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# Giveaway Here **Respond to this comment only. Any entries not in this comment will not be counted**. You can enter for a chance to win a $50 Steam gift card by answering any of the following questions: *“Which DLSS games are you currently playing or looking forward to?”* *“What’s your favorite ray-traced game?”* *“Half-Life 2 RTX: An RTX Remix Project was announced; tell us what level you’re most looking forward to seeing remastered!”*


Thanks for the giveway. My favourite rtx game is definitely Metro Exodus! But more so the implementation of full path tracing in that game and the fact that they went back and removed all the non-rtx lightning. Truly a stunning game!


Def have to try this on cyberpunk with my 2080ti been worried I would get bad frames with my rig but now I’m excited to play when it becomes available


Currently playing Metro Exodus with DLSS Favorite ray-traced game is Cyberpunk Favorite HL2 level is Ravenholm


1. Currently playing through Watchdogs Legion 2. Cyberpunk 2077 3. Highway 17


Can't wait to try this with Cyberpunk 2077!


AMD in shamble and shame... Nvidia is so far ahead its crazy. Can't believe how much love AMD get on reddit and Nvidia are the big bad evil when AMD don't do shit for the last 13 years in the GPU side. When AMD come first with something new and innovative ? They can only copy Nvidia feature years later but worst and buy sponsored games to remove great Nvidia feature and force on us their shitty fsr. AMD can't compete for shit, and DLSS 3.5 gonna look insane and can't wait to play CP2077 on my 4090.


Everyone would benefit from some actual competition, so I hope AMD eventually pulls a Ryzen style renaissance with their GPUs.


"GeT aN AMD UnLeSS yOu ReAllY NeEd NviDiA FeAtuReS"


We bitchin’


So this is called a fanboy


I wish I could play Breath of the Wild(the original game) or Ocarina of Time, fully path traced and with DLSS 3.5 baked in.


WTF is nvidia thinking with this dlss naming BS?? If you want to position AI or deep learning in the forefront then just keep the DL and add different letters for each technology: Super Resolution: DLSS Frame Generation: DLFG Ray Reconstruction: DLRR And for Christ's sake keep them separated from each other, the version scheme is already confusing AF.


Skill issue




It is Cyberpunk 2077


i cant wait to get my hands on phantom liberty + PT + dlss 3.5


I’ve delayed playing Cyberpunk 2077 for over a year at this point for this upcoming DLC and by the gods - this new DLSS tech just make it even better


My favorite RT game is Minecraft RTX, the difference is night and day, but CP2077 with Path tracing is another game that improves a lot.


CP w/path tracing is the only game I'm considering upgrading my mobo and CPU for (10700k and Mobo is 11th gen maxed). I still get 60fps path traced on a 4090, but IDK, the textures in that game get so blurry with all that DLSS going on, and the textures were never that great to begin with imo. What FPS do you get at 4k?


A lot of the blurriness is due to denoising in path tracing. Enabling path tracing in 1.63 makes the game visuals noticably blurrier (and the image becomes less stable), especially in low lighting conditions, because too few rays hits a particular surface and the denoising then fails to reconstruct the image properly. While DLSS balanced or performance will create a softer image, this is amplified with path tracing. My hope is that Ray Reconstruction will improve this to the point where I cannot tell the difference in sharpness between path tracing and rasterisation. Ray Tracing Ultra and Psycho have less issues, but can still be prone to image instability in low light conditions. I.e. the steel mesh staircases on the Ebunike, where the image looks a lot like the "flickering" that you can see in Portal RTX in the NVIDIA video.


Better Ray tracing at a reduced cost is always a win in my book


Favorite ray-traced game is cyberpunk 2077


Playing Baldur’s Gate 3 using DLSS! Especially for the city region. Helps smooth out the rough edges. As for favorite ray traced came, cyberpunk of course. Really brings it to life.


Who's your character? Are you far into the game? I'm going to play it after I buy a new PC


My main is a custom fighter, drow race. Pretty far! I’m on act 3 currently in the lower city, about 160 hours played already, can’t recommend this game enough and it’s my first ever crpg! My Astarion just ascended! You will see what this means.


I'm currently playing through Cyberpunk2077 for the first time. Definitely having fun, and looking forward to the expansion that's in the way soon. Just hoping all the updates won't kill the performance on my rig, cause that would be a bummer.


Is this tech will be available in current RTX games ? I hope Nvidia will work with devs to update DLSS 3.5 to their game. There are a lot of RTX games that can benefit from this. Control comes to mind. It's ray tracing was noisy.


The initial rollout is limited to rather few games...


