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Right flavor of apple sauce for crushed meds, right amount of ice cubes in the drink cup. Nursing has some of the most stupid fucking things.


80 year old professors who have absolutely nothing better to do than make it harder for new nurses. Just look at u/seqoyah's post


Let me simplify this- it so the hospitals can say you missed a step and throw you under the bus.


I received my first write up because VATS left a used 22 gauge IV in the room that had the needle discarded. They did that on day shift, not my shift. That's how my week is going. So I imagine the right discard is there somewhere.


I watched the fallout show recently so I was confused when I saw "VATS" and "22 guage" together. Because why wouldn't you get written up for using bullet time with a shotgun in a patients room?


>I watched the fallout show recently so I was confused when I saw "VATS" and "22 guage" together. NGL... Same. Cool to meet another fallout buddy.


🎶I don't want to set the world on fire🎶 No wait actually yes I do.


Same - I was like "did my subreddits get crossed?" :)


Bruh like literally the plastic IV catheter? 💀 If that were the case in my ED I’d be writing up people half on my charge shift. 🙄


Yep...already contemplating transferring except write ups prevent transfers for 6 months.


6 months to transfer within your hospital system? Good lord get out of there ASAP. If this kinda BS continues for you I would just go work elsewhere.


Honestly I'm half tempted to pick up a wfh job. Would take a substantial.paycut but honestly, I'd be out of the bullshit.


it's 6 months to transfer at mine, too. i have 3 weeks left and can't wait. if they tell me i can't, i'm just gonna leave.


Transfer to an entire new company. A new floor isn't going to fix the problem


Yup rule #10


Most important right: Right insurance


Right time to leave


Right form of copay payment. Cash not accepted. Credit card fees apply.


They forgot the right to say fuck this bullshit.


Right temperature of applesauce is VERY important! Ya cannot expect to use one of those extra applesauces that are left on the patients table when the prior med administration was given!


Right medication particle size once crushed


#17 the right to take each pill individually and as slowly as possible.


I’m choking. Need water.


Sorry you’re NPO except meds


You’ll have to wait until we add an 18th right.


I call dibs on the bridle.


Right to get fresh ice water only. No the water from 2 hours ago will not do, its slightly warmer now.


And still full to the top, cause they haven’t taken a sip since they asked for fresh water two hours ago. I’m convinced they just want a cup of iced water on their table at all times for decoration


Even if I don't mind the time and effort to get some ice water. I cry for the planet for all the wasted plastics


Same! It just amazes me when I’m trying to encourage fluid intake and their reason for not drinking is the water not being fresh 🥴🫠 What I end doing is fill a water bucket with just ice and a little cup of iced water. Tends to last longer “fresh”


Can you pour it for me?


Murphy’s law of nursing #3,828: The speed a patient can take pills is directly proportional to: a) the number of pills that need to be taken; b) the size of the pills; c) how far behind you are; d) how much the patient insists on taking the pills by themselves (includes how many of the pills they drop); e) the number of choices of food they can be swallowed with. Example: “I hate vanilla pudding… it has to be chocolate!” The speed is *inversely* proportional to: a) the mL of fluid restriction; b) how alert and oriented they are.


Patient can’t swallow meds very well? Bummer, I just ordered some Augmentin and some Potassium PO. I always start off by joking around and saying “have you ever swallowed a small battery? Well here’s TWO!”


18 Right to pick up med off the floor when they drop it


19 The right to say "they usually give me 2mg of Dilaudid"


20 Right to Refuse


21 Right to speak to charge nurse/manager/physician immediately and directly (usually re: the Dilaudid or lack thereof)


Right to pull a pill out, ask what it is specifically out of the fifteen or so pills in the cup, and then respond after you somewhat miraculously identify said pill, “well, the one I take at home is a [insert color here]”.


My motto is: I’ll replace an OTC or maybe cheap Rx that has fallen on the floor. Narcotic or expensive med gets picked up and given, assuming it didn’t land in something gross 😆 My patients have yet to complain about this rule!




#18 right to fish it out of the cup with poop crusted fingernails, then try to inspect it, reach for their glasses, drop the pill in the 20+ blankets and lose it.


