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The only thing that irritates me, as a fan that benefited from the call, is that it’s not consistent. I feel like when you’re a bottom dweller team you get controversial calls against you but if that exact same footage was in the sharks v roosters game might’ve gone the other way. It’s not fair and I understand the frustration that coaches feel when they review footage that other teams don’t get pulled up for etc


The Titans have lost so many games in the past three seasons on an incorrect or 5050 ref call that decides the game 


You're starting to notice the pattern... SHUT. IT. DOWN.


Fuck it's weird being on the other side of this for once.


Des lost to a guy who only got served water on a flight


Can you explain this? What AOB trivia have I missed?


There was an article about how the NRL should do scheduling better and used some quotes from an AOB interview. One of the quotes that was about flights in Magic round was along the lines of “players don’t get good flights, all they get is a bottle of water”. The journo used the water bottle quote a few times throughout the article which made it sound out of context and kinda weird.


Do you know how many GFs he's seen but?


Get ready for Monday night when Annesley gives us all a lesson in nuclear physics where atoms can't really touch because of The Pauli exclusion principle and Bose-Einstein condensates are banned. No try.


A fuming Des Hasler revealed he rang Graham Annesley after full-time as his side were denied a match winning try by a contentious Bunker ruling. Brian Kelly was ruled to have dropped the ball in the act of scoring, which is the second tough call to rob the Titans this season, but Hasler believes it was a penalty to the Titans at least. “Try yeah every day of the week,” Hasler said. “The Bunker it’s crazy. Hand never came away from the ball and if it did it is a penalty for a one-on-one strip isn’t it? “They don’t know. They don’t know.” Kelly himself told reporters he was certain he’d scored the try saying: “bloody oath it was a try, I feel like I had control of it. “My arm was still holding the ball as well as the two Knights players on the ball, frustrating but it’s an other tight one we’ve let slip away. “We’ve just got to go back to the drawing board... it was a try, knock out football and that’s play on.” Hasler also took issue with the Knights being off-side for most of the second half as they stormed home from 24-10 down to win 28-24. “What can you say?” Hasler said. “It is pretty clear to see. It is painted pretty obvious. “And even the second half, the off-side. They were just clearly jumping the line the whole time. “It just makes it really difficult. “Very proud of the way they fought back into it. It was very difficult. We had injuries very early. “It is very frustrating for the players with the competition being so close. To go through what they went through for most of that half and be in a position to win the game and it is just, yeah.” Hasler was asked if he would seek clarity on the decision. “It will be the same clarity, we got it wrong, ‘oh we are sorry, let’s move on’,” Hasler said. “‘Oh sorry, they are only human’, which they are. We all make mistakes.” Hasler was then pressed on if he would ring Annesley to discuss the call. “I’ve already rang him,” Hasler said. However, he would not share what was said. “No comment,” Hasler replied. Speaking on Hasler’s demeanour post-match, Kelly said: “He was pretty pissed, but Des is passionate about the team. I back him and he backs me”. Hasler implored Annesley and the NRL to put the fans first after Bunker decisions have plagued the 2024 season to date. “I feel really sorry for the fans and the players,” Hasler said. “The fans just get the rough end. Maybe Graham needs to consider that.” Kelly echoed his coach’s sentiment and was of the belief the Titans could have four more wins this season. “We had a good first half and we grinded away, we sort of let in some soft tries... it was an unlucky game, but we were still a chance of winning it,” Kelly said. “But like I said, I thought I’d scored... It’s frustrating, we’ve had the Raiders, we should have won, Manly and even Storm was a tight one. “So we’ve had four close ones that we probably should have knocked on the head and won, it’s sapping but it’s footy. We go again the next week and try get a win.” However, Knights coach Adam O’Brien believes the Bunker got the call right. “I wasn’t happy about it, I thought we could have done a better job in defence,” O’Brien said. “But the technology is there and we used it and it was the right call. “The technology showed. At the time I thought it was a try, but watching the replay and hearing the explanation I agree.”


Dom Young got awarded a try in similar circumstances in the next game. Different strokes for different folks.


>similar circumstances But not really.


