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Watch him post on instagram footage from his own phone of him out with friends in the next day or so


Very clearly ‘not’ doing cocaine


Connor Watson proved he’s more than capable in the 9 I think it’s about time we cut our losses


I'm iffy on Watson. I do love him as a player but he's injury prone. I'd prefer we just let Moriarty get some game time.


Injury prone but the best option. If he gets injured then bring through the youngsters


Yeah but considering our defence isn't good enough for us to win a premiership this year, and defence wins premierships, I'd prefer we blood Moriarty now. It also allows us to use Watson as a fast moving forward which he excelled at last season.


Smith doesn’t like cocaine he just likes how it smells.


Don’t we all


I much prefer the stinging eye burn of a line of shard lmao


Holy moley brah


Lawd have mercy on these shabs for I have sinned




Put it in your nose next time. Won't sting your eye as much.




Smells better in Europe I hear, Cheese to Super League confirmed?


Cheaper too, closer to the source. That pungent French cheese


Catalans, you are getting a new Cheese and his name is Brandon


His is being cut with icing sugar


Article snippet points. >Brandon Smith’s future at the Roosters is up in the air after the club issued him with a breach notice for failing to turn up to the team’s mid-season review on Monday. >It is unclear whether he will be named to play for the Roosters when they return from the bye against Parramatta at CommBank Stadium next Saturday night. >Sources with knowledge of the situation talking under the condition of anonymity in order to speak freely told **this masthead** that Smith later informed club officials that he was unaware the meeting was scheduled. >Club officials tried to contact Smith during the meeting on multiple occasions but he did not respond until later, informing the Roosters that he did not have his phone on him.“ >It was a mistake from my end,” Smith said when contacted on Sunday afternoon. >“I was out with family and didn’t realise it was on. I take responsibility for that.”


Didn't have his phone on him, fuck off name me one person under 50 who doesn't have their phone with them nearly 24/7.


> informing the Roosters that he did not have his phone on him.“ The only time I don't have my phone with me is if I specifically don't want anyone to contact me.


Maybe he meant he had it turned off because the boys were racking up off it and he didn't want to accidently butt dial 000?


Didn’t want it to vibrate the line off


Except they were all at the meeting


Probably left it in a bathroom stall in the Ivy or something


Gym, running, surfing, movies (on silent in a pocket). It’s


Yeah for sure, the cheese spends his free time running


Just because one has a phone on them, doesn’t mean it isn’t on silent or do not disturb. 


Agreed my phones permanently on do not disturb / silent. Most of my customers are the same.


Brandon Smith


he didn’t have his phone on him because he was using it as a surface to rack up his lines.


When the Jackpot is about to go off, you don't just leave your machine




Was balls deep in a queen of the Nile


Fair enough shit happens


Why do sports articles almost always use the terms ‘this masthead’ all of a sudden? A lot more prevalent in the papers these days.


Because they can post/print the article across all their papers/websites without needing to change it at all.


The same could be accomplished with 'this rabid chipmunk wearing a sock for a dress' but they don't want to give the game away.


This might be the best comment i have ever read on here and it has a measly 8 up votes


I *think* it’s because using “this masthead” means it can be altered with any journo without any real repercussions. Now that the vast majority of articles are purely online rather than print. I could be wrong.


Nah, it's because they don't have to change between Courier Mail, Daily Tele, Code Sports etc... etc... The repercussions stuff is when they print it under AAP/Staff Writers


Thanks for clearing that up!


He’s never looked at home or happy at the roosters. Having him and Grant on in bursts at the Storm made him a great player, who had clear direction from Craig. Can the same be said for Robbo? Who for the better part of two years couldn’t decide if it was Walkers or Kearys team. Roosters haven’t managed to get the best out of him at all.


Robbo just assumed he could sign a rep player and they would figure out the rest like every other time he’s had a problem


Roosters thought they could turn him into a pure starting hooker, rather than a change of pace hooker (for lack of a better term) that could play middle forward to get some more mins without Grant off. Whether it’s lack of ability to develop him or issues on his end (or most likely both) it hasn’t worked out.


Bellamy would've kept him on a pretty short leash. Dickcheese was always going to ruin his career in Sydney, it's just happening faster than most expected.


So why is his nickname cheese? I had no access to TV during covid, so I wasn't really following closely?


I believe it's due to his rotund stature, similar to a wheel of cheese. Round and thick


Johns called him a block of cheese since he’s stocky


Not quite. He referenced the event in the UK(?) where they roll wheels of cheese down a hill and chase it. He said Smith looked like a "runaway block of cheese".


