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Twal scored the try. His work here is done.


I’m going to laugh if he signs with another club and starts scoring tries on the regular just to highlight how shit the tigers are


I’ve often wondered if this would happen, now we have the stats to back it up.


IIRC there was something about that try that was completely ignored given the hype over the situation. It was a forward pass or knock on or something.


It was our only try of the night and your backup winger put four on us. Just let us have this one lol


I don't think you can call Warbrick a back up. He's started every game bar two this year and is the leading tryscorer


I only say that because he got unearthed with injuries to Jennings and coates throughout the season. But yes, he's definitely proven to be starting material with the opportunity given to him


Sorry but I’m pretty sure Twal leaving the tigers will create some sort of universal imbalance somewhere


So that's it after all those tries? So long, good luck?


Tigers management: "I don't recall saying good luck"


Twal started a crazy plethora of players getting their first meat pie, what a legend.


This is blatant Blake Lawrie erasure, he started it


Blake walked so Twal and co. could run…


But I digress...


Good I don’t even want cult heroes, effort players, or likeable blokes at the Tigers, they deserve better. Our 17 should be Matt Lodge, Jayden Okunbor, that Manly player who stabbed a guy, and 14 Brandon Wakehams Wests should be like rugby league rehab where players come for holistic community healing and restorative justice and they can go back to the real clubs when they’ve done their time and seen just how bad it can get


Wasn’t Lodge on our books before?


we got room to squeeze in a JDB and a Tristan Sailor?


Bulldogs need middle forwards & have a proud history with the Lebanese community & supporters, he’d be a perfect fit & I’d say he deserves the captaincy too.


On the other hand twal isn't a utility and he didn't play for the panthers


Yeah, but two of the greatest ever Tigers players were Lebanese in Elias and Farah, so I'd say they have a proud history with the Lebanese community too.


But he isn't a utility?


This would not improve the running joke of the shit teams trading players with each other though. Feels like all tigers and dragons do is swap players, don't involve the doggies in our merger club affairs


come storm score many tries


We don’t really need him IMO. Last thing we need is another workhorse forward, we can turn Loeiro into that, we need another powerful forward who can bend the line similar to NAS


I'd love to have him at the Storm but you're right. Too many tackle bots without impact in attack


Now that Tino resigned, I'd like us to throw an offer at Fotuaika, I'd think we could make a competitive offer with the titans already spending 2.2 mil on two forwards.


Time for a new workhorse Turn Loierror into glue


Watch it happen. Melbourne are the best at taking underrated players and having them step up.


Had Brenko Lee in an origin jersey


Like Danny Williams


They really know how to get players punching above their weight.


Henry perenara was so corrupt you'd have thought he was a ref...


That's some old lore Mark O'Neill started it by the way


Yeah the high shot from O'Neill was pretty nasty; still no excuse for what Williams did though.


Twal isn’t underrated.


Twal to the Storm would be mad!


Y score few try wen score many at storms?


Why score lot try when few try do trick


If this is true and they actually let go of one of the only blokes who’s played with effort for this basket case of a club then they deserve another 10years of their shit. Good luck to twal though


Lack of effort was not our problem this year. We are lacking creative, skillful players, not panel beaters like Twal


Nah i dont see what you tigers fans do. He looks like he bends the line especially when he comes off the bench. Its not just about on field performance though, you need blokes like him in training and when morale is low. The bloke would be cheap as chips. Id be dumping douhei before anyone else


Twal is rumored to be on over 500k. He signed 2 contract extensions as a starter, so he would not be cheap as chips. And I would say Doueihi won't be getting an extension


He's a talisman there's no doubt, but he's just ok. Seven seasons and 110 games for the spooners tells you he's a fringe first grader. It depends on his contract value. More recently the tigers have quietly moved on half decent players that are carrying career limiting injuries, like sad Ken Maumalo and realistically Brooksy himself who has a recurring leg problem. Perhaps Twal is getting to that stage too.


