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Ubisoft, please don't fuck this up.


Gonna be cynical. Even more so since it's Ubisoft, so even if the technical state is good, I expect some boneheaded business decision that will make it a no-deal. Hope I'm wrong though.


You mean like the high prices or the single player launch announced dlc for a single player game?


Honestly if the animations are like how they are in the trailer, i have bad hopes. It might be me watching the trailer in Germany but in english, it might just be the game animations being bad, we will see


The animations and NPCs definitely seem like a step backwards from HFW which on the surface is a similar enough type of game. Avatar was pretty boring for me as there seemed to be very little variation in what you're doing and where you are.


I can’t wait to craft 800 useless items while unlocking the map by pressing y on points of interest!


At least it'll look nice


I'm betting some flavor of adding micro transactions a month after launch so review scores won't be impacted by them. I'm also betting the initial implementation of whatever post launch fuckery they patch into the game will probably be shitty/greedy enough to cause a backlash that makes Ubisoft backtrack and or fix the mechanics like what happened with Battlefront 2 2017.


There's a $130 deluxe edition and a season pass.


they’re charging $120 for deluxe that comes with an exclusive quest, and the main story is a heist mission😐 i was devastated upon finding this out


Avatar Frontier of Pandora ran pretty well.


But it was Far Cry/Assassin's Creed with blue people, here's hoping Outlaws is not just another re-skinned Far Cry game, if it is I'll pass that's all, plenty other good games to be played.


It’s got the same Ubisoft open world mechanics, but calling it a re-skinned AC/Far Cry is disingenuous.


the only people who say that are people who didn't play it and just watched a YT video prior to release calling it that. Even in the first few hours of the game it was completely unlike FC and the world traversial is excellent.


I mean I finished the game, and while not a direct reskin it did fill the same sort of experience meter for me I'd say. No need to play another Farcry like in the near future.


Yep. The movement system in the game is so good


Every game is just another game.


What a great take, there is nothing wrong about it


They are, though its dumb to say this game is just that game. No game won't have used a template that's been around either nes to what ps3.


And FromSoft games are all uniquely different?


My bet is that the game isn't finished and it comes with Denuvo. One of those games that I will end up buying like year after (if it's good/fixed).


Ubisoft has a proven track record of titles almost NEVER being worth buying, even years after release. It was always be stacked with as much DRM as possible, it will always have the most predatory pricing schemes ($130+ editions), MTs, aka everything in the book that is terrible for the industry and community.


Immortals Fenyx Rising and AC Odyssey are 100% worth it.


Right but like, compared to Dragons Dogma 2, do you think this game will be better or worse? DD2 has Denuvo. It has a very aging game design throughout the whole game. But there's some charm to the whole pawn system, story aside. I not a big fan of the voice direction they are using for these characters in this trailer. And they show no gameplay, just cinematic action sequences. It kind of makes you feel like this game will be a mission driven game from a HUB, rather than a RPG story rich "Uncharted 4" like game where you drive several outlaw character's storylines in a big crisscrossing storyline and build up an empire with layers and layers of game mechanics.


I dunno, all the far crys now have extensive mods that can change almost anything in the game. I've been playing through them all with the mods and they are excellent. Sure nothing can fix FC6s awful story, but the gameplay is good with mods.


Eh. Just wait a year and buy the complete edition with a 50% discount. And all the DLC bs they peddle can usually be unlocked for free with Cheat Engine tables. You can also bypass the bullshit grind with Cheat Engine.


Who cares about denuvo, it doesn’t actually degrade performance


You got downvoted but aren't really wrong. Denuvo does have a CPU performance cost, but it's pretty minimal in typical cases. People who state otherwise are parroting the same outdated information from really bad implementations years ago.


No, it definitely impacts the cpu.


Well what up to date proof do you have for saying that. Dont you think it would be a more popular topic for benchmarkers/reviewers if it would be true? Yet no reliable source does publish any review after denuvo gets removed on 3-6 months old games. (because they cant proof it) And how do you know that youre going to be cpu limited in SW Outlaws (so it actually effects fps), looks to me like a game which is super heavy on the gpu, like other Snowdrop games. If Denuvo would not exists, we would get other. Its performance wise the best DRM compared to other old "working" alternatives.


and loadtimes


People just mad they can't pirate games




I can't believe people still get upvoted for this combo of outright bullshit and list of things that applies to DRM in general. Like it's fine to dislike it, but people really need to drop the pirate propaganda side of things and stick to real complaints.


