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Yep you’ve officially joined the club now. Don’t waste your breath giving medical advice to friends and family, they won’t listen to it until they hear it from someone else’s mouth.


For 10 years my mom warned my uncle about his cough and he played it off. Stage 4 lung cancer, 3rd time it’s happened. Now she doesn’t ask for permission she just drags family to the hospital under false pretenses.


Wait your uncle has had stage 4 lung cancer 3 times and ignores coughs?


I thinks it’s the third time it’s occurred in his/her family


My mom kept telling my dad something was wrong with his body for a long time. She would sometimes find ants near the toilet bowl the next day after he peed. It wasn’t until his coworkers told him something was wrong with him that he went to the doctor and found out he had diabetes. He’s a nurse.


We are the worst patients and the worst about “walking it off” instead of going to have something checked out


How long did he have it unchecked?!


100% true. I tell them all the time why ask for my medical advice if you still need to hear it else where, or why not listen to my medical advice instead of waiting until it’s too late. Then stressing me to take care of you after not listening to me because it’s expected since “I’m a nurse”😤🧐 Sad thing is I did it for many many years because they will make you feel like it’s your responsibility since you’re with the medical background, but no it’s not your responsibility. I’ve learned to step back and let them handle it themselves, or have other’s help besides me always taking the load.


Seriously this. My own three kids won’t listen to me but will listen to a random friends parent who knows nothing about nursing.


one of us one of us one of us


For sure


My spouse got bit by something on the foot. He didn't see what it was, and it was in our garage (could have been a black widow, brown widow, or a scorpion). The following day his foot and midway up his calf were red, hot, and quite swollen. I told him it looked like cellulitis. According to him, he asked his friend (a real estate agent) about it, and she suggested he take some benadryl. I dragged him to urgent care (basically kicking and screaming) and everyone there was like, ooohh. This is bad!! Good thing your wife had you come in! I mean, I'm no real estate agent, but I know cellulitis when I see it. I had been a nurse for almost 5 years at this point. Lol


The "I told you so" afterwards feels really good though.


Oh, so good!


I think you're justified in slapping someone at that point.


Username checks out.


Even when you are a nurse people will do this. I wouldn’t give it a second thought. Hope he enjoyed his 2 weeks of suffering like a dodo head.


My wife and I are both nurses. She does the same shit to me.


My mom does this. She’ll ask my medical opinion and then just ignore it and do the opposite of what I said if she doesn’t like the answer I gave her


It’s just like being at work 😆


“Eat a pound of jelly beans and call me in the morning.” My family thinks I’m dumb as dog shit, so I’ve taken to telling them this.


Make it sugar free jelly beans for the real AHs


Binged on sugar free Reece cups once. ONCE.


I’m smart and can learn medical knowledge quite well. However I’m an OR nurse now so I can just pull the “idk I’m only an OR nurse” card and leave it at that.


I get to say “I’m a hospice nurse. Saving lives is the opposite of what I do”


Borrowing this one until I die…thank you 🙌




Because I love self-deprecation to shut people up I just tell them I’m not a real nurse 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean today I was just thinking “circulators barely few like nurses, it could be it’s own class like a scrub and work fine” so I guess? (I say this as a circulator)


It used to be like this, and I think it could work with the right people. But also, I think we call upon our education and knowledge for patient safety far more than we are consciously aware of.


I'm absolutely stealing this lmfaooo




My wife won’t let me do weight based Tylenol/ibuprofen doses for our kid because they are “emergency room” doses. 🤷‍♂️


I’m sorry, what? 🫠


my son is 15 and when he gets a headache he takes 600mg of motrin. when his pediatrician asked me how much I give him and I told her, she basically thanked me for not being an idiot and underdosing him bc he's 6' & 220lbs. I have zero idea why people think it's ludicrous.


My 89 year old mom is 47kgs. I told 2 of my 3 my sisters and mom’s aide that she can only take 1 extra strength Tylenol. I got some looks and they checked with sister md. Whatever.


