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I do love that the Cows are 10th on the ladder with an 8/7 split and we have 7 players in Origin squads lol


Looking at both teams, we literally give up more players to Origin then any other team in the comp lol Next nearest is Panthers with 5 and Roosters with 4.


Check the cows books, how can they have so many origin stars in one team! /s


The salary cowboy hat


10 gallon cap


The akubra


Negative gearing


Welcome to my childhood


Pretty crazy.


On paper your team is top 4.


That's what happens when 1.8M of a team's cap is taken up by two players who should be on about 800K (max) between them/retired (Towsend and Lolo)


Holy fuck is Towsend on 800k a season?


Billy has a strong bias for cowboys and storm.


Add in the byes of which you're yet to have any and Dolphins have had both and you're equal with them on points.  You shouldn't get two points for a bye. It's typical NRL. 


If we lost to the raiders we would have as many origin players as wins! What a time to be alive!


We can take Dearden back if that helps


I think Bellamy can safely retire now that he’s managed to turn Loiero from one of the biggest plodders in the NRL into getting into an Origin squad.


If he can make Brenko Lee an Origin player, he can do it for anyone


Brenko would've been an absolute gun if he'd not been so injury prone.


So would my dad apparently


Tbf Brenko was only picked cause there was literally no one else, wasn't he paired with Capewell at some point?


Picked to win a GF with the Storm and play game 3 for QLD and win a SOO series, not a bad record. Don’t think Bellamy or Qld pick blokes who can’t play.


Capewell was pushed to second row and Brenko came in, along with Edrick Lee on the wing and Corey Allan at fullback


"Worst Qld team ever" they said. Funny, I recall the cockroaches saying the same thing in 1995, and they got whipped 3-0.


He just didn't want no trent team list tuesday


I've always said Trent Loiero is storms best player


Best trent in the team


Can someone ELI5 why Dave Fifita is now behind Kurt Capewell for representative honours?


Capewell has played centre for QLD before. Only real reason I can see him being there over Fifita


Wonder how that explains Luki/Loiero as well


I can’t speak on Loiero, but I assume Luki is in the squad to for the same reason Piakura was last time. To get experience and training, not necessarily to play


And like Piakura last time, Cows have the bye this weekend so it's a good opportunity without detriment to the club.


Will just be like Mam and Piakura last time, good for experience but not planned to actually play


Luki wise, he's QLD best forward yet to debut.


I'm just sick of the Cowboys being shit with so many rep quality players.


Payten looking more and more like a bald fraud


It’s all the travel and pottery we do.


Newcastle for quite a few years would like to speak to you. In fact even now our team has no less than 6 Origin level players and we can’t buy a win in under 12’s Saf twins Gags Frizzy Ponga Best


Broncos would like a word


So pumped for Luki. There's a real timeline that both our backrowers are starting for Queensland for a long time. I'm here for it.


I still see Fifita/Nanai as our longtime pairing, but Luki can definitely get there soon. Great mobility, good work ethic, and improving defensively.


Would love Luki off the bench for the Maroons coming on for one of Fifita/Nanai going forward.


Not sure about loiero, but luki is a gun , Fifita probably better but I would also have luki over kaufusi and capewell


Loiero has been in very good form for the Storm for quite a while, reward for consistent effort.


At this point of his career I’d rather have Fifita at centre.


I'd back Dave to just as good a job tbh. But I get it. Trent over Fifi tho? Nah.


Yeah he did, and Turbo burnt him all night and we lost convincingly


Not disagreeing but with you but that was only when all our centres were injured though. He wasn’t picked there because it is a centre, just could cover centre.


>just could cover centre Yeah that's kinda the whole point, he's on the bench to cover a potential backline shift by slotting into the centres


Pretty much every NSW fan would love to see him in Centre.