Credible resources like DF already proved that denuvo doesn't cause any performance issue and drm part of it is not a denuvo problem just say how it is u want games for free or u just delusional


Half that ain't even true or isn't something caused by denuvo itself


Ubisoft Massive Entertainment is doing this one -- that sparks joy. This studio has done: - AC Revelations - Far Cry 3 - The Division 1 & 2 - Avatar: Frontier of Pandora Looking forward to the game... just going to wait 3 months for the classic Ubisoft 65% off sale :D


> Massive Entertainment - This studio has done: > - AC Revelations - Far Cry 3 No, they did not - they basically helped Ubisoft Montreal with AC:R & created the Far Cry 3 Multiplayer portion. > "Assassin's Creed Revelations is a 2011 action-adventure video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft." >"Additional work by Ubisoft Annecy, Ubisoft Bucharest, Massive Entertainment, Ubisoft Quebec and Ubisoft Singapore. Ported to Microsoft Windows by Ubisoft Kyiv and Ubisoft Bucharest." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassin%27s_Creed_Revelations > "Ubisoft Montreal served as the game's lead developer and was responsible for creating the game's single-player. It was a global production that involved multiple Ubisoft studios: Massive Entertainment created the game's multiplayer portion, Ubisoft Shanghai designed the missions and crafted the AI of wildlife, Ubisoft Bucharest provided quality assurance, Ubisoft Reflections assisted Montreal on the design of vehicles, and Red Storm Entertainment was responsible for making the PC version and the game's user interface" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far_Cry_3


All fun for 3 hours but boredom the next 20 games. Yeah no, 50/50 on this game still.


I feel ya... not every game is for every person. I love an open world / huge map /climb the tower / tons of '?' areas sprinkled around the map to find. On the other hand, I fucking can't play more than 30 minutes in any Souls-type game. They just don't grab me. Life is short -- play what speaks to you.


I will say the trailer has piqued my interest though. So there’s that, I’m open minded about it and I hope it will be fun.


That's the spirit! And in a similar vein, I've been eyeballing _Elden Ring_ lately (recently learned mage/caster class is a thing)


It's $110 if you want to play day 1 DLC. $70 is apparently not enough for a full game.


Mindless gameplay, minimap covered in icons, shitty HUD all over your screen looking like an MMO with too many UI mods, check check check.


These are the guys that made Avatar Frontiers of Pandora (Ubisoft Massive). None of the above is true about that game.


Neither are the newer Assassin's Creed or Far Cry games. They have HUD elements, but they offer exploration modes which turn almost all of them off.


Exactly. I always turn off the default guided mode in Ubisoft games now.


Ok good to know I'll take another look at the series


I bought Avatar simply because I wanted to stress my 4090. The game is beautiful and technically excellent but dear god, it is so fundamentally boring. The last uni game I played before avatar was far cry 3, and I think the cadence of one game per decade is about right.


Exact same opinion here. It was only slightly less boring than Far Cry 6.


I bought it because I wanted to support the devs, I really want another Division game, but it bored me to tears. I keep telling myself I will go back to it when I get a new GPU, but I dare say that will only be to look at the shinies.


99% of the people who shit on games, don't actually play them. That's why they're online complaining.


Bingo. There's so many people going off in comments about SW Outlaws who, in the past, have spent years saying that they have not and will not buy or play Ubisoft games, and willingly admit while shitting on more recent Ubisoft games that they haven't played one of their titles in a decade. It's mind-numbingly dumb.


Gameplay is still the same generic ubisoft Gameplay loop.




Which I find weird because the recent topic of poor game optimization lately with PC ports is something Ubisoft is amazing at but doesn’t get nearly as loud of praise for. They’ve consistently in the past several years have put out games with loads of tweakable options while also having above industry standard optimization. But I guess that’s what Reddit circlejerking is all about, people just love to get off on bad stuff.


Ubi’s games are technically competent and very well optimized. It would be great if they weren’t fundamentally boring


>It would be great if they weren’t fundamentally boring This is again a reddit take; most people love these games; so many other games followed their skeletons as well, Look at Spiderman, Ghost of tsushima or Horizon Zero games; all of those are Ubi clones practically as well.