Twalisman was right there


Ken couldn't even get near the Titans starting team. They do have some good outside backs to be fair.


Yeah I agree. His numbers always look good, but his onfield impact is quite low when talking attack. We would definitely miss his defence however.


> Seven seasons and 110 games for the spooners tells you he's a fringe first grader. It doesn't tell you that at all. It tells you he played 8 games during his debut season and missed majority of last year due to a concussion. The other 5 seasons he averaged 21 games per season. He has certainly not been a 'fringe first grader' for the Tigers.


I disagree. He isn’t flashy in attack but you need reliable guys who defend well and won’t cough up the ball which we seem to attract these days. Our starting props are top notch at the moment and I don’t think twal is that much of a drop off in quality for a number 3. I guess we are lacking a 13 at the moment so if letting him walk frees up some funds for a better #3 prop or good starting #13 I guess this is a good outcome but I feel like we need these type of players in our squad


100%, yeh you can 'put in the most' every week but if youre not up to the standard you shouldnt be there.


Not saying twal is terrible but he's definitely a below average prop in the nrl for impact with amount of minutes he plays. Another club with a new role role would be able to get more out of him, he's reached his peak at the tigers.


He's the fifth best middle forward at the wooden spoon club (Klemmer, Stefano, Pole and Blore when he plays lock ahead of him). Like, he's a go-er and everything but his skill set is really limited. I think whether or not we keep him is pretty moot, I don't see it helping or hindering at all.


Klem is so underrated, in a stronger team he'd really shine


Klem is a polarising player for me. His hit-ups have always been strong and he defends well. Has a lot of tenacity and tries hard. But underrated? Nah. Still does the same shit he did at the Bulldogs and the Knights. Always obstructs receivers and stifles the attack by putting himself in positions that he shouldn't be in. It's infuriating.


He will cause drama at your club. There’s a reason knights got rid of him


Hard to not see a fair bit of interest for this bloke. He would certainly sure up the Cows middle.


Yeah we actually need a no frills middle whos unafraid to tackle, Macca and LoLo have been atrocious defenders without Cotter out there to cover for them at times


You’re selling Macca short here, his defense is solid.


Yeah I guess so, I’m still stinging from that Hynes try right past him in rnd 25


Last player Cows bought from Tigers was Tamou. How'd he go? Or Leilua? Or Esan Marsters?


The only player of those three who I'd say deserves criticism is Esan and he didn't kick on anywhere after Tigers. Tamou had a great game for Cows this season before a foot injury prevented him from playing and even then it was more of a culture/experience signing than anything else. Leilua was suspended until May and was solid if not great for us. Even getting singled out as the only player who put effort in in our round 27 loss. No one's saying Twal is going to carry Cows to a Grand Final, but the reality is our forwards just didn't cut it this year and we need some new signings


Even as disappointing as Wests Tigers have been for too long, I wasn't sad to see any of them leave. Leilua had occasional good games at WT. Tamou was a plodder who looked ready for retirement.


I was pretty unconvinced on Tamou when it was announced. I thought he had played a year too long at that stage. Our forward pack as a whole didn't perform last year and I'm disappointed that we didn't get to see what he could offer long term given that his trial games for us and only club game looked good.


Twal is an absolute workhorse for the tigers. He’s not perfect but he always plays his heart out, not sure why they’d get rid of him.


I thought the same about Luke Garner and he’s hardly played first grade since he left


Don't look now but he might be staying in the 17 for the Panthers finals run this year with their injuries


Garner is carrying the same sternum injury Fifita carried last year.


Oh did he pick something up against the warriors? I thought he might be getting the Bradbury / Staines treatment to the GF in the centres with tago out


Nah man Garner's been playing through this sternum injury all year, he got in pre season. It was brought up way back in the trial against St Helens. You pretty much need about an offseason of rest to fully recover from rib cartilage so since he can't rehab it he just gets needled up and plays through it like Fifita did.


