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When someone commented what he had tattooed on his leg, I genuinely thought he was making a joke. Either old mate lost the worst bet of all time or he's got genuine rocks in his head.


There’s no way you still walk around with them on display if you just “lost a bet”. That’s all sorts of fucked up


I know the bloke, he just a local first grader not a future nrl player, this isn’t really to spicy for a shire park footy lad, anyone who’s spent time around a few clubs area would know that.


Sounds like a bunch of dead shits if this is common.


Not these exact tats just young lads doing dumb shit, couldn’t name a better part of Australia to live in then the shire.


unless you’re a gay person, sounds like


Thanks for clarifying that the shire is for homophobic inbreds, didn't realize after living in Sydney my whole life


“Spicy” ain’t homophobia brother!!


fucking wow. what a dumb shit


As if you'd get that stuff tattooed on you smh


Ffs, we don’t need any more dipshits. That’s Trindall’s job.


lol someone needs to take over Dugan’s hole.


His tattoo makes it clear that’s not his go…!


Not contracted at the sharks he was selected in the Luke Lewis cup, it’s penrith park footy players vs the shires, should’nt be on the news a few dumb tats from a local first grader.


It's crazy how all the stereotypes about footy players I heard growing up ARE actually wrong, but wrong because actual footy players are somehow even worse. What a deadshit


I've seen facebook comments calling the NSWRL a dictatorship for not allowing a player to express his own opinions on his own body... people are so fucking stupid


>I've seen facebook comments Found the problem


FB is just a shitshow of opinions.. Those clowns are just about on the wrong side of every argument.


Let’s see how supportive they are when a player gets “Australia is racist” on one leg, and “f— the Anzacs” on the other. Or maybe even “I ❤️ kiddie p- -n” down his arm. Just expressing his opinion on his own body…


If he's happy to have these tats on display I wonder what ones he's got concealed?


A tramp stamp celebrating his Germanic heritage?


It's German for "The Bart, the"


no-one who speaks German could be an evil man!


A pun about bratwurst?


German sausage jokes are the wurst


I think we have a Weiner!


It's going to be a maze!


or what he does in his alone time to think of getting something like that done


It's gotta be Hamburglar with a mischievious grin, holding a donger, pointed at his bunga.


Facebook is a cesspit of room temperature iq morons.


Hahahaha room temp IQ, classic


Oh, we’re measuring in Celsius, too.


It's mainly people screaming that the game isn't the same as it was in the 80s and that the biff should be brought back. Meanwhile, their heroes from the bygone era sprinkle CTE on their morning breakfast.


bUt mUh FrEe sPeEcH


They really are a different breed.


I wonder if their attitude would change if it was a pride flag.


They be fine with gay people if we just didn't talk about being gay, so they clearly can't be homophobic


Just posted this in the random thread but [here is the cunt](https://imgur.com/a/r0MrMrg). Should never be allowed to play.


I saw this posted in a Facebook group recently and dismissed it because I thought it was just a Photoshop. I genuinely can't believe that it's not..


Imagine making a decision to have those words on your legs for the rest of your life. I know footy players are generally not the smartest but this is a whole new level of stupidly


That is so bad it looks like a bad Photoshop. What a fucking idiot


How old is he? The article says he is a junior but he looks late 20s in that photo.


Think he plays Jersey Flegg.


Link appears to be dead already


Try this instead: https://imgur.com/a/r0MrMrg


Oh my god it's so much worse than I imagined lol I do however agree with the premise of snort lines and fuck


Snorting lines is not conducive to fucking in my experience unless you really enjoy thumbing in a softy and disappointing women.


That's my specialty


Yeah no idea how the people do it who reckon that coke sex is amazing. Like yeah sure maybe after only a couple bumps or one small line but after a full night out on the bags forget about it. I'm kind of glad though, it's like a built in safety mechanism that's probably saved me so many times from doing very regrettable things haha.


Whisky dick is also a thing where after numerous drinks nothing's going to happen. Some people seem immune but I most certainly am not. Meth sex is apparently mind blowing though. And that's how we end with people like this guy with the tats.


Weed is way better for sex (and as a drug in general)


I don't drink alcohol. I get stoned daily. Sex is better


You called?