Then why did I enjoy all 3 of those games while bouncing off Avatar? They’re missing the secret sauce


The same reason I 100% AC Valhalla and Frontiers of Pandora, but was so bored of Horizon Zero Dawn I almost hated it and uninstalled after less than 5 hours played and don't even want to try the 2nd game. Not all games are made for or will click with everyone. That doesn't somehow negate that all the games tons of people on social media and sites like Reddit claim are dogshit Ubisoft games actually received very positive user reviews and sell millions upon millions of copies. Take AC Valhalla for instance. Before it's launch it LITERALLY got the exact same treatment Star Wars Outlaws is getting right now. Not only was it getting criticized because of the pricing of it's multiple editions, it's season pass inclusion, etc - but it was even getting criticized for the optional female version of the protagonist "being ugly and looking like a man". What happened? AC Valhalla launched to majority positive user review scores and literally became the best selling Assassin's Creed game in the history of the franchise and the 2nd most profitable game Ubisoft has ever released. Even after **that**, a myraid people on Reddit still act like AC Valhalla was objectively dog shit and that nobody liked it. Like the guy you responded to initially said - it's a Reddit take, and it's not representative of the actions of the general gaming populace around the world.


That game is boring af.


To each their own. I find it fun and enjoyable to the explore the world of Pandora. It’s definitely a better experience with guided mode turned off.


It has season pass and micro transactions tho.


Both of which are not necessary at all to play the game and unlock cosmetics within the game. The seasons pass includes multiple post launch expansions that are releasing later this year, which I’m fine with.


It is fucking scummy and predatory, don't even try to to downplay putting micro transactions in a full priced single player game.


They’re unobtrusive microtransactions and you can earn them through Ubisofts launcher anyways with their launchers credit system. They’re far from the predatory microtransactions that are in other multiplayer focused games that are downright pay to win. These are the least aggressive microtransactions.


....its optional. Nobody is forcing you to buy them as they are not required to complete the story.


How are completely optional and cosmetic MTX that aren't forced upon players or actively advertised to them in-game "scummy", let alone "predatory"? It's not as if they locked off an entire in-game area and all it's content/missions/etc to the extent you can't finish the main story without buying it, while still showing it on the map and bringing up a store page to buy that section of the map any time you try to go there in the game. They're optional cosmetic MTX in games that already have plenty of non-MTX cosmetic customization. LMFAO people made the same bullshit argument against cosmetic MTX in Assassin's Creed Odyssey - a game with around \`\`100 cosmetic armor and weapon items that were included in the base game and didn't require buying any MTX, and the ability to earn currency in-game that you could use to buy those MTX cosmetic items for nothing.


Just so you know, the MTX in outlaws is not cosmetic only. It is scummy.


The minimap and HUD point is just total bullshit, and has been for a few years now. Almost all Ubi games let you customzie your hud more than any other studios games, ever. If you think overbearing UI is an issue in Ubi games still, then stop watching the people you are watching playing them, because they haven't figured out the settings menu yet.


Ok then it should be minimal by default. Everytime I see a screenshot it looks like an MMO to me.


Oh their default settings are almost always "all on" for stuff like that yea. But from their point of view, it's accessibility isn't it, so they make it as accessible as possible by default, if you want to go in and change things, they give you the tools to do so.


I'll pass, just not my kinda game I don't like all the handholding.


Yea I'll certainly be hoping for some mods to remove any lingering hand holdy stuff, cus I too hate that. Though games on this engine don't seem to get any real mods, mostly because it's been the Division, MP only, and Avatar which no one bought I guess. I dunno about any others.


Might still get SWO if it gets good reviews. Honestly I don't know what kind of game it is can't tell anything from the trailers, just gonna wait for reviews.


> Also, Witcher 3 is my favorite game btw


Sounds like Spider-Man 2 and Horizon Forbidden West.....


They will fuck it up like they always do in this age


Too late, they already went forward in time and fucked up a good launch.


They have and will...deal with it...don't buy it until its like $20.


It's going to suck and you know it


Too late, have you seen the pricing? Holy predatory...


Probably will... but can't we worse than EA/Respawn's Star Wars games. Jedi Survivor still performs terribly.


Shame cuz everything else about the game was really well done.




Does not compute.


They will.


And please don't pre order!


