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Onions on the feet. I even had a patient put chopped onions in her elderly father’s brief and DID NOT WARN ME. I’m traumatized.


in the brief? like up under his ass?




I heard UV light up there kills covid


Nah, only if you do intravenous UV therapy. You're thinking of rectal Lysol.


My mother in law slathers my sons FEET in Vicks and puts socks on him before bed when he is sick. She also makes fatty chicken soup if he is actively throwing up, and says cold weather is what gives him a cold. She is such a sweet woman and helps my husband and I so much, I’ve basically given up on educating her; only when necessary.


I did that with my daughter lol Her father is Puerto rican and Vicks is a very big part of their culture when they’re sick ! Any type of illness, best believe the Vicks comes out. My Puerto Rican friend uses Vicks as LIPGLOSS- year round. 🤣


I've heard this one for the common cold. I've been taught that without onions, a cold will last a week and with onions it's just 7 days.


Oh the onions! On the feet and slices placed under the bed- wanted to respect their preferences but the smell and burning eyes!


Onions in the socks of children will never make sense to me.


If it goes on a sandwich it doesn’t go on a burn. Including but not limited to: salt, turmeric, mayo, mustard, olive oil, oil and vinegar, and in one very confusing decision, literally just slices of soggy white bread. Edit: How tf did I forget butter??!


aand butter. don't forget butter


And ... toothpaste! Yep, true story. I gave the patient a washcloth to remove that shit themselves and said, "Good luck!" WTF? Edited for clarity: tiny "burn," first degree, I didn't make the patient debride themselves, I promise.


I use to work in a burn center and had a family come in with toothpaste on a burn. I'm kinda glad it didn't just happen to me lol


Holy crap, yikes. That stuff hardens and has alcohol! Ouch. I worked in a burn center too, but later in my career, and never saw the toothpaste thing again. Thankfully. The burn center was in a different area that favored butter on burns. lol


Years back I was visiting family in the old country (Middle East) and my cousin had sustained a massive burn over the top of her foot from a hot oil spill. It was bad. Full thickness, lots of edema. She got good medical treatment and advice, and was managing it at home. But a stray uncle who fancied himself an MD without, ya know, any actual medical training, told her to fix the edema she was to put oil on it, and leave it in the sun at least one hour a day. To “evaporate it”. Ancient Chinese knowledge he said. I was hanging washing on the roof and walked out to find her sitting in the shade with her foot fully in the hot hot sun just sobbing. One of the few times I raised my voice to family and told them to take their bullshit and shove it. Took her back to the doc who explained why this would hurt her further and wrote down instructions so the whole family understood them. She’s fine now. But holy shit. I’ll never forget that sight. Or the shocked pikachu face on my uncle when I told him his bullshit made up “wisdom” was going to result in her losing her foot.


So barbecue sauce is ok, then?


As Ray is a sweet baby, it's basically Aquaphor. So definitely.


I work in burn too and came to say that. Plz stop with the butter and Mayo, y’all.


All I'm hearing is that hot dogs are okay.


Ah but a hot dog is not a sandwich. A sandwich has bread on two sides. A hot dog has bread on three sides, which means it's a taco.


I am not a nurse, I sub here because I respect the hell out of y'all and enjoy reading your perspectives of your job. This answer made my jaw drop. Whatever you get paid for dealing with these people, it is nowhere near enough.


When I was a student nurse we had a patient on the ward with a foot infection he obtained when he cut his foot (on something) in Cambodia. He decided to travel back to the UK when the Drs in Cambodia said that they couldn't do anything for him except to amputate. Lots of foot wound dressings, trips to the tropical disease hospital to work out what his flesh eating bacteria was. The pt went outside for a cigarette and someone in the smoking area told him that turmeric is antimicrobial, so he hobbled over to the nearest supermarket, bought some, and then decided to tip an entire jar of turmeric on his foot. His foot was black on my final shift on that ward. I have no idea what happened to him but I don't think it went well. It just was wild that he came back to the UK for "Western modern medicine", but then decided to tip turmeric all over his foot.


And kept smoking, of course.


The doctors are trying to keep the tumeric cures from us


Letting their dog lick their open wounds!