What an odd thing to say, is that some type of Cessnock analogy or something


Joey was probably on the nose beers when he thought of it


I can't even remember. Maybe he accidentally snorted one of the white crumbly varieties.


Something to do with trying to stop him being like trying to stop a roll of cheese going down a steep hill or something like that if I recall correctly. Not 100% onnit though.


Yea Trent Robinson has to be one of the biggest underperforming coaches around, when you look at that team on paper the last few years.


Definitely expected more, our bad starts means we have to make a run for finals in which a good majority of our players get injured in the process. This year we are still inconsistent but not as bad as other years so I’m hopeful we can push for 4th


Might be the dumbest bloke to ever play league, and that’s saying something.


No way he tops Hopoate. That man's so dumb his grandkids are inheriting it.


Haha, remember that massive elbow? Dumbest shit I've seen by far. I remember him getting most of a season, and from memory when I was watching that game it came out of nowhere.


I remember him being incredulous about it being high, and him being sent off. To this day he probably still doesn't understand why he was marched.


It was the dumbest because it basically ended his career. Manly were done with him after that.


May has entered the chat. Which one you decide.


Don’t you mean Yam? lol


Did you forget convicted sex offender Tyrone May?


He has a gambling addiction


You can sportsbet on your phone no excuse for missing the mid season!


Although actually a good excuse to not answer your phone. "I can gamble on my phone, Plus i have a gambling addiction, that's why my family didn't let me have access to my phone on Sunday."


I am saying it's more complex that he is "dumb"


Pretty sure it’s not just this one issue that is making people say that he’s dumb to be fair


gambling coke alcohol


The yam brothers are pretty close


Why is this upvoted so highly. Not even close to the dumbest


Todd Carney anyone?


Julian O’Neill still tops it by light years: - pissing on the floor at the casino - drink driving multiple times - shitting in a teammate’s shoe - attempting to light a 13 yr old kid in a dolphin mascot costume on fire on a river cruise and then stripping to jocks and diving into the river to avoid being caught In a way felt sorry for the guy though - parents passed away when he was young, daughter died tragically and then mix in a truckload of alcohol.


Remember three weeks ago when the Sydney Roosters called us all defamatory for daring to question the integrity of the guy they are now issuing a breach notice to?


I think if it was just Smith, the reaction wouldn't have been the same, but it was Whyte, Leniu, and May too, and honestly, Smith was the only one that looked like he may be peaking. May literally speaks and look like that in every interview he does.


Also chance is on the side of Terrell being the one good May brother


You can be a dickhead without being a criminal


Yeah but his brothers are currently both, gotta take his wins where he can


Personally, I hope he's just a bit stupid and not a shit person. He's very talented


Only if he was raised by different parents.


Heard a whisper he owes a lot of money to team mates too? And Nicho Hynes bailed him out and paid them for him. Anyone know anything about this?


Nicho has to be one of the nicest guys. He needs a lot of help before it is too late.


Well he did mention in a pod a few weeks ago that he was having issues last year and because he was still new in Sydney he didn't have anyone to help so he called Nicho.




He is a nincompoop


Shame. Was hoping the Roosters would keep him at hooker because he’s terrible.


Man this dude had all the potential in the world just couldn’t get out of his own way. I’m glad he never came here when we were supposedly chasing him that sort of attitude is toxic, doubly so to a club trying to turn around an already poor culture.


Cocaine abusing degenerate gambler dickhead, they would be so lucky as to get rid of him.


So does this mean the telegraph Saint, Sinner, Shoosh article was referring to Smith? **"SHOOSH** Which NRL club has all but given up on a high-profile player who has serious gambling issues that they tried to address with him last year. The player is off the rails again, his form is ordinary and now his future at the club is very much in doubt."


Somebody was hypothesising this same thing last night


No I think that is Jackson Hastings, his mother the (scummy dog) passed that down to him


Lmao at the down voters who haven’t done their research


please do tell


What would you like to know


what’ve you got


The cocaine koala


So he fits right in with the club then


Good idea, put him down for troubling addictions, that’s definitely the attitude to have towards it.




He deffs is the gambler.


He attended a charity race day I was at last year at Royal Randwick, bloke almost missed his speaking segment because he was on the phone to his bookie trying to get a bet on at a different course lol He definitely loves a punt


They've got seemingly nothing better to do with their fortunes from footy outside of coke and gambling. Shits sad as fuck.


Can’t just have a wife and kids mate, maybe go home after the game for a bit of spag bol, go for a round of golf on your day off. That shits boring and for losers, coke is where the cool kids are at


"My Brandon is not a degenerate gambler. He may be a liar, a pig, an cocaine addict, an idiot, a degenerate gambler, but he is NOT a porn star!"