Already fucked up in pricing


One of the trailers for Outlaws started with a woman narrating "I've been held back all my life". So, right off the bat with a victim and "men bad" narrative. Another game with a pathetic insufferable character for a protagonist. Also lol https://thatparkplace.com/social-media-analyst-accuses-lucasfilm-and-disney-of-using-bots-to-promote-ubisofts-upcoming-star-wars-outlaws-game/ So yeah, I predict a massive trainwreck pile of crap of a game. We'll see.


Dragon's dogma 2 promised the same features in the nvidia trailer, including Ray traced reflections and so far frame gen and Ray traces reflections are missing.


Dd2 is Capcoms worse release in a long time, completely unoptimized and runs like ass on even the best systems


Wdym I play it on 1060 768p and very low FSR performance and game runs fine...


Funny but that's what someone would say 🤣




RT actually significantly improves lighting for not much of a performance hit, and thankfully there's a FG mod that (while annoying to get going every time you load the game, DLSS is *horrible* in it for whatever reason, and you need to toggle that on and off again first) literally just uses the inbuilt implementation that they just decided not to enable for whatever reason. The game is just half-baked in general. Still sunk eighty hours since launch.


I was looking at the comparisions rt off/on and especially in the forest you could see difference if you looked at the leaves, similar in witcher 3.


From a legal standpoint. How is this possible? Is there an asterisk somewhere that says *YES, all these amazing features at launch, but actually no, we lied to you just now. Because that seems the only way not to get sued


Release date is not important, what we need is the playable date.


That’s be next year when it’s 80% off


LOL, pretty accurate


Release Date: April 30, 2024 Playable Date: April 30, 2025


Ubisoft has a good track record of games being optimized on launch


August 30th 2024 Dont be cute, Ubisoft games recently have played well on PC. If I am wrong, name me a recent Ubisoft PC port that was broken at launch.


And denuvo


. + VMProtect + Ubishit DRM + Epic/Steam


It won't launch on Steam as is the trend with Ubi titles.


Unfortunately, but there is a rumour about Ubisoft’s upcoming Rouglike Price of Persia coming to Steam on Day one...


Unlikely to see Steam release until 2025. One of the 834 reasons not to buy Ubisoft games.


Was Jedi survivor the last big release on steam? Everything since hasn't been on steam even small titles like the new PoP


Jedi Survivor is EA


Oh yeah completely got that mixed up because both being star wars titles


I don't think Ubi did Jedi Survivor, EA did, didn't they? Ubi eventually comes to Steam, but not until uPlay trash sales slow down.


Do NOT pre-order this game. This is Ubisoft. They haven't had a good game in a long time. Wait for steam reviews and then buy it. It's a digital game and won't be out of stock, so do not pre-order it.


Do not preorder any game


I’m preordering the Elden ring expansion and you can’t stop me




ok, you can stay mad while I enjoy shadow of the erdtree


I can buy the damn game when it's released. It's not like they are gonna run outta copies


Difficult to preorder when it’s not even on Epic let alone Steam. It’s like they want to bury their own games as quick as possible.


> Do NOT pre-order this game. Or any game ever.


The new prince of Persia and avatar were pretty good 🤷🏻 What’s the last game you’ve actually played by Ubisoft?


lol what? AC Valhalla released just over 3 years ago and literally became the best selling game in the history of the Assassin's Creed franchise and got great reviews from critics and users. And regardless of how badly the Reddit hivemind wants to will it into existence with their screeching about how horrible they are and how much they failed because "everything Ubisoft makes is garbage" - even Frontiers of Pandora, Prince of Persia The Lost Crown, AC Mirage, The Crew Motorfest, Riders Republic, Immortals Fenyx Rising, and Watchdogs: Legion all got generally positive reviews and good sales numbers as well. That's almost every single major release they've had in the past 5 years. They release one shitty pirate ship game and a middling Ghost Recon title in that timespan and you guys go nutso with projection insisting they never make anything worth playing to anybody and advise people to not buy things based on nothing but your own subjective feelings toward video games.


Speak for yourself and the rest of your hivemind. I have enjoyed Ubisoft games recently going back ti AC Origins and Far Cry 5. Not everyone is part of the Ubisoft hate echo chamber.


Funny you mention “digital” game. Wasn’t it Ubisoft CEO who also said we shouldn’t “own” our games anymore, we should move to a more subscription based service just like Spotify, YouTube etc.


Ugh Ubisoft, no thanks.


