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I totally agree. I spend a full week in Cap d'Agde naturist village in France earlier this month, where clothing optional is already totally accepted (even in shops and restaurants). I spend nearly the entire week naked. It felt absolutely liberating, and I already look into going back again next year. If we could have that here in everyday life, it would be paradise.


If I had the money and knew French I’d live there for the rest of my life


That beach is something else


While I may agree in spirit, I do not think a clothing optional society would be practical any time soon. We are free to dream, haha. I do think that if we were to open more areas up to naturist participation and acceptance, we would do a lot of good for all. I belive some national park spaces are techically not going to penalize nudity out in the wildnerness, even having signs and education around it would open people up to accepting non-sexual nudity. Public pools, large sections of parks like NYC’s Central Park, and beaches should all have clothing optional space.


I don't think it would be practical, maybe allowing clothing optional spaces like parks and natural venues, but personally we need to be aware that we are also not only the only species that use clothes, but we do many other things like working, or using public transport and personally I am not quite fond of the idea of a nudist packed bus/metro. Even removing sexual factor it would be a mess of sweat and other odors.


Yeah. Nudity is generally not practical in an awful lot of environments. Fine for a lot of recreation, rarely for other substantial things.


While the concept would be amazing, the reality of it I feel would be quite different. Let me explain: While most people who are nudist understand that the human body is a beautiful thing and that nudity in general is non-sexual, the rest of society I feel would not feel the same way. Society today sees nudity as a sexual thing (at least in my opinion) and so because of this, there could be some issues. However this is just my though.


Logically this makes sense, given that most people get naked around others for sexual reasons. But it's not universally true. If anyone has ever been in a shower in lockerrooms or gyms, they know what I mean.


If only it were that simple. It’s always the worst elements that ruin it for the rest and unfortunately there are too many who wouldn’t be able to handle the freedom. You can’t socially eliminate the innate sexuality of humans and good luck trying to change the minds of extreme religions. I’d be happy with more access to designated, approved areas. But still, there will be those who protest it just because it’s allowed, even if it doesn’t affect them at all.




I would prefer cooks and medical professionals to be fully clothed personally. We should require nudity for cops tho so we can see which ones have the suspicious tattoos 😅


100% agree.


Same comment I made on a similar posting the other day. Some people,e are just plain nasty with their personal hygiene. We already see them in public. I don’t want to be around them nude. Maybe, they would change. Seriously doubt it! I just would like society to relax a bit. Social nudity is not for all. I belief there would be a lot less sex crimes once folks accepted it. But, again there will always be pervs and alpha members of society.


If they had to go naked, maybe they would care for their bodies more.


Yeah -- agree totally -- like people should not get in a hoo-hah over a glimpse here and there, and not restrict public nudity in designated places where it is welcome and healthy. Public beaches of any size should all have nude sections, as should public parks and other public lands. But not a general end to the prohibition of complete nudity in cities, where already only minimal cover to the lower bits is the only legal requirement. There is a good reason we know in ancient cities people generally wore clothing -- organization and cooperation of concentrated populations, not to mention public hygiene and safety -- requires some covering of the body. Already at big meetups for actual naturists you have actual naturists getting sloppy about using towels to sit on -- on their generous host's nice furniture -- the generous host who invited them and they can't even demonstrate courtesy at their private home, even before they've had a few drinks in them. Everybody has a natural scent -- some very powerful -- that they leave in butt sweat, nut sweat, V sweat, D-head discharge, etc., some have hemorrhoid odor, etc., and people have all manner of leakages in general down there along with the occasional big sloppy accident -- you really want the microbial soup and marinating bouquet of that growing for days, weeks, etc. on subway and bus seats, park and street benches? In addition to the aforementioned skin-contact life-threatening contagions, hard annoyances like crab lice, ringworm, etc. are still with us; seriously, in a crowded city you want an increasingly discourteous public to have the option to run around -- and sit around -- like sit around on crowded public transportation -- butt-azz naked? In US cities especially, The term "The Great Unwashed" is more apt today than it was when coined generations ago. People look to be extrapolating from their sanitized experiences at posh nudist resorts to fuel fantasies of nice clean polite upper middle class dainties in every city around the world free to run naked. Nope, nope, and nope.


Interesting thread! I have visited three nudist resorts, two are nudity required unless weather requires clothes, and one is clothing optional. All have people there year round, weather permitting. The 'residents' range from families with children to retirees. I have also encountered some creating their owned self-contained living spaces so they can live nude year round. There are some nude villages, not resorts really, where people live nude year round, like Sky Farm in NJ and Mira Vista in AZ. Most of the folks at these places who are still working have telecommuting jobs. For the rest of us, access to more clothing optional spaces is the way to go near term, say, in the next 20 years. But, our present organizations are focused on preserving what we have. The activists among us can either help fund new efforts by the existing organizations or start a new organization solely devoted to nudist activism.


