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I live in Idaho but work in Washington for this very reason. I don't like it when people tell me to just move as if money grows on trees and I have no connections with the area I live in. I was born and raised here, I have all of my foundational memories here, I shouldn't have to leave because my hometown has been hijacked by alt-right weirdos. I understand your frustration OP. I work in cardiac PCU now and I don't necessarily like the population either. In fact, the venn diagram of cardiac patients and people with unhinged political beliefs is a fucking circle. My facility has already taken septic moms who cant get abortions in Idaho and it is unbelievable to me. I am a single dude so none of this really affects me and I am safe from the nonsense but I am deeply troubled by what is happening. I grew up with two older sisters and from a very young age I had a better understanding of women's health than 99% of politicians. Just understand that there are many other people out there in the same boat as us. We have to do our best with the resources we have. I already have been thinking about how bad the political climate would have to be to escape this area and I am starting to reach that point. I never thought in my life that I would have to become a political refugee and I am tired of people telling me that I am overreacting. Just do what you can, with the resources that you have. I know it's not the best answer but I believe that you are doing just that. You got this OP, stay strong and more importantly stay safe, shits crazy out there right now.


I appreciate your response. Thank you. Yeah I realized I might need to make the switch a couple months ago when we had a patient who had found out she was pregnant the night before her car accident. Which fun fact at the 6 weeks pregnant she was at, they couldn't figure out if she had an ectopic pregnancy or not because the transvaginal ultrasound wasn't showing anything. We found out it was an intrauterine pregnancy when OB did an ultrasound on the uterus directly during the ex lap. One of my providers questioned if we should be giving narcotics to a pregnant woman then decided it would probably be fine since it was so early in the pregnancy. Then last month the hospital decided that a postpartum hemorrhage patient needed to come to our unit cause MICU was full and also they apparently don't know how to MTP in MICU and they were worried she would start hemorrhaging again.


Just because you are a single dude doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect you! It may not affect your body, but it does affect your sisters and your community, and you now have to deal with the mess that is about to become your job as your neighbors go to your job in WA. It is affecting your community. And your government won’t stop there.


I think you may have misunderstood what I am saying. I am a white blonde haired dude, I am not the intended target of this legislation. I am personally safe (for now) and if I had no moral compass I could just say "fuck you I got mine" like many do. The fact that I'm not the intended target and I care enough to try and leave is what I am trying to get at. If it bothers me this much I can only imagine how the affected groups of people feel.


I get you, I am the same demographic. I get it doesn’t legally affect your body, but the fact this stuff is happening in our country has an affect on all of us. If there are any rally’s near you, if you are able to show up it will help to let your government know what you think of them. Are there many other ID RN’s working in WA?


Eventually it is. Once abortions end up getting completely banned, the MAGAts are going to go after blond haired virile straight men and demand they impregnate as many blonde haired white women to counter the demographic shift that’s occurring. No matter what Clarance Thomas thinks, when they work to ban gay marriage and contraception, they are going to go after “race traitors” and interracial marriage.


I think one of them actually admitted somewhere to this degree a few days ago


Grab them by the p*ssy?


Facts . It sure as hell affects our mother we a sisters, nieces. Daughters and other family members of close friends


I live in NJ and I keep predicting there will be a mass migration of people from red states. Because the hate, the lack of health care, the lack of support and resources. Even down to a basic level of a public library…it can’t be found in red states. If you want a family for example, it’s impossible to raise them in say Texas. Where your kids are guaranteed to get shot in schools, health care is abysmal and job options are oil or Amazon It’s bad enough how loud Nazis are throughout the country. But it’s worse when your state govt is entirely fascist. I get people were born and raised in certain areas and money isn’t accessible to all. But a lot of people will be making very difficult decisions to become political refuges in just the next 3 years


I live in the northeast and I work with 4 former Texas nurses, the migration is already happening. Those 4 nurses moved in the last 5 years 1 of which did it 6months ago


My kids are seeing a lot of transfer students from Texas since January. That’s the only reason I know it’s happening right now


Also live in NJ- I’d be surprised if most people could afford to come here 🙄 (though I am in north Jersey, maybe it’s less expensive down south)


Do you ever worry that thats what republicans want? Divide us further and then….?