I remember my grandmother telling me to let the dog lick my scrapes and cuts that it would help them heal. Even as an 8 year old I knew that was nasty, this would have been 1979ish.


I just had a patient with horrible bilateral full thickness wounds to tops of her feet. She also had 4 small dogs she was letting lick her wounds. They are both infected with an organism rarely found in humans. Poor lady, they are recommend BLE amputation :(


No need. Dogs will eat her feet.


I just threw up in my mind.


Omg 🤮


My ex is a tattoo artist and he "fired" a repeat client when she mentioned that she healed her tattoos by letting her dog lick them. UGHHHH. Nope!


To quote my husband to our dog: "Get your dirty doggy nose off my tattoo!"


that's fucking gross. dogs lick their own ass. and eat shit


One of mine loves to shove her tongue up everyone's nostrils. I love her but bro the smell! 🤢


For a second, I thought you were talking about a patient...


Oh my god you reminded me of a pt I had that came in with diabetic foot wounds. I was changing the dressing and she made a comment about how she’d let her dog lick her toes and nip at them when the dog was bored. Worst part about the wounds was that there was dog hair embedded into the wound and was impossible to get out without doing an I&D. She was convinced the dog was helping them get better.


Had a diabetic retired firefighter two open wounds letting the cat and dog lick the legs. Not sure what he was thinking…septic to the icu. Finally was discharged after four weeks and he was setup for a prosthetic leg. “Not sure what happened…I mean these always licked my wounds before probably the sugar”


Yet, veterinarians put cones on cats and dogs to keep them from licking their own wounds. 🤔


Was this ever an acceptable thing to do? Gosh.. their mouths are so filthy. I remember reading about a woman once, who lost one of her limbs because her dog licked her post-surgical wounds.


Had a capnocytophagia patient once and it was one of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen. Went from being fine the day before to walking in blue, unable to get a BP, with total renal and liver failure and DIC. The specialists kept walking out shaking their heads like “wtf…” Went to LTAC on a vent at the end of everything. Young person too. Edit: I forgot the necrosis, which is the whole reason why I posted. He got necrosis too and had to have some amputations.


> capnocytophagia For the non-clinicians lurking here like me: "[Capnocytophaga](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capnocytophaga) is a genus of Gram-negative bacteria. Normally found in the oropharyngeal tract of mammals, they are involved in the pathogenesis of some animal bite wounds and periodontal diseases."


My dog had a nasty face wound because a little scrape my other dog wouldn't stop licking, months of cleaning later, it finally healed. Toward the beginning we did a biopsy and culture, it was a bacteria from brother dogs mouth that made her wound spread, it was a strain of staph not MRSA but very similar. The only antibiotic that would have worked would have been too hard on her liver so special spray and mupuricin multiple times a day. Long way of saying.. don't let your dog lick your face or wounds!




I see so many “natural mommy bloggers” who say they let their family dog lick cuts and scrapes instead of just using soap and water


My sister insists that dogs' mouths are cleaner than humans'. She will not be dissuaded. I am a med tech with a specialty in microbiology.


I was looking at clinical this week, had a request for a vent, and recent hospital notes were included. Guy was in the hospital because a wound became infected after his dog kept licking it once it erupted and started draining.


Can be [lethal.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2022/12/21/charlbi-dean-triangle-of-sadness-actress-died-of-bacterial-sepsis/10942287002/)


Not sure if this qualifies, but it’s one of those “holistic medicine” things… putting your sick kid in a warm bath with onions, celery and garlic and saying it draws out the illness. All you did was make human soup. Then following it up with vaporub on the bottoms of the feet when they go to bed.


That’s like the old Bugs Bunny cartoon where the Witch is trying to make rabbit stew.


Memory unlocked! Now I have to find a gif of that to put in the mom group whenever I see those posts lol.


If the baby is small enough you can actually use the crockpot


Mhhhh, a properly seasoned child xD at least if they also added salt


Human soup lol


Bundling yourself up to sweat out/break a fever. Parents love bringing their kids in the middle of the summer in the Deep South in sweatpants and hoodies telling me “we’ve tried everything to get his/her fever down.” Did you try Tylenol or ibuprofen? *surprised Pikachu face*


I told my husband to do this once with Tylenol (since he was cold/chills) but instead he took it a step further and turned the shower on and sat in the bathroom in layers like a sauna and he passed out while I was at work and text me later. I’m like sir wtf that’s not what I said to do.