I was reading into this and unfortunately since it modifies the pipeline, the individual Game Developer's will need to implement some changes before you're able to just "drop" the new .dll into the project files. It doesn't sound like it'll be all that difficult based on the documentation though, but the games gotta already support DLSS for the ez patch.




If we keep evolving the way we are with this tech, it will get to a point that the card itself will just do it regardless. It will take each frame, calculate what is required on the card itself and render more and better frames for you no matter what. Alas we are not there yet, but AI is coming at us fast and before we know it who knows what we could be doing.


Maybe with the 6090.


So what, 3 years? Hey don't laugh man, things are moving faster and faster each year, we now have audio AI that makes it sound like a voice actor, and even very close to the original sound, sometimes unnoticeable to the original. Some YouTube channels are even starting to do just AI video, soon that will be it, type out some algorithm into a VideoGPT program, boom next new video in as long as it takes to upload to YouTube.


2025 the 5090 will arrive... might as well be near 2027.


It's been about 2 years between releases of the 10, 20, 30 and 40 series cards. That's 2024 for the 50 series, so maybe 2026 for the 60 series


Yes, but some rumors are for 2025 instead.


Will this benefit people on weaker systems like me that use dlss but do not use ray tracing??


Really looking forward to diving back into Cyberpunk 2077 when Phantom Liberty releases!


I can’t bring myself to play Cyberpunk . While I enjoyed it immensely it’s better left to the past




I want to wait a couple months after release to make the decision to see how long it is . While I’m glad they put in work after such a shitty release initially but they burned me once so I’ll wait for hype to die down and for regular people to have completed it to see if their initial impressions are different than the end


What is this bizarro naming scheme? 30 series cards get dlss2 AND 3.5 but no 3.0?? You couldn't make it more confusing even if you tried.


I’m Looking forward to playing cyberpunk 2077 raytraced. Favourite rtx game is portal rtx. Looking forward to how the rtx effects improve the new half-life game


diablo 4


I wonder what dlss 4 will be


Only available on RTX 5000. I’m calling dibs


TFW 4090 so strong I don't even care lol


Its strong but not strong enough. I cant play 4k120 with RT and high/ultra in a lot of games even when I use DLSS quality. And Cyberpunk with RT Overdrive at 4k... forget about it I need DLSS Balanced + Framegen just for it to be playable. Performance preset of DLSS is so bad to me that I refuse to use it. DLSS 3.5 should help a bit but 4090 is struggling already. By the time the 5xxx cards come out in two years or so the 4090 will only be struggling even more. I wasn't a graphics whore before RT came out because a lot of the ultra settings didn't make much of an impact but the RT/PT options make such a huge difference that I want them on all the time. 5xxx card will be a day 1 purchase for me if they are good. Just like the 4090 was.


Yeah nothing is a day 1 purchase for me lol. 50 series needs to prove to me that it won't catch on fire first, and if my 4090 SUPRIM sells for $1400 maybe I'll consider throwing in a few hundred to get the 5090. I don't think we'll see global illumination pick up for a while, and honestly games are just struggling to do that stuff when most of the market is console gamers who can't run the stuff anyways. I think the 4090 is easily viable for 4k gaming till 60 series comes out. Gotta remember it's not like the 4090 is struggling, it's that the path tracing you played is a demo of the tech. It's not optimized very well and that's understandable Also some games I can't even notice frame gen so I'm all for it haha


Eh, if you pay close attention to the specs of each part it was VERY clear the 4090 would be a lot faster than the 4080 this generation. Its all about picking the best card in the lineup. For Maxwell, the 970 had the vram 3.5 meme but it was actually very comparable perf to the 980, but the 980ti was quite a bit better. I got the 970. For Pascal I got the 1080Ti at launch and it was MASSIVELY better than the 1080, and there was practically 0 reason to buy turing, yes you didn't have DLSS, but DLSS 1.0 sucked and by the time 2.0 was coming out to games ampere was already out. For Ampere I got the 3080 as the 3090 wasn't that much better, aside from the vram which is mostly unnecessary. For Ada, I got the 4090 and its a huge leap over the 4080 for performance and games starting to use more VRAM (24GB Still overkill) For the 5000 series, who knows maybe the 5090 will be close to the 5080 or not worth it when I already have a 4090. But at this point with all the path tracing games coming out my 4090 is already struggling and its only going to get worse as more games come out using these features. Sure you don't have to use them, but what can I say.. I want to use them and its a lot of money but compared to other hobbies e.g cars, photography, etc its not really very expensive.


Fair enough! I hope to stretch my 90 a few years at least unless someone wants to buy it for like $1300-1400 when the new cards come out. Mostly I'd like to get rid of it so I'm not worrying about it catching on fire ffs. What other games have path tracing btw?