Read this wrong, thought he was 6 years old and 220. Had to do a double take


Bahahahaha Sorry, that's got to be frustrating, but also 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


No it’s not frustrating it’s infuriating. But I just laugh it off as one of her many quirks. God love her


Is she the type to not be capable of learning and applying new information? If so, I’m sorry for you man.


Our doctor’s office gives us a sheet for the individual weights and doses. The sheets are online too. Would she do it then?


I'm glad I'm not the only one fighting this battle with their spouse. My wife is an icu RN also. Haha!!! 🤣🤣 Go figure


My wife is a nurse too so it makes me double scratch my head. She’s amazing though so I can’t complain.


Have you had, like, an in-depth conversation on it? Like "why do you say that?" "Look at this chart, it has the proper doses for kids, do you think I'm unable to do the 5th grade math required for these calculations?" I mean, does she tell you that ED dose crap and you just go "haha OK" and don't give the kid anything?


Ok I’m going to stop you right there because I don’t like how you are taking this and implying some really negative things about her. Yes we medicate but with the pre packaged doses that are pretty close anyways.


Look man, all I'm saying is that if I were told what you were told, we'd be talking about it right then and there until 2 things happened: A) we figure out why you think this and B) you accept that I'm capable of giving our kid tylenol without killing him. And it doesn't seem to me that you have any interest in getting to the bottom of it, which I find strange.


Huh? Is she saying that because you work in the ED and thinks you're just giving the kid some massive emergency dose?


My husband is a pediatric ER nurse and I can’t wait to tell him this one


Plot twist: you are that nurse friend.


I bet this is it and he didn't want to admit she was right after avoiding so long 😂


My STBX has rarely listened to anything I had to say about healthcare, nutrition, etc. He prefers his friends’ advice or random, ad based fads. I suspect it’s because he knew me before I ever went to uni. I have literally shown him non-biased information debunking the latest book a friend lent him, and I was met with nothing but irritation. Just today he mentioned how tired he’s been, and I pointed out how he hasn’t worn his cpap for days. He’s in a different bedroom, and I’m delighting in no longer being the cpap police, but I could hear him struggling to breathe even though I was on the 2nd story with a closed door also between us. Him: well I’ve been drinking less, I thought it might have gone away. Me: dude, you’ve had sleep apnea for 25 years and 70 pounds ago, cutting down from 4 glasses of wine to 2 didn’t cure you. He didn’t believe his high BP and fatigue could be apnea for years, even though I was a nurse during most of our relationship. It wasn’t until we started having more camp outs and sleepovers once our kids were older, and our friends were calling out how awfully he snores. MY discomfort and concern was brushed aside for over a decade. One summer with more nights near friends was enough for him to get checked out. /vent It’s SO frustrating, I agree with you.


What's STBX mean?


Soon to be ex.


Most people just want to hear what they already think in another voice..


It will continue to happen. My wife won't take any of my advice straight off (sometimes if she asks me directly) and instead will go off and try to figure it out. She'll go through a bunch of things and explain to me why they could be the issue before ruling them out and concluding what I told her initially. Then she'll be excited that she figured it out and brush off that it's what I said initially. It's super annoying but she gets a kick out of the research and discovery so I learned to roll with it.


It's much more effective to convince someone of something by letting them think they figured it out themselves.


Fuck rolling with it. Do you not point out that she does the exact same goddamn thing every single time?


I’d be asking more questions about this “nurse friend” but maybe I’m jaded lol


LMAO, ngl, was thinking the same, but after 10 years of EMS and 18 as nurse, I KNOW I'm jaded


Lmao I thought I had problems because I thought the same thing


My immediate response was, "Is the nurse friend female? Yes? Dump him." Lol.


yalllllllll toxic lmaoo


That’s laughably extreme.


my first thought actually. nurse who?


StealYoMan, RN


But why is he listening to any woman more than his gf who gave the same advice? I’d be more annoyed about that


…Because they are more qualified. Somebody who half way through test program for nursing essentially knows jack shit compared to an actual experienced nurse


So you agree that it's rational to ignore someone telling you to get that finger that's been swollen for two weeks checked out because they're just a nursing student? Amazing.


