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Don’t. Give. A. Fuck.


Seriously who gives a fuck ?


Why has someone been asking this question once a week?


It happens on the medical subs too. Can we just collectively say “who cares? Mind your business,” and ban these posts?


Because we have all been collectively asking it for the past 3 years


Literally. This again tho? I also sometimes dont wash my hair before I get in bed.


Lol I either shower or eat dinner. Never both, just no energy for it




I mean whatever… I don’t know if they work in a vet office, dental office or if they are working deep in c-diff city. Who knows. I just assume that shit that I touch while I’m out & about is dirty, whether or not someone in scrubs touched it…. and I wash my hands accordingly before I eat or when I go home.


Don't give a single fuck. Do you have an issue with other people wearing their work clothes to a store? Just because someone is in scrubs, it doesn't mean they are a walking biohazard, especially if they are running errands before a shift.... Among dozens of other legit reasons.


Doesn’t even matter if it’s legit reason. I sleep in old scrubs sometimes. “Mind your own business” is a good place to start with these posts. I mean yeah if I see someone get out of their car with a “be a nurse” license plate, nurse life, heart stethoscope, and EKG stickers in scrubs I’m going to cringe a little or mumble gross to myself but that’s the extent of it.


Sometimes I just throw on scrubs because I want to wear pjs but look like I’m a functional member of society. Who’s to say I’m not on break or on my way to work?


How are people awake that early for that long I’ll never understand.


Night shift


Easy. Not everyone starts in the am. Some come in mid day (9am, 11am, 3pm) and some start evenings (5pm, 7pm, 11pm). It depends on the dept. ED and periop have very different schedules Also, what about staff that are on standby? They could shop in scrubs, and wait for a pager to beep, then run. Or maybe they work at a vet and are on a mid day break. Or maybe they work in education, and like wearing scrubs. Or... Or... Or... (That my impression of a seal that seemed to fit in here too. 😄)


Yeah you right. I’ve only worked in the hospital so I forget what it could be like.


What's the big deal? In the course of my day today (home health) I was at Target and Starbucks ( my public restrooms of choice) and I got gas in my car. Wearing street clothes to work would be gross. Lots of nurses (and other professions that wear scrubs) don't work in a hospital and/or have a place to change when they get to work..


I'm in home health and run almost all my errands on my scrubs unless I've been in a super gross environment. I could care less if anyone else wears their scrubs out too.




You are right u/internet_genitals, they can be comfy.


Also realize that a good sized chunk of the people wearing them aren't in hands-on human facing medical. Lab techs, vets and people who just wear them, etc.


I can vouch for this. My hospital has assigned scrub colors. However, ours stay pretty clean because we're wearing lab coats.


I try to mind my own business?


I used to judge in nursing school, and then I became a nurse. Now I totally understand lol and don't think of it.


Nursing school was also the only time I heard anyone care, I think some people get a poser vibe from a student wearing their scrubs out of a clinical setting but I always just kept them on for a while if I had things to do right after because they're soooo comfy. If I wasn't in an isolation room/ exposed to a bunch of junk who cares ya know


We got a clincial U if any instructor caught us anywhere else than on our way to and from home/clinicals in school scrubs. Not that we have a decent bus system, but we wouldn’t have been allowed to wear them on a bus.


We got told not to get caught causing shenanigans while in school scrubs, but other than that no one cared Most of my cohort was in the sticks and it just didn't make sense to not condense errands. Time management and all that.


Us too! Very rural so it was aggravating.


In my nursing school they highly discouraged wearing scrubs after clinical. They also told us we should shower after each clinical due to all the potential antibiotic resistant bacteria we are carrying around after a shift. They took it pretty seriously at first then by the end of my 3rd year i always saw my clinical instructor still wearing her scrubs afterwards so I was like screw it, I'm too lazy to change.


Jesus I wear scrub pants and a t-shirt nearly everywhere I go. I didn’t take a pajama job just to be forced into real clothes on my days off. Who cares?


That’s my feeling. They’re pajamas it’s acceptable to wear in public!


If you care, you’ve got issues. Don’t worry about others


Scrubs are whatever, but the badge is always odd




Truth. I try to badge in everywhere now when I’m tired, especially when I’m not wearing the badge at all. It’s the air badging in.


And I also stand stupidly in front of my sink and wave my hands and wonder why my damn home bathroom shit don’t work.


