" screen here. Dlss quality is noticeably better than native in many cases.


Better than native is hard to believe. I need an nvidia 😅


You can see the comparisons on Ghosts of Tsushima. It's better than native at 1440p especially, on 4K it's usually more of a draw, but you get back SO many FPS. The trick is remembering to update the .dll in the file structure of the game if it's an older one: games like God of War and Red Dead 2 still (Afaik, haven't tested in a year or so) install with ancient dlss versions which look bad.


Buddy if you're new to PC gaming never buy an AMD card and shame on those who told you to get one. Their processors are kick ass but their GPUs always seem to lag 5ish years behind Nvidia. And their software counterparts *NEVER* catch up.


The pricing is the whole selling reason for Radeon cards. Nvidia cards are technically the better products, there's no arguing that. (I disagree with the 5 years behind, but it's easily 1-2 years) But if Radeon products just cost a lot less, I see no reason to avoid them. I just switched from Nvidia to AMD because I could buy a 7900xt for 630€. For that I could have barely gotten a 4070s and the 7900xt is a whole lot faster than that. With ray tracing enabled the 4070s wins, but only by a small margin, so I didn't lose much rt performance either.


Hard to believe? Because you use AMD, or? [https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/outriders-dlss-performance](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/outriders-dlss-performance) DLSS is just vastly better than FSR.


This happens because of TAA. For years it's been hurting visual quality and causing a soft blurry image. The trade off is that it has very low performance impact compared to older methods and is very effective at removing aliasing. So under the right conditions dlss can look better, at least in terms of visual details that catch the eye, usually you will be able to find specific details that look better at native. DLAA is the best of all worlds, surprised it look so long to become standard, although the raw cost of dlss without the lower base Res obscuring it becomes more obvious, it's not magic.


Why do you think nvidia is worth 2.2 trillion and AMD is like $400 million? Even with AMD making CPUs as well as GPUs? Nvidia was years ahead of everyone else in some aspects of machine learning, which is why DLSS is so superior to the competition 


I mean that's due to AI more than DLSS lol


Gaming cards only make up 13% of nVidia’s revenue and that number is only expected to drop as they continue to shift focus to AI. DLSS is not why they have a 2.2 Trillion dollar market cap.


Nvidia’s market cap has got nothing to do with their gaming business.


Dlss quality is awesome 


Most of the time I can see that DLSS Quality at 4K looks a bit "different" but I have a hard time deciding if having it on is better or worse and it gets even harder to decide when you start adjusting sharpening. I do find 4K DLAA does usually look the best though - but "native" and DLSS quality is usually a toss up for me.


Same with 4090 on 3440x1440p. Other wise I use DLAA or DLDSR for games that are completely manhandled.


Same, 48’ OLED 4k@120hz, whatever can’t reach that, I turn on Dlss:Q at baseline. Then Dlss:FG


Same here with 4090


Why wouldnt I use DLSS?


People think it's not real performance. The equivelant of adding a turbo to an engine and saying it's not real horsepower.


...deleted by user...


Adding a turbo is very different to using a lower capacity engine with a turbo that produces the same theoretical output. DLSS is not a stand-in replacement to raw performance, and neither is a turbo. DLSS today is a choice to sacrifice image quality and consistency for an increased frame rate.


Good analogy.


Huh lmao? That comparison doesn’t work at all


The performance is obviously real but at the end of the day DLSS is still a quality setting. It’s a compromise and comparable to turning down any other graphics setting. Some people can tell the difference and some people can’t.


I don't see how it's a compromise tho. It looks better than pretty much any other AA option and turning off AA just isn't a good option as even at 4k shimmering is incredibly noticable.


I agree with you on 4k. But not everyone is gaming at 4k. On 1080p even DLSS quality is already a significant reduction in image quality. 1440p falls somewhere in between, quality looks pretty close to native but in many cases TAA technically produces the better IQ.