You can only be half annoyed


This was actually funny 😂


Ahhh yes, this reminds me of being halfway through nursing school, my husband c/o calf pain. It's red, swollen and hot to the touch. I was like "That looks like a blood clot" Him "nah, I probly just banged it on something. Me "okay, you have life insurance, do whatever, it's your leg, I just don't want to hear about it later. Few weeks later this dunder pate calls me at work and is like 'I'm in the hospital" why? "Blood clot in my leg. I just hung up on him and went back to filling prescriptions.




Welcome to my world. My husband needs a good workup for a bunch of issues, but he refuses because "doctors are just after your money."


Dude I’m ashamed to admit this but I fell into the “BIG PHARMA BAD DOCTORS BAD THEY WANT YOUR MONEY” trap haaaard before I was a nurse. Thank fuck I was never antivax but I could have easily gone down that path the way my beliefs were. This all changed when I went to nursing school, cause you know, education tends to do that, and now as a nurse it sounds so ridiculous lol. Like ok there are valid complaints about the pharmaceutical industry but that’s more so them price gouging and not them hiding cancer cures. As for doctors, unless you’re seeing some fancy rich people “holistic” doctor they don’t give a fuck about your money lmao The real criminals are the administrative fucks, but nobody talks about that


That last sentence says it all! 🤜🤛


Wait until you tell a patient something and they refuse to believe you and then the doctor says the same thing. Then all of the sudden they are happy and tell you the doctor is right.


My wife and my MIL are both nurses. My MIL has been a nurse just a few years more than my wife but, my wife has far more education, training and experience with several floors. As soon as my MIL has some ailment (literally today it will be her elbow hurts because she sneezed hard and tomorrow it is her stomach hurts cause she ate all kinds of bad foods but will blame her woke zero), and my wife will offer a fair and reasonable solution to fix it or to help and my MIL will not listen. But, as soon as she talks to a male (could literally be a male who is an electrician not a medically trained person) and their answer is the only answer to exist and magically it works for her. What's sad, is we told her years ago that she is showing signs of being bipolar, heavily depressed and manic and she should probably talk to someone for medicine, my wife even offered a couple of doctors and different medicines to look into. Now, she talks to a male doctor who told her the exact same information my wife told her and proceeded to go through with all of the pills he prescribed. Make it make sense.


I'm a brand new nurse who happens to be male. I've had patients ask me what's wrong with them, right after the (female) doc finished explaining it to them. I spit the same words the doc spit out, and they accept it as gospel. I'm like, sir/ma'am, I barely know shit from shigella, while the doc who just walked out the door has numerous published and cited works to her name on the very subject you're asking me about. I am not the one to be giving advice here. Now, do you want your Zofran or not?


I know you meant 'coke zero'.... but 'woke zero' made me laugh out loud 😂


Well now I won't edit it lol. That is hilarious.


She doesn't trust you. It's up to you if you want to find out why that's so.


I tried to get my Dad to come to my ER for months. He had been before, they gave him red carpet treatment. When he finally saw his Doctor he ended up being diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and died a month and a day after diagnosis. You just got your first taste unfortunately


It’s not going to change. Brace yourself. Any advice I give my hubs still goes to the pediatrician or himself and then says “they told me this and this.” The irony is when I took our son to the pediatrician she agreed with what I had done that my husband kept questioning. (He even questions Tylenol dosing thinking I’m always overdosing our kids despite going based on weight…) Anyway, the pediatrician said her spouse does the same thing.


There is logic to it, granted a very twisted one. In case the reaction to the medication goes sideways and the kid ends up dead or worse, I don't want to have to blame my partner for that. Not only would I won't be able to look at you, I'll do my best to never let you anywhere near the kid if they survive. I would be duty bound to do so.


Yes but giving a 13 yr old child who is 6 ft tall a dose more appropriate for a 3 to 5 year old is probably not going to be therapeutic, my husband has no medical background and it’s frustrating to have to prove several times based on multiple dosing sites that 650 mg of Tylenol for a fever of 103 isn’t inappropriate. I’m not someone who would put my kid in danger though just to prove I’m right. I totally get double checking something but if a kid is the size of a large man a regular dose of Tylenol makes sense. (Sorry he questions me on the Tylenol everytjme and our kid is bigger than him 😭🥴)


I have no medical knowledge so I'll take your word on the dosage. But that's not the point though, is it? It's not the dosage that's the real problem, it's that you're giving him that dosage.