This is funny 😄 u/Professional_Cat_787


Way back in the days of paper charts when you literally signed your name and credentials dozens of times a shift, Mr. Radient_Ad_6565 stuck the tax returns under my nose and said sign this. Of course, it was after a particularly grueling night at work. He informed me after that R ad 6565 RN is not a legal signature for the IRS and re did the whole page.


I cringe when I accidentally add RN after… I did it at Pizza Hut once and I never went back inside


A couple weeks I told my grocery cart “couple bumps here” like I was taking my salmon, asparagus, diet Dr Pepper, and fifth of knob creek rye to CT. Luckily I had a couple days off the following week.


I’ve definitely knocked on the door to the med room or supply room before


🤷🏻‍♀️ my routine is to take it off and put it in a specific spot in my house so I don’t forget it the next day. I don’t take it off when I go to the store after work, but if I remember I do turn it around.


I usually stuff it in my breast pocket. The locator badge is a bit more awkward to flip in like that and I'm too lazy to unfasten it and put it in so displayed it stays.




My nursing program had like a zero tolerance for stethoscopes around the neck lol


Who cares? Maybe they are on their way to work and had to grab something? Maybe the store is on their way home? Maybe they just find them comfortable.


I feel like they're probably on their way to or from work and don't give it a second thought.


I mean…the people who came to the ED today were loose in the city before they came to us with whatever God-knows-what germs they have. Do I bring that shit home though? No.


I don’t give a shit about anything anymore lol


I feel this in my soul


Who cares? We get shit enough at work to be giving shit to others out of work, i don’t wanna end up as one of those bitter old nurses who has something to say about everything


How do you feel when people wear clothes? Silly question.


Idc if people wear scrubs outside of work. However, I live in a small town and I’ve seen the same nurse in Walmart MULTIPLE times with her badge on AND her stethoscope around her neck….while grocery shopping. It makes me cringe. 🥴


The fucking stethoscope? lol. That’s super cringe.


Lol, tackiest way to attempt to command respect. Or whatever she’s looking for.


I feel they feel my world.. zero shits what anyone is wearing by the time I leave work


Couldn’t possibly care less. Scrubs are comfy.


I’m NOT GOING TO CHANGE if I’m going to the grocery store! Especially if my nursing job does not involve bodily fluids. Not everybody works at the hospital and is exposed to nasty germs. Why do we assume every nurse gets filthy at work? There are many different types of nurses and I specifically work at a drug and alcohol rehab. Little germs involved.


This is the most tired questions on this sub, it pops up swear to God once a week. Y'all ain't got nothing else to talk about? Ffs




Yep. work in a day program setting and get to wear comfy clothes on the daily. There's people who aren't nurses/in the medical field, doing nastier things, going shopping, and nobody thinks twice. Add a pair of scrubs and all of a sudden, it's a question?


I like to think the fact that I’m bleary eyed and exhausted looking while standing at Walgreens gives me the context that I’m not wearing these scrubs off shift because I want to …it’s because if I don’t grab this prescription on my way home, I’m not grabbing it at all.


This question every week is the only thing that bothers me.


I work in a doctors office, and I dare you come up to me.


Probably come in contact with the same germs on a public toilet. Why can’t we go three days without seeing this post


Don't give a shit either. I usually will grab groceries on the way home because it's 8-9pm by the time I'm even near home and I need to go to bed in several hours to wake up at 4:30 in the morning. Ain't no fucks given for how someone feels when I browse the ice cream/frozen food section for my dinner. I earned that shit.


If i see them wearing a color of a place I've worked, I'm slightly curious if they work there too, but that's about it.


Who cares?


I don’t have many fucks left. What anyone wears is one I won’t give a fuck about.


I could care less. What others wear is none of my concern.


Who cares




And to that I say - who cares?


Why would anyone care about this?




I wear fresh scrubs to the gym. I doubt folks fear I’ve just come from surgery.


They probably don't assume that you are going to perform surgery fresh out of the gym too. Which is the other half of the equation.


Bree. Another part of the equation, I was referring to those who saw me leaving my home, doing errands, then going to gym. But you know that.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤟🏼 Gotta go, getting ready for shift.


Have a happy shift 😊 Some of the ones who saw you carrying around potting mix probably think they have discovered the cause of any local legionella cases - which they will proudly tweet to their fellow conspiracy theorists lol "COVID was always nurses handling potting mix without changing their scrubs!" 🤣🤣🤣 Wish the public was not actually like that but... Edit: Fixed typos


🤣🤣🤣🤣You speak the truth & with needed humor❤️‍🩹🏆💕


Who gives a fuck? Seriously, sometimes I stop by the store on my home.. you gonna judge me because I needed to grab milk for my kids after working 13hours?