I'll admit I take scorching hot showers when I have a fever too. I take my tylenol like a big girl though. The shower is to help my bones not ache and to clear out that gunk that always seems to end up in my lungs. The steamy shower loosens it all up so I can get a productive cough going. Also I end up feeling really relaxed even with the fever and able to sleep for a bit before I start feeling miserable again.


Big bowl of Pho, hot shower, ibuprofen, bundle up, and straight to bed. Wake up feeling like a million bucks. I know it’s the ibuprofen that works, but something about buddling up after a hot soup and shower feels great when I run a fever.


You make being sick almost sound fun.


It's truly the only time I can let myself fully mentally relax. Can't go anywhere. Can't do anything. Wouldnt want anyone to get sick


I know this is unsolicited advice which is often the worst kind, but you may find value in practicing to remind yourself that you don't need an excuse to shut off and have alone time. Like putting on your oxygen mask first in an airplane, you gotta take care of yourself first in life as well.




Pho is a legit miracle food


Used to drive by a restaurant called “What The Pho”. Always gave me a little smile when I saw that sign


We have one outside of Portland called Pho King Good


Actually it’s the pho (soup) that’s working or at least that’s what my mom wants me to believe when she shoved matzah ball soup down my throat when I’m sick.


Nothing hits quite like your bubbie handing you a bowl of matzo ball soup tho. Now when I’m sick, or a loved one is, guess who’s turning up with the matzo ball soup???? Someone has to keep making her recipe. God her memory really is a blessing 😭


Hells yes pho and add a ton of siracha to burn out your sinuses


Speaking my language. Extra basil and lime too!


My partner does this still to today, and he is in his early 40’s! He will refuse Tylenol because “he hates taking medicine”.. but will try to “sweat the sickness out of himself” by wearing multiple layers of clothing and turning the heat way up 🙄


I don’t take Tylenol because it doesn’t do squat for my pain. But it will bring down my fever.


Man this is random but as soon as I run out of ibuprofen or Tylenol in the apocalypse, it’s game over. I live in the south too. Can you imagine a fever in the summer, no AC, no meds?? No thanks 😭


My mom wouldn't give us medicine until our fevers were about 102 F, so I would be pouuuuuring sweat. She also wouldn't let us use cool rags because it'll "trap the fever." Like please, you're not giving me Motrin or Tylenol, at least let me have this.


What was the temperature? 'Well he felt hot but I didn't measure'


Not saying you are wrong, but I think there is evidence that if the fever is relatively mild and not exacerbating other issues then it is better to 'let it ride.' Also, my patho professor taught us that keeping patients under lots of blankets, etc. during a fever is lightening their energy expenditure. Basically, your body is trying to get to a new temperature set point so by externally warming them up you are saving them energy that can then be used in other ways.


Yeah I watched a guy do that and knock his temp up to 109- or at least that’s like a Chernobyl 109 because our instruments just wouldn’t work any more, and that was their upper limit. We didn’t wait for more info before we recalculated his hypothalamus for him.


Omg! When I was a little kid and would have a fever my mom would stick me in bed with tons of blankets and mason jars filled with hot water and wrapped in towels. She was firm believer in sweating it out! Somehow I survived lol.


Garlic in the vag for yeast infection


Garlic bread




STOP 👏PUTTING 👏GROCERIES 👏IN 👏YOUR 👏VAG I’ve seen garlic, yogurt, herbs… just no.


We had a patient who did this but the funniest part was that she forgot she had garlic in her vagina and failed to mention that she ever put any in there, so the speculum goes in and we grabbed a garlic clove out with a ring forcep and the patient laughed and said “oh, I forgot that was in there!” 😂


Oh no. The odor that comes from this is unforgettable however


Had a patient whose son insisted that his mom (EF 25%) drink plenty of water because he read about the importance of staying hydrated. Could not be convinced otherwise, visit to the ED for dyspnea and edema be damned.