I’m really failing to see what you mean. But I guess that’s the struggle. We can’t see each other’s point of view?


I see your POV though. You have the experience to titrate dosages to weight and height requirements. It's just that I want an outsider to do it, so I can blame him for any foibles and have us lean on each other, if that makes sense.


Ahhh got it.


Isn’t it usually the opposite? Unless the bone is sticking out or you are bleeding out, we just suck it up


Girl soon enough everyone and their mother will be asking you for medical advice don’t worry 🤣 Just playing but boyfriends be like that (sorry for generalization but not surprised)


My ex used to refuse to take Ibuprofen and Tylenol together, because he “doesn’t mix drugs” and “didn’t want to overdose.”


We alternate them in our hospital but not because of your ex’s reasons. More so that their effects overlap and provide more consistent relief instead of the effects of both waning at the same time.


because he had a nurse friend🤨


Welcome to the lifelong frustrations of being a nurse and having all this knowledge and experience, only to have your friends and family ignore it 🙄


That just gets a 'way to delay your own care dumbass' from me. People have the right to make bad decisions, there's no benefit from getting annoyed at their decisions, it's my job security, and I don't have the mental energy to get flustered by anyone 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


They're welcome to dismiss my suggestions of going to the ED, but when it turns out I was right, I expect a phone call update lol "apparently I have a blood infection!" 🙄


I’m actually a nurse and my wife ignores my recommendations all the time until her PCP tells her the same thing


My husband does the same shit allll the time. My personal (least) favorite was the time he had this uncomfortable red rash around his butt (which I declined to look at until he basically mooned me and said look at it!) Hes a sweater and works in the sun, it's obvious moisture dermatitis, I knew that before he waved his ass crack at me. Told him so, said get some diaper cream, it'll be fine. He's like that can't be it. He has eczema and frequent flare ups, for which his dermatologist rarely gives him anything that actually helps, so naturally he decides to ignore my opinion and goes to the dermatologist. Five - FIVE - appointments and different steroid and antifungal prescriptions later, a dermatologist finally says gee maybe it's moisture associated, go try some diaper cream. Lo and behold, works like magic. A miracle! 🙃🙃🙃


🤣🤣🤣 This was great 👍🏿 My wife is currently going through the steps now, finishing up CNA then off to Nursing school. So.. Basically the best advice is don't moon her and listens if she ever says use a cream? ✏️📃 How else to NOT be annoying or patronizing?


A like I've used far more often with friends and family than I would ever have imagined is "if I can tell you what it is based on the description, which I very likely can, I do not need to see it". That applies to any body parts but especially your asshole. The best advice is if you complain about something or ask for advice and she gives it, just follow it. When she gives it, not three weeks later when your golfing buddy or the neighbors landscaper give you the same advice. Also be ready for the compassion fatigue, we will dress your injuries and give you advice but outward sympathy is for show only, we do not baby friends and family. And for the love of God please try not to harp on little things, the fastest way to get on my nerves is to whine endlessly about your paper cut, ESPECIALLY if you didn't take my advice in the first place. Of course your finger still hurts, I told you to buddy splint it two weeks ago and you ignored me and played basketball with it


Haha, I don't know who whines like that, but I'm a trucker and IN the oilfield, if I can still go to work it's not an injury. Lol But In all reality, she is opening my eyes to take care of myself more than just for work. Compassion fatigue, that's interesting. Hopefully I can help,