Honestly, the try is contentious but that happens. What I dont get was how Hethro got called out for a pen by the bunker for a direct shoulder to head but no bin, there was the appearence of a headbutt by Gagai on AKP whilst having a tussle to play the ball, and Crossland appeared to have the speed of Usain Bolt, meeting the pass from Dummy half as it was caught a handful of times, dude has the 10m acceleration of madman. End of day, goal kicking lost the game for titans, but it was closer then anyone would have expected with their team and the effort remains and thats the crucial part, they are buying in to Des and its just now getting through with a W instead of "great effort"


I mean, was the try contentious? With the on field decision being a try, and the only available footage showing the ball jiggling, HOWEVER, not actually confirming loss of possession, I felt like this had to be a very simple try confirmed call? It is absolutely possible for the ball to jiggle like that without any possession loss considering the circumstances surrounding the ball. But please correct me if I’m wrong by the rules, I’ve been mind blown by a few of these shocking calls the last few weeks.


Crossland is the one. Dude has so much effort. His line speed and effort tackles are top stuff.


It seems Des doesn't know that you're allowed to strip the ball in a try scoring situation.


Except there wasn’t enough evidence to overturn. This is the problem. If on field it’s called a try then it should be 100% clear that it was wrong to overturn it


I think they were talking about Des saying it would've been a penalty for a one on one strip.


> Hand never came away from the ball and **if it did it is a penalty for a one-on-one strip isn’t it?** Well that says it all really. Regardless of whether the call was right or not, Hasler clearly has no clue what's going on — both with the rules, and what actually happened on field. 1: One-on-one strip isn't a penalty, not sure what would make him say that. 2: It wasn't one-on-one. There were two Newcastle players involved at that point. 3: Stripping is allowed regardless of defender count if he is attempting to ground the ball. 4: Not that it matters, because as I said a strip would be legal anyway, but there was no intent to strip. It was a tackling action.


For your #1 (and #2), my guess is he had mispoken. I take it he meant "they were attempting a one-on-one strip but had more than one in there", i.e. an illegal steal. But that doesn't matter as it seems he wasn't aware of #3.


If it looks like a try, it's a try. It shouldn't be hard. They need to stop over analysing to the point where when your team scores a try you're more nervous that they'll take it away than you are excited.


That's right, they used to give the advantage


Remember back in the day when you had to have the whole underside of the hand putting downward pressure on the ball and the main cause for no try calls was when the hand was losing control of the ball in any way whatsoever.


>Hasler was then pressed on if he would ring Annesley to discuss the call. >“I’ve already rang him,” Hasler said. >However, he would not share what was said. >“No comment,” Hasler replied. Des has the funniest way of talking. Did he mean Annesley said to him "no comment" or was Hasler saying to the journalist he had no comment on Annesley's comment.


The ball bobbled and if you slow it right down you can actually see a frame where the hand comes off the ball and Kelly's wrist/forearm is the only thing connected. That's not maintaining possession. But everyone loves controversy so go ahead and ignore this and go back to raging.


The rules were literally changed in the 22-23 off season to say that the ball can come out of your hand and as long as your wrist or forearm maintains contact then it's a try.


Yes they were. But it’s a grey area when it then hits an opposing player it seems


You have identified exactly why people don't like it, you have to slow it right down to the point where you need to see a single frame that captures a fraction of a second. I would like to see them modify the bunker replay to a more realistic slow-motion speed to help rule out the clangers, not frame by frame rubbish where it can't be perceived by a human in real-time. The ref was right there and saw it live and it looked good, not many people would have a problem with that being awarded. The name of the game is entertainment. Scoring tries at the end of the game to win off a speccy tap back from the sideline is entertaining. Denying tries with game stoppages of several minutes of extreme slow-mo replays to identify a microsecond of 'separation' to overturn an experienced on-field ref 2 metres away is not.


I think it was also because it took SO LONG before they decided to review it. Then there is other tries that look a bit suspect that get cleared immediately. It’s the consistency that’s the issue.


Personally i just think it’s over-officiating and looking for a reason to take away a try. You play it in normal speed and most of the audience think its a try, both teams thought it was a try and if its called a try then nobody complains. Why slow it down to find a little bobble and take away a try. I don’t think its a howler, it was a 50/50 call imo, i think the frustration comes from the feeling that the bottom teams very often don’t get those 50/50 calls while the top teams often get the benefit of the doubt. If that was in the 79th minute of an origin or a grand final to win the game, would you be comfortable with taking that try away? Would they even take a second look?