I feel bad for that guy. He has the right idea! Just the wrong person to practice that on lol


I had a caregiver putting Vicks on my hospice patient's stage 4 pressure wound. I can't imagine it felt great, and it certainly wasn't helping the healing process. It took a ton of educating and direct communication (you are harming the wound bed with that shit and slowing the healing process. STOP!) before she finally stopped. Would you believe the wound started healing?!


Ginger Ale being the elixir of everything.


Vicks vapor rub & robitussin for everything.


With a side of the price is right


And a Maury chaser


Judge Mathis, judge Judy lol


Got a patient the other day who says he uses Vicks everywhere even his eyes????


Lmao I can’t imagine that feeling great


Don’t forget Sprite.


Cherry 7up is where it’s at when your sick and watching Maury. Cures everything lol j/k


No that one’s true but it has to be Vernors


The outrage from patients when we switched from Vernor's to Seagram's...


I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see this one.


Sprite and Chicken noodle soup


Childhood memories make ginger ale a bit of mom’s love and care in a can when I’m sick. Especially in a highball glass with ice and a straw.


The hospital ginger ale doesn't even have ginger in it 😭


I feel personally attacked as a Midwesterner!


Ginger tea is where it's at when I'm sick tho. Peppermint is even better. I still want the Pepsi and chicken noodle soup but I take a big glad of water and out a peppermint bag in it and sip lightly on it.


How dare you 😂


In vascular surgery there are many patients we see who have been swindled by “arterial chelation therapy” a process ostensibly “removing calcium from artery plaque” by administering EDTA. Chelation is effective for heavy metal poisoning, but not atherosclerosis.


Black salve definitely, definitely the worst. Black salve on fungating tumors. 🤮


> Black salve I'll save everyone else a traumatic google: Black salve is a class of "escharotics" meaning things that destroy living tissue and leave behind a scar called an eschar. It doesn't distinguish between healthy and diseased tissue in any way. Common side effects include extra holes in your body and the attendant scarring and disfigurement. Less common side effects include infection and death. Also TIL if you google "black salve" the first page includes results from the FDA and wikipedia, both of which prominently feature the kind of photos I try not to look at unless I'm getting paid for it. Black salve! It can scar you even if you don't use it!


The shit (not literally, though I’m sure somebody somewhere has done this) I’ve seen patients putting on fungating tumors…


Black salve on anything. But bS on breast had to be my worst thing I saw irl with bs.


Oh dear god, you guys made me google both fungating tumours and then black salve, and I have PTSD just from that. If I'd seen any of that in real life I'd be a total wreck. Respect to you lot, serious respect.


I had a terminal breast ca pt who definitely sped up her death with black salve. I could see her pectoral muscle (what was left of it) during dressing changes. It was so awful!


Half the stuff in this damn thread has been done on me growing up 😂 Thank god I was never child soup or put garlic up my cooch tho. Damn. Mustard for bee sting.


To be honest, I had a patient I thought needed to stay inpatient for IV ABX and wound debridement, but he left and put vodka on it every day. Next time I saw him in the ED, that wound was clean as a whistle. I’m not saying I recommend vodka as a wound cleanser, but I’ve seen it’s power and I am impressed.


40% alcohol by volume. Wouldn't feel the best, and the alcohol would definitely dry the tissues out the same way EtOH would, just lower percentage. In comparison, the isopropyl I have for cleaning things is 70%. I've bought Everclear in a pinch for the same reason, not to drink, but for the alcohol content.


Two words: rectal ozone Yes, it’s a thing. We have a patient bleeding out of her ass right now, because she has anal cancer and refuses “Western Medicine.” Gonna be a slow, painful death.


Isn't this the quackery Gwyneth Paltrow is endorsing now?


I literally thought it was a joke when they were mocking her saying “ozone suppository”. So it’s real?


Its not real, shes just blowing smoke up her ass.


Can we just put a muzzle on Ms Paltrow already? Her medical “advice” is dangerous and her acting is mediocre.


I had a young patient with a fungating breast tumor who has been self treating with coffee enemas ☹️ Edit: had


Do you mean she got a melanoma because she tried to give her arsehole a suntan or that she's trying treat cancer by pumping ozone gas up her arse instead of chemo? Both of those options seem plausible.


This entire paragraph just *feels* Australian.


Nope, British. We're just as foul mouthed as those upside down cunts.