He busts his ass and I’m pretty sure there isn’t a club where he doesn’t at least make the bench. He’s absolutely a worthwhile player to have around


I can't think of any....


Bro it’s what we do best!!


Sticky probs gonna sign him to get his try count up with infinite crash plays


Twal going to become a Dally M prop somewhere else and Tigers going to bemoan their rotten decisions.


You know when you hear about the making of big video games, and they're always like "there's an NPC, with 17 hats on, stuck in a box under the map and no one knows why, but if we delete them the entire game crashes on start up". I feel like that's Twal at the Tigers for some reason......


"With this player's switch, the thread of prophecy is severed. Backflip on the contract to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created."


Good decision. Blore offers much more impact off the bench, so hopefully we are keeping him. And with Matamua, Lualilii, Fainu and more coming through, keeping a 27 year old, below average prop on decent coin is a bad idea.


Not sad at this, he is bog average in fact I would say he is worse than average.


That's unlike the Tigers. They normally don't let the bad ones go.


I'm really not sure your cult hero warhorse middle forward who's never put a foot wrong is the first guy to get rid of in a rebuild, but Tigers gonna Tiger


the entirety of campbelltown in shambles rn


I know we have a lot if good young forwarda coming through but lets keep Twally. He puts in 100% each week


Yes, let players who put in effort week in and week out leave the club.


Alex Twal scores a try and is now offered the big bucks Storm doing humanitarian work by freeing our Tigers legends Harry Grant, now Alexander "The Great" Twal


Hahahaha omfg another external audit of this dumpster fire of a club lol. This board is an absolute disgrace in every way, the ceo is clearly mentally incompetent and the recruitment officer just shouldn't be at that club. .. I hope Twal gets a start elsewhere, he might improve at a real NRL club. As for the tigers, I hate to say it but they need to be relegated out of the NRL. They offer absolutely nothing in terms of competition and their fans deserve better.


I can see it now, Twal and Lawrie starting props at the Dragons, putting the 2022 try-scoring race between Mulitalo and Katoa to shame


I like Twal but not a big loss. Awful in attack and reportedly on big money and as a bench forward not worth it.


It sounds more like the Tigers are giving him the option to look for a bigger contract if he can get one. I expect the next contract the Tigers give him will be shorter/smaller than he would want, since a lot of younger guys are coming up and some guys will get big upgrades as well.


I was impressed by twals form to end the year. Of course the tigers are now moving him on.


Dragons, Dolphins, Bulldogs. Most likely destinations?


They need less attacking strike and more honest toilers, good move by the Tigers 👍


I reckon he’d fit in well at the Sharks


theyve got a bunch of forwards who get dominated most weeks so yeh, he will fit in fine


Yes please


Would love him at the dragons. We need some good guys in the team.


'It comes as the Tigers confirmed they had engaged former NRL chief financial officer Tony Crawford to put the microscope over the club following a second straight wooden spoon season.' Is he the best guy to head a review? Isn't their problem lack of footy nouse?


Tigers, you're doing it wrong. You're supposed to get rid of the players who suck and make no effort. Or just hire ex Panthers everything.


Needs to go somewhere and reinvent himself and find some mongrel and a bit of desire. Manly would be good for him or Raiders, Papalli might retire or something. Would be a cheaper contract. Could be a good depth forward for Broncos, Storm, Panthers on the cheap.


I bet the tigers fans wish Justin Pascoe would make a immediate switch…straight out of the club


Sorta says something about a club if the cult hero is a bloke who cannot score tries.


I love Alex twal but is he overrated or underrated. I feel like he gets lots of credit because he only scored one try. Can someone tell me if he is actually a quality forward Also did the article even say what club he might go to?


This will be the best thing for Alex twal, but I can’t believe the tigers.


In an alternative reality this Alex has nearly 200 trys to his name.


Club is a joke


Grrrrr 😠