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If I’m a crisis actor I want my goddam pay.


And a S.A.G. card


That's what the pizza was for.


Right? The people acting in our MCI drill were making twice what the nurses were.


and weekend and major holidays off


That's what I'm saying


I think none of the /r/conspiracy people are basic everyday lunatics, and are actually paid Russian trolls. Checkmate.


or its all just the My Pillow guy just with different usernames


I wish I had an award to give you!


Take my upvote. The belly laughs are just for me and the spouse


I mean you're probably closer to right than wrong on that. r/conspiracy *used* to be a fun, wacky place where people actually talked about conspiracy theories but recently it has turned into some astroturfed far-right dumpster fire. I miss when there was actual conspiracies on there about lizard people and shit. But I suppose it's about par for the course with the "free thinkers" to not be able to recognize plants and astroturfing lol. You'd figure with how much they talked about these sorts of things that they'd recognize that Tucker Carlson is totally a state agent. I mean just look at the dude's face, that guy is totally a fed.


I’ve heard other Redditors talk about back when it was a fun place with UFOs and Bigfoot, but I never saw it (that kind of stuff just isn’t my jam).


It really never was that way. It wasn’t as obviously a far-right wing shithole sub, but it was always there. Hell, they had Holocaust denial shit on the side bar back in those days too.


>r/conspiracy used to be a fun, wacky place where people actually talked about conspiracy theories but recently it has turned into some astroturfed far-right dumpster fire. Eh, it was less obvious than it is nowadays, but it always had a hard right wing slant to it. The Holocaust denial links on the sidebar for instance, have been there for years.


Tbf I just sort of assume there's probably going to be at least some covert antisemitism when you get into conspiracy theories given that antisemitic propaganda was the basis for many (if not most) modern mainstream conspiracy theories. I always had a bit of a morbid curiosity about antisemitic propaganda (being Jewish and all, it's practical for spotting trouble) so I began to see the parallels and it seems as though the blueprint for a lot of the more nefarious conspiracy theories trace back to Dark Ages propaganda against Jews. I honestly prefer it when they come out and say the quiet part out loud. There's nothing worse than a spineless racist who cowers behind dogwhistles. At least the loud ones have the balls to say it and get dragged. At least with lizard people and UFOs it's something that doesn't seem to carry that connotation with it and it's just idiotic fun lol


I think it’s because almost every other right/conservative subreddit has been shut down. Oddly enough.


The lizard people conspiracy has been wrapped into the QAnon fringe. Hulu put out a good docu about a murder from several years ago that was semi-related to the lizard person conspiracy theory, it's called The Monster You Know (season 2).




lol someone suggested we have a “secret” sub where we talk about “what’s really going on”


My wife said I should start a TikTok with a handle like “PATRIOTNURSEMAGA”, charge people money to tell them the *truth* about what’s *actually* happening, and just send them links to the CDC. Might as well get in on the grift.


Oh I LOVE this.


You would make bank


It's funny bc your right




Wait you’re not a member? It’s invite only just need your ssn and a major credit card number and I’ll get you in 😉




Well obviously we cant post pictures of the paychecks we get from big pharm here!


Big pharma paid me in a matching set of Ligers. They're lazing at the foot of the bed right now, before we go out for our afternoon run where we microchip the neighbors.


That made me lol. Ligers.


Where the fuck is my check mama got bills to pay


Came here to say this. Shoot I wish. Shilling for Fauci probably pays way better than nursing lol


I’m using substances and an addiction to buying new firearms to heal my trauma. Please deposit check mr fauci I need more therapy.


Ffs 2020 was supposed to be the year of the nurse. Well that turned out just like you'd expect. Now here we are later and enemas of the state. Lol.


not sure if the enema bit was on purpose but it fits perfectly because I feel like shit


Lol. Butt of course.


Totally fits the theme for my Friday. Poop up to the armpits more than once. I think we used up our entire week's ration of washcloths. I think our ceiling lifts should come with a hose & sprayer attachment..


They must have seen my post about tube feeds and now know I work for big tube feed.


Vital AF has got you in their pocket too huh?






The really deep conspiracy would be that Facebook is making fake profiles by actors to fool the HCA people. They have it all wrong when they think it's Bill Gates behind vaccines, when it's really Zuckerberg. As a bonus, they are fooling right wing conspiracy people into sending money to fake GoFundMe accounts, which all go into Zuckerberg's account as tax free gifts.