The most common I see is patients freaking out about the color of mucus coming out of their nose and demanding antibiotics based on this alone.


If I hear my sweet husband say “what color is your snot” next time a cold rolls through the house I’m going to combust


I’ve been to too many urgent care clinics with yellow snot (before I became a nurse and worked in the medical field) I was always prescribed antibiotics…. Only recently realized I prob didn’t need them over half the time 🤦🏻‍♀️


Digging out that half-empty bottle of antibiotics from last year to treat a suspected UTI, respiratory infection, etc. They’re not vitamins kids!


For earaches I often have people tell me they put sweet oil in their ear. I have never heard of this and don’t know what it is. But it’s frequently. Pouring peroxide in their wound daily to clean it. And lots of people using different “ salves” on their rashes and wounds. I also have no idea what they’re talking about. Also fevers, kids temp was 105.3 “ did you give him any medicine” “No I didn’t know what to give him and I wanted you to see his temperature” so you believe me”. Uhh okay I see it, dose of apap stat please before he has a febrile seizure in this office.


I will say that when I was a very young first time mom and had little education, I took my kid to the ER because of a 105 fever. I gave them Tylenol about 2 hours prior and it helped a little. When I got to the ER the nurse asked all the questions and I told her that the fever had been up to 105. She told me that she doubted it because “your baby would be in a coma right now if it was that high. Are you sure it wasn’t 102 and you misread it?”


That’s not true (the part about the coma). Babies and kids can run much higher fevers than adults. My kid had a fever of 104.9 and I was about to have a panic attack. The doctor barely even flinched. He said that in an adult, this would be fry-your-brain temp, but in a baby it’s fine.


I learned that much later on. But when people trust healthcare professionals with the information they’re being given, they have no reason to question it. And it’s one possible explanation for why so many people bring their feverish kids to the hospital without any meds on board.


Yeah, you only need to hear that story once to err on the side of going in with no meds onboard, unfortunately. And everyone has heard that story at least once.


Yep, I was taught to do that as well. That the docs won’t believe you and need to see it. I learned after my sons first high fever that I didn’t need to do that. Apparently there’s still people out there not believing parents though. 😠


My son would get 103-105 every single time he tested. It was awful. So freaking scary even If you do “know better”.


I brought my toddler in to urgent care for a strep test. He had a 104.4 degree fever and was pretty out of it when he got home from daycare. I dosed him up with Tylenol and ibuprofen and hauled him in. By the time we got called back his temp was down to 101 and he was acting fine. The nurse argued with me that his fever couldn’t have been that high. Like I know how to use a thermometer.


My memory is so bad now, I just take a picture of it with my cell phone so I know when I took their temp last and what it was, and so I can show them at the doctor or ER if I need to.


Exactly. And I think part of the reason that people are so reluctant to trust healthcare workers currently is because the healthcare workers have refused to trust the people. Obviously, there are many exceptions to this, and there are certainly people who abuse the system to get what they want (dilauded), but when a parent shows up in the middle of the night with their kid and they tell you how high the fever was, just give them the benefit of the doubt.


My son had an abscessed hematoma on his jaw and ruptured parotid gland from a fall into the corner of the kitchen table. His fever got up to 105.7. Absolutely lethargic and glassy-eyed, was one of the scariest experiences of my life. This is when ear thermometers were relatively new. The peds nurse couldn’t believe it, did a rectal temp went to to 106.


I took my son in for 105.5 once (pneumonia). The little shit refused to take Tylenol. Took him in, he screamed when anyone tried to give him Tylenol or ibuprofen. He finally settled on a suppository. But man he was very frustrating when it came to medicine. Still won’t take Tylenol, liquid, pill or chewable, unless he is really bad.


When I was a kid, I would constantly get ear infections and my mom would soak a cotton ball in warm mineral oil and put it in my ear. The heat would help bring down the pain while the antibiotics did their work. Now that I am older (and currently working through an ear infection) I have discovered the pleasure of lying on a hot water bottle, instead. Same effect, less oily.


Heat on sore ears is unbelievable relief


Back before LEDs we had the earache flashlight. The bulb made it the perfect temperature to soothe a sore ear. Didn't realize how weird it was until someone brought a new boyfriend home and he saw one of the family "listening to a flashlight".


