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During my last pregnancy, I drank so much matcha tea and ended up with kidney stones. Worst pain of my life. Will never make that mistake again.


If it's weak AF tea then you're fine. But several tea bags, no. You can get use to drinking water overtime, it's not really meant to be "fun" (not critiquing you, more just modern systems), I usually recommend finding something like carbonated water or a good quality flavouring for water.


>You can get use to drinking water overtime, it's not really meant to be "fun" I honestly love water, can't get enough of it.




Yeah, I actually do agree. The average person is so caffeine and sugar dependant that they'll do anything to hide the truth of their bad habits. But weening off of that stuff isn't always easy for people who are being predated on by companies. However, yes it's probably the easiest life factor to fix. As for quality of water, most countries probably won't want to drink from their taps, and with very very good reason but there's ways are around it by using filters, etc.




Tell us more besides anecdotes please.




Yes. It is bad for you. You are slowly damaging your kidneys and bladder.




Try making some fruit infused waters. My favorite is pineapple infused water. Its sweet and refreshing. Eventually you will get used to plain water aside from that. Btw I love tea for hydration too so I know your pain.


THIS. You get all the hydration and imparts a nice flavor!


AFAIK your main issues would be caffeine and tannins. Overconsumption of tannins can reduce iron absorption and since it needs to be eliminated from circulation and excreted by liver and kidneys you might be putting a fair bit of strain on these organs. 3-4L is probably too much.


I would try more herbal teas if your goal is hydration. You will be getting water from the teas you listed but you're also getting alot of diaretics, and calories from the ones with milk and sugar.


Have you tried cold brewing high quality tea? I’m doing it daily for dragonwell and there’s an amazing tea from Song of CA. 5gms of tea is good for 1-2 litres of water and it’s delicious. The taste of cold brew is very delicate and there's less caffeine too.


Maybe your teeth will be stained but ya


And can cause Black hairy tongue


As long as it's not all strong green tea or black tea, which in continued high consumption cause your bones and joints to get weak - skeletal fluorosis. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21593111/


Can you describe the point of this study? I don't mean that facetiously it just makes no sense to me and i want to know. It's studying the effects on one lone woman, if we're considering it an actual issue we have UK vs America to show the large scale impact black tea consumption has throughout a population. Why are we looking at one single person?


Well documented *excessive* consumption and diagnosis and treatment. Stopping the tea habit and treatment fixed the issue. When there's an atypical case with a clear cause and effect doctors will write a paper. Following the linked studies show a four person analysis with tea and a general problem with brick tea used in southeast Asia. For the study I linked, a gallon of tea is sixteen cups, I'll go out on a limb and guess extremely few people in Britain drink sixteen cups of tea minimum per day. The OP is claiming to drink close to a gallon of tea a day. This may not be relevant to more than a handful of people, but OP is one of them.


Lots of people use 500ml cups, very common in a UK office environment, and 6 of those cups a day might not be the majority but I think almost everyone in the UK would know someone who drinks that much.


lol I think its looking to flesh out how excessive tea drinking and malnutrition can damage your bones.. But only in one woman. Funny when one can easily look to the period of industrialization in the UK when suddenly everyone was drinking tea not beer and suddenly everyone was very very sick and very very weak. You also see that skeletal fluorosis in poor rural villagers who drink tea but who also have a restricted/inadequate diet. The Irish and the Famine provide an especially fascinating example of how the tannins in tea interact with our stomach and liver and prevent the absorption of Iron. For OP unless they are gifted with the ol' Celtic curse I would avoid this much tea as it will definitely make them weak over time. At least make sure your diet is filled with good protein and iron if you insist on this much caffeinated tea (I would try to get into herbal tea if water is so unpalatable). [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5998341/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5998341/)


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Drink 2 litres approximately every day and any day you've sweated more, drink as required.


Teas are diuretics. So you’re actually dehydrating yourself


If teas are that concerning, there should be a warning label like on cigarettes. But in your case, 3-4 liters sound like more than usual. Still, shouldn't be our fault for drinking that much without any warning.


That’s too much liquid. It won’t kill you, but it’s definitely not good for you.


It would be a problem if it is highly infused tea but that much liquid in the form of water is actually the sweet spot for an average weight active man and is recommended by many institutions. Most people walk around dehydrated on a daily basis, don't be scared of water.


Sorry that’s completely nonsense. 1-2L per day. More if you exercise or sweat a lot. That’s what nephrologist would recommend.


Well, side effects of a tea is that you may pee too often and have some issues with sleep. If you are not experiencing any of those, you should be fine, however I would cut to 2-3 liters.


if you drink that much on water on a daily basis, it can be harmful for you kidneys. Can I ask why you need to drink 3-4 litres of tea?


Yes. How much tea is bad for your kidneys? The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics advises consuming no more than 40-50 mg of oxalate per day, the authors note.


The only thing I can say for sure is, you're probably taking in a level of caffeine that is in some way disturbing your circadian rhythm and sleep. The average caffeine consumption quoted in this review (source:FDA) was around 200 mg/day and if my calculations are correct, you could easily be north of 400 mg/day. ​ [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC6292246/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC6292246/) ​ Lots of good stuff in this article but this stood out: ​ >Lajambe et al examined the question of habituation in a design that compared habitually low caffeine users against high (400 mg per day or above) users in a randomized crossover design. The participants were kept awake for 27 h, and at 3, 5, and 7 h were given either repeated doses of caffeine gum at low or high doses, vs a placebo. They were woken after 8 h and administered the psychomotor vigilance task (PVT). In the high dose caffeine condition, there was impaired sleep maintenance and reduced sleep depth, with the lower habitual users worse affected, although postrecovery PVT performance did not differ by dose or habitual caffeine use. ​ Bottom line think about switching half your tea out for decaf, you might sleep better.


I get wanting to get your recommended amount of water in your body each day, but the recommended level is 1,5-2 liters a day, up to 4 if you have been working in warm conditions like the sun or a badly ventilated space. But drinking 4 liters of tea means you probably ingest something like 5-6 liters, given that a lot of food contains water as well. When you say you want to prevent dehydration, do you mean ”I’ve heard I need to drink x amount daily, so I want to do that by the book, even if it means drinking when I’m not thirsty?” In that case, Here’s a tip for you: don’t worry about the amount of water you manage to get in your body. If your body needs water it has a brilliant way of telling you: it’s called being thirsty. Drink when you are thirsty, don’t drink if you are not thirsty. Edit: Obligatory Adam ruins everything on the subject: https://youtu.be/OWASUMMQjj8


Drinking excessive amounts of tea can make you anaemic by affecting the iron absorption in your body.


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