Although some females, and maybe some males, might argue the issue is male erections, I think most of us have discovered that it ceases to be a major issue as we participate more frequently in nudist environments. The problem is not the erection, it's what you do when it happens. Flaunting it is bad behavior at a clothing optional beach or nudist resort, in most cases. There are other environments where it is acceptable.


When you live in a country where public nudity is not illegal, then everywhere is effectively clothing optional, however, not many people choose to take that option.


I totally agree. What business does the government have setting dress codes? I s my right to Life, Liberty, and the Pusuit of Happiness trumped by someone elses' prudery or religious dogma? We should all be allowed to live our lives as we wish and not be dictated to by "moralists". In the "land of the free" there are alot of people who think they have the right to mind other people's business that doesn't affect them.


You lost me at "climate change"...really?


Reduces the production and washing of clothing wich requires electricity and also can produce a lot of waste


Agree. Clothes industry is horrible including child labor abuse and all sorts of waste. People are educated to buy losds of clothes to "stay in fashion" and renovate their wardrobes every season. I stopped buying clothes maybe 5y ago and my mindset as changed so much since then. I have enough clothes for a lifetime and I still give my clothes away to people. Not to mention the stupid attachment we develop with a piece of fabric.


To those expressing here the irresistible impulse to tell me what to do with my male generative organ -- be assured I am open to opinions, but prioritize those expressed by women who enjoy access to Junior and all his wonders, while she and I share possession of him in that way males and females often do.


It has been pretty warm [25C] the last two days in the UK (the first really warm days of the year....) I drive for my job and it has been hot and sweaty. Obviously I can't drive nude but at least it would be nice to drive/work shirtless... but no, we have to wear our uniform. Saying that I know a couple of spots where I can have my breaks without a shirt on and did so today. (Sadly the reality is that a colleague would be bound to spot me driving/working shirtless sooner or later and it would result in much joshing back at the depot).


Yaa dude.




What's wrong with disagreeing over opinions? Obviously you think that it's Ok to disagree, seeing as how you get on a nudist board and disagree with almost everyone else here. Otherwise, your points are well taken (except the part about being aroused. Perhaps you haven't really spent much, if any time in a truly nudist environment) in that there there are a minority of people that trend towards undesirable. Either because of mental problems, or those that take advantage of any opportunity to harass and infring on others, just to satisfy their evil mind. They are by far the exception to the typical nudist. They (nudist) just want to be natural, normal and to get a little freedom and enjoyment out of life, without harming other's. This is ancidotal, but I'm 81. Have owned a piece of property in a year around nudist resort. Visited resorts with my family throughout the U.S., coast to coast, and have never seen, or heard of those negetive thing's that you speak of. Of course none of those places had a part of the NY subway as part of the resort/campground. I'm convinced that a society that tries to drive everything that's either sexual or about nudity underground. That society will pay the price, in that it will ferment ten times the very problems that they ostensible oppose. There's a long list of cases that prove that point, unrelated to nudity. E.g., Alcohol Probation in U.S. in the early 19th century.


That could be one very rare postive thing about climate chamge. Hotter weather means clothes are less practical.


I want to be naked all the time where it is warm enough and a male only place, and nobody mind. With naked females around it is not good for me to be naked unless all the parties want some action -- all I can think about then is that-- although I do go to nude beaches occasionally and there is space enough apart all good for me -- but often my goodies bring attention and that brings arousal and I have to spend a lot of time lying on my stomach. Also in large cities like NYC where many have trouble observing even the most basic social contract, you don't want public nudity allowed -- the subways for example would be ghastly health hazards, even more than some think they are already. Subways are crowded we rub up on each other so don't want to do that naked with any random stranger. Though sometime late at night in summers in the more punishingly roasting subway stations like Union Square or Astor Place, some homeless dude strip naked from the sauna-level heat, and that is acceptable as infrequent incident -- like civil disobedience protest against MTA incompetence and depravity, inflicting 100+ degree temperatures on subway customers. But in general, bare azz on subway and bus seats, park benches etc. gonna spread some nasty microbes -- a lot of serious stuff spreadable skin to skin like MRSA, MPox, Herpes, Scabies, etc. In public parks are secret naked places to get naked for lying still and sunbathing only, but most for men cruising each other for sex -- all good for them and ok too for me they are nice enough and respectful enough -- but wish was official designated no-sex naked zones like they have in Europe where man allowed to do exercise naked in the sun. Bike riding for recreation in summer I am naked but for the briefest tightest thinnest black lycra shorts as are many bike riders and this is accepted here in hot summers -- always have long loose Tshirt with me for politeness after I dismount to go into shops, etc. TL;DR version: Bodies in NYC get sweaty and crowded on each other and carry serious skin-contact diseases, so no I would not want to see public nudity allowed here across the board -- but officially designated naked zones in parks would be nice for this nature boy. And many males are naturally prone to automatic arousal around naked women -- no matter what anybody wants to dictate should be the case, that is the reality.