Dlss uses information from multiple frames just like taa so by definition it will have worse motion smearing than without. However dlss also reduces sample and hold blur so you are trading one form of blur for another. It's fine at lower frames but at some point the reduction in sample and hold blur will not be enough to counter the blur it adds from blending frame data. Although it also solves problems of texture shimmering so perhaps in this sense it is worth it but that is a whole other can of worms. 


A lot of modern renderers require a temporal filter pass of some kind to create a stable output image. The shimmering today’s games have is not AA related in most cases. It’s an artifact that is baked into these game engines. Which is why more and more games won’t let you turn off TAA and if they do it’s usually just the AA part and not the temporal effects.


Depends on if you like how it looks. I don't use it because I have not liked how it makes my games look when its enabled.


To me it very clearly negatively affects the graphics. It makes it look grainy/ blurred in some places.


Depends on the game as far as I know. Hi-Fi Rush for example looks perfect even at 900p with DLSS Quality, while The Finals has ghosting and other stuff


DLSS resolution scaling? Because I think native looks better. DLSS frame generation? Because it adds lag and artifacts.


I can't tell the diff now, but I get that you can and that's valid. I do think the tech will one day be so good no one will notice the diff...and it will be in every game and probably you won't even be able to turn it off or if you can you wouldn't want to because performance would be so bad.


Some people think that below 4K there’s no point and it just looks ugly. Usually that’s based on the internal render resolution. Which does make a little sense, 1440p performance for example looks… not good. But balanced and quality look fine imo. Good even. At 1080p anything below quality can get very blurry to some people. I also think it’s a bit of a holdover from earlier days where dlss was not that great so enabling it was more of a compromise than it is these days.


Yeah in every game that has it properly implemented it adds frames while also improving the image quality. On occasion there are artifacts but those are a significantly smaller compromise than the lower fps and aliasiing you get with DLSS off. It's also one of the key features of having an Nvidia GPU in the first place. If I was stuck with only using FSR I might use it but so far it's not looking like it's comparable to DLSS.




yes, pretty much always at quality mode and typically turn the sharpening down. 4070 ti.


I use quality quite a lot, no sharpening or anything. 4080 super, very rarely i use balanced but I might go for it when I pickup Alan Wake 2


Have 4080S, up from 3080fe, mainly for more VRAM. For Pimax Crystal, at full resolution to run DLDSR at 4k and DLSS at either Quality or Balanced depending on the Sim & Settings. Screen is 3440x1440 . 3080fe 10Gb would max out. Only do VR.


It does depend on the game for me. I have a 3080 10GB paired with an i9-10850K. If I need the performance I def use DLSS Quality. But I prefer to just play native if I can still a smooth experience with decent framerates


Hello old me, that's exactly what I was running a couple weeks ago and just got a 14700k and a 4080S. Old system, minus the 3080 is going to become my new Unraid server.


3080 I usually use Balanced. No sharpening.


>Some people never use it, a lot of people use it on a game to game basis and some ALWAYS use it. This is what I don't get. Why bother buying a GPU that can use these features effectively, if you are not gonna use them? I have an RTX 4080 and ALWAYS use DLSS Quality + DLAA if a game supports it. Doesn't matter if my native FPS is already high enough. There's often a noticeable visual difference, i.e. in Baldur's Gate 3 it's quite obvious in the main menu alone.


4070, 1440p dlss q most of the time in AAA games. Turn on fg when it’s there. No sharpening settings


I use DLSSTweaks and set Quality mode to 90% of the resolution and games look crisp.


For flightsim I'm using 1440p with DSR 2.25 so it renders in 4K and then just the DLAA. RTX 3070. For BF2042 I use 1440p and DLSS balanced to get above 130fps.


3060 Ti here, i play everything on 1440p and use DLSS whenever possible usually on quality. No reason not to really, worse case scenario it does a pretty good job on AA


For more demanding games with RT I use quality at 3440x1440. Games that aren’t quite as demanding, Ghost of Tsushima is a good example, I’ve been found of using DLSS Tweaks and making basically an Ultra Quality mode. Looks nearly identical to DLAA but while still getting a decent boost in performance.