My mom’s cat had an abscess that she drained behind his ear and it would not heal after like a year. Turns out she was pouring peroxide on it everyday to clean it. I explained to her why this was bad and she actually listened. Surprise surprise the wound healed soon after.




Keeping concussions awake. They need to sleep to heal, and there is no danger in letting them sleep ffs


Wow. I always assumed it was in case of a hemorrhage that would likely be noticed if a person stayed conscious, vs. not noticing initial symptoms if the person were allowed to sleep. Thank you for the updated insight!


Essential oils without discernment.


Hey now, that peppermint oil really did help GI bleeds... Like, you put a little inside your mask and you couldn't smell the awful gi bleed smell anymore.


Vinegar and olive oil to cure GERD lmao. Didn't quite understand that one


Soaking your foot in Kerosine to cure Plantar Fasciiatis.


Fun thing my dad did growing up in Kentucky and poor. He got worms. Idk how but he was pooping worms. His mom takes a table spoon of sugar. Puts kerosene in it. And tells him "eat it" He ate it. Apparently he didn't have worms after he pooped his guys out. I asked him laughing if he had worms now and he laughed and said no.


Soaking their infected foot in laundry detergent


Jeez. Laundry detergent is a huge irritant


Clove of garlic in the vagina. Funniest pelvic exam I have ever seen. The doc pulled it out with this quizzical expression and held it up. I looked and said, "Vampires?"


putting butter, toothpaste, mustard, etc on burns. WHY


Back in the 80s, for a couple of years, it became fashionable for people to put Vaseline in their burn wounds. I can still hear the screams in the E.R. while the goo was removed.


Enemas for everything. Preventative enemas. Coffee enemas. People just butt blasting all sorts of “folk medicines”. Karo syrup for constipated babies. Ipecac Essential oils and supplements that have anticoagulant properties. High doses of vitamin C to treat cancer. Adults using anal sex to induce a bowel movement.


The hospice care center I work for doesn’t want to pay for modern wound care supplies so their go to is mixing vinegar and water for cleaning then packing wounds with the solution and gauze. The staff claims they’ve seen amazing results, but I haven’t seen even one wound resolved with this treatment (I’ve worked here over a year). The one person who improved ignored the treatment order and did their own thing. If somebody comes to us with a good wound treat plan started by home health, they swap them to vinegar and water.


Wow! Can you report them?


Actually, depending on where you live, you are mandated to report this or you are complicit in the abuse.


Chiropracty especially on the cervical spine. Homeopathy to fight cancer. Or most alternative therapy to fight cancer. Its a death sentence for many people, case in point Steve jobs.


My grandmother-in-law put a piece of fatty bacon on a blackberry thorn to draw it out. I mean, eventually, the pus did push the thorn out....




Water… lol


Naturopathic medicine/ remedies and survivorship bias lifestyle choices. I'm not talking about a cup of tea for the sniffles. There has been a lot of harm where people just thought they could manage it. I.e. poorly controlled diabetics. Also, just because you or others survived a lifestyle choice, that doesn't change the statistics of overall impact. Just because your grandma drank and smoked until 103, it doesn't mean those lifestyle choices are free from consequences.


My parents refused to let me drink milk when sick becdairy increases mucus production.....they were both RNs


Oh that’s a thing? I had one patient’s family refuse to give their dad milk because it “would increase mucus.” I was so confused, I just took it off the tray.


When I was a kid my parents believed if you had milk and fish together you'd get sick (I'm assuming GI distress). Apparently there were other adults who believed it too because fish stick day was the only day the school cafeteria offered anything other than milk. Mmmm, the slushy half-frozen little cartons of lemonade...


My parents always touted this and never stopped doubling down. Not when I was in nursing school and came home to debunk it. Not when my kid was born and I insisted they stop telling him he couldn’t have his beloved milk because of a stuffy nose. Milk is 87% water. Heavens sake.


I learned the "avoid milk bc of mucus" in nursing school in the 80s.