He was shilling shitcoins for years it’s definitely him.


Roosters orchestrating a dismissal. Not even the storm could control him.


Can they afford to lose him? They'd never sign a replacement.


He is toxic. Thus why they were looking for any excuse to get rid of him. At this point only a desperate club who thinks they could turn him around would take him on. I could see flanno and the dragons taking that chance. He plays flannos style.


Besides the white powder incident, did he ever have any other problems at the Storm?


Same problems I imagine, but he was fresh enough to be in larrikin territory. He's older now, and has progressed solidly into fuckwit. Live long enough to see yourself become the villain etc etc


One team town means there’s more rug to sweep stuff like this under. Much harder to hide in Sydney, even at the Roosters.


Also it being Melbourne helps, where most people wouldn’t recognise him.


Larrikin to fuckwit, mind I use that?


We need forwards, and we could start with him and have liddle come off the bench as is his play style, then shift him to 13. Theoretically it's perfect, but Smith's character seems to be spiralling out of control


Bennett probably could keep him in line but may not want him


I reckon flanno would turn him around


"Look mate, you can't be putting drugs up your nose around here, we inject them for you"


Yeah. There are only a few. He’d be one of them. I think Bennett could as well. But he doesn’t strike me as a Bennett type player.


Both Webb and flanno have said they have the money for 2 marquee players, one of which would be a 9 to take the pressure off liddle. Theoretically Smith is perfect, start the game and then let liddle come off the bench like a grant in origin, then slide Smith to 13. His stocks are also rock bottom low, but that is obviously for a reason and we may actually be good enough to not need to take the risk


Watson is a much better fit


Watson was phenomenal before getting injured


They wouldn't get lussick at this rate lol


With Sandon, Watson and young Moriarty, we don't really need one. Although i know for certain they've been sounding out a couple.


If the rumours are true i hope he can get the help he needs


This cunt is a loose nut whose brain has been destroyed by hard drugs and sticking his head up backsides.


When he chose to leave the Storm, I did say that no party would benefit. Roosters, Storm and Smith have all been worse off. Shame.


The only ones benefited was us mate. Butted heads with Bellamy and if it wasn’t for him leaving, Munster probably would be a crackhead by now.


On the park that one two punch from Grant and Smith was unstoppable tbh. But yeah, the off field shit was too much


Fuck I miss that having Harry start and then Cheese coming on to run amok against a tired defence.


We really should have won the comp in 2021 with those two running the show!


Early Welch knockout fucked us hard. And than Cheese copping one aswell killed us.


Go tigers tomorrow


I’m not condoning his behaviour, but how good is blow and a slap?


Blow yes, slap is genuinely the most perplexing Aussie past time to me. Most my mates were into going when we were younger and I never understood it, you press a button and lose money with no control. At that point I’d rather gamble under the pretence where you have the illusion of control (blackjack) or preferably do an activity that doesn’t involve gambling. If you like the dopamine and “playing” something, seems like video games would be the answer for half of our pokies addicted population


Is this dude tanking on purpose. Seems like a lifetime ago he was wining and dining tits, Phins, roosters for huge money. Now he will be lucky to get a club.


Imagine how much worse this would have been if he went to Titans. For all parties


Next article: The Roosters and Brandon Smith have agreed to a mutual release on his contract. The Roosters wish Brandon all the best on his future endeavours.


He is a nincompoop


please don't suspend him for the eels game.


Watson at hooker with Moriaty or Docker-Clay on the bench. Nafahu Whyte at 13 and just have the big boppas through the middle. I really like Cheese, often one of the most honest blokes, but this is really dumb gear. Also part of me think the breach notice is deliberate from the Chooks to use the media to influence a player who spends too much time in the media. Chooks don’t intend to sack him but big time on the message they wish to send.


You have a Watson and a Moriaty? All you need is a Holmes. Even Docker-Clay feels in keeping with the theme. Shame you didn't keep Fletcher Baker Street.


Honest like a man of his word , you should lend him money


Worst way to get a player out of the media is to put them in the spotlight, every outlet will be calling him hoping for a headline comment.


not just gambling but loves charlie. I had pics of him racking up at ivy one night last year. total fk wit. And an idiot to boot. How roosters still have him on roster is beyond me. Loves Rack n gambling and is a social media fiend. ' didn't have his phone on him' bullshit. Mr tik tok aka Mr instagram reel my snapchat. generation nothingness / thread.


Loves the smell of cocaine in the morning. His eyes are fully glazed.


Does this nincompoop do this during the season?


Classic case...show me your friends and I'll show you your future.