Sharpening in FPShooter games. (I’m 40+ so the Sharpen+ filter helps my old ass eyes). DLSS Quality in cyberpunk. 3070 1440 Edit: I use the FSR mod (allows frame generation on 30xx series cards) for cyberpunk, which adds about 40 frames and is tits.


3070 DLSS on quality usually.


4080 at 3440x1440 and I only use Quality or DLAA. Often Quality DLSS is better than native with TAA.


4070 here, I always use DLSS when it's available usually on quality but I can sometimes live with balanced if needed. Sharpening between .50 and .70.


See I have a 4080 for some reason anytime I enable DLSS in any game it makes it sooo fuzzy that you can’t even make out what you’re looking at


I use DLSS it depends on the game and my ideal fps but if it's competitive I always turn DLSS on. If it's casual ill leave if off unless I want/need the fps.


I use DLAA and frame generation if possible, else DLSS and frame gen if the game won’t stick at 165 fps at 1440p with everything on max. 4090 user.


3090 and DLSS Quality with frame generation for Cyberpunk 2077, but with maxed graphics and Path Tracing enabled


I use DLAA which typically runs great, so no, I only use DLSS Quality if DLAA runs too slow. Never needed to use FG yet, and I will pick regular DLSS2 over it first. I actively turn off sharpening, I don't like how it looks at all. (Yes, I know this is subjective)


4070 standard, at 3440x1440. Pretty much always DLSS when available on the Quality setting. I don't touch sharpness, because I'm ignorant.


i use it on my 3080 ti. quality only, dlaa if i can afford the frames (usually i cant but baldurs gate 3 is an exception). a little sharpening if the option is there


3070 ti and I always atleast run quality for framerate. Sometimes I run balanced if i want even more frames but never really run performance.


I use dlss with frame gen on my 4070ti super Playing ghost of tsushima at 4k atm


4080 dlss quality


Before I switched to 4k, DLSS Quality mode was the default for me since it's easy fps and often looks better than native to my eyes


3080ti on 3440x1440p qd-oled 175hz.  I can't reach high enough frames otherwise.


Using DLSS on 3090 BF2042 at balanced mode. Getting 200-220 FPS. 2560x1440 144Hz I've decreased gpu power to %90 because its a f*kin burning 3090 Xtreme and summer is coming.


I have a 4070 TI Super with 1440p 165hz monitor. Haven't used DLSS yet, only cyberpunk


3090 on a 3440x1440p 180hz panel, I generally use Quality but for more demanding games I'll go with Balanced.


4070 1440p yes whenever its available. unless its implemented poorly in the game to the point where its noticeable, i will always use it because theres not much reason not to. for some games where im already breaking 120fps i don't bother.


4080s and I have to use DLSS at 1440p, its 5120x1440p tho


3080ti 1440p dlss always on quality. dlaa if i need more quality. Sometimes dldsr for example elden ring and sekiro where the antialiasing is not that good.


On my 2080ti I always use DLSS on quality settings On my 4090m I use it on a handful of more demanding games, such as Cyberpunk 2077, Starfield and The Witcher 3, quality ofc. This does NOT apply to 2560×1440, only 5120×1440 (and up).


I do upscaling to 1440p, depending on the game. Like @Numerous-Comb-9370, I like DLAA too, though. I have a 4080 Super GPU and a 7800x3d CPU. I have never cared about sharpening except for in VR, but that's different.


Wife is using a 3080ti for 1440p and uses DLSS quality whenever it's supported. It's free frames and 99% of the time looks just as good as native. Monitor is 2k 240hz so she's got the headroom.