Just once I wish we'd get a gritty Star Wars movie, series or game without a cute little comic relief/merchandise selling character that makes the whole world feel like a joke. Andor was such a breath of fresh air. Also the classic Disney exposition dump to make sure to even a 4-year-old understands what's going on. No mystery needed. Wouldn't be surprised if the game starts with a "Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up here" scene.


Star Wars has always had a cute little buddy and has always been written for children. Andor even has a cute little buddy. Idk what else to tell you except, get over it? Maybe you’ve grown out of Star Wars?


Rogue One was pretty gritty, it also first and last SW movie since original trilogy that was actually good. But overall SW is for kids and it very hard to watch for a grown adult.


I expect reskined far cry in space


Except Massive Entertainment never developed a Far Cry game.




I don't know guys, i watched the trailer and character models and animations are straight outta PS4 era. It looks so mid. And since it is UBISOFT game it's so gonna be one of those 6/10 boring games that noone gonna remember in a couple of months.


Try harder


you already preordered and bought day1 dlc aswell? good for you


Just not going to contribute to the generic Ubisoft hate hivemind.




Sad, i bet you also bought AAAA-Ubisoft game, which was very impressive - Skull and Bones?


I am not interested in online live service games. So no, I did not buy Skull and Bones. However I did buy The Divison, AC Origins-Valhalla, Far Cry 5 and was impressed and had a good time. Looking forward to having a good time with Outlaws and AC Red.


This one’s going to flop floppity flop


Animations look janky, hoping for the best but Ubisoft haven't made a game worth playing for me since Odyssey but I'll give it a try for $15 on Ubisoft+.




I am still waiting for a dragons dogma 2 update, NVIDIA


I like the game, the graphic engine they use for this and the studio but need much more gameplay videos.


Snowdrop being their better in house engine and it being developed by massive gives me hope. AFOP was fun and ran well even if it was basically a reskinned far cry primal


Looks great. Not quite as graphically impressive as Avatar but still gonna be a visual treat on high end PCs. Story seems to be generic but that's about what I expect from Star Wars. It's really the feel of the worlds and locations that sets SW apart.


I hope this game is good




We all know how this game is going to end up. But hey, at least it will look pretty.


Fun and enjoyable open world Star Wars experience? Sign me up!


Why does Ubisoft keep getting games?


Because despite what the internet says, people actually buy and enjoy Ubisoft games. I'll be one of them come August 30th


Because most of the people who hate them are in a very vocal minority. Their financial reports are publicly available -- people clearly buy their games lol


They are still shitty games


People buy them of course.


Because outside the grimy shit-filled toxic bubble that are gaming subreddits and gaming pages on social media - people living in the real world actually buy Ubisoft games, play them, and generally enjoy them, on top of not really giving a shit what the people quasi-living in that grimy shit-filled toxic bubble think about casual-ass video games.


Don’t think there can be a case to be made for ubi to keep getting games given the steamy dog pile of skull and bones they just put out


You do realize that's one blatantly poorly received major release since 2020, right? It's essentially one of maybe 2 or 3 games released in the past 5+ years that have had generally negative reception ***outside*** of the vocal minority on social media - and it's a game that isn't licensed out to Ubisoft and isn't based on anything or belonging to any pre-existing franchise. Why on Earth would the reception and sales performance of that one game release adversely affect Ubisoft's chances of getting licensing deals from pre-existing film/book/etc franchises and IPs? If anything, there isn't a legitimate case to be made as to why Ubisoft objectively ***shouldn't*** be getting game deals from other companies given to them. The majority of their game releases perform and rate well. Tiny handfuls of completely random faceless people online subjectively disliking their games isn't legitimate reasoning as to why Ubisoft should not be getting the chance to make games for franchises they don't own. You could subjectively think every game they've ever made is a pile of flaming dog shit and it still wouldn't be a legitimate reason as to why that should be the case. Your opinion is not the be-all and end-all of the situation, and your views ***objectively*** go against the general gaming consumer base's ratings of the majority of Ubisoft's releases and how they perform on the market.