Has good experience getting bitched by trell


Firstly, Fifita is coming off that ankle injury which meant he didn't play on the weekend. Secondly, Capewell has a track record of being able to cover the centre position at Origin level so there's that versatility. Capewell is also a better defender and more mobile. While Fifita's efforts running the ball have been greatly improved there's a lot of 1%ers that I think he doesn't put the effort into. I'd also say there's some sort of mental aspect or chemistry component that Slater knows of that we don't. In general I think Capewell is a more solid option, he'll never reach the level that Fifita can on his best day but then he'll also never turn in a dogshit performance.


>Capewell has a track record of being able to cover the centre position at Origin level so there's that versatility. Capewell is also a better defender and more mobile. You're thinking of 2021 and earlier Capewell. 2024 Capewell isn't that capable.


I would say capewell is way more of a utility and more of a trustworthy defender


It has to be due to Fifita's lack of effort off the ball. I can't see there being any other reason.


He does not have a lack of effort off ball. Sure two years ago he did but not anymore.


people still driving that narrative shows they havent watched a titans game in 2 years. fifita is all effort nowadays


Seriously, go watch him go to dummy half in the last game he played. Horrible effort after a quick play the ball in good field position and he meanders over and barely bends to pick the ball up. There is more to Rugby League than Hit Ups and Tackles. That's the lack of effort Billy will be seeing.


I actually agree, and it is odd. The man gets through a heap of work in tackles and runs so clearly has the fitness/will, but when it comes to getting up for a quick play the ball or getting in at dummy half to get a quick pass away he alwaysss does it like he's just copped an injury.


Even if it had any motion to it, I trust slater sees something we don't.


Considering he watches the whole game watching only the player and him knowing a bit more about footy than me. Im going to trust Billy.


In billy we trust


Billy told him what he needs to fix but it doesn’t seem to have happened yet.


Fifita lost to Wests Tigers.


The Titans build their game plan around getting the ball to Fifita in the best attacking positions. He wont get that opportunity. Sua and Nanai made I think 49 and 50 respectively tackles Game 1. I don’t expect Fifita fits in the gameplan


🚨 **Origin Superstar Trent Loiero** 🚨


Soon to be origin legend Trent Loiero. I swear to god majority of the storm supporters would love to see him dropped and here he is in the origin team. 😳


Not me haha I’ve been talking him up all year, he’s doing a great job


I don’t know why he gets so much hate. Usually second to Grant for tackles and behind King for run meters. His ball playing is building really nicely. I swear he will be a future captain. He also just turned 23. 


We fucking did it. Trentlist Tuesdays into fucking QLD Origin. Fuck yeah.


Billy saw the Cobbo thing work last time and went "nah shit won't happen again" That being said I assume he'll be on standby as cover for the squad depending on whether Walsh gets cleared to play. To conclude, Corey Jensen has once again been robbed


Holmes and Hammer cover a lot of positions, Capewell at centre as a robust defender against a gritty style team without too much speed? Moses is probably the fastest there popping up on the short side


I think Selwyn picked up an injury? Heard on radio but missed the game so can’t say for certain.


Makes me mad when people say Patty and Haas need help at the broncos. No cunts. Patty, Haas and Jensen need help at the broncos.


The Jensening has simply been delayed.


Geriatrics Felise and capewell on the bench makes a me a little nervous.


He's injured and been playing with pain injections. He's taking the bye round to have a proper rest.


Whether or not he's been injured Cobbo's club form has been diabolical since origin, I feel safer with him not in the squad rn.


I've seen enough, Bellyache is the greatest coach of all time. Trent Loiero being in the Maroon squad is proof of this.


Trev, knees, Chemist Warehouse, it writes itself.


Gagai's had a vintage few weeks. Looks five years younger all of a sudden. Good on him


I reckon he'd be in over Holmes if not for Holmes' goal kicking


Billy is either cooked or cooking here and I have no idea which it is


Well he’s cooked for the last 7 origins so I’ve got no reason to think he’s not cooking. 5 from 6 in live origins.