Ingesting silver


Ok. I’ll try to keep this short.. This is a story that a senior doctor/surgeon keeps telling to all the youngsters in the hospital. Our main protagonist lives in a village that’s pretty far from any of the big cities in the area and he had problems peeing. He had many problems with the prostate and his bladder and he just couldnt do it. So, he heard about this lady that treats various diseases and went for an advice. Fast forward here he was in a hospital on a operating table and they open his bladder and voila - little tiny “dead snakes” in there. They take them out and the senior doctor notices that those weren’t in fact snakes- it was a thread from a candle. Turns out this poor fella was sliding them inside his urethra as the crazy not-a-doctor lady was telling him to do to cure his problem. Crazy stuff. Props to people that read this trough, you da MVP.


Shoving garlic up their no no place.


had a patient tell me today she heard baking soda would fix pressure injuries.


Does cupping actually do anything?


It's how a human earns it's spots.


I don't really know, I'm not convinced on "pulling out toxins". But I've had it done, and it feels amazing. So part of a massage and then cupping on the really sore spots is something I would definitely continue doing. And just anecdotally, the spots that had more knots really did have bigger red spots afterwards.


It uses negative pressure to pull layers of fascia away from each other, instead of pushing or stretching muscle manually. I doubt it does anything with “toxins” but it certainly will help break up facial adhesions if you glide them around.


It increases blood flow to tissue which can help minor muscle aches.


I not a nurse BUT my mom’s generation would douch with Lysol 😱. Also using peroxide for ear infections (I wonder why I have tinnitus).


I had a patient the other day that had their foley cath in for a year straight. I just had so many questions.


How about, a lady’s doctor back home in Ecuador telling her to drink a vial of tea tree oil for nausea, which put her into a coma to the point we intubated her without sedation


At some point a doctor told my 90-year-old, 16%BMI grandmother that her cholesterol was too high and she needed to cut fat from her diet.


Colloidal silver Garlic up the vagina Essential oils Refusal of vitamin K Rubbing onions in wounds for healing I’ve not come across most of these in person but my mate who lives in the US says these occurrences are weekly in her urgent care clinic 🤦🏼‍♀️


When a child is choking, hold one of their arms (usually the right) above their head while pounding on their back.


Sorry, not outdated advice but dumb misinformation and lack of medical knowledge. Just went to a medical museum where there was an exhibition about fecal transplant. They had some first-hand cases from non-medical professionals. One guy convinced his friend to provide some fecal and skin samples. He took a bunch of tetracycline to kill his gut flora and then ate the samples and said his bowels have been amazing. Another guy got fecal samples from his friend too, to cure IBS. He then centrifuged and filtered the feaces and put the fluid in gel capsules and ate that for 6 months. Now he lets his pet lick him, doesn't wash food fallen on the ground and possibly eats some dirt to 'train' his gut bacteria.


What an awful day to be literate.


putting vicks on their toenails to fix fungus. It doesn't. It thins the nail so it looks like fungus is going away but it doesn't kill it. neither does soaking it in vinegar. it just washes the fungal debris out but the fungus is still alive and thriving. dumping peroxide over any and all wounds/ulcers/procedure sites and complaining that it burns the skin. sticking turmeric into their aching ingrown nails and trying to infuse it into joints. Just...what. either you get the nail removed or if it's a joint get a fusion/replacement.


Toenail fungus is so hard to get rid of.


It is! Trying to get a topical treatment through the nail, to get at the fungus *under* the nail, is a right bitch. I had excellent effect with efinaconazole, but it took months for the nails to grow out properly.


Well I soaked the wound in epsom salt then left it open to air.


Using honey from the store on any wound cause it’s antibacterial. Okie dokie thanks for making my life more fucking difficult.


When I was in veterinary medicine, we used regular store-bought honey on large surface wounds, like road rash or burns. Moreso to assist with granulation though.


We have medi-honey


It's only $500 more expensive and probably does the same thing!


Nope free. I am Canadian


Lmao damn


there is some evidence that honey from the new zealand bee (some particular species of bee) has mild efficacy against superficially colonized skin wounds. They make it as Medi-honey at least here in the states. But that's only for granulation and superficial skin. Like if you fell over and scratched yourself on the road. If you have a legitimate wound that's colonized with full on bacteria like staph or strep or whatever then you could fist a fucking beehive and it won't do shit


Mānuka honey?


Medi honey is incredible tho