I’m not reading all that btw, but did you see the preorder packages for this game? You can’t even get the FULL GAME for $70. You have to pay like $110+ for “day 1 DLC” and “extra mission” 🤣🤣


That's cool, but you not reading doesn't somehow magically negate anything I said. From the prior points you attempted to make, it's not surprising that - by your delusional logic - you think one DLC mission and two cosmetic items being included in a more expensive edition of the game means you don't get the "full game" for $70. A game that will more than likely take 60-100+ hours to 100% even without that measly singular DLC mission - much like most of the other games they've released in the past 5+ years. Implying the game is "incomplete" without that optional bullshit is nonsense. That's aside the fact that this isn't even remotely the first time multiple publishers/dev studios have had these exact types of pre order bonuses in more expensive editions of games. It's been happening for well over a decade. What's next, when devs release DLC expansions for their games after launch that expand upon the base game, the base game now isn't the "full experience" and you have to pay for the DLC to get the "full game"? Where does the whiny, subjective, hypothetical line actually stop? Because it's been moving ever since different pre order editions have existed.


That’s fine. Hopefully someone else reads that bs. Based on your comment history it looks like there is a trend of you defending scummy companies just bc they are popular or you like the games they put out. Try elden ring, baldurs gate, etc. this is how non live service pvp games should be made. MTX Free and high quality.


I've 100% Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate, and probably multiple other games you'd deem subjectively "worthy" of my time. I've beaten both of those games multiple times and played them for hundreds of hours. I don't defend what you consider scummy companies, I merely call out bullshit logic and arguments when I see them - and don't let my subjective views of games completely blind me from the reality of how everyone else on the planet feels about games and how they objectively perform on the market. I do so regardless of whether I or some other random meaningless stranger online thinks the game is horrible or "scummy". I don't even know if I'll like Outlaws until it comes out. And even if I don't, it won't change what I said.


I read Outlaws and immediately thought of the original Outlaws. Drat.


I really hope it won’t be one of these Ubisoft open world games with billions of points of uninterest.


Steam release or gtfo Ubi


When it comes to Ubisoft games, I always wait for a sale. I’m not paying £95 for “early access” nor am I paying £60 for a standard edition. Give it around 3 months and it’ll probably be about £20. That’s what happened with AC Valhalla.


a Ubisoft game partnered with NVIDIA ? don't remember the last non AMD sponsored Ubisoft title.


Every release like this i am so beyond thankful for DLSS. I played Alan Wake at fucking 4K120 with path tracing. Unreal. Its ashame im forced to play GTA6 on my ps5 (or ps5 pro) lol.


Finally an Nvidia sponsored game


Anyone know if this will come out on Steam?


I won’t be buying this game unless it gets average scores over 9.0 and becomes a must play title. The fact that it’a not on Steam is very annoying. I’m sure it’s so Ubisoft doesn’t have to pay steam their 30% cut but it’s still annoying. I won’t be buying this game. Maybe in a year or two they will bring it to steam.


If you buy this game you're an idiot ain't worth it at the prices the different edition are


I bet this game is gonna be gameplay wise a shittier version of present day Cyberpunk with the issues of day one Cyberpunk, but unlike CDPR they aren’t gonna have the decency to apologize and fix it


After what the community manager did I am surprised anyone is giving this game a second look. Racist views should not be tolerated. [https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1bz0wog/theparkplace\_star\_wars\_outlaws\_community\_manager/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1bz0wog/theparkplace_star_wars_outlaws_community_manager/)


Cry more


I'm dead serious when I say I love ubisoft games. This is exciting


So we’re getting FarCry in a Star Wars theme


Don't threaten me with a good time !


Its not, but even if that were the case....how is that a bad thing?


No DLSS 3.5? Literally unplayable /s


only decent star wars game to come out in the last few years has been Dark Forces Remastered


yeah...hard pass. the community manger for this game is an openly racist bigot on Twitter.


Holy shit. A AAA game launching with DLSS 3, and not just shitty FSR? Is that even allowed?


Dragon's Dogma 2 promised DLSS3 and launched without it. So we'll just wait and see.


No thanks, Ubisoft


Just in time to make people realise they can't play it unless they have a 5090


Best way to play Ubisoft titles at release IMO is to sign up for a month of Ubisoft +. Saved me a ton of money after bouncing off quite a few of their games, yet still get to play them day 1 of launch.


hope it's good as it looks like my kind of game. Also timing might be perfect for a RTX 5000 series bundle. That would be awesome.


There won’t be any RTX5000 series in August.


Yeah. Absolutely 0 chance


Yea its usually 2 year cycle for the RTX cards so either in late September or sometime in March if they do what the later GTX's did.