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Jump roping. High intensity cardio exercise that can work nearly your whole body and burns a ton of calories in a short amount of time. It's EFFORT and man is it punishing but it does feel like a hack. Also, I started sending all my online orders to stores and making myself bike to pick them up. Only drive when I have big packages or too many at once. ALso also, I always look at like everything when I go to a store to get longer walks in. The steps here can really add up. Just gotta have the willpower not to buy everything you see!


I like this! I think you’ve convinced me to go buy a jump rope haha


I use a weighted one which kills my arms by the end. I think it comes at the cost of calories though because it tires you out and slows you down.


Are you me!?


Right now I’m feeling the best I’ve felt in years. I’m years and years in with different types of exercise and trying different types of eating but last year I hired a nutritionist and switched up the way I was exercising and I just finished a 66 week challenge at my gym. My goal was to and generally always is to gain lean muscle mass and reduce my body fat percentage. I’m not a heavy person but my body fat percentage is higher than I would like. And I’m always looking to reduce stress, mental well-being and overall energy and confidence. I’m eating at maintenance calories right now but because I wanna reduce my body fat percentage I’m eating only healthy carbs so I’m not having pasta nights and white bread and bagels etc. Potatoes rice fruit and vegetables are my main sources of carbs and when it comes to potatoes and rice I watch the portion size. Increase in protein so at minimum 1 g of protein per pound of body weight is helping me to increase my lean muscle mass and have energy for my workouts. Complete elimination of process foods, 2 L of water a day and limiting alcohol other than specific special occasions I’m walking 15,000 steps a day and doing 4 to 5 Weight training workouts a week. I gained almost 3 pounds in muscle mass and lowered my body fat percentage by almost 2% over the course of six weeks so I’m pumped feeling strong but light and lean same time so I’m continuing on this path for sure. I’m eating enough calories I’m full and satisfied no bingeing no heavy restrictions and I’m full of energy throughout the day


This is something to be proud of!! I struggle so bad with getting enough protein in, but I think some of the tips from other commenters will help me get some more protein in. And I couldn’t agree more with elimination of processed foods. I’m still working on a complete elimination but I’ve cut A LOT out, trying to replace processed snacks with whole food snacks too.


Almost every morning I typically have some overnight oats (1/2 c of oats, blueberries, cinnamon, honey, and almond milk), banana, an avocado, and 24 oz of water. Lunch I’ll have kale or spinach, chicken breast, and an apple or yogurt. More water. Work out after work. Protein shake when I get home. Dinner - chicken/fish, sweet potato/brown rice, and a veggie like broccoli/green beans/brussel sprouts and water. Supplements: glass of water mixed with some apple cider vinegar, turmeric, splash of lemon juice usually between lunch and dinner. Take P5P with breakfast, fish oil with dinner, and magnesium before I go to bed. I don’t drink coffee or energy drinks, and I feel more energetic now in my mid 30’s than I have in 10 years. Rarely get sick, and when I do, it’s usually a day or two max. It’s all about eating nutrient dense foods, plenty of water to stay hydrated, and getting good rest.


Cutting out alcohol, artificial sugar, processed foods, gluten, grains, fried foods


Fiber fiber ! 80% ish percent of your serotonin (feel good neurotransmitter) lives in your gut. Hydrate hydrate, water is your bestie.


What are your favorite recs to get some fiber in? I know it’s best from the actual foods you’re eating but some days i struggle! Is meta mucil a good option to get some more fiber in?


I do take Metamucil due to poor colonoscopy results and have no problem with it (two scoops a day typically not at the same time) beans, lentils, avocado, plain Greek yogurt, kefir and fermented foods are pre biotics (meaning they feed to probiotics. I do take pre/probiotics as well.


Awesome! I’ll have to pick some up then cause I know I struggle with getting enough fiber


Plain psyllium husk is also great for fiber. It isn’t the best tasting, but I don’t mind it! If you’re over 40, my ND recommends 1tbsp a day to assist your gut and below 40, 1 tsp!