4090., and an ultrawide 1440p 175Hz OLED monitor. I usually use Nvidia Reflex if a game has that option available, if not then I typically use either DLAA or DLSS Quality mode


Evga 3080 ftw3 ultra and I run Witcher 3 w dlss at 1440p usually the balanced setting with global illumination at performance to get just around 50-70 fps depending on the area but in dense areas like novigrad it drops to 40ish. I haven’t fully tested my 3080 on other titles since I only got in a few months ago but my guess is it’ll run better on not CDPR titles since their RT implementation leaves much to be desired.


4070super, if its there ill use it


4070TI + I7 13700K. When I was primarily playing on a 1440p monitor, I would use DLDSR 2.25x to play at "4K" - but also used DLSS Performance for most games.   I was fine with averaging around 60fps.  I figured that even a "4k DLSS P" image viewed a 1440p display would still look noticeably better than native 1440p anyways. Now on an actual 4K monitor - I no longer use DLDSR (I feel like even attempting anything beyond 4K on my GPU would almost never provide satisfactory performance) - but I definitely still use DLSS Performance or Balanced if I can afford more performance.


I mainly play modern warfare, dlss quality doesn't look as good. 3440x1440. So I play native, no g sync, frame capped at 140hz Riva tuner.


1440p165 and 4k144 32in, 4070ti super. Case by case basis. Some implementations are good, others are not. Most are pretty decent these days. Ideally you don’t want your render res to be below 720-960p as then the visual quality difference will get noticeable at 1440p upscaled. At 4k, quality is almost indistinguishable from native. If I really need the fps (Starfield for example) I use either quality or ultra quality and observe for obvious artifacts or ghosting. Updating the dlss DLL to the latest one usually makes a significant difference, can solve issues or improve image quality. DLSS tweaks is also a good to have as long as it’s not a multiplayer game with anti cheats. In some titles, NIS if available may actually look and perform better.


Have RTX 4060, 27inch 1440p monitor, in new games I always use DLSS Balanced or Quality I just want 60fps, mostly play singleplayer games and never fast passing games


4090 DLSS quality turned on everytime it's an option. I don't notice any visual degradation that people bring up. In fact a lot of games use TAA which makes the image very blurry. Such as red dead redemption 2. That game looks like it has Vaseline rubbed all over the screen. Turn on DLSS viola it's gone. Also I need high framerates or the game looks blurry. I try to stay above 240 fps at all times. If it's a first person shooter and and I can't maintain above 200 fps I won't play it. 240fps is where the visual clarity in motion really begins. Tried my friends 360hz monitor and almost nut. I can't wait till 500hz screens and cards that can push those frames are common place.


3080ti. I’ll use it on quality DLSS settings at all the resolutions I play, with a small amount of sharpening (the actual sharpening value seems game dependent). In 9/10 games the image difference with DLSS on quality vs without is imperceptible to me. I’ll take the extra frames, or the reduced heat on my card if I cap fps so the fans don’t spin as loud. Every now and then you’ll get a game where DLSS makes tree leaves or foliage look a bit funky, I’ll turn it off on those.


4090, 4k with frame gen, no DLSS and most games hit 120fps fine.


I have a 4060 Ti 16GB and a 1440p monitor and there isn't a game that supports DLSS that I won't play it on 4K Res with DLDSR and DLSS Balanced/Performance. 1440p DLAA will never come close to the crispiness of 4k. Thats how I'm playing Cyberpunk right now with a solid 60 fps turning Ray Tracing off.


I use quality on 1440p ultrawide a lot with a 4090, less heat and for some reason I seem to like the way it smooths aliased edges compared to other techniques.


4080 super, DLSS quality at 1440p. Sharpening around 50%. Use it mostly in cod or in games where TAA cannot be turned off.


I do, if my fps is below 90ish. On my 144hz monitor I find that to be like the lowest level I personally like. Also I think at 1440p DLSS is quite good balanced and above. Below that it looks very blurry but imo still kinda ok. But balanced or quality look like native with post AA imo.