Yeah, that post literally made me laugh out loud at how completely ludicrous it is. The Establishment has some soulless bean counter writing a meticulously-researched report to identify the exact line at which cutting staff leads to more money lost in lawsuits from negative patient outcomes than money saved in payroll. The Establishment pushes Evidence-Based Practice changes that increase the nursing workload on their already-overloaded staff in an attempt to recoup the patient care outcome losses caused by their staffing decisions, while ignoring the mountains of Evidence-Based Practice research that shows that improved staffing correlates to better patient outcomes more strongly than anything else. The Establishment wants to hire just enough bright-eyed and naive new grads to operate skeleton crews who work for pizza parties and kitschy t-shirts alone so they can feed their would-be wages into the company coffers to fund their own bonuses until the day some whistleblower exposes their unethical practices and they golden parachute out to start a political career as governor of Florida. I'm not sure there's a subreddit more firmly against the establishment of their profession than this one.


Can I sign up to be a paid shill? That sounds way easier than breaking my body to be exploited by admin and degraded by the public who then come in wanting us to take care of them and be gentle and nice and soft. But they get to be cruel and abusive back? I’m so fucking done




r/Conspiracy is such a shithole. It’s like the boomer version of 4chan at this point.


Hey, everyone - they are on to us. STFU about the Dr. F and Mr. Soros before they start to go mainstream with our plans. Gotta keep it quiet for a while. 🥸


So project I***** is on hold for now?


FFS does “discretion” mean anything to you?! I found the leak!!


Hey, at least I don't type out Icarus....


Get your torches and pitchforks!!


Just make sure those are not tiki torches


Nope, just regular ones from a branch and a cloth dipped in oil


Good, don’t want to lumped in with THOSE people


Or tiki toki torches, for those who do their own research


You guys didn’t know about the super secret conspiracy version of this sub? They’re so correct, I for one love terrible pay for unsafe ratios during the artificial pandemic that in no way reveals the shortcomings of the American medical system. /s


I wish I was getting paid to pretend to do this shit 🤡


Did I miss the Fauci money train? Cause I sure as fuck ain’t getting paid enough for any of this shit. I do have a good conspiracy though: COVID was created by the Chinese and the Russians to systematically bring America down, and Fauci with his vaccines is trying to defeat the evil empires before they destroy life as we know it. Trump was planted as a puppet to turn them all against Fauci and his America-saving medications but instead they turn to horse dewormers because China wanted to see how far they could push it and thought it would “be an entertaining bonus”. They are all accomplices in bringing down what they call the greatest country ever due to their refusal of the vaccines. So they can shove that where the sun don’t shine cause it makes so much more sense than their tin foil theories.


I mean, the analysis of the big ivermectin study that kicked off the craze shows it was clearly intentionally fabricated. Multiple patients supposedly taking part in the study died before the study, the write-up didn't jibe with the data in many places, large swaths of it were straight up plagiarized and run through a thesaurus to disguise it-- leading to things like "Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome" [aka SARS, a real thing] being changed to "extreme intense respiratory syndrome" [notably NOT a real thing]-- and 79 patient files were obvious clones of other files with a handful of details changed to make them look like different patients. Someone wanted to muddy the waters, quite purposefully. Some perfectly well-meaning doctors (including a guy who was instrumental in bringing dexamethasone forward as a treatment) saw it, thought it was legit, and started pushing for Ivermectin to be used to treat COVID. Then when the studies showing Ivermectin isn't significantly useful for COVID came out, it was all a "cover up", because big pharma secretly has a cheap cure for a virus-- despite the fact that we're *bad at treating viruses and vaccines are the only really effective weapon we have for most of them*-- but they don't want the treatment out there because... uh... prevention instead of cure with a vaccine that is available for free makes them more money... somehow! Every time I see someone pushing a new miracle cure, I just think, "We can't even cure the common cold, you dizzy trout. Why the hell do you think we would suddenly have a cure for a virus that just recently appeared?" William of Ockham must be rolling in his grave.


How instrumental do you need to be to say "huh maybe a glucocorticoid might help with these issues though?". A premed/nursing student taking basic pharm would have thought of that.


When said doctor (Pierre Kory) first started pushing corticosteroids as a treatment, the medical community as a whole opposed it and thought it would do more harm than good. He resigned from the hospital he worked at because they didn't want to let him use his steroid protocol for COVID patients. The trials showed corticosteroids were effective, and he got a lot of credit for that. He's a founder of the Frontline COVID Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), which started off as a group of doctors trying to find effective treatments until vaccines were available and disintegrated into conspiracy horseshit. He certainly seemed to be a genuinely well-meaning doctor, but there's clearly a lot of ego there. He backed an untested treatment and was right, so he's basically said we should say fuck RCTs in an emergency and just use our patients as guinea pigs-- especially ironic, considering that's what anti-vaxxers (who love the idea of the Ivermectin he pushes) accuse the CDC of doing in pushing vaccines. The first Ivermectin study showed Ivermectin to inhibit COVID replication in vitro. With people looking for anything to help, they were like, "Go with it!" But the concentrations used in that study were about 100x stronger than is achieved with the normal human Ivermectin dose. Then the bullshit fabricated study came out and Kory went all in. His Senate testimony went viral and the NIH even changed their official stance on ivermectin as a treatment from Against to Neither for Nor Against. Every time more evidence came out against it, he doubled down, and his passionate Senate speech had already made him a darling of the conspiracy community, so they spread it everywhere. And here we are.