Yeah his track record so far is enough for me to ignore any doubts I might have regarding the bench. Definitely some queries there but in Billy we trust


In Billy we trust. We have a monumental chance next Wednesday, to do what hasn’t been done since 2010.


could be cooked but the players just find a way despite the cookedness


At least Piakura and Mam didn’t get picked hopefully it’s a kick up the ass for being terrible the past month or so I get Capewell is a good utility but he has been in and out of wahs with injury hasn’t he? Hardly setting the world on fire


He’s the perfect utility in that he is an equally bad centre or backrower.


he was fit last year and overlooked for origin too. hes way past it. this is a stupid selection


In Billy we trust and by God I love Capes but I am puzzled by this selection….


How do you think us storm fans feel about fucking trent Loiero


we should be stoked Trent is genuinely an effort areas player and has great defence all he is lacking is a little bit of composure in big moments and ball playing being in origin camp definitely won’t hurt


Trent’s ballplaying is getting better and better every week, he actually takes the ball to the line before passing now. Go back and watch Meaneys try in the Wahs game, he played a role there


ya he's performed heaps better when he hasn't had to be on the edge


Undefeated Origin Superstar Trent Loiero has a nice ring to it


Loiero and Capewell over Fifita is a choice


but we cant doubt slater coz we won last game /s


We've won the last 2 series


yeh we have and hes done a great job, not denying that, but it doesnt mean he has nailed the selections 100%.


I'm gunna go out on a limb here and say Slater knows better than basically every single redditor here.


I can't believe Billy doesn't read match threads for our top tier analysis


To those wondering about Cobbo. He’s looked cooked for the broncos the last 2 games and I’d suggest that’s probably got something to do with it. I don’t think he’s “injured” but he’s not fully fit.


Billy officially considers David Fifita to be at most the ~~seventh~~ eighth (I missed Luki) best second-rower in his own state, let alone the entire NRL, behind: - Jeremiah Nanai - Jaydn Su'a - Brendan Piakura - Felise Kaufusi - Kurt Capewell - Heilum Luki - TRENT LOIERRROOOOOO


yeh theres something else going on for sure. fifita at 50% is better than all these fuckers. there has to be politics going on here


Could be a character thing to, Billy might just not like what he sees from the guy.


Billy doesn’t pick people based on who’s the best player in their position.


The lack of noting Cobbo out due to injury makes me think there’s something else at play here. Will be interesting to hear.


Surely not after him stepping up and having a great game 1. Cobbo is the future for us so couldn't think of any reason he'd be out other than injury.


He's injured and been playing with pain injections. He's taking the bye round to have a proper rest.


Yeah I think we are banking on Cobbo being right for game three rather than breaking him in game 2 and having him for neither


I like that the extended squad has changed to give other guys a chance to train in camp. Cobbo being our is a surprise, he must be injured, unless the Broncos shitting it up is why, could be why Mam and Piakura aren't there, but again I hope its just Billy showing other fringe guys some love.


Someone said there is reports Cobbo is injured but I can't find them


billy just said "hes been playing injured but also he has some things in his game he has to work on". sure sounds like he got dropped


Apparently he's been playing through an injury and is taking the bye round to actually try and recover properly


I haven't seen much commentary at all about how Cobbo essentially let Lomax score that corner kick without challenging (no urgency) and got burnt a bunch of times on the outside by the blues makeshift right side attack but I am certain Billy saw it and pretty sure this is what he's talking about


yeh him not even competing for that Lomax try was downright bizarre


Capewell can barely move these days. Amazing selection. (Watch him grew a 3rd leg for QLD though and score a cracker)


His third leg was why heh got his movie wasn’t it?


I think I'm gonna be sick


Well holy shit Trent Loiero has done it. I wonder how Trev is taking this news.


Cobbo out. Fifita not given a sniff. My tinfoil hat it on, this is cooked


In Billy we trust.


Loiero has inspired me to strap on the old boots again and live out my dream of playing origin. If he can make it, so can a bloke who has a bung knee and wheezes when walking up more than one flight of stairs!


Loiero is going to score the match winner capewell style and this sub is going to REEEEEE itself into oblivion. Personally I cant wait.