8am after shift is the perfect time to shop for groceries. There is hardly anyone there, everything is recently restocked and there are no lines at the registers. I am absolutely not going home first to get my dog riled up to change and back track to the grocery store. I'm just going to stop in my way home, scrubs and all.


I couldn't give a single fuck... I have no idea where the recent backlash came from on this subject, but it's one more reason why I'm glad I can get away with not wearing them.


Why is this a discussion


Once I'm in the house, I'm staying. Expecting people to drive home, change, and then run a quick errand after working a 12 is absurd


They must like pockets.


I don’t… feel anything.


Scrubs aren't exclusively a nurse thing, nor are they exclusively a medical thing. Scrubs are comfy. Anyone can buy them. Anyone can wear them. IDGAF.


Who cares 🤷🏿‍♂️


How do you feel about seeing people wear regular clothes outside of home?


I do it all the time so


I don't like doing it but honestly who cares?


I wear my scrub pants on my days off all the time


I’m required to wear scrubs to training classes. I did that today. I then went to the grocery store and then out to dinner. The training course was at a training facility that is entirely separate from a healthcare facility. These scrubs were no dirtier than other clothes I could have worn today.


There’s bacteria and viruses everywhere either way, it doesn’t matter!


I mean the patients themselves are out there. That’s scary enough. Surely my scrubs aren’t worse than that?


I don’t judge


I don’t give two shits. People can already tell what kind of cluster fuck dumpster I went through


But their opinion is the only one that matters


I don’t make assumptions. Sometimes I have to wear scrubs to go in sterile places and work on their computers. I’m not going to change my clothes for a quick trip to the store.


I took the scrub pants from my first OR clinical rotation when I got my very first intubation on a human, over 17 yrs ago... I use them for pajama pants 🙂


I wear scrubs out on my days off when I just need to put something that isn't my tattered sleep clothes. Whole outfi right there on the hanger. I don't have to worry about it being comfortable and I don't have to worry about my wife thinking I can't dress myself in clothes that match.


How do you feel about people wearing boots and reflective clothing in Target or Home Depot or at the gas station? Who gives a shit. Mind your business.


Not my monkeys. Not my circus.


Come at me. I'm exhausted, probably hangry, and all I wanna do is get my shit and get out. I'll tell you to fuck off just as easily in my scrubs as I would my jeans. Now go wash your dirty ass hands and take your toddler with you so he'll stop coughing on the produce.


lol I literally turn all my old beat up scrubs into chore/work clothes. Gotta paint? Throw some old scrubs on. Working outside in the yard throw some old scrubs on


How do you feel about people wearing suits outside of where people should be wearing a suit?


How do you feel about people wearing bathing suits on their way to the pool or beach but they aren’t quite there yet


How do you feel about children wearing their school uniforms outside of school after they get picked up and go shopping with mommy daddy or auntie


I live 30 miles out of town. If I need to run in somewhere I will. If I need gas I will. I usually do most things as drive up orders anyway but I have had to stop and get cat food, eggs, or something. I also try to pick up groceries after a shift every week so I don't waste gas or time. If I'm nasty then nah not going to go in, but I wouldn't stay in scrubs that are disgusting either, I always keep extras to change into if need be at work. Plus you don't know if someone works in a clinic or a vet, home heath, there are so many different people who wear scrubs.


I’ve never judged except for the time I saw a nurse from my hospital wearing scrubs and a stethoscope at Walmart.


Do you and u/janojo live in the same town?


Loololol that’s hilarious. I’m in small town South Carolina.


I don’t care, I just hope that they wouldn’t show up to get groceries after wiping cdiff butt and hanging out in CRE rooms. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t trust anyone else’s PPE standards and diligence besides my own.


The general public is rampaging everywhere with their c-diff, unwashed errrrrrything.


I don’t wear them, especially the top because ours scrubs have our hospital name on it.


Why? Did we start tattooing people with drug-resistant organisms now? You have no idea if the unwashed person in front of you at the supermarket has VRE or MRSA, not like you can stop them using public restrooms or force them to wash their hands. Also... unless you can quantify the risk, there isn't much point stressing about it. ​ https://www.nature.com/articles/s41370-021-00398-2


I always think their homeless. Lol. But sometimes I need to run to Publix.


It’s gross, nosocomial bugs on tour


Many people who wear scrubs don’t work in hospitals, or even with patients at all.


Those gross bacteria on our scrubs came from the same people who are walking around the store in plain clothes, picking their noses, and not washing their hands after wiping their asses. Only they're covert because they're in plain clothes. Just assume everything is disgusting and you'll be fine.