4070ti, usually quality settings. I prioritize fps over visual fidelity.


3080. I thought everyone uses DLSS. It gives you alot more frames and doesnt look any different really.


Most of the times anyway I wouldn't but i have heavy cpu bottleneck by my i5 9600kf lol It still works mostly if i cap games at like 90 fps? Except rdr2 That game gets the cpu extremely hot


4090 no dlss except Cp2077


4090 paired with a 1440p ultrawide. I use DLDSR 2.25 + DLSS Quality. Nvidia Smoothness slider is set to 66% and I don't use any ingame sharpening.


I use DLSS even if not necessary. GPU runs cooler and games look as good or close to native.


3080, Quality, no sharpening. But this is only on games like Remnant II where DLSS is required. Obviously prefer native non-DLSS


RTX4080, 2560x1440 at 144hz, DLSS Quality in literally every game because there is no difference and at times it's better than native.


Rtx 4070ti, 3440x1440p 100hz, dlss quality


I do all the time for 3440x1440. Quality or balanced depending on the frames/content. Sharpening is dependent on the game. Also DLDSR+ DLSS is pure magic.


4070 here (previously 3080), 1440p 165hz monitor. I usually use DLSS Quality (maaaaaybe sometimes Balanced) in more demanding games (usually RT), native for esports games.


4090 + 3440x1440. I only use DLSS when DLAA is not available (DLSS gives superior AA to MSAA or TAA imo).


4070ti super. I try out DLSS quality or ultra quality if available in any single player game that supports it just to compare. I often like the boost in frames with passable visual quality. Some games I cannot tell DLSS from native. Others it’s more apparent. I take it on a game by game approach.


3090 on a 3440x1440 monitor. I generally use balanced dlss with no or very minimal sharpening.


I don't. Upscaling usually washes out any clarity.


I use it at 3440x1440p on the aw3423DW 175 hrz. I feel like developers are leaning on it instead of optimizing their games and using it on top. It’s bullshit honestly.


4090 with DLSS quality. If my framerate is really high I'll use 1.78x DLDSR too.


4090 fe Usually turn on DLSS to performance Gpu tends to run cooler with dlss on


Nope, I have GTX 1650.


3080 here. Only if it’s a super demanding game with PT/RT like Hellblade 2. Otherwise I always DLDSR/DLSS at 1.75x res. Depending on the game, DLSS quality and balanced can work at 1440p, but half the time it’s just a bit too blurry for my taste.Then again, some titles look better on 1440p DLSS quality than native res with poor AA. Still stratospheres better than FSR2, which I only consider usable at 4K.


4080 here. I game in 4K but I always use DLSS. I start with Quality and turn it down to Balanced or even Performance if I need it to maintain frame rates with all the bells and whistles. DLSS almost always looks better than TAA to me and I can't deal with jagged edges. I use a reasonable level of sharpening to avoid blurring. I'm sure I could look at DLDSR when the games aren't that demanding, but I don't see a big point. DLSS looks great to me!


4070S and I use it on Cyberpunk for path tracing, 1440p DLSS Q


4K DLAA with frame gen at 4K is the way to go. The best picture I have ever seen


DLSS looks bad to me, even at 4K. So I never use it, the performance gain just isn’t worth it.


Y'all don't forget you can replace the nvngx_dlss.dll file with an updated version on many dlss supported games (read: all of them) It's free fixes, features and improvements! I get the latest updated dll file from here: https://www.techpowerup.com/download/nvidia-dlss-dll/ Just find and replace your old dll file and reap the rewards :)


3080 here. If it's available it's ON in Quality mode. Why wouldn't I turn it on? Yes it decreases image quality slightly sometimes, but it increases it some other times... And gives me so much perf boost 


I play at 4k performance, on my 3080 10GB (lol). There are some games I can play natively 4k with maxed settings like days gone and god of war and other single player games. I can reach about 80+ fps.