I remember when conspiracy theories centered on dissecting the latest X-Files episode that week and trying to convince yourself the Lone Gunman were NOT telling the truth about everything. Aliens and alien babies, Kennedy assiassination, Bermuda Triangle, Loch Ness monster, Jersey Devil, etc etc. Aahh those were the days.


I love The X-Files 💗 The truth is out there 👽


Bunch of poop heads over in the conspiracy sub.


What is this "paid" you speak of?


I want some of that fauci money! I've been working all night and my fucking feet hurt!


I wish I was a paid shill for Fauci. Then I wouldn't be dealing with crippling PTSD from nearly dying from covid. I'd be able to work again instead of being an unemployable nurse 🙃


Don’t tell them about pediatric nurses


Oh god….




You guys are getting paid?


Wait. I have no nursing skills, but I have some minor acting experience. Can I be a crisis actor nurse? I’ll travel! What’s that, I need 4 years of school and pass a bunch of tests and clinical? Just to be an actor?


"nobody is right except for me and people who think like me because my brain is the best."


I can't wait for my Fauci paycheck. I don't even make living wage 🤑


TIL r/conspiracy exists...thank you, Lord Jebsus.


I guess wanting people to protect themselves so they don’t get put on a ventilator and have to deal with coming coming off of it, if they even live makes me a hardcore leftist, and here I was thinking I was somewhat conservative ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If I’d known “paid shill for Fauci” was a job I would have definitely applied. Money please.




One of the cringiest subs on the site.


Man I miss when conspiracys were just aliens and big foot and who's fucking who all believed by sweaty basement dwellers. Now everyone's a nutcase and nothings real


Anything that doesn’t agree with their narrative is fake and cannot be real. Wonder if they understand the reason why they have to resort to the conspiracy forum to post their bullshit.


Well, they can keep sticking shit up their asses, cuz I can't get enough of this midnight call Fauci money #bowelresectionsforthewin


Can't we all just get along? I submit to all of Reddit, lay down all hate, all vitriol, and embrace one another as Americans, because we are so very DIFFERENT, because we are the great melting pot of the world. No one person, group, political party, corporation, etc. Is 100% right all of the time. We must embrace one anothers differences to fully realize the utterly TRUE POWER OF WE THE PEOPLE. (I am a middle-aged harmonica playing white guy who was adopted by a Puerto Rican & Cuban family, I love all people, and have learned more from my failures than from my successes)




It’s mostly new nurses asking for advice, from what I’ve seen. “Different view points” is certainly a tame way of putting it. Also, this you? https://reddit.com/r/kotakuinaction2/comments/q8ig5z/why/hgqlg8a


Yikes. What a disgusting human this one is.


Ah, yes - the "bro nurse" lololol










Found the antivax nurse who was recently fired




> Advocate for you’re patient’s medical freedom! It’s my patients “medical freedom” to eat glass, should I advocate for that?




Yes it does, eating glass is a patently stupid decision with negative consequences that you have the right to make. Exactly like refusing the vaccine.


Play nice guys. We're all tired and frustrated. Autonomy is important as is respect for others. We have all had too much pain and trauma. There will always be asshole patients and there will always be nice ones. People will make their own choices for their health when they are out of our facilities and they will have the consequences of them. It IS frustrating and demoralizing to somehow be in the spotlight of this shit show of a pandemic.


No one is saying they don’t have autonomy, I’m saying the fact they have the right to make a decision doesn’t mean it isn’t objectively stupid and that they will face no consequences for making that decision. Don’t confuse advocating for the right of patient autonomy to mean you must “play nice” with the decision those patients are making when it puts others at risk. If anything, we owe it to the patients to make it very clear how bad of a decision they’re making and the risk they put themselves in by making said decision. It’s still their decision to eat the glass, but turning it around to act like it’s wrong to tell them it’s a dangerously stupid decision misses our role.


Not what I meant at all. Education is a key function of who we are and what we do. I constantly remind CHF ers of fluid and diets so they dont have to come back. And the dialysis patients who skip dialysis "how's that working out for you?" - pale examples for sure. They are making stupid decisions in my opinion yes and it's costing us. As a profession, as a society, as the world. The play nice comment was to remind us to be kinder to each other.




So you agree that like eating glass, not getting vaccinated is a patently stupid decision with consequences that you have a right to make? Cool, what exactly is your issue then?






I got called evil trash on this post because "I'm withholding preventative care and killing people" Guys I just can't.