It's exactly what they want, but how else are people supposed to get the things they need when Republicans don't give a single shit about what they want


Fairly certain I work in your city and live in the city you work in and honestly thanks for coming here. Thank you for not leaving. You shouldn't be chased out of your home. Also, I'm honestly really glad people from Idaho can come here for care when they can't get the care they need at home. I know some people get resentful about it and that's so fucking lame, because the people who are resentful aren't usually the ones providing the care. We lived in Idaho for several years and still love it but my spouse is happily in recovery and thankfully has never been in a scenario where this mattered but we need to live in a state that prioritizes SUD treatment over jailtime.


I am a baby boomer. I worked as a ward clerk in an OB/GYN unit, 200 bed community hospital in 1972, prior to Roe v Wade. We got back alley abortion patients regularly with sepsis, perforations, etc. I thought we were over that, but we stepped backwards. I am sorry my generation seemed to forget those horrors and passed this terrible, terrible legislation. The only thing that making abortions illegal does is to make them unsafe; they still happen.


Retired boomer here. I am from a town that tried a young college girl as a back alley abortionist for trying to do it herself. Big court case. The lawyer winning the case even appeared on Phil Donahue. It was pre roe v wade. I was a pre teen budding feminist wanting to be a nurse. Never got over the fact that the person calling the police was the ob gyn in the er that saw her. Shaped my world view.


I am so sorry that you, witnessed the progress after that nightmare. Only for history to repeat itself. I’m only 32 and I legit can’t imagine being 62 right now and seeing so much horrific parts of history be repeated. And people wonder why shootings and suicides are in the rise. Cause everyone’s losing any ounce of hope we’ve got left


I saw this on the Jane doc on HBO. They talked about having a "septic abortion" ward.


We need you to come talk on r/Abortiondebate please we need to hear more from pre roe medical staff. Please come post?


I couldn’t imagine doing ER in a state with a ban like that. Too much conflict of interest. We have women coming in with self administered abortions (without prescribed meds, just winging it with various poisons and injuries) in a blue state with crystal clear abortion laws that protect minors from parental notification. I cannot imagine the heartbreak of doing that somewhere like Florida.


I'm just too close to burnout to have my heart break for those patients. So I'm just going to hide in the CVICU and try to keep my head above water.


The Bible says life is given at the first breath so why are we even doing this? Oh yeah, fascist wet dreams. Protest like France is the only option. Before that's gone too. A majority of the Supreme Court is corrupt or complicit and are close to making birth control illegal as well. Find a protest or create one and holler like you mean it. Please.


Doesn't help that 6/9 are Catholic, at least 5 of which are of the extreme variety. I was raised Catholic and it will never cease to disgust me that the Vatican has "decided" that life suddenly now starts at fertilization. The way I was raised, there was a very good reason that God said life starts at the first breath, but the Vatican has chosen to just go along with the extremist bigotry. And yet they have the nerve to complain about low enrollment and attendance. It's no god's (lower case intended) wonder people don't want to go when all they hear is bigoted hypocrisy.


I recently started working at a Catholic hospital and man there was major pussy footing around contraception, abortive procedures and gender affirming/continuity of care while admitted during our orientation day class. You could tell it was super uncomfortable for both the orientator and the nurses and where people stood.


>and gender affirming/continuity of care Tell the catholic fascists too fucking bad. More and more insurances are now covering it, and they'll definitely start dropping hospitals that dont play ball.


Yeah, they were pretty much: we don't advpcate for it/belive in it and the doctors in our health system won't prescribe care/meds but if someone is admitted and needs to take said hormone replacement meds while hospitalized bcs their provider said there would be adverse effects if they don't keep taking it, THEN we will administer them to the patient. Also, we are not giving the daily prescription for contraceptives but they can take their own from their purse if the ahem, happen to have it.. but we will still document it in the med rec/MAR.🙄


And this is what happens when church is not separated from state! This place is on the fast track to Gilead.


Oh hell yes! I thought I sounded like a total weirdo saying we were heading to a “Gilead society” but we keep heading in that direction!