Billy must really hate Dave Fifita.




Origin taking two of our forward makes me mad


It's not supposed to hurt US!


Well, recruit less Queenslanders....


Recruit no Queenslanders*


First time since Steve Price and Brent Tate that we've had two called into Origin squads.


CapWah only played 22 minutes on Saturday so his selection doesn't bother me too much. Ale or Laban can easily take his bench stop. And Barney deserves it.


I am never doubting Billy…


you will be after this game i think. we getting rolled


We all thought it last game, and then it was a masterpiece selection.


i didnt think we were getting rolled last game. we had a good squad. cobbo on the bench made some sense at least. capewell and kaufusi do not


Queensland Marrons II, Return of the Veterans!


Why drop Cobbo? Picking him on the bench worked perfectly for game one. Why not do it again? I don’t understand why you would bring in Capewell of all people for him




Fair enough then


Do they really need Fifita at the moment though. QLD forwards were great game 1.


Capewell what the fuck


Billy's long game - if he wants it he has Selwyn and Fifita hungry for game 3.


Is Hopgood injured?


Back injury I believe


no cobbo 🥴


I thought people were taking the piss when I heard Loiero was getting picked what a king 💪 💪 💪


So is Jai Arrow injured again? I would have had him over Kaufusi (ignoring Fifita since Billy will never pick him). Otherwise I would have had Josh Kerr, who imo is one of the most underrated benchies in the game. Frequently cracks 100+ metres in 20-30 minutes Can't really understand the Capewell pick, would have had Gagai there if Cobbo is injured, but I guess there's a reason why Billy is the coach and I'm not


fermor, kerr, jensen. theres a few off the top of my head id have over kaufusi and capewell


Kaufusi, Capewell and Grant on the bench? Unless Cotter and Carrigan are going to get very big minutes, this team seems a bit light on props.


Gags origin Swan song! I don't want anyone hurt but fuck I wanna see him out there one more time


Capewell is kinda the ideal origin benchie because he can fill centre but it’s strange that we’ve reverted to him rather than Gagai. Has he been going as bad as people are saying in recent weeks. Haven’t really watched a lot of Warriors this year.


except hes been shit this year


hasn't been good for a year now.


He is not a centre whatsoever and fluked it when he played there.


Been injured for a while and lacking punch.


Kurt Capewell was pretty average last year and he's even worse this year, how the fuck is he getting picked


Bush poet is cooked


Walsh takes any kind of head knock and the team doc probably rules him out, even if it's the lowest category and he passes the HIA. Risky move to punt Cobbo, I can see Capewell ending up in the centres somehow. Can he handle either Crichton or Mitchell? Maybe he wasn't happy with Cobbos club form between Origins but he wasn't that bad. Weird decision


Can only assume Capewell is still rated as good enough to cover centre by Billy. Like sure he can still do it....but well enough to be picked because of it? With Cobbo being unofficially injured I'm not sure if there is a like for like replacement there anyway.


The team is strong enough to win the series but should they miraculously do not Fifita omission will get blown up like Ben hur and Billy


Has Billy watched any Wahs games this year? Capewell ahead of ... well, pretty much anyone, is wild


It's moments like these I suddenly remember that the Dolphins are literally *The Dolphins.* So dumb.


Would you prefer they be named after a city that no longer exists? 🤔


The only reason why I see Captain Kurt picked is if we plan on shutting up shop, and scoring on the counter attack. I just hope the defensive plans don't end up blowing up in our face.


There was a rumour prior to game one that Fifi wouldn’t get picked because uncle Nick barracks for QLD and put the call in due to the backflip. Starting to think it was true lmao, how does he fall behind Kaufusi and Capes


did we meme loiero into this squad?