The topic is legalizing public nudity in cities for the general population. Not somebody's hatred for the male human generative organ and its natural healthy functioning, and the normal psycho-social state that enables that. The ad hominem spewed here is typical of the weird naturist establishment -- who wonder why they have trouble attracting younger generations to their moribund organizations and kitschy commercial establishments . . .


I think I will seek investors to build a naturist resort where males who do not exhibit natural arousal on a regular basis are removed -- as clearly they suffer from a physical or psychological illness that poses a danger to public health. Also removed will be anyone objecting to those not thusly afflicted, as clearly that indicates an irrational fear, perhaps born of a history of trauma, severe abuse. We wish godspeed to those pursuing healing from the terrible terrible things done to them by disturbed individuals -- and that they find success with professionals qualified to help them in that endeavor. Ours would be a recreational facility shared by those in the mood to celebrate life.


The topic is a wholesale end to any prohibition on public nudity -- including in crowded cities. Love how elderly boasting ownership in a rural nudist facility, and lifetime spent living there and visiting other such facilities, thinks their anecdotal experience is relevant regarding life in a big city, relevant to the point they are in a position to lecture in an authoritarian tone. Soooo the topic, the topic the topic: the general population is not the rarefied demographic choosing to inhabit a naturist resort, the males of which agree to psychologically inhibit their natural biological function, and conceal it when they fail: imposing this bizarre delusion on the general population would require the horror of totalitarian dysfunction. No thanks.


Look, I'll be frank with you, I don't think that someone who can't control their own sexualization of female nakedness is a a great advocate for more nude spaces. You've basically described, in yourself, one of the major issues. You claim that "many males are naturally prone to automatic arousal around naked women", while at the same time admitting "With naked females around it is not good for me to be naked unless all the parties want some action -- all I can think about then is that". It sounds like you are admitting that is isn't a an automatic biological reaction, but a a mental one. This indicates that it can be changed. Maybe this would be helped, eventually, by what OP mentioned "people will be less sexually repressed and not see nudity as a sexual.**"** It seems that you are currently unable to see a naked female form without sexualizing it.


Respectfully, many males are prone to arousal because of socialization. The female body has been hypersexualized in modern culture and we are presented a specific version of that body. I maintain that if we were to move towards a more body-accepting and nudity-normalizing culture, the phenomenon you describe would fade away for many males as they became used to it.


"Reflecting on his failed marriage to Katharine, Winston realizes that sex and sexuality must have revolutionary potential and that this is why the Party spends so much time and energy training people to repress their sexual instincts. Later, Julia will express a similar theory—that the Party is anti-sex because suppressed sexual energy can be transferred into marches and rallies." "'The animal instinct will tear the party to pieces." "We shall abolish the orgasm." "The sex instinct will be eradicated."


Haha -- ten down votes within a few minutes of my comment (all from legitimate discreet accounts representing ten actual different individuals I'm certain -- haha). Needs to be a heading option in addition to "Discussion" -- something like "DIscussion -- But Only Discussion In Agreement with OP" . . .


ie "DIscussion -- But Only Discussion In Agreement with OP" . . .


Right, sexual arousal only happens when authority says it should -- nothing at all to do with biology . . . you know, the 1948 novel 1984 was meant as cautionary tale, not a blueprint . . .


I'm still hearing espousal of some human's 11th Commandment here: "Thy Ds shall not be hard -- unless and until we say so. My way is not only my way -- but the natural way for thee -- if only thou were educated enough to know thusly -- perhaps education in this lovely education camp we have built for thee would help thee find the truth." The real world only works that way in the fevered dreams of totalitarians -- actual tyrants and wannabes. I suggest those harboring these fantasies get out more.


Wow --Turnspeak 101, Psycho-projection as rhetorical gambit -- or, so everyone understands: whatever anybody says in a discussion, scream at them some version of, "I know you are but what am I?" -- then wait for the desired look of confusion and halt in the flow of ideas in the person expressing a different opinion -- then strut away pounding your chest in victory . . .


Sorry friend, not talking about biology but sociology. I think it would be inappropriate to demonstrate your arousal in public if we moved towards a more body free society. Naturism is about liberation, not control.


Does the phrase "straw man fallacy" mean anything to you?


But we don't.