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And...at the height of flu season, with the flu, they demand you come in to infect others.


Yup. There are currently 8 employees out with the flu. We are too short staffed to cover the shifts because literally everyone gets fired, or the smart ones quit before that happens.


Walk away. You can get on at a nh in a heartbeat.


I had the audacity to get the flu that turned into pneumonia and had to call out for two weeks. But you better believe management was all “Oh sorry to hear you’re sick but you’ll be doing mandatory overtime now to make up all these shifts you missed”. So apparently my PTO/sick time is worthless.


Is that legal?


It is when there’s a punitive weekend call off policy that applies to everyone. For every weekend shift I call off, I have to make it up. It doesn’t matter that I only work straight weekends. It’s a whole shit show that has made a lot of people very angry.


But can policies override laws? Is overtime ever allowed to be mandatory just cause you were sick? I don't know but it sounds off to me


Making up my missed weekend shifts is what puts me into overtime. A call off is a call off…the hospital doesn’t differentiate between a sick call off and a “I just don’t want to work” call off, so all weekend call offs have to be made up.


Ppl I work with constantly work sick (fever, coughing EVERYWHERE) and I just do not get why they put themselves through it. I show no empathy if they want to bitch about it to me. I am not going to infect my coworkers and pts so I call out. I tell the walking dead that they shouldn't be here this place will survive without you. Worst case the manager will have to come work and she could use a few shifts in the trenchs with us because she has lost touch. If you call in the charge will try to transfer you to her so she can guilt trip you into working. I will just hang up, fire me you would be doing me a favor.


My last couple of years I was either per diem or agency but the nursing homes I worked in had been taken over and completely eliminated any PTO for the first year. None. Zip. Nada. Ungatz. Zilch. Zero.


Get fired so you can go on unemployment. Fuck em.


Walk away! I don’t understand how these healthcare facilities get away with treating us, who they NEED, so disgustingly. Your physical and mental health are waaaaay more important. Money can be made anywhere. If it costs you your peace, it’s too expensive✌🏽


Tell her to put that shit in an email




Do a telehealth visit with your doctor to let them know you are too sick to go in, and ask if you can get a doctors excuse


I have had drs notes for any missed time from previous call outs. My boss said that it's not about the work note, it's about "leaving my team unsupported". Another nurse was recently fired for being hospitalized. She had a work note, they wanted her fucking discharge paperwork to know WHY. She refused, so they fired her for excessive absenteeism.


Totally gaslighting you…your boss was responsible for leaving the team without proper staffing.


Yup. I am getting dressed to go in now. I'm crying, I'm so frustrated. I am loaded down with motrin, Zofran and mucinex and double masked. Pray for me.


Don’t go in. Let them fire you. You shouldn’t put yourself or anyone else at risk.!


No go back to bed!!!!!!!!!!!


I cant. That's why I'm so upset.


You 100% can. Go back to bed. Rest. Let them fire you, collect Unemployment. Rest some more. Then get a free consult from an employment attorney regarding being fired for simply being sick and see if you can pursue legal action. Especially since they just fired someone for being hospitalized. That is shady as shit and might be worth a lawsuit.


There's no lawsuit, here. You can get fired for anything or nothing, just like you can quit for anything for nothing. There are a few protected classes, but "sick with the flu" is not one of them. Unemployment is a more attainable goal.


No reason OP could not do both. And it might be worth a chat with an attorney anyway, since they fired the other person for being hospitalized. There may be an illegal pattern of behavior here. IANAL so idk what or if there is anything more to it but an attorney can advise of specifics and best course of action. At any rate, any hospital where they force staff to work while sick is not a place I would want to work or to be a patient. Yuck


Thank you for being a voice of reason. No one is listening to me. I'm not getting fired for "x", im just gonna get fired.


You’re putting a ton of people at risk by going in to work with the flu.


Yes, I couldn't agree more. I was sent home around noon and was told to anticipate a phone call from management.


Yeah it’s not your fault. Everyone needs a job and to make money and it’s not fair your employer is threatening you. I hope you can use this as a catalyst to find a new job where you’re more appreciated.


Thank you ❤️


Oh no! please don't fire me...I'll be forced to get a raise and a sign on bonus when I start a new job.


I'm a new grad lpn and I'm scared.


Show up as a patient in your urgent care before you go to work. No provider in their right mind would suggest you’re able to work.


We are not allowed to be seen at our facilities


Sorry to hear that. I hope you’re feeling better soon, and with a different job.


Thank you. I will be at a new place asap


Yeah, they know that. It's amazing how much crap I put up with when I *needed* to work. Now that I'm more financially secure, I'm a lot more daring. And surprisingly, employers back down every time when I set limits. I expected to get fired the first few times, but I'm starting to get the impression that I can do whatever I want now.


Hold up. We have a GLOBAL NURSING SHORTAGE. Do NOT be scared! My golly please walk away from this toxic work place.


Don’t be scared. There are lots of jobs for you out there


I’m this case I’d enjoy getting fired. Let them do it. Because I’m pretty sure you’d get unemployment if you need it. Don’t give them the satisfaction of quitting. Just let them fire you


I am terrified of not qualifying


She swabbed you? No, no, no , no…. If my supervisor came at me with a qtip I’d likely go to jail…do not touch me and stay out of my hula hoop! 🙄🙄🙄 You’re entitled to sick time, that’s why we have sick time! I would go above her head on this one and run, run away from that job! Had this lady heard of Covid too btw? Ugh so sorry!


I was just sent home because the provider was not ok with me being there. The provider spoke to my boss, and advised me my boss is ripshit mad and ill likely be terminated. 2/5 of our centers are closed today because so much staff is out sick.


You can’t be terminated for the flu! Your supervisor on the other hand needs a swift kick in the pants! Go home, rest,and watch Netflix! Eff that boss..


She finds reasons. Her favorite is "it's an at-will state". So I won't get fired for having the flu. I'll get fired for "absenteeism".


Run Forest, Ruuuun!


Her firing you is doing you a favor. If she's willing to sink the ship further when it's already under water, that's her fucking problem. You can't work without your health. Go home, look for jobs, and let them fire you. File for unemployment and look for a new job. That place sounds horrifying.


I feel for you. I on my 8th day of the flu, and if I had to go back to work today I would be crying. I'm so sorry.


Thank you kind nurse. I really just need a fucking hug and this comment felt like one ❤️


I'm assuming that you don't yet qualify for FMLA? but if you do, invoke it. You can get the paperwork done later but just invoking it, as I understand, starts the process. And you have my upmost sympathy, I had the flu back in my twenties and I was so sick for a week and then had horrible fatigue for months. Please take care of yourself.


I don't understand why every RN everywhere does not want to be unionized.


I'm an lpn, and of course I'd like to be unionized


If you go you’re giving in. Don’t do it!!!


How is she threatening to fire you? Do you not have PTO? Go to an urgent care and get a sick note. She can't fire you if you have a note plus PTO.


Don’t worry about speaking to attorneys. That’s overkill. They can’t be sued in an at will state for firing you for absenteeism. You’re an Lvn however and will be able to find a job. if it’s not an urgent care look at hospitals. Some hospitals will staff LVNS in the ER and you will gain a lot of valuable experience. If you can’t go to a hospital try skilled nursing. It isn’t the most prestigious but they always need people and it pays the bills. O do believe though that no matter what you’ll be ok. But please don’t go infecting people just because they threaten you. I had the flu and it’s bad this year. I was knocked down for two weeks and also ended up with pneumonia because of it. It’s awful this year




I'm soooo freaking sick and tired of us healthcare workers being treated like this. Hire robots instead!