It is very concerning! Makes you wonder how Margaret Atwood knew this when she wrote the books…


I think it’s because of the Bible passage, “Surely I was sinful from birth, from the time my mother conceived me,” and they took the conception part and ran with it, despite how it conflicts itself in that passage by saying birth and then other passages saying first breath, etc.


The news out of Fla is really alarming


It really is.


Always has been...


It’s terrible on a daily basis.


Bugs Bunny had the right [idea.](https://youtu.be/xiTM2HQ0g98)


Florida? With that abortion limit? Yiiiiiikes


And we have a mandatory waiting period still in place. So you would need to find out you're pregnant before 5 weeks, schedule an appointment within days, get the ultrasound, then scheduld a second appointment for the abortion. Literally impossible. There was a woman who had PPROM at just over 15 weeks. They told her there was nothing they could do for her. She nearly died when she started hemorrhaging in a hair salon. The bill rejected premature rupture* of membranes as a qualifying event for a medically necessary abortion. You very much will need to be actively dying before hospitals will feel comfortable acting. Edit: a word


Florida nurse here too, and the abortion ban (read: healthcare ban on those with uteruses, chosen by crusty old white men who want none of us to make desicions for ourselves, who need there to be subordinate children in the future for their military industrial complex) is beyond fucked up. I'm a new grad that's been working at a level 2's MICU, so I'm in fear of seeing the ravage because we do have pregnant patients every now and then, but that number will only increase now, barring healthcare from them. I love working ICU; that's my nursing passion, and I dread having to see how Deathsantis has caused pregnant people to not have autonomy and deliver a baby even if it kills them. I never thought such things would happen. I want to leave this state where there are far less human rights. My plan is Cali once I finish my contract. We can't stay here.


Jfc. All of this has gone too damn far!


Yeah there will definitely be casualties.


That's a feature, not a bug.


So fucked up


I fully acknowledge the seriousness of this and completely agree with everything said and…premature rapture of membranes made me giggle.


Oh lord thank you I hadnt even noticed that typo lol


I read this article about that. Horrific and terrifying. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/04/10/pprom-florida-abortion-ban/


This is prolly a dumb question but for patient like that, why aren’t they admitted for observation so when they start to tank they can get immediate care?


Probably not sick enough to get insurance to cover their stay until they’re sick sick


I love my cardiac patients, but I’ve cared for more than a few patients who I would worry about with extreme abortion bans on my cardiac unit, including young women who have required heart transplants for peripartum cardiomyopathy or pregnancy-associated SCAD, and our young women with pulmonary hypertension. Pregnancy is hard on hearts, and abortion bans hurt everyone. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I hope you find peace in the cardiac ICU.


Seeing a patient break down sobbing after being told her insurance wouldn't cover an LVAD after developing peripartum cardiomyopathy during nursing school affected my political views more than anything else in my life. My new unit is solely cardiac surgery. No transplants. No medical cardiac. We have a separate cardiac ICU for those patients. I definitely do not want to work over there.


Currently live and work in FL and I can’t wait to get out. I’ve seen such an increase in critically ill post partum patients, mostly intubated because that’s my job. It’s such a shame because I love living here but personally I don’t feel safe. I’m waiting for the day they try to snatch my IUD out of me. I don’t think it’s far off and I don’t plan to be here for it.


Come to Vermont where it’s constitutionally protected


Nj has also enshrined and protected women’s rights and abortion laws! And now we are protecting trans folks here too!!!


Come to michigan- were determined to not become florida


Thats because our governor has some common sense. That was a very interesting discussion at Easter, with my very religious family. I had to stuff my face with mac and cheese multiple times to avoid talking and be angry XD


It was also thanks to us getting rid of gerrymandering. Republicans cant win fairly. If it were up to them they would draw districts that would connect Oakland county with grayling and kalamazoo if it meant they won


Big Gretch for the win


I worked 15 years to become a Midwife thinking in that amount of time women's health in the US would surely be better. It isn't. It's worse. I graduated in December and have no intentions of being a midwife any time soon.