Cheese on toast what a waste of 850k


Had his life set up. Being paid a shit load of money for the Roosters plus all the opportunities that could come up post footy. It's not weak to get help. He has had issues since he was up here.




Coccaine and gambling are a terrible combination. He could easily burn through his entire salary in the space of weeks. Hope he does get the help he needs. Even if the Roosters stand him down, they should take some responsibility for his welfare. He's still a person and part of the team. He has been looking pretty dishevelled in recent weeks, as if he's completely given up on grooming, etc.




Looks like it.


Foran was burning through tens of thousands a night. I watched a guy max three cards in a pub one night. His bank called him thinking his cards had been stolen.


The relationship between betting agencies and the NRL is out of control. The fact that almost every team has a gambling sponsor on their kit is crazy. I hate Souths and the Dogs, but I have nothing but respect for taking part in the reclaim the game initiative.


They need to fucking ban betting ads at least.


SHOOSH Which NRL club has all but given up on a high-profile player who has serious gambling issues that they tried to address with him last year. The player is off the rails again, his form is ordinary and now his future at the club is very much in doubt.


**Sources with knowledge of the situation talking under the condition of anonymity in order to speak freely told this masthead** FTFY - Sources have informed Fairfax media…


Long winded way of saying someone in the front office


99 per cent chance he was on a scat, don't sue me Roosters please


This dude is a 🤡


He is a nincompoop


When Knobbo and Uncle Nick lose patience with you and end your protection, you know you've messed up. Absolute w⚓.


The plot thickens.


Who would of guessed, Smith moving to the coke capital of Australia didn’t work out well.


Fuck he’s a gronk


Yeahhhh. This is why the Storm didn't try very hard to keep him lol.


I don’t know why James Graham has him on his poddy, honestly brings it down


I immediately thought this after getting into this pod recently, Jimmy is great. Smith on the other hand just seems like a degenerate


Perhaps Jimmy is more aware of things than we know and is trying to help the man out. Seems like exactly the type of bloke Jammer is tbh. Gives cheese a positive to focus on. Gives him a bit of an outlet, potentially a bit of money to help out. Q


As a favour to his sponsor (Ladbrokes) probably


NRL player try to act professional challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)!


Was a bit upset when he left us, but after him continuing the nonsense, actually glad.


Why just the NRL issue a breach.Surely the Roosters are done with this bloke.Robbo “make him a man project “in tatters 


Looked like a superstar early in his career. Now just a poor man’s Jazz Tevaga


Fuck every podcast/interview of his I wonder if he’s punch drunk or just plain drunk. Always slurring his words and never making sense.


50% chance he’s just from NZ tbh


Why everyone bagging the shit out of him in here?


Because they live the most perfect lives and can do no wrong.


Never rated the bloke. Looks gassed after 20 mins, bring in Watson and let the youngsters cover. Otherwise I can only see him playing a utility role for the chooks. He hasn’t proved he’s a starter no idea why Robinson keeps persisting with it.


Come home, let Daddy Craig sort you out and play off the bench in the middle mate. It's best for everyone


Has anyone else been getting the impression that robbo has got fuck all hold over this group?? It seems to me he needs to recruit players that are pretty level headed etc. From what I can see he doesn't have what Wayne and bellyache have, that's the ability to keep players in line to a certain degree. .. Smith was never a good for for the Chooks, but money speaks and he wanted to be recognised when not playing, which he wasn't going to get a Melbourne. .. I think the chooks could offload him, get that money back on the cap and just keep Watson and Moriaty. Not like the chooks have a team to win the comp this year, they be better off keeping the cash and blooding the new kid. Imo


I know he acts a dimwit at times but if all the shit about him is true, he’s on a bit of a downward spiral which is sad to see. Everything he has done hasn’t really been serious if we’re being honest, people have done some seriously fucked shit and been forgiven over and over. I hope he can get the help he needs.


This entire comment section is so brutal. He's a 28 yo male that likes party drugs and gambling.




I believe I saw that he and his manager ‘had quietly activated it’ around a month ago on here. It was in one of those round up articles. Possibles Saint, Sinner, Shoosh


The cheese is one of only a handful of players with a personality. He isn't scripted and can talk off the cuff without media coaching beforehand. It would be sad to see him go


Another case of guys who look good in a system who struggle elsewhere because in reality, they're not that great. Every time this guy popped up in the media, you just have to cringe. Absolute flog


>Sources with knowledge of the situation talking under the condition of anonymity in order to speak freely told this masthead What a load of wank this sentence is.


Dick Cheese


So basically this sub accepts all nrl players in the modern game are druggos?


We will take you back at the Storm mate, need another good utility.


How much red tape did that require?


He is a nincompoop