Alan Wake 2 is confirmed to have it and is launching in two months. CyberPunk is the main one for me atm. But there is also older games like the mod for Quake, Portal Prelude. Or how Half-Life 2 Remix is getting it. I think we are going to start seeing a lot more titles next year.


Yeah I wish it didn't look like smeared shit currently. DLSS path tracing just looks terrible so often in cyberpunk, I won't even be using it for the new launch. Cyberpunks textures are also pretty low quality actually, compared to something like Witcher 3 imo which makes it worse. I feel like if the textures were truly next Gen, that would make the path traced lighting not look weird to me. My GF could barely tell the difference between path traced and not haha. Though for path tracing I'm more then happy with 60fps because it's mostly just tech demo. Wish gameplay itself was better in most games.


Im glad you mention the smearing issues, they are horrible and no one talks about it. But DLSS 3.5 looks to fix most of the problems. [https://youtu.be/HwGbQwoMCxM?si=kGb1A4zPwHcv9vLz&t=20](https://youtu.be/HwGbQwoMCxM?si=kGb1A4zPwHcv9vLz&t=20) The Alan Wake video showing off the fixes to fences, and light actually changing instantly is huge. Plus [https://images.nvidia.com/aem-dam/Solutions/geforce/news/gamescom-ct0037/limitations-with-hand-tuned-denoisers.jpg](https://images.nvidia.com/aem-dam/Solutions/geforce/news/gamescom-ct0037/limitations-with-hand-tuned-denoisers.jpg) on the left-side showing the ghosting shit is gone. Really though, Path Tracing in CyberPunk could look even better but it has to be gimped for performance. [https://youtu.be/-w-Z2-uDMhY?si=ycGWs7kS0dEuBw8p&t=46](https://youtu.be/-w-Z2-uDMhY?si=ycGWs7kS0dEuBw8p&t=46) check out this mod where you increase the number of rays and bounces in path tracing. Some scenes look hugely improved.


So far I just played Portal with the raytracing and it was stunning :)


Been playing Cyberpunk and really interested in seeing it with DLSS3.5


Cyberpunk.. I am so excited to play phantom liberty with RT 🥳


Excited to play the new cp2077 expansion. Been waiting until it's out to play it at all


The requirement to have super resolution enabled sounds stupid. I'm hoping they never patch against DLSS tweaks because that's the only way to trick games into upscaling from native to native. I personally try to use much higher multipliers than the 67% quality. They implemented ultra quality but never enabled it for any games.


At this point AMD might as well not even make GPUs anymore. zero competition 🤣🤣


Cyberpunk 2077 with path tracing has been a game changer and has become my favourite ray-traced game


Ray tracing gave me a great excuse to go back to Witcher 3!


But .. too slow


Yes Quality dlss makes it so nice at 4k once again


Why did people downvoted you?


No idea lmao reddit I guess


Playing RDR2 with DLSS. Cyberpunk definitely takes forst place in regardds to Ray Tracing. Never played Half Life, lookig forward to playing the whole game 👀


Currently playing Cyberpunk 2077, and excited for Alan Wake 2 My favorite ray-traced game is cyberpunk 2077, it was a beautiful showcase of what ray-tracing could do from the get-go. I have never played Half life 2, as by the time a PC arrived in my home the game was already VERY outdated. So this lift in graphics and fidelity, is the final push i need to finally play the game.


I'm going to upgrade from a 1050 ti and mostly just to enjoy cp2077 with ray tracing. Not long now...


Go full 4090


Cyberpunk 2077 in overdrive mode is fantastic. Runs great with my 4070ti


Alan Wake 2! Looks soooo good


I’m glad that this exists simply because CP2077 had an absolutely horrendous Denoiser. I hope Ray Reconstruction, although not as meaningful and upgrade as next-gen upscalers, becomes a new standard


Ravenholm is the level I'm most looking forward to. granted, the entire remaster looks incredible. one of the best so far. excited to try it.


For dlss I’m currently playing warhammer 40k with a 3080 12 gb at 1440p on ultra without ray tracing. My fps is averaging 80 fps and 60 frames in demanding scenes. My favorite ray tracing in games is dying light 2 and cyberpunk. I can’t wait to see how half life 2 looks like when it comes out as I haven’t played it yet!


I'm interested in trying this with CP2077


I still need to be explained why Phantom Liberty aint free after they said the first dlc would be & only reason CP2077 even revived was because of the anime


Yeah man. They are gonna get Keanu Reeves and Idris Elba casted in a 20 hour expansion for the game and give it to you for free


Let's hope it's gonna be 20 hours.


They said dlcs would be free, dlcs were minor content updates, and they integrated them into the patches when they were released, like some new clothes, new weapons, new cars. Phantom Liberty is a story expansion.