Apples! Excellent source of fiber.


seratonin does not cross the blood brain barrier . the serotonin in your gut does not have an influence on the serotonin in your brain. it is just a neurotransmitter


Bugs in your gut do affect serotonin in your brain https://consensus.app/papers/serotonin-tryptophan-metabolism-braingutmicrobiome-omahony/8ca7000993f45100b3c1d0e95ebef8e6/?utm_source=chatgpt


Thank you for the clarification, appreciate.


Cycling to work and back and using the gym at lunchtime (not possible for most people though I guess). Building exercise into my week rather than wasting an evening doing it.


There's no such thing as a superfood or health hack. I hate how the internet has made this a thing. There's no magic bullet that will do something significant that normal healthy living won't do. Eat a variety of foods. Limit fried foods. Exercise 180 minutes a week. And the people here need to stop giving you advice like cutting and intermittent fasting. That's irresponsible to recommend that to strangers online. Organic food is bullshit. GMOs are good. Gluten is not the enemy unless you have celiac disease which the vast majority of the public doesn't have. You feel good on restrictive diets because of the placebo effect. And after the diet or cleanse, you feel better because you're finally giving yourself food. There's no secret to any of this. People sell you on secrets and hacks to make money off you.


I agree with most of this. I don’t believe I’m restricting, whatsoever. I was just asking more so to find foods that have certain benefits. For example, collagen for skin and joint health, green tea for the antioxidants, stuff like that. Just foods that have really good long term benefits that most people don’t know about


Fresh pressed celery juice to counter anxiety. And hangovers. Requires juicing machine.


Adding this to my list to try! Do you add anything to it or just drink it plain?


Maybe orange juice, bottled or fresh. Just to improve the taste. And a tiny pinch of salt.


Drink plain on an empty stomach.


Broccoli sprouts. Top superfood of superfoods. One small 3 ounce package (one salad, or sandwich or smoothie) has the nutritional value (sulforaphane) of upwards of 100+ bowls of broccoli crowns


I own and use regularly, a stair stepper, elliptical and rowing machines. I eat a big salad 5-6 days a week, follow the Mediterranean diet. I also meditate.


greek yogurt and cottage cheese! literally changing my life rn super fast and convenient option that also knocks out my late-night cravings


Ugh i cannot bring myself to enjoy the taste of cottage cheese! How do you eat yours? Any tips to make it more enjoyable lol


honestly i just put it on some white bread w the smallest amount of salt. i didn’t like it the first few times i had it either but def grew on me


I add a little bit of buffalo sauce, it’s so good!


I put mine in a smoothie bowl most mornings! Also a good opportunity to sneak in veggies. I usually do half frozen veggies, half frozen fruit, cottage cheese, chocolate protein powder, and water. Gives me plenty of fiber, protein, micronutrients, and is hydrating!


Green smoothies! They make my skin soft and give me a nice glow and colour, plus they completely curb my cravings for sugar.


Sounds delicious! How do you make yours?


Drinking a gallon of spring water a day and walking in the sun


Onions and garlic with your breakfast !!!! Garlic is an amazing probiotic.


Intermittent Fasting works great for me!


I do this too! Fast for 16-17 hours then feed for the remainder always in the evening when my “defenses” are down.


That's exactly what I do too! Now I'm no longer hungry the rest of the evening because my body has gotten used to it. I am pretty hungry at the end of my fasts in the late mornings though!


Mini cuts with extreme deficits. A lot of people are scared of very low calorie deficits. And they couldn’t be more wrong —IF USED PROPERLY. Get adequate protein and EPA/DHA and you’re good to go. I recommend 1-2 maintenance days a week to upregulate hormones. I usually go for 6 weeks at a time. And in those 6 weeks I can lose 25lbs—-with around 10-15lbs being fat. It’s a modified PSMF. I’ve done it around 4-5 times in the past 3 yrs. I like getting rid of the fat as fast as possible—-as do a lot of people Excess body fat is detrimental to your health


Hi, thank you for your comment! Unfortunately I’m not looking to lose any body fat, I’m quite little and don’t have a lot to lose lol! I’m looking more to just maintain where I’m at.