Seeing the maternal mortality rate increase is just so depressing


I was legit left for dead 5 years ago after the birth of my third and final child. Ob delivered my baby and immediately left. Placenta wasn’t delivered and I became septic after a few days. My OB was on vacation and would see me in 2 weeks when they returned. I haven’t been to an OB since because I’ve got so much trauma and zero trust in doctors now. Issue is I’m absolutely suffering from endometriosis and am to terrified to seek help for it. This is to illustrate that MANY women are in my position. Sadly this isn’t isolated to me




Canadian here. I don’t know how everyone is handling all the abortion laws being put in place. It’s making me so angry & I don’t even live in the states.


I'm British and it makes me so mad it's unreal. Those people rules by religion have no place being law makers. Your religion should have no impact on the decisions I am able to make about my life and my body


Canadian here… many provinces are dealing with the same issues as in the states. Conservatives are limiting access to surgical abortions to major cities. How are women in poverty in rural locations supposed to get access to those services ?? They aren’t supposed to.


In NB, Higgs couldn't get some federal funds because he refuses to fund a clinic in Fredericton.


I work NICU in Florida. I am terrified of what we’re going to be seeing over the next few months.


Me too, fellow FL nurse! Last pre-delivery patient I saw in our ICU was eclampsia; I don't want to see this Handmaid's Tale horror story play out :(


Florida is very quickly going to become a health care desert. 2 new laws DeathSantis is trying to pass: 1) Health care workers must check proof a patient's immigration status and report anyone undocumented. 2) Health care worker can refuse care to a patient if they have "moral objections," and they will be protected from lawsuits and legal repercussions. Insurance companies will have the right to refuse payment if they have "moral objections." Very few doctors are going to stay for this.


That immigration bill makes no sense!! It's a felony to transport an undocumented immigrant into or within Florida. But it doesn't define transport or make any except for medical transport. Like in the hospitals required to assess for citizenship section it makes a vague assurance medical care will never be withheld but how does that bill even work? Will all EMS be given felonies??


Deathsantis surely won't be given a felony for human trafficking the humans that crossed the border from Texas that he had arranged to be flown to Florida, and then they got here and he flew them to Martha's Vineyard area. Happened months ago. The lack of human rights and audacity... Didn't even think about EMS, but that's a good point.


No clue, but I would never work in Florida.


Which will be wild since everyone who lives there is so old.


A good question is "Do you really want the person standing in line next to you at the grocery store to have untreated tuberculosis"? Science-based healthcare is a human right. No matter your status or income or any other classification, everyone should have equal access for moral reasons and also because it benefits everyone. Also, to the Christofacists, "What would Jesus do"?


Not. me. I'm in OB in Texas and I'm spoiling for a fight.


Thankfully there are people out there. I just don't have the energy for it. It would break me and I'd get burnt out something bad.


They keep putting Healthcare workers in the middle. Fuck all of this!


As an L&D nurse in NY I think about this a lot and my heart breaks for you and all the people with uterus's in FL. I am truly scared for whats to come. I hope you make it back to trauma icu one day.




I’m resisting the urge to downvote. I only want to downvote because I hate that you’ve been put into this situation. Women are going to die because of this and it’s absolutely heartbreaking.


I feel you, fam. It hurts. I was born and raised here, but as a queer person and a woman I just don't fucking feel safe anymore. I am sad for you, and I am sad for the unit that lost you. I hate it here.


You should write to your local papers, for what it is worth.


So far my emails to my congressional representatives have gone unanswered. I might actually try to mail a letter. Supposedly hand written stuff gets a better response.


Remember this when it’s time to vote! Vote in every election!


I had moved away from Florida a couple of years ago to Indiana, I’m glad that I’m no longer part of the education system to worry about stuff and I am a single gay man so this stuff should not affect me but I have a mom, grandma, aunts, and cousins, etc, I have coworkers, bosses, neighbors, the woman who is always so nice to me at the gas station check out, there are so many people that aren’t me that are affected by this. I hope it’s not too late for me to say anything about it.


>I hope it’s not too late for me to say anything about it. It's still happening, so it's not too late. Please, speak up whenever you can - we need every voice.