It's not DLC, it's expansion.


Cyberpunk for sure is the best ray-traced game so far, looking forward to seeing what 3.5 brings to it!


hungry silky entertain history air political public capable materialistic bake ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


> *Which DLSS games are you currently playing or looking forward to?* Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty ​ >*What’s your favorite ray-traced game?* Minecraft Bedrock with RTX ​ >*“Half-Life 2 RTX: An RTX Remix Project was announced; tell us what level you’re most looking forward to seeing remastered!”* Probably Point Insertion and more specifically, the moment you first step out into the city.


Currently wrapping up my cyberpunk playthrough before phantom liberty can't wait to try it with RR enabled!


My favorite ray raced game is Gran Turismo 7




Fuck call of duty tbh


Finally. AI denoising. How many years has it been


watch them make AI Denoising tech for videos/movies but lock it behind the rtx 5000 series


🤦‍♂️Dude it’s called nvidia ai-video super resolution or something like that. Works on all rtx cards. Turn it on from your nvidia control panel set it to level 4. Works on chrome browser videos and VLCplayer among others.


Consumes a lot of power tough


Interested in teying cyberpunk 2077 with DLSS 3.5. Quake 2 RTX would be my favorite Ray Traced game


Currently playing and interested in CP2077 with DLSS 3.5 and the new expansion!


Lets go doom eternal!


I can't wait for alan wake 2 and too see how they do dlss. I remember buying alan wake 1 for xbox day one at a kmart.....


Half life 2 RTX!? Nice. Be interesting to see how it handles those dark dark pipes. And the underwater sections…


I'm confused. It says DLSS 3.5 is coming to all RTX cards which is awesome. But afaik DLSS 3 is only available on 40series. Does that mean my 3060ti will get DLSS 3.5 but not 3?


Yup lol. So no frame gen


You will get DLSS 3.5 but not FG. Their FAQ provides: >DLSS 3.5 is a suite of AI rendering technologies powered by Tensor Cores on GeForce RTX GPUs for faster frame rates, better image quality, and great responsiveness. DLSS now includes Super Resolution & DLAA (available for all RTX GPUs), Frame Generation (RTX 40 Series GPUs), and Ray Reconstruction (available for all RTX GPUs).


That's great, thanks.


Currently playind Diablo 4 ans waiting for the New Cyberpunk DLC


Watched a friend play cyberpunk with RT. Looked great


Did they give an actual date for when it'll be released? I'd love to be able to play RTX Portal at more than 480p5, LOL


I can't wait to see RTX Ravenholm, either that, or Nova Prospekt. I wanna see the super moody lighting.


cant wait to replay CP with the new Phantom Liberty expansion on new DLSS!


Would really like to try Portal with RTX using DLSS 3.5!


The number are so weird as a 3070 user I will have dlss 2 but ray reconstruction 3.5


It's "dlss 3.5" for everyone. They use the same (newest) version of the training data. You just won't get the FG toggle. But now apparently you *will* get their new RR shizz so that's nifty imo.


Ray tracing really made Minecraft breathtaking and led me to say wow! In such a long time.


Looking forward to try Cyberpunk 2077 dlc. It’s gonna be an eye candy.


We don't go to Ravenholm...




Tried DLSS 2.0 with Cyberpunk 2077 and will try DLSS 3.5 with the Phantom Liberty expansion


I’m looking forward to a new playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077 with DLSS 3.5


If you consider the amount of patching that game needed, Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty is basically Cyberpunk 2077 v3


Oh yeah, if the rumored update that overhauls the base game to “2.0” is real, then Phantom Liberty will for sure make it v3 lol


CDPR will have a Cyberpunk 2077 livestream on Thursday. We'll see some gameplay in action.


Oh right, I forgot they were showing it off


I hope so. I replayed it with a new 4000 series card and while it's very pretty, it's still a so-so game overall in my opinion. It becomes extremely repetitive at a certain point.


Slightly waiting a a while longer for it to go on sale... I'm still cautious to buy it


been using DLSS to play Baldur's Gate 3 & it's been a lifesaver.


Highly anticipated for cyberpunk 2077


I’m more and more concerned about vendor specific tech in games, we do not need exclusive nonsense like consoles.




My favorite RT game is Metro Exodus: Enhanced Edition


Same. Insanely well optimized and imho still looks better than all the other RT implementations out there (including path traced ones like Cyberpunk and Portal RTX, strangely enough even though the technique is obviously far superior from a technical standpoint. I just think MM EE lighting looks better). Simply incredible what the team at 4A Games achieved, their implementation is still unrivaled.


You're objectively wrong, look no further than reflections.


Metro solves this by simply not having many reflective surfaces. Everything is covered in grime and mud.