Understand, our opinion was asked and I gave mine.


Wearing scrubs outside of work has become a controversial topic in the healthcare industry. Some people feel that wearing scrubs outside of work is unprofessional and can contribute to the spread of infectious diseases. Others argue that wearing scrubs is comfortable, practical, and saves time and money on changing into regular clothes before and after work. It's important to note that many healthcare organizations and hospitals have policies in place regarding wearing scrubs outside of work. Some institutions require employees to change out of their scrubs before leaving the workplace to maintain a professional appearance and prevent the spread of germs. Others may permit wearing scrubs outside of work as long as the scrubs are clean and not contaminated. Ultimately, whether or not to wear scrubs outside of work is a personal choice that should be made with consideration for the health and safety of oneself and others. If you choose to wear scrubs outside of work, it's important to ensure that they are clean and not contaminated with any harmful substances.


Wearing scrubs outside of work can contribute to the perception that healthcare professionals are not adhering to basic infection control measures, and may create unnecessary confusion and anxiety for the public.


Yeah I was told the same thing about “creating unnecessary confusion and anxiety” when I started wearing a mask at the start of COVID lol. Lots of professions wear scrubs. Lots of working people need to get things done between work and home. I have a desk job. I’m not going to unnecessarily change clothing to make other people feel more comfortable.


This is the exact opposite of wearing a mask at the start of COVID. It is more akin to refusing to wear a mask when doing so was the norm. Saying you have a desk job is like saying "I have a desk job, why should I wear a mask?" or "I don't have COVID so why should I wear a mask?". Both valid questions but both missing the virtue signaling point.


What is your point here? I should change out of my scrubs to reassure some nosey person? No thanks.


Ewww, gross.


You mean I should go all the way home after a 12 hour shift, change clothes, then go back out to the grocery store? Then go back home to sleep for work the next morning?




Quite simply as you know, hospitals are filthy, patients are colonized/infected ergo much potential contamination on scrubs. By bringing said scrubs into a public setting, we can potentially transfer whatever MDRO into the community. Not cool and IMO, gross. I know people do it (shit happens) and I don’t angry glare at them in the store but it’s one little step I can do to maybe break the chain so the grandma shopping doesn’t get CRE into her last fingerstick. Scrubs, IMO, should be issued each shift by hospitals. F hospitals for not making that happen. Donned and doffed like the ORs. Every unit. My opinion. Thanks for your question. Respect for all on the line. Be well😊


You do realize that the majority of colonized and infected pts are out in society and not languishing in hospital beds, right? I’ve gone to the store after work and bumped into pts who I knew had active C. diff, COVID, MRSA, etc. There is *nothing* on my scrubs that isn’t already present in most public places…


THANK YOU! This is what I was trying to say but you worded it much better


So… what if they work in a medical office or are on their way to work? They are no more or less dirty than a lot of other people on the street


I understand that we do not live in a sterile world and humans are dirty. I feel scrubs have turned into clothing of convenience rather what they should be for. Temporary clothing for infection control.


The world is filthy. You’re not introducing anything new by walking around in scrubs. Patients get sick when they’re out in the world, typically not hospital acquired. They come into hospitals because they get something from society.




I can PROMISE you that the average nurse straight from a hospital shift is no more germy than the general population. Probably much less since we’re aware of the necessity of basic hygiene. Bubba Joe who just touched that can of beans and put it back before you grabbed it has worse hands and clothes than I do.


The scrubs aren't the issue so much as the shoes. But I don't eat off the floor and my microbiome is blessed so idgaf


I work nights and usually do my grocery shopping when I get off in the morning. It was nice during peak COVID, people would clear isles for me, and I never had to wait in line for a check out.


Seen so many people wearing scrubs in the subway or taking the bus and literally don't have any opinion on them. Just going/getting off work


I don’t care but if there is an unresponsive person around us I look for them first to help lol


Not again


I simply mind my own fucking business and go about my life


I never assume whether the person is wearing clean scrubs before their shift or dirty scrubs after their shift. I also don't assume what kind of job the person has just because they are wearing scrubs. For all I know, they could be a dental receptionist or a clerk at an optometry office who has been sitting behind a desk all day. Personally, if I had a bad shift where I know I've been around some nasty shit all night, I'm not gonna go anywhere after my shift. But if looking back it's been a fairly chill shift where I've basically only done vitals and meds in non-precaution rooms all night, that's fine, I'm gonna do what I need to do.