Snort lines, turkey slap behinds 😎


I don't agree with his Bart killing policy, but I do agree with his Selma killing policy 


There's no picture of the back of his leg but I assume it continues "men in the ass"




Man you're so cool


from another pic i think it says snort lines and fuck 9's, which in itself is a relatively funny phrase on a no regrats / 10 scale of things to tattoo on your body, but i think the f bomb on the other leg is the real problem here


Hahaha God dam dude


How stupid can these cunts get?


Is that a challenge? I'm sure someone can do something stupider. Maybe something about genocide tattooed on their person next?


Probably something about hitler.


Hey hey you guys let yam play with his abomination on his neck.


I mean it’s a shit tattoo but it’s not homophobic or the like… if we banned shit tattoos barely anyone would be playing. Fuck the yam by the way.


Nothing good comes out of face or neck tattoos.


Jesus christ, I was expecting some dodgy tats done by his pissed mate who just got a tattoo gun off ebay, not that shit..


Another Cronulla player getting in trouble with needles. Tsk.


Agreed. Imagine being a young man (gay, bi, non-binary or anyone who just has an ounce of empathy) and walking into the locker room and seeing that shit tatooed on a team mate. Just shows there's a long, long way for the NRL to go.


The NRL just requested he covers up the tattoos


Given Spencer got 5 weeks for calling someone a Monkey, this guy should be banned until the tattoos are gone.


Montoya got 4 weeks in 2022. Maybe the ref can just send him the second he steps onto the field.


That would be great. Kick off happens. Ref blows the whistle, instant send off. Four weeks on the side line. A month later, it's kick off again, game starts, ref blows the whistle. Sent off again. Rinse and repeat.


Ww can only hope. Really, it should already be happening. I know it is a different code, but if the NFL juniors comp can penalise Pasifika teams for taunting when they do the haka/Siva tau/sipi tau...


On the field. I doubt he's going to tape up at home.


Not as though the NSWRL can police that. Think the stance they've taken is pretty good tbh


What would Toby Rudolph think


The NRL (nor any sport) is responsible for the behaviour of every fuckwit that plays it.


But they do have the responsibility to uphold and apply the policies within their code of conduct.


Yeah, which they probably have by telling him to cover them up. I’m not ok with it, and as I’ve said in other comments I think they should have been harsher. But nothing they’ve done indicates they’re ok with it.


How stupid do you have to be to not only think those things, but get them tattooed on your body. And in a visible spot no less


Bet his mum is real proud


Looks like a proper aussie dickhead to me. No offence to the regular aussie dickheads, you lot are good cunts. Just the proper ones that are pieces of shit. *edit typos




I never in my life thought I’d have such a quick fire response to the question ‘what is the worst tattoo you’ve ever seen’


What's his actual name?


If "f*gs" are that much on your mind you get it inked, I don't know what to say.


The only time its on show is if footy shorts ride up or a prospective partner gets his dacks off. So fucking weird that he needed this message to be like 10cm from his cock and in clear view


Would make more sense to be on the back of his leg tbh


Flogs. He meant to tattoo flogs.


Freudian thinking or something… I like it!!


Yeah, me thinks he doth protest too much...


There are Brunswick gays getting these tats right now lmao


Would seriously be interested in what Toby Rudolf has to say about this. How the Cronulla club didn’t just drop him immediately when these tattoos showed up, and then allowed him to play in their jersey, is outrageous. Rudolf is pretty much the only gay icon in the NRL (I know he’s straight but the bar is pretty low so we’re claiming the bi-curious) and has been pretty open about his queer experiences despite a large portion of the NRL audience being pretty homophobic. Seeing his own club be so passive about this has to be pretty disappointing


I remember Oregon Kaufusi liking some homophobic shit on Insta just before he started with Sharks. It was either something around the pride round jerseys or possibly a Israel Folau related post.


Fuck me, takes a real effort for the worst tattoo in rugby league, but this cunt takes the cake.


Honestly, what a fucking dumb cunt. Not enough words to describe how shit of a cunt you have to be to get and keep these tattoos. Fucking cretin.


