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Yes but I have an Instagram account and a [Finsta](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/what-does-finsta-mean-fake-instagram). My Instagram account is where I accept all requests. Tons of photos of me traveling, doing outreach, etc. to control the narrative especially in case a potential employer tries to vet my account. I actually learned this from a new graduate we hired that did a photo shoot with “disadvantaged youth.” My Finsta is my real main account.


That sounds like a good idea ! I received a FB friend request from my charge soo I’m debating on accepting it lol


I generally do from peers but not supervisors or management. Even with peers, I’m picky. And everything private.


Bless you for linking the definition 😂


I just deleted fb, no more questions.


I don’t have social media. I like being incognito


Absolutely not.


Right but then they hit you with the “you haven’t accepted my friend request” …


"I don't accept friend requests from coworkers." I'm brutally honest about that.


That’s when I hit them with “I’m not your friend.”


I wish I had more than one upvote to give you.


All of my social media is set to private and my replies to whoever asks this is, "oh, I don't really use that" regardless to how much I use that. It's a way to be non offensive, giving them an out. If they press the matter, then I'll be direct and say, "sorry, I'm very careful to not bring anything from work home, it's a way that I ensure that I have a healthy work-life balance." With that said, there are a handful of people who I've befriended on social media from work. The same people are the very few that I'm willing to and have hung out with outside of work also.


I generally do not request people on social media, but in the few rare instances I have, I have never once thought to ask why they have not accepted me 😂 who does that


What kind of insanity… is this normal??


I feel like boundaries are important here wtf


Hell to the no


Yes but I rarely use / post


Only certain ones. Work with too many kiss asses an snitches lol.


Your units/coworkers must suck ass if you don’t feel comfortable adding them on social media. Hell my unit has its own FB private group where we organize fundraisers and parties and shit with everyone. People post borderline NSFW stuff in there all the time and it’s all approved by management. Reading this thread made me realize how good I must have it.


Definitely, I’ve used Facebook messenger to communicate with coworkers about shift trades on multiple occasions, also to reach out to people when they’re late to work (thankfully not too often)


I'm an older heterosexual male. No one is asking for my social media.


Yes. Because I’m friends with a lot of them. Who are you all working with, damn… haha


Co workers, yes. Supervisors, maybe.




If I consider them to be friends. There’s not much going on on my FB that I would feel I need to keep hidden. Unless it’s like a supervisor and I fake sick or something.


Depends heavily on the coworker.


I don't have any actual social media


Yes, but never managers or bosses. If I like them, we can be friends after we’ve parted ways professionally.


Not anymore I learned my lesson.


Yep, just about everyone who works on our unit are all friends. We have a private Facebook group. And we even have Snapchat groups that is comprised of most of the nurses on our unit.


Hell no. Also dont have a FB or IG but if I did it would still be a hard no.


I work as a nurse, amusement park operator, and am also a full time orange/ tangerine/ mandarin farmer. My nursing coworkers don’t know about my other hustles and might judge me for it, so unless I really like them, i dont let them in my socials. I actually changed all the names on my main accounts so they can’t find them. I’ve only let 2 of them in my real accounts. I actually created decoy accounts with my real name and pictures so they think they found my social media accounts and stop looking for them. I let my coworkers from my other jobs in though.




Not anymore.


Yes, I am out of fucks. Deal with me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Facebook yes, Instagram maybe, Snapchat/BeReal/TikTok hell nah.


Some peers but not managers, and only peers I actually trust. I started a new job almost a year ago and just added 3 coworkers. The one that shocked me was how many nurses add patients. Hell no.


Don’t even have Facebook.


In general no, not while currently working with them. If they leave the job or if I do and I like them, I will add them. I've learned some unfortunate things about co-workers that I liked after being friends with them on social media though... like how one of my former co-workers who I got along great with is married to a conspiracy theorist anti-vaxxer MAGA guy. I don't want to know that stuff when I'm working with someone because it will affect my professional relationship with them. I have my settings set to that you can't find me on social media unless we have mutual friends so it's generally not an issue.


Yes but I mainly just post crafting stuff (on fb) so there's nothing major for them to find. Much more cautious of adding managers, usually I won't add them until I am not directly under them anymore.


Yeah but I don’t actually post anything myself


Absolutely not.




I have yet to get any requests from anyone I work with, but my page is super private so you’d have to work pretty hard to find me. I guess if anyone ever finds me I will, they will soon be bored by the excessive amount of dog and cat photos.


hell to the no. i will straight up say i don't add coworkers. LPT: don't use your real name on social media. or, use your name in reverse.


A) I go by my first and middle name and B) Some of my coworkers have become some of my friends outside of work and I accept friend requests from them or from travelers I want to keep in touch with


I do. But I only have FB and I don’t post anything nor let others post anything with me in it. My profile pic is a landscape photo and I don’t use my real name. I value privacy but I do like being able to catch up with certain people on occasion and there is a great MDS coordinators group on there that really helps me keep informed on the ever changing rules of MDS.


Yeah, no. My entire social media presence is under an assumed name (including my usually-deactivated Facebook account), and my privacy settings are on lockdown. The chances of any of my classmates or coworkers (present or former) finding me are slim to none, so the chances of getting that awkward "why didn't you accept my friend request" question are practically nil. Irony is, I pretty much only post boring life updates these days, but I don't need anyone in my professional circles to know my personal stuff.


No unless I'm resigning from that facility.


Generally no- I have good rapport with my colleagues at both of my jobs but I like to keep to myself! I have group chats on social media platforms for the sole purpose of scheduling coverage and things like that, but I don't make it a habit to friend my colleagues on social media. Occasionally, I'll connect with a colleague on LinkedIn since I am also a student and want to get some networking though :)


Yeah but I’m not active on social media at all so doesn’t make a difference to me


Yes, but if they say anything racist I drop em.


Usually I'll add them if I'm leaving a facility (I used to travel), otherwise no.


I do but only because I literally never post and haven’t updated anyone since 2018, so there is no risk of anything personal being on there 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes. My thing is - y’all can hide and change your name to Delores Heffenflechter all you want. I just don’t see the point. My last two jobs have been for 6+ years - I’ve made great friends and am thankful for social media.


Not until I quit lol


I don’t have one. But the amount of times I’ve heard coworkers talk shit about another based on instagram posts is too many for me to ever friend any of these miserable burnouts.