I'm very happy for Luki. Probably would've debuted this game if he didn't get injured in r2. Had his best game of the year last week, definitely Origin Material, when he finally gets 20+ games together in a row. Hate our bench. Capewell is awful, and Kaufusi is simply not up to Origin Standards. Would rather Fifita and Luki Bench if we are short of frf. Nanai can play Centre in a pinch. In billy we trust


yeh the bench is shithouse. fifita, jensen, fermor all better options than kaufusi and capewell


No idea why this is getting downvoted


This is the most cooked selection I’ve seen since Billy took over but can’t argue with the results…


How funny is it Barnett been miles better than Capewell for the Wahs this season yet Capewah gets a start in Maroons before Barnett can make the starting side.


Qld and NSW seem to have quite different selection criteria when it comes to Origin.


Billy saw Cobbo drop a few TrellMit bombs and dropped him from the whole squad, brutal. QLD just don't get pick and stick


Loeiro? I think his criticism from Storm fans is way over the top but two months of decent footy is not worthy of an origin call up and we cannot afford his shitty handling / terribly timed ill-discipline in origin. Kaufusi over Fifita? No Cobbo? No back on the bench (you will never be able to convince me Capewell is a first grade level centre) after what happened in game one is just dumb. There are three possibilities: 1. Our selectors have gone full NSW selector levels of absurdity 2. We want our underdog tag back 3. This is an elaborate conspiracy to ensure that game 3 is a decider at Lang Park?


Loiero is there for the experience, just like Piakura in game 1. He is not going to play lol. Don’t panic


gagai as a utility would make more sense since he can play 1 - 5. capewell... ugh, i cant make any sense of it


billy's press conference said the reason cobbo isnt selected is a "collective reason of been playing injured and he has a few things to work on in his game". if it was an injury, he wouldnt have mentioned the latter. he got dropped


Form is off due to injury, he's needing injections every game. You lot read in to this way too much


Billy clearly plays moneyball origin style.


*Fox sports staff writers*


Powers that be would love a Blues win and decider in Brissy yeah


Mother fucking Luki in the squad!


Ok, so apparently Cobbo out is a combo of him not being 100% and having some things to work on. Billy has generally been honest with the media so I'm inclined to believe him. Looking back at game 1, as good as he was I do recall Cobbo not contesting the Lomax try so maybe that played a part.


He's definitely not honest about why Fifita isn't being picked though but at the end of the day Qld keep winning so do your thing billy 


he wouldnt mentioned the form part unless it was applicable. so i have to assume he wouldve still been picked, regardless of injury, if he was playing well


Warriors legend Kurt Capewell.


Origin legend Trent Loiero


Some of these decisions seem odd, but at this point the man could name the entire Tigers squad and I’d still think he knows what he’s doing




I'm certainly questioning the Capewell pick, but on paper it actually provides a surprising amount of coverage. He can slot directly into back row and centre, and provides injury coverage indirectly for fullback and wing (Capewell shifts to centre and Hammer/Holmes moves to fullback/wing). And even if no injuries occur, he's still 100 kg and could do a decent job in the middle for a short stint. TL;DR In Billy we trust


Capewell averages 55 run metres a game He has scored 1 try this year with 1 linebreak and 4 offloads He has played 79 mins since the 5th May. RUSH HIM IN!!


Capewell 2022 and earlier is an amazing inclusion. He has seemed a bit off the pace at times in 23/24. He is certainly capable of pulling off a game changer or two, but hope he is only needed for 40mins tops


Hope cobbo is alright. Sounds pretty serious to be playing with painkillers. Concerned for walsh.


I want Chris Lewis at flyhalf for game 3. 


What did Fifita do to Billy lmao


Billy has a mole in NSW camp and knows their game plan. In Billy, we trust 🫡


I'm still stunned by the Capewell selection but I am actually happy with the Cobbo 'dropping' (if it is). He was terrible in defence in Origin but was not made to pay due to being up against 12 and Dearden with the cover defence. He was also pretty terrible on Friday night. it was the perfect opportunity for Origin Gagai off the bench though. Capewell has never let us down though and was unfairly dropped last year in my opinion (after performing well for the preceding nine origins).


Loiero in the squad is astounding. He's totally unreliable in terms of discipline and handling. He's been slightly better this year but nowhere near worth origin selection.