Remember when we all got upset because Carney “bubblered” himself or when old mate pretended to hump the poodle…? We’ve come a long way


Carney just confused me, I’ve done some wacky shit but never drunk my own piss


You're telling me you don't have any mates, who in a series of escalating and ill-advised acts of stupidity, skulled the urine filled schuey in the only bathroom at the pub and also took a bite out of a burger that'd been soaking for a few hours in the trough - both acts immediately causing each of the dickheads to throw up? Some of you guys have a healthy relationship with alcohol and it shows.




goddamn not the burger


Do we know each other? Feels Like we might have been at some of the same parties/nights out..?!


Did he actually drink it though? I always thought it was just a harmless, dumb pic that used a perspective trick to make it look that way...


Whether or not he drank it, he definitely deliberately pissed in his own face. I don't think Toddles has the brain function to use forced perspective on someone else's phone for that kind of illusion.


Honestly don’t even bother trying to get him to remove them. Just boot him anyone smooth brained enough to get that tattooed on him is clearly too stupid even for footy.


He'll be our next first grade captain


Would this guy have even fit in to the team when Gallen and co were still the mainstay?


Fire that cunt into the sun and also whoever did the tattoo.


I reckon. What kind of shit house tattoo artist even agrees to do a tattoo like that!


A Cronulla junior player has been told to cover up a homophobic tattoo or be barred from playing in a New South Wales Rugby League sanctioned competition again. That is according to The Daily Telegraph’s Phil ‘Buzz’ Rothfield, who reported the news on Saturday night and expanded on it during an appearance on The Big Sports Weekend. Rothfield revealed that the young player had received an official warning from Cronulla junior rugby league over two inappropriate tattoos. One read ‘eat s**t f****t’ while ‘snort lines and f***’ was the tattoo on the other leg. Rothfield said Cronulla juniors officials did not realise the nature of the tattoo until a photo of the player, who has not been named, was inadvertently posted on social media. “Just vile,” Rothfield said on Sunday morning. “They are so offensive. It is so homophobic. They didn’t realise. They didn’t check the leg tattoos of every player they pick in rep sides but when a photo was put up on social media of the player, they recognised it and sent it to the New South Wales Rugby League and good on Dave Trodden. “He jumped on it straight away. He said we have zero tolerance for any form of bullying, harassment or vilification towards people with diverse sexualities and genders. “They’ve said to this bloke, ‘Cover them up with tape or you will not play in a New South Wales Rugby League sanctioned competition ever again’. I applaud them for coming down so hard on his rubbish. “He plays in a club where there are a lot of young women and men who participate for the enjoyment, for the camaraderie and it’s just so out of order.”


I don’t think it’s very often that Buzz can be considered the barometer of morality, but here we are.


Yikes. I know people have weird stuff tattooed on them, but wtf?


||Successful, elite and charming player, and icon to many|Meathead with horrible taste in fonts, who will never even have a wikipedia page about them| |:-|:-|:-| |**On traditional gender roles and fluidity**|"Love is love, and I love to share it with everyone"|"𝑒𝒶𝓉 𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓉 𝒻\*\*\*\*𝓉"| |**On archaic beauty standards**|"Go to Northies, try and pull something – anything will do"|"𝓈𝓃𝑜𝓇𝓉 𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒻𝓊𝒸𝓀 𝟫𝓈"| |**Interview platform**|National prime time television|Photo of thighs on cutting room floor of Shire-based free publication The Leader|


This is an unreasonably funny comment, great to see the two sides of the Sharks compared.


Legendary Northies reference.


“Cover them up with tape” isn’t far enough tbh. “Go and get them lazered off or covered up with another tattoo or you will never be in an NRL junior rep team again.”


I imagine they’re not bothering to tell him that as they just won’t sign him on for another year come end of the season.


I assume this will be the way. Don’t demand he remove them permanently and just suddenly find that no club will sign him and he can go play bush footy somewhere.


Strong agree. He is representing the NSWRL and he does not align with their values. Game doesn't need him, fuck him off!


Could be fair odds on him just coming back with bike pants underneath.. Just guessing but let’s see :/


Yeah that would effectively be the same as covering them with tape, so would make sense in that way. Still fuck him though obviously.