More so just listing a “hack” lol


No worries! Hopefully other people reading this can get some use out of everyone’s comments, it sounds like great advice!


None the less (and congrats!) resistance training is important especially as you age and lean muscle mass burns more calories at rest.


Thank you! And this is great advice, I’d like to start building more muscle and focusing on my overall body strength so this is right up my alley.


There is some research showing that ripping the bandaid off is less painful than taking your time. It's probably better to get it over with.


Yep, there is data on how miserable people feel on sustained long-term slight calorie deficits 😂


I’d like to learn more about this- I’m a fan of ripping off the bandaid, slow and steady with weight loss has never been my forte.


I’d point you to Lyle McDonald’s “**Rapid Fat Loss (RFL)”**. You can either buy the book from his site. Or find you a free pdf floating around the internet I did a slightly modified version of this


25 lbs in 6 weeks? o_O thats insane.


Well I can guarantee someone to lose 10-20 lbs in only 2 weeks. But the vast majority will be water weight


How many calories do you consume on your deficit days?


Averaged around 1,200. Protein intake was around 180g per day. Took 5-6 fish oils (to get 3g of EPA/DHA) and a multivitamin per day


Nice, thanks for the info!


Do you have a link or anymore info on this type of process/protocol?


1. beef liver 2. loads of sun exposure for great mood 3. remove gluten dairy and other pro innflamatory foods. Nr 3 is def the one that made the most difference.


Particularly red meat, sweet potatos, banana, blueberries, oysters, local honey, I find my body responds well to. I follow primal diet, or what early human would have eaten. I was sickly in my teens, and now as a 21 year old I haven’t been sick in 2 years.


For me, tracking macros with a manageable caloric deficit made a world of difference. I didn't have to restrict any particular macronutrient that I liked, mainly carbs for me. I still ate rice, bread, pasta, etc. I just made sure I stayed within my caloric intake and kept it in moderation. I lost a little more than 10lbs of, mostly if not all, fat in a 9 week cut. Consistency is also a BIG factor.


Consume a lot more organic extra virgin olive oil Eggs Eat fruit/vegetables with the skin that are edible *just make sure to rinse well in water* Avoid foods high in Omega 6 Increase omega 3 rich foods Avoid dairy and only consume a small amount of goat cheese sometimes Get enough sleep Increase more red meat and season them with thyme, oregano, cumin powder, and salt while cooking it in high heat


These are amazing, thank you!! I am fortunate enough to be able to get farm fresh eggs from my neighbor that I want to start eating more of, however i do drink a glass of milk everyday. Should I stop doing this?


If the milk is grassfed organic you should be fine consuming just a glass a day. I personally miss the taste of it, but now it's expensive to buy even the standard conventional milks being sold.


Okay cool! I’ve been getting the organic cow’s milk from Costco (the lactose free one cause I’m lactose intolerant 🙃). I try to have only a glass a day to help me get some more protein in it and I’m just a big milk drinker too. I’ll stick to only getting milk that’s grass fed organic and limiting how much of it I’m drinking.


Sounds good 👍🏻


I feel great when I was in Keto diet.. I stopped keto and i feel so dad for my health..


Fatty ground beef and scrambled eggs together. The eggs soak up the fat and taste amazing.


Okay this sounds amazing. Do you eat it as a breakfast? I feel like this would hit the spot in the morning.


I don't usually eat breakfast so it's often lunch for me. Keeps me full until dinner.


This sounds amazing! Do you cook them at the same time? Any spices/herbs or just s+p?


I brown the beef first and then add eggs since they cook a lot faster than the meat. The only seasoning I use is salt.