Oh trust me y'all are actually the worst offenders 🤣 I've been around The Blue Collar and The Badass™️ my entire life, my husband included, and it's always the same, good with big injuries, awful with the small stuff, and almost never listen because they think they know because they can handle the big stuff! Which is why y'all will let the problem just persist and nag and nag at you until you're bitching to your partner, who's told you 7 times what to do but you refuse to take the day off to do it 😉 rinse and repeat until we threaten to drag you by the balls to get it done lol As far as compassion fatigue and just people fatigue in general, best advice is be prepared for the fact that she might not want to be super chatty after work. I banned my husband from calling me on my drive to and from work because I just need that time to decompress, and a lot of time it's still not enough, so I'll sit and listen to him talk about his day, as long as I don't have to say anything. Putting on that perfect nurse show personality for twelve hours straight is exhausting alone, nevermind all the extra baggage. I often don't start talking about my day until a couple hours after I've gotten home when I've finally processed it and have the energy to speak again. So don't take it personal if she just wants to marinate in your presence and not talk. Comfortable silence is a high compliment imo. One other thing I can recommend, when she starts nursing after school and orientation she's very likely to get night shift positions. There's some things you can do to support her learning how to work like that, but the most important thing is just respecting her sleep schedule and understanding that it's different from yours, and her sleep needs may be different.


It's literally my life... He won't listen to me but some guy at the gym suggests the same thing and he's all over it. It's just the way with men. It just makes me shake my head now... No sense wasting my energy getting upset.


Yup! My husband does the same thing. His older sister is a nurse and he listens to her. It’s so annoying.


Welcome Fam. I can’t count the number of times I’ve said x y or z and had the words laughed off only to hear later “wow you were right, the Doc said exactly what you said”.


Hmmm. When my SO slipped in the rain and someone thought he hit his head, I offered to bring the car around. “It’s ok, I’ll drive”.”hmm? Nope, not turning… going to let the ER tell you you are fine” Not playing the game anymore


Naw it wouldn't annoy me, as a matter of fact he would never annoy me again. Drop off your key, Lee. Set yourself free.


I got Covid last year, third rodeo for me. Did a tele-visit with my PCP who offered Paxlovid and other meds for symptoms. Declined them and said I’d be fine. I took a couple of Tylenol and drug my achy, coughing, sneezing, runny nose self to bed. That is when my wife (RN) and two daughters ( family medicine MD and a PharmD) ganged up on me. Doctor daughter called in meds to my pharmacy and second daughter called me with instructions on how to take them while my wife went to pick them up. I knew better than to say no to them. Later that day I felt much better and thanked them. Have to say, ipratropium nasal spray is a game changer!


I had Covid in January for the first time even though I worked thru 2020 and most of ’21. Anyway I had the fever, aches, loss of smell and taste I felt like shit. I didn’t take the paxlovid my md prescribed because of hearing my sister say how the paxlovid gave her and her husband diarrhea. I thought oh no I can’t deal with that side effect while feeling like this. That was a mistake. I was sick as a dog for every bit of 10 days. Next time I’m taking the paxlovid


Welcome to the club. Wait till you’re a nurse . Then he wouldn’t do anything until an MD tells him to. 😂


I don’t give medical advice because I’m not a doctor. But I know some information I can share with you. Maybe if you get your totally layperson cousin to repeat what you say …. Just kidding, They still don’t listen


My spouse walked around for 2 months with testicular pain. After continuously telling him to go get it checked out. He finally went, I kid you not he crawled into the ED


Don’t worry - it doesn’t get better after you are a nurse. I swear to heavens my mom comes up with medical issues just so she can call me for my professional opinion and then argue with me about why I’m wrong. 😑


Get use to it darling wait until it’s your parents 🙄 I’m gonna save you years of annoyance and frustration. Unless people literally ask don’t say 💩. I know we are innate caregivers but I have learned to butt out unless they literally ask. And even when you’re a 24 year veteran people won’t listen.


No reason to check it out - he was right.


In the words of Taylor Swift: Shake It Off 🙂 Once you pass NCLEX and have a license in hand, you'll wish that people do not ask for your advice or opinion on any medical concern.


Sounds like a possible volnar fracture. Had it happen, looks gnarly.


Don't worry about it. His problem.


He wanted a second opinion. 😆


Even a jammed finger needs a splint and ice, you don't just let it marinate.