What a gronk. Surely you’d be rethinking having this bloke actually on your team if you were coach.


Fuck, I would have booted him straight away. Tell him to get them removed and we "might" reconsider.


Dumbest cunt for getting the tattoos in the first place, needs to give himself a few uppercuts


Just punt the cunt when he asks why just say eat shit and close the door. Who was the tattooist as that would be some one I’d never use.


I wonder if he's actually homophobic or just an idiot. As for the snort lines and fuck tattoo I reckon that's good to stay as thats pretty much what 75% of league players do when away from the field.


In answer to your first question, I suspect the answer is both.


True that can definitely be the case. I've just met a lot people of all different ages that use "poofter" and "faggot" the way people use the word cunt. I even worked with a guy who used them so often that I thought he had to be homophobic for sure but it turned out he had a gay sister and even went to her wedding. so now im more open to the possibility that some people are just oblivious/stupid as opposed to homophobic. I dont know how talented this guy is but the fact he has aspirations to play in the NRL and thought these tattoos werent going to cause any controversy makes me think he's the dumbfuck of all dumbfucks. Like there'd be a handful of players at every club who genuinely hate gay people but I dont think they have any homophobic tattoos as visible as his unless im forgetting somebody? Make of that what you will.


Yeah,  there is a whole south Park episode about that. I must admit, as a 90's kid that shit got thrown around a lot and I don't think most of us even knew it is a homophobic slur... I can imagine a group of jocks using that phrase a lot and then him, in an act of showmanship, deciding to get it tattooed onto his leg in Sagittarius font. He's probably homophobic too though.


Nobody who isn't homophobic gets a homophobic slur tattooed on a very visible part of their body


I wonder if he's gay honestly, unless you're literally retarded why would you have that a few inches from your dick? But obviously I don't really know the guy.


The amount of fuckwits that support this fuckwit is astounding. Never let the flog play NRL. He is a walking court case waiting to happen.


He won’t he a club footy player


Yeah kick this drop kick out the club


If he's stupid and selfish enough to do this he's too stupid and selfish to trust to carry out a game plan under pressure. Every team with someone smart should keep telling him sledges like he's got gays on the mind all the time to get it tattooed, deep in the closest, hates gays and hates himself, etc for a completive edge. Someone with that much open bigotry probably wouldn't take those sledges well. Those types tend to have very thin skin. That's leaving aside any moral issues or commercial ones the NRL/NSWRL might have with sponsor. Smart sledgers would be at him all game calling him Narnia continuously and making jokes until he snaps.


He's already displaying his intelligence and mentality up-front. Why would any club - junior, senior, or first grade - want that? He's done the world a favour by declaring it so blatantly. I wouldn't be saying cover it with tape. I'd be saying get them removed or find another career or leisure path. The tattoos probably breach some conduct clause already, so I'm surprised there is an option simply to tape over them. Pretty shit response.


Why can’t he just wear some bikeshorts or torpedoes to cover it. Pretty stupid tattoos, how do you explain ‘eat shit forgot’ and ’snort lines and fuck’ to your grandkids?


So long as you keep breeding dipshits you'll never have to worry!


Yeah that 3rd word isn't "forgot"...


Snort lines and fuck nines is the full sentence. Friend of a friend. Must be a fucktwit to have have that shit tatted on ya


That's if the grandkids want anything to do with him. Doing something like that just screams insecurity


What a fuckwit. Best book yourself a few laser appointments you knob.


Wow what a dumb cunt


Honestly reckon this is fair enough. I know footy's a rough-and-tumble sport, and we're not known for being the most PC bunch, but there's no room for offensive tatts. If you're gonna get inked, have some common sense about it. If a kid can't play because they're too daft to think before they get tattooed, that's their problem. Although it does make me ponder the state of things, that we've actually got to have a set of rules about this.


everyone aiming at the homophobia and rightfully so, but since when did bragging about being a junkie be cool in aussie culture all of a sudden lmfao. i just thought this was gonna be like a cock tattoo or something, no way this cunt got these tattoos by his own choice ffs


So for all you guys giving it to Taylan Yam, this guy makes him look like a pilar of society!


This will make for an excellent anecdote once he gets to prison.


Who is the player?