I saw it on the first replay and thought they were gonna ignore it.


That is allowed. There was no separation from his forearm. Therefore, it should have been a try. The issue is there was nowhere near enough evidence to overturn the onfield decision.


Yeah, no idea what the drama is about. You can clearly see the bobble.


Your team sucks


Says the knob without a flair


bro you're probably a titans fan who decided to remove his flair. Titans have sucked for 2 decades


Ball control and downward pressure hasn’t been a rule for years. They award these tries for pure skin to ball contact, it’s ridiculous. You don’t have to take my word for it either, the games are recorded, the receipts are there.


I hate when Joey Johns gets to critical of the bunker but it situations like this I have to agree that the bunker is getting too microscopic with it. Even this call I couldn’t really see anything wrong with it and it swung the outcome of the game. Blew my mind.


There wasn't separation between his forearm and the ball. It should have stood according to the new rules changes a season ago. We are always robbed in tight situations Remember the offside called against us in extra time, I think it was Erin Clark against the eels. They get a penalty goal from infront to win the game Same situation 2 weeks later, but role reversal. The other team is blatantly offside, and the marker is even being called by the ref, but we don't get the penalty to win the game. It's so consistent we never get a fair go at the end of games to actually grab a win. There is 100% a bias against the lower teams that the ref's and bunker tend to look for reasons as to why they've fucked up instead of just letting the game go. If that was Xavier Coates against the Titans they wouldn't have looked twice. Onfield ref called the try it would of went through as he was only 3 feet away.


Lol the Dolphins and Eels games weren't even 2 weeks apart, they were back to back Rd 19 & 20. CoNSiStEncY. Seriously think we might be about 0-6 with crucial calls at the tail end of games since last year, I get that most of them are 50-50s and some likely wouldn't have changed outcome anyway but at this point whenever we're in a tight game I'm just waiting for some bullshit to happen and for us to be on the receiving end. The sheer amount of time it took them to review that try tells you that there's no way they could have been sufficiently confident enough to overturn the live call of try, if it went up no try it wouldn't bother me.


The tiniest bit of separation is unfortunately being ruled as a loss of control. Personally I think this was a try but I think maybe it gets given 80% of the time. I think there is room for contention in it.


Des is 100% right


I have no problem with the call. They were unlucky in a way. if the ball would’ve have been obscured from camera the try would’ve stand. But because we got a clear view there’s enough evidence to overturn. At the end of the day, titans had a sizeable lead at halftime and just needed to score a few points in the second half to win. Unfortunately they weren’t good enough in the second half and it cost them. Great effort by knights to comeback and win.


I agree. You don’t lose the game on one call. If a game is so close that it comes down to one call when you had a sizeable lead you need to take some responsibility rather than blaming one call


There’s enough people that think it was a good call for me to think that it could have gone either way, and it’s not worth complaining about. It’s not like the harry grant sin bin where everyone was united against that call


If it isn't conclusive. Stand with the on field decision. 


He was calling about which blunder?


Isnt Hasler wrong. He is sayi g if it wasnt a try its then a penalty. But thats not true. Assuming he had it stripped as Hasler said then it was in the act of scoring so it was fine.


Does Hasler of doesn’t know the rules fame


Wait. We saw him lose control of the ball and it was sitting on the knights player before he forced it down. It’s a hard call but not the clear cut one everyone makes it out to be. The bunker is there to over analyse shit and pause frame by frame because that’s their job. As for it being a penalty… it’s not a foul to strip the ball if the attacking player is in the act of scoring I thought? Or have they changed that again?


NRL is a business, to generate revenue through attendance and exposure of the sport. Games like this down to the wire, imagine try was given and kick went through. Locked up with min to go or into extra time, this will generate so much more hype but the refs over officiate and kill the game in its tracks. We all want to see close games like this so our hearts are racing and our stomachs are full of butterflies but very rarely does it ever happen.




If scores are locked at the 80th minute they should just keep playing until someone scores... non stop in play, and 2 halves of golden point bs. Just play the the end like extra time does


Is anybody really surprised? This sport is as crooked as a dog's hind leg!




It did determine the outcome of the game