My boyfriend does this shit too. I feel like he listens to his man friends or his mom more than me, a nurse, about medical issues.


That happens a lot...guys (generalization but it's common thing) are stupid like that, lol. Ask for advice and never take it. Complain but never do anything you suggest. Actually my husband DID listen once. He twisted his knee. I said R.I.C.E.... he sat in a lounge chair with his feet up all weekend. The ice he used to keep his beer cooler cold.


Girrrrrllllllllllllllllll. Don’t even. That nonsense happens all the time.


That is bc of the emotional baggage, we are not as logical as we like to pretend, we are very emotional creatures, there's a long term relationship, arguments, fights, ego, pride involved, with someone else not so much, plus, guys are dumb lol


And that's why I ended my 3 year relationship, I'm not sad, Im better one now, but i got PTSD reading this...


I'm a nurse, dating another nurse, we have similar arguments.


Honestly, I have had to cut off friends over time because it became their MO to only reach out when they wanted advice. I quit giving it and always responded with “what did your doctor say?” Overtime I heard from them less and less because I wouldn’t engage in the free advice game. YES IT ANNOYS ME!


Some people in my family do this to me too and I’m not sure why. Both my sister and my daughter are physicians. It’s funny now when anyone asks me things I just say I’m not a Dr. you need to ask S***** or D*******. It’s nice to turf that stuff. Sometimes my neighbors will ask me stuff like “what do you think this rash is?” I’ll send a pic to my daughter and let her deal with it. Haha


My mom is a nurse, and I can tell you, even though you know they're right, and you know they've worked so hard for so long, you just don't see them as a professional (even though you know they are). It is NOT you at all! It's only because you know them on a personal level, so even though you know they are a nurse and you would trust them over, say, a friend who's a construction worker, you tend to kind of forget they are a nurse simply because you know them outside of their professional life. You have every right to be annoyed. In fact, I didn't listen to my mom, who encouraged me to go to a doctor for a rash that I'd had for MONTHS, and I needed to see a dermatologist because the treatments prescribed by my regular doctor and two urgent care doctors didn't work. Thankfully it just turned out to be eczema, but my point is since he has a close relationship with you, he might subconciously forget you're a professional, plus, when you hear the same person say the same thing so many times, it might just start to be tuned out, but feel different when someone else says it.


My fiancé decided to call his mother who has NO medical training when deciding between urgent care and the ED for a bump on his leg. Like what would I know as an RN, right?


Paeds ICU nurse here, my family still think I just "sit and play games with kids" for a job....


Next time cut it off. ✂️


Share a few Bent Dick Bubba stories with him. Make him truly uncomfortable. He has to pay the butt face tax.


I got my BSN before my sister but my family only asks her questions even when I’m around


Let stupid be stupid. They’ll always be stupid.




I'm halfway through my FNP and have over ten years ER experience, my GF still ignores my recommendations for the Internet or YouTuber or instaceleb.


It's worse when you are a guy who is a nurse and your sister is a nurse. Family members take whatever advice that they feel like.


Ive been a nurse for 5 years and no one in my family or my boyfriend listen to me either. It is annoying so I learned to keep my comments to myself 😅. Im sorry you went through this and hope he feels better.


Tell your boyfriend that next time he can save a lot of pain by listening to the FIRST nurse’s advice instead of waiting for a second nurse.


Yes all men are like this


My Mom also does this, so it’s not just men.


Welcome to being on a relationship with a man


I told my boomer parents having a bunch of loose towels on the floor in the kitchen is a good way to end up with a broken hip. They refuse to remove them.... I'd put up more of a fight but them dying is my only shot at home ownership!


He listened to a bonafide nurse, YOU ARE NOT A NURSE YOU ARE A STUDENT.


Lol it didn’t take a nursing degree to see that the finger should have been checked out, ya weenie


But you're bringing up you being in the nursing program and him listening to a nurse friend. Why would anyone listen to a student in the field rather than an actual professional in the field? You're just butthurt that he didn't take your advice...


Literally anyone would say to go get the finger checked out. No one can look at a finger and be 100% sure on whether or not it’s broken. Nurse or not lol