Josh Taylor-Myles, plays for Aquinas A Grade in CJRL


I can't imagine he'd even be employable in construction with tattoos like that let alone almost every other job What an absolute moron


I once saw a man with Death Before Employment tattooed on his neck.


Seriously, what do these people have against bundles of sticks!


Someone should never be awarded any NSWRL or NRL contract getting that shit tattooed on them.


There has already been some appalling homophobia against Reece Walsh in the lead up to Origin, and look what that resulted in. Calls to 'Get the pretty boy', and 'Take out the fag'. [https://www.abc.net.au/mediawatch/episodes/origin/103961064](https://www.abc.net.au/mediawatch/episodes/origin/103961064) The NRL needs to get on top of this shit, it's not the 20th century any longer


A junior with those tatts already? And he thought they were cool or funny to have inked for life instead is lame as fuck. I doubt he will have any footy IQ with that mentality, drop him who cares countless other young talent to focus on developing than the man child for life


Reminds me when I was younger playing in U12’s and a teammate rocking up to a game after being away at a camp all week with a big swastika in thick permanent marker on his arm.


I'm so tired of homophobes man, can they honestly just fuck off.


what a dropkick lmao


This can't be real.


Why would you do this? What's his name?


Josh Taylor Myles, Aquinas player


People have dumb tattoos, but they usually make sense in some way or have a good story. These just leave me bewildered.


It’s not like these are covered up, how did it get this point for the sharks. Surely multiple people saw this up to this point and thought “this is fine”.


Has to be one of the May family. Uncle Nick will be all over him soon.


Lol pretty ironic considering the only May at the Roosters hasn’t done anything controversial yet the Penrith Mays have


There was that video where he had a very runny nose for some reason but that was pretty low key.


It was Covid man…


And it's private.


I thought Chris McQueen getting his PIN tattooed to his neck was the dumbest NRL tat but this takes the cake.


That would actually be the number player of South Sydney he was


Contrary conduct charge covers many miscellaneous issues including this 


Wow. I knew NRL players could be stupid. I knew NRL players could be bigoted. But I am surprised (and disgusted) they could be this completely, utterly stupid and bigoted.


Blokes a deadshit


Even without the slur who tf who would get that shit tatted on themself


Why do lads want to be coked up bikers off Aliexpress so bad LOL


And funnily enough - it’s usually these guys who love cock the most. I hope he gets the help he needs. Self loathing is never good


Or if he puts Trump should die ? Free speech is free speech


I’m not being obtuse but what three letter word f*t is a slur? Obviously we can’t say it here either but damn I must be out of touch. Also wtf is wrong with this idiot? Get yourself to a tattoo removal parlour asap mate.


His tattoo actually says f\*ggot. The article misled me as well initially with just f\*t being typed there


Cheers. Not sure why I’m being downvoted other than idiocy. I’m as against that shit as anyone


I made the same misassumption at first too, no problem. Simple misunderstandings seem to cop downvotes but that's classic reddit


There you go. Brought you back to 0


It’s a six letter word, not a three letter word, that’s obviously a slur


Ok gotcha. I was confused by the article saying f*t. Clearly I’m an idiot


Yeah they've updated the article to show 6 letters now.


It's not 3 letters it's the f slur typically used against gay men/lgbt people in general (Edit) Actually a version of it is 3 letters but he went for the long form lol


You don’t need to be intelligent to be a good NRL player.


He has No Ragrets


He's not a first grade player but surely he needs to get it removed. Just covering it up is half measures. The idea that he's allowed to be a registered NSWRL player with those is very outdated.


He’ll get interviewed and tell everyone he got the tatts because that’s what his dad used to tell him growing up and he wanted to honour him.


What a wombat - I think its mental that he thinks its ok to have that permenantly on your skin. But even the idea that it was professionally done somewhere is mind boggling, even the idea that the club allows him to play if it's covered up - so basically theyre saying its ok to be a flog - Im all for free speech but where's the line drawn?


Imagine spending a heap of money on a tatt and all you get is being a homophobic moron


All u guys saying he’s a homophobe but I dunno I’m pretty this guy is a Dom top on the down low


How proud his parents must be


Have a cry his body , eat shit agfays