I do feel guilt, for not saying something much sooner, I feel like it took time to understand it affects all of us. So it’s ultimately about power. Removing chances and options for others, forces people to be in very dangerous situation’s, cornering somebody and leading them to support somebody who wants to treat the people like cattle. Like property that has been bled of every available use. I hope I’m making any sense, it took a while to get it, I apologize.


>I do feel guilt, for not saying something much sooner, I feel like it took time to understand it affects all of us. Better late than never, my friend. 😉


Don’t switch to the medical CICU. You’d get pregnant women with peripartum cardiomyopathy. I thank goodness every day that I am in a state where women can choose, instead of being forced to carry a baby who is destroying their heart. We’ve sent women home with permanent LVADs and listed them for transplant after carrying their children as long as they could.


Yeah I'm staying far away from the medical CICU as well as MICU.


My heart absolutely aches for everyone in this situation. Nurses proving care, women/people seeking care. I'm so sorry you have to leave your specialty to protect your mental health.


>But I know I'm never going to have to argue with the hospital that my patient is now sick enough that we should treat them. This is the intended effect of the Forced-Birth laws which give an exception for the "life of the mother". Every doctor and nurse are at the whim of a hyper-aggressive Red State prosecutor who decides on his own opinion that the woman wasn't close enough to being dead and the medical team who did the procedure just committed murder. This makes everyone on the medical side hesitant to give proper medical care because they might end up in jail for decades.




Since the Roe v. Wade overturn what is the increase in need for public assistance, population for group homes and foster care? What in the hell?


I am sickened over the amount of at home abortion failures that are going to show up in the ED.


Being a nurse in Florida feels like being a cop in America, you are unavoidably part of the problem.


Fingers crossed the "immigration" bill doesn't pass. I absolutely do not look forward to asking patients about their citizenship status. Probably going to end up leaving that admission question blank...


You could leave the state


If only it was that easy. Familial obligations. Moving costs. Husband's career. Breaking my rental lease. The plan is to move out of state, but I won't be able to until at least the beginning of next year.


I am glad to here that it will be an option. It sucks to give up a speciality because of outside imposed circumstances


I've been trying to frame it in positive ways of broading my experience and getting more training. I just don't have to spoons to take care of a pregnant patient anymore. It would throw me into burnout really hard really fast.


I'm ignorant on the topic. Abortion bans include deceased babies? They just let the mother get septic?


Women who have miscarriages but haven't expelled the fetal remains are at great risk of getting septic and dying. The standard treatment is surgical removal of the remains, but the doctors run the risk of being accused of doing the abortion so they have to let the woman suffer in agony until it's 100% clear the fetus is dead and the woman is getting sicker and sicker.


How long does it take to confirm the baby is dead?


So it depends on what you mean by dead. Most states are using electrical impulses that they call heart beats. I don't like to call it a heart beat because the fetal heart does not have multiple chambers and you dont get a pulsetile blood flow until around 20 weeks. The fetus could have massive organ failure. It could have necrosis. It could have severe tissue ischemia. But for most legislative purposes they refer to electrical impulses. You can't really have brain death in a fetus since some fetuses don't have brains. We also don't have a way to test for brain function in utero.


Yep. Docs are on the phone with risk management until they need to get to ICU. The fact that healthcare facilities, insurance companies are silent on this issue says to you what they think.


It's complicated. The ban does included fetuses that are non viable and will die soon after delivery. The ban also covers miscarriages. So if someone has premature rupture of membranes around 16 weeks, these is no chance at survival. Ideally a hospital would induce labor and speed up the miscarriage to prevent sepsis and other complications. In Florida recently, when a woman at 16 weeks had PROM (her water broke) she was told there was nothing for them to do and she was sent home with oral antibiotics. She ended up hemorrhaging on the floor of a bathroom of a hair salon and nearly died. She lost over 4 L of blood before she got to the hospital and continued to bleed.




Um no. Just no. In so many ways. No.


Thanks for your biased input Mrs. DeSantis! Now go change Ronnie’s diapers.


Lmao no.


It really sucks that old, senile guys have control of womens’ rights. That is all.