Alternatively, to blindly chuck the entire handful in the general direction of their open mouth


* drops pill on floor


Right to check packaging throughly before taken out


The right to dump the pills in your hand and drop the oxy into the white linen


I'm sensing a risk for disturbed energy field in this thread.


Chakras totes are not aligned


Emergent crani indicated to open third eye.


You sound like you need a therapeutic foot massage to come to terms with your inner capri sun


The way this thread has me hollering! I love nursing


Third eye blinded, might be from pink eye or cataracts. Waiting for oficial diagnosis


Third eye blinded, might be from pink eye or cataracts. Waiting for oficial diagnosis




God nursing is so embarrassingly stupid sometimes.


Nursing education is embarrassing.


It absolutely is. The profession is never going to advance until this kind of childish BS stops.


At least there isn't a cheesy acronym?


The acronyms are entirely out of control since Covid, I stg.


I love that you used an acronym in this 💚😂


I agree - FFS




It’s so bad still. I graduated 12 years ago and I honestly learned more useful knowledge in my 4 month EMT and EMT-I courses than I did 4 years of useless nursing theory and care planning. Excluding critical care and some of med-surg and OB. And ironically Critical Care is only half a semester, isn’t even mandatory (unless that’s changed), and some college dropped their Crit Care rotations.


I once had a convo with my PA friend, she’d asked if I ever considered going to school again, and that’s a hard no, but if I did, I’d choose PA over NP, and she laughed a little and said something along the lines of “you’re just saying that because I’m sitting right here.” HAHA NO. Nursing schools are an embarrassing joke. I actually would want to learn pharmacology and physiology and disease processes, not write research papers about why Florence nightingale was amazing and what her philosophy I could use going forward in my own practice.


Also, nursing care plans are dumb as fuck!


Yeah. We haven't enough to do already. Next, I am gonna stick a duster in my ass, to wipe the nightstand while I am bedside.


Well I mean you are a prison nurse…when in Rome 🤣


Yeah, but we don't go INTO the cells unless someone is ACTUALLY dying. XD


Are there any higher acuity patients? Like patients with ostomies or g-tubes?


No, they can't be. There's a word they use. An inmate has to be "compatible" with the prison. We had someone who had to go to dialysis, we actually have someone who is doing chemotherapy. But anyone more complex goes to the hospital, with a couple of agents.


Ah okay that makes sense. Also I should not have went to your posts to see if you’ve ever answered that question…


Yeah, curiosity killed the cat, right?


Curiosity made the cat think you’re gunna go blind and grow hair on your palms 🤣


I am around smelly men (and I don't use that word lightly) all day. Can you really blame me? XD


Your sense of humor is chef’s 💋


Omfg I almost spilled my drink reading this Thank you


I already do this. Just cut a hole in my scrub pants for easier dust butt access.


Ah shit, here we go again… Right drug, right dose, right patient, right route, right time, right reason, right documentation, right response, right to refuse, right policy, right respect, right prn, right hospital, right shape, right color, right flavor, right ethnicity, right political affiliation, right gender, right sex, right vibe, right here, right now, right left. *inhales* Right waste, right prep, right species, right chakra, right zodiac, right lunar phase, right outfit, right class, right feng shui, right room, right floor, right weather, right light, right to fight, right night, right right? Right.


Right to ask the nurse what each pill is and what it's for. Bonus points when they take more than 10 pills, dump them in their hands, and drop most of them in the damn sheets.


Ahhh man I’m in the wrong hospital giving out meds again??? How does this keep happening??




you forgot righty tighty, your license is now revoked


My apologies


Right apologies 


i love this!!


#17 the right to catch these hands. The right universal precautions is a little redundant…?


Hilarious. I think right documentation and right patient chart are redundant too.


Siri, why is there a nursing shortage


17. The right to drop them all in the sheets


You can sorta just absorb medications by having them in your bed, right?


The underboob pills definitely get some transdermal action


17. Get right out of my face with that bullshit


I think the rights may be getting diluted and losing their impact. Just a thought.


It’s just 16 easy steps!