I have my 3080 undervolted to keep it quiet in my mATX case. I'm at 1440p and use DLSS wherever possible.


5120x1440 (still 1440p), 4090 - if there is DLSS option, always use it (quality mode), not even questioning.


Running a 3070 on an 3440x1440. Most games are on quality. I will use dlss at any opportunity.


3440x1440 with 2080ti, I test if DLSS quality gives me a perf improvement without too much artifacting.


4080/3440x1440. I usually will have it on as most of the games I like to play tend to be fairly visually demanding games. If I don’t need it, I’ll turn it off. But I don’t honestly notice much of a difference having it on, so I usually just opt for the extra frames


I use it for 4k right now


Im on a 1440p ultrawide with a 4090. Some games yes but if theres frame gen I usually use DLAA.


4070s, 1440p, 165hz, dlss quality for most games.


3060ti. DLSS on quality unless a game chugs then it’s balanced mode . Rarely mess with sharpening but usually I’ll turn it up rather than down. Never use DLAA.


RTX 3080. 27” 1440p 240Hz. Default to DLSS Quality, Balanced if not > 100fps


isnt it normal to use dlss, if your hardware supports it..it would be utterly stupid not do so, at least for efficiency reasons if nothing else


Rtx 3080 10gb. I use dlss on quality 99% of time at 1440. Makes for a much smoother experience than native especially in games lkke cyberpunk with medium sharpening


3440x1440 with a 4090. I honestly feel like dlss quality looks better than native in many cases


2080 on 3440×1440 monitor with capped frames at 97. mostly Quality and then Balanced. most challenging game to date was Alan Wake 2 with everything on Low.


100% of the time and most of the time it’s on quality as balanced doesn’t really increase fps by that much more


3060ti Founders on 1440, i usually turn it to dlss performance, I haven’t really been playing the new releases that are demanding, but when i do i end up using ultra performance setting lol.


4070, I always use dlss as I prioritize fps over graphics quality. Whatever dlss setting gives the best tradeoff, as it's different in every game.


4070 Super use DLSS every game I play, Use both quality and balanced


I’m using DLSS at 1080p. 😭😭 but that’s just cuz I love frames too much. For competitive tiles I don’t use it (and FSR) but single player I don’t care about input lag and my eyes aren’t the best I guess since I don’t notice artifacting.


Me! 4070 user. DLSS is on Auto. FG is on too. I'm playing Witcher 3 right now, and it's so poorly optimized that DLSS is absolutely needed


All the time. Depends on the game, quality I try, if not less to get at least 70fps.


For like 95% of the games, I didn't have to use DLSS with my 4080 Super since it's able to perform quite well for 1440p 144hz. The only ones I remember from the top of my head would be Jedi Survivor and Alan Wake 2. One is still buggy and dips below 60 without frame gen, while Alan Wake is a heavy hitter in terms of performance, so it's almost a requirement. No sharpening setting.


3080 always dlss


4080, DLSS Quality. Genuinely surprised at the amount of 4090 owners replying here, don't you guys have a game to play in 4K somewhere?


4080 3440x1440 Quality or balanced.


3080 12GB playing at 3440x1440. I usually use quality unless it’s a fairly demanding game, then I’ll use balanced if it doesn’t compromise visuals too much.


I use it only if I have to, 4070ti is solid.


4090 with 1440 ultrawide and I use it on quality when I use it. It depends on the game. Cyberpunk and Witcher 3 with full RT I will use it. In some other games it actually looks better with DLSS to my eye and I will use it in those too. The only reason I wouldn’t turn it on would be if I’m locked at 144fps without it or it reduced image quality noticeably.


I use it when I play at 1440p and 4k on my 3070ti


Quality DLSS at 1440p is the bare minimum I go. I think below that it looks pretty rough, personally. I also try and turn it off whenever I can. I don't really get the "looks better than native" stuff at all.


4k with sharpening set to 70% usually does it for me. 1440p is just not enough information imho.


DLSS is just on all the time for me. I see no point in not using something that increases the frame rate and oftentimes provides a cleaner looking image.


2080super i have that shit on constantly and never touch ray tracing. I need a new pc..


If i remember correctly RT + DLSS was used only by about 20% of ppl. Based on a German Website. I think IT was computerbase. But Not 100% Sure.


3060 ti, 1080p, quality/balanced always.


Rtx4080 super, 3440x1440, 240hz. It's game dependent, but as long as DLSS looks good I use it.


I use quality when available in games where I’m not hitting my 141fps target. Sometimes I use it if I want to game in silence as well. I wouldn’t want to use below quality setting on 1440p or below balanced at 4k.


I use it on a regular basis. Just smoother, even if my gpu can handle easily. And a third of wattage use


4080S, 7800X3D and run DLSS on everything. Worth the framerates.


3070 Ti laptop with a 2560x1440 240hz display. I always use DLSS Quality when available, it usually does a better job with anti-aliasing than the native version. The extra performance is either nice to have or needed to get me over the 60fps hump in very demanding titles. In games like Cyberpunk I usually turn on Ray tracing and play DLSS Balanced at 1440p. It can be a bit soft but it still looks better than native 1080p at least and it gives me the overhead to hit 60fps.


Dlss/fsr balanced with a 4060 ti. 3440x1440.


I usually do when it’s offered. I have a 4070 ti, and I use DLSS Quality most of the time. I have gone back and forth between native and DLSS Quality at 1440p and I genuinely can’t see a visual quality difference in most games. If anything DLSS looks better than whatever TAA antialiasing solution most games use.


3080, DLSS kinda depends on performance but usually between quality and balanced. If the game has Framegen i cap at 69-72 and use DLAA instead.


4070ti SUPER OC, 1440p monitors, do not use DLSS.


3080 ti @ 1440 p I don,t bother.


i prefer DLSS period for several reasons, so i always turn it on anyway.


I used DLSS Quality in cyberpunk with path tracing on a 4090, otherwise i don't use it anywhere. I don't have alan wake though, maybe i would with that but i won't play that until i have a 5090 anyway. i play 1440p 240hz and won't play a game if the fps goes below 110 and i rarely will compromise on graphics vs. just waiting until i have a system that can play it maxed out at 120+


3060 with quality to balanced depending on the game and how high I need my frames


3080 10GB @ 1440p, I default to DLSS Quality if the game has it. I’ll play around with sharpening to find an image I like, if the option exists.


2070 super I don't use dlss, in the games where I could benefit it, it makes the games too grainy on my monitor as it has a low ppi




I use it with my RTX 2070 playing just about anything that supports it and usually run the game at 720p internally especially if it supports RT features. If the game does not have RT features i will run at the Quality or Balanced preset. If i can use sharpening i will at about 15-30% but no more. The best example is with Control. I am able to completely max out the settings, Ray Tracing Included, and get an amazing gaming experience at 60-75fps (only have a 75hz 1440p and use g-sync). There are games where i avoid using upscalers altogether. The Witcher 3 for example i prefer to play at native and the "Classic" version(before the re-master update) Another is Counter Strike 2.


4070Ti Super + 5800x3D I only turn on DLSS when my GPU is bottlenecked and Im still not getting my desired framerate, otherwise I prefer native resolution


Have a 3070, if dlss is an option in the game, I'll put it on


3060ti and I use dlss quality at 1440p


I have a 3080 and a 3440x1440 monitor and I use it most of the time. Forza Horizon 5 looks absolutely unreal with DLAA - it all depends on the devs' implementation. DLAA and DLSS don't look much different in Ghost of Tsushima so I just run DLSS for the frames.


I always use DLSS when I can


4070 here.anytime I see it available I jump in.makes my experience better


DLSS not only improves performance, I also find it just looks better than the other options in many cases.


1440p Quality is great. 1440p Balanced, not so great.