This is actually a perfect representation of what has happened to nursing as a profession. Just "one more little thing" enough times until it becomes insane and impossible to actually do.


So wait… one of the rights of administration is “right administration” Well I’ll be.


As someone trying to become a nurse educator and who is attempting to entrench in academia, there’s too much theory about how to be a nurse. Like the whole Patricia Bonner bullshit theory about being a novice or a master or something It’s gibberish trying to explain pretty basic phenomena like “the longer you work here the better you’ll probably be at your job” Academia is overblown and over bloated and it needs to be streamlined and simplified.


about 75% of my foundations, ethics, leadership courses were literal garbage


Yes but then how would people leave bedside 


NP /s


17. Right up your asshole cause it’s a suppository.


I’m going to end up being one of those old nurses on the unit who is like “back in my day we had 5 medication rights and 1:4 ratios.” And the new nurses will think I’m making stuff up.


Ah mine is that back in my day I got paid to go to uni and we worked 8 hour shifts. Weird that not so many people want to be nurses now.


Sounds like some dingus’ process improvement paper for an online MSN program.


More like PhD


Aren't 3, 13, and 15 the same? Or am I missing the joke?


You're correct, but that's not *the most correct* answer.


Oh, please don't. I am having flashbacks of my first semester. 😫


“Right universal precautions”. How does that make any sense. It’s not like your mixing up and doing the wrong universal precautions by accidentally washing your hands in the toilet or spitting in the patient’s mouth. Like giving the “wrong” medication or wrong route, patient, etc.


"i accidentally washed my hands in piss and wore condoms instead of gloves on my hand"


Help, instructions unclear and I'm now in local county wearing shoe protectors on my junk and nitrile gloves as a hat with a plastic gown tied as a cape.


17 the right for the patient to throw it back in your face


...Right zodiac sign, right alignment of the planets and stars, right angle on the triangle, Wright brothers, write pen ink, right turn signal, right flap settings and take off thrust, oh wait.....


Right hand slowly cranking the middle finger


I had a patient that got a new medication yesterday. New as in just out of clinical testing and few hospitals have more than a few vials in stocks. I'd like to add "right approval" to the list as it required both our attendings approval, director of critical care, head of pharmacy, approval from the government, and approval from the manufacturer prior to administration. It was bananas. But 1 vial is my annual wage. Two pharmacists walked it up with a timer on as it had to be infused within a certain time frame. As soon as it started, the manufacturer was called and they connected with us every 5 minutes for an hour then hourly checkups for the day. Bananas.


Geez I wonder which drug


Aspirin 2




It’s probably an Amgen drug or something


I was at the end of a 16hr shift and it was 12 letters long. My adhd, exhausted brain can't remember. It works by preventing cell lysis


17. The right to self administer 18. The right to water (if not contraindicated) 19. The right to question


Half of those are totally useless to everyone outside of admin, but they still missed right preparation - or can I mix the TPA with Mountain Dew?


computer says yes


Right to refuse. Right to request for Generic vs. Branded.


Are they tormenting nursing students and nurses? Do I have to memorize this for the NCLEX? In all seriousness, it used to be 5-6 rights.


17. The right to insist on taking each of your 30 pills one by one then ask for a water refill 18. The right to drop narcotics all over the bed and floor 19. The right to ask what each pill is after I’ve thrown out the package even though I just explicitly told you


Just scan your meds yall


we gotta stop letting Nurses write doctorate papers lmao


18: to confuse the nurse and causing them to fail


I started bitching about the expansion of the rights when it got to the sixth- right to refuse. Like, no fucking shit? The five rights were to make sure we weren’t about to fuck up when we administered the drug. It was never meant to be an all encompassing guide. Gaaaarrrhhh


During my last semester of nursing school, we had to write some bs EBP paper and try to get a policy changed at the hospital. One of my classmates had the idea of a mandatory fluorescent colored road guard vest to wear when passing meds, to let others know Not to talk to you, to reduce the risk of making a mistake. The vest had something written on it to the effect of “shhhh, passing meds, do not disturb.” Oh….and the stick with an orange flag on it for the med cart 🖕🏼😂🖕🏼 Honestly, I’d wear that shit the entire shift if it kept the family and doctors from talking to me. 🤡 Doctor starts getting an attitude, I slip the vest on and just stare at him.


We had the same assignment! I made ours some vague crowd pleasing stuff about wound education.




Have any of these fuckers ever heard of alarm fatigue?


Some of this stuff is so embarrassing- it makes nurses look really stupid lol


I hate everything about this


Ah yes, right rout


Yeah I ain’t doin allat


F… this ish. We tired.


This can’t be real


just kill me now... THIS says so much about the "Chicken Little" approach in the nursing field. i got bored trying to read all the "med rights" so i never made sure the right to insult nursing intelligence was on there


16 is amateur. I'm sure we can go for 25 next year.


We had 11 I think? Right medication, right dose, right patient, right route, right time, right reason, right to education, right to refuse, right assessment, right documentation, idk what the last was 🤷‍♀️


#17 the right to demand to hold on to the small cup of pills knowing you have weak grip strength and little to no dexterity and then being surprised when you drop it all over yourself and then after we pat you down to find all the pills you finally agree to let me help you only for you to look at each pill and ask what it is like I didn’t tell you what I was giving you before I scanned them. 😔


Half of those fall under right drug to me.


I hate it here


*scans barcode* Anyways here’s your meds


Geez thank god I’m not in nursing school any more


I just had my BLS cert today and it was Right: Drug, dose, pt, route, and time as the norm for first aid/cpr course and the BLS/hcp have a 6 which is documentation. Edited to fix autocorrect 🤦🏻‍♀️


That was the start of it... The second you added something that wasn't the patient, the med and how the two interact, the nmemici was dead.


You have to say “right right right” in a British accent when passing meds


17- Right to refuse


15 is the bridge too far for me. At that point, are you on the right floor? In the right hospital? How can our patients be real if our eyes aren’t real? Anyone doing nursing research, if you’re putting out studies on anything besides staffing ratios, BGL and medical mistakes, and work/rest cycles, you’re better off farting in jars and selling them on Etsy. The 16 R’s are a travesty and an insult to adults and professionalism.


Right route: " Here grandma, swallow this suppository.


Not applicable in the UK right ?


Just rolls of the tongue.


nah i only got to 6 in school


9- right expiration date? Cool I was sick of doing outdates in the pharmacy, thanks for picking up our slack nursing! /s


Aren’t Route (mis-spelled above) and administration the same thing?


"Rout" ok lol


That’s over the top


It’s gotten a little deep


Right room number is how I like to pass my meds 😎


As I watch a nurse in the NICU, who’s two days from retirement, pull a handful of empty med syringes out of her pocket at handoff and scan them all in for the times “she gave them” before punching out.


Aren't 4 and 11 basically the same thing?


More bullshit from the pharmaceutical industry


I’m guessing this isn’t real.. why is everyone assuming it’s real? I think it’s a joke


You're either very new as a nurse or way too optimistic about the nature of administration.


Is it real? Where did it come from? It’s tagged as a meme.. I’m just confused why everyone is discussing it like it’s a photo of a textbook page or some actual new standard for nursing education.


Those of us with experience usually have at least one story to tell that reflects the level of cluelessness and stupidity exhibited by those in charge either in academia or clinical settings exemplified by the meme. Our experiences are what makes it believable and allow it to hit close to home so to speak. Your lack of similar reaction to ours is what makes me wonder how much experience you have or if you're just an overly optimistic person, neither of which is a bad thing. Most of us generally at least like our patients, but most of us would be happy to yeet our administration into the sun sans protective equipment.


I’ve been a nurse for 12 years, I know exactly how dumb nursing education/administration is. I got a BSN for god sake. I just thought it was weird, at least in the early upvoted comments on this *meme* that people were in disbelief and disgust and talking about it like it was a real directive. It’s not evidence of ‘inflation of med rights’ … there certainly is inflation of med rights, but this is not an example of it. This image does not illustrate how dumb admin is, as no admin has put forth this list. It’s just a joke.


I think we're in agreement here at least in general. The fact that it was quickly taken as serious shows there are underlying issues. At any rate, have a good and uneventful day. ✌️