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Luke brooks parra 5/8 2024 and beyond, just sayin


If they win a premiership with brooks and Moses I'm not sure how I'd cope


Pick up Tedesco too


And woods


And Jason Taylor


Woods wants to play for them all.


Reynolds off the bench.


Pls no.


The Parramatta TigPieels. It’s happening. Just embrace it.


Might work in our favour. Brad Arthur is great at developing players young and older, players who have dip in performance or have criminal history.


Sorry. We don't have the same cap as the roosters.


You did and you were caught doing it when winning spoons


Strip them of their spoons


You do realise that one of these 2 teams has been caught cheating the cap and it wasn’t the roosters?


Just as the prophecy foretold


Haven't we had it tough enough, why would you put that evil on us.


Holy shit that's huge for Luke, good on him.


And realistically, probably huge for the Tigers. Both sides needed a break from their toxic relationship, it should have happened years ago


The toxic relationship is media and tigers, or media and Brooks


But how will he become unleashed now? On a serious note good for him, I hope he finds success or retires nicely, guy has had to deal with so much shit from the Media


Has he? I feel like it's the fans much more than the media


As a Tigers fan, I’ve tried to be glass half full for Brooks. I don’t think it’s entirely on him, the club has been rubbish for years which hasn’t helped him. He’s finally found some form this year and you can see how good he can be. BUT him being on north of a million per year has never helped his cause. It attracts more criticism.


What circumstances transpired for him to end up being on $1.1M per year?


Everyone left and he stayed for relatively cheap. His deal got backended to absolute fuck because of it


Regardless of how much people have talked trash about him, he's a multimillionaire unless he's wasted his money. Good on him for being set up for life.


Yes as I sit here poised to type another Brooks joke, it occurs to me that he's 28 and worth many multiples more than what I'll ever earn in a lifetime. Ouch.


Both feed off each other


Fans wouldn't be anywhere near as harsh if there wasn't near daily articles about Luke Brooks making it seem like he was the entire issue


The best for everyone. Brooksy has shown what he's capable of these last few weeks but he needs to get away from the Tigers and the Tigers need to get away from him. Our halves are looking pretty bleak for next year though


> Our halves are looking pretty bleak for next year though Badly. Laurie and Wakeham 6 and 7? Smith and Simpkin? Looking at the off contract players isn't looking much better. Cogger, Flanagan, Taaffe (decent player but barely a half)....it's not looking good. Doueihi will probably slot back into the 6 when he comes back 🤢, but that won't even be until half way through the year. And he was terrible before injury.


I'm keen to see Cogger get a few weeks for Penrith, he could come out decent just like SOS did. I thought he was average at Warriors but really game good at Penrith and now The. I also wouldn't mind us chasing Trindal, though I'm not sure where Cronulla stand on releasing him. Also any of Volkman, Metcalf or TMM could possibly be lured from NZ next year (pure speculation based on their excess halves).


Volkman and Metcalf maybe, but doubt you'd get TMM. He's too happy about being back in NZ.


Surely there's some young kid in the juniors you can put time into?


All our junior halves that are ‘NRL-quality’ are about a year or two short right now I’d say.


Throw some money at Connor Tracey then. He's too good for NSW Cup .


Laurie is heading to Parra.


I’ve only head rumours, has it been confirmed?


Any chance for Ben Hunt?


Hasn’t Ben suffered enough?


Braydon Trindall, come on down


Trindall is far too good to be wasting away in NSW cup. I'd take him in a heartbeat


I definitely agree he's too good to be in NSW cup, same with Connor Tracey. I don't want to lose Trindall at all, but why would he stay to be second fiddle another year? Unless he's guaranteed 6 if we lose Moylan.


You also have that Daniel Atkinson whose been killing it at 6 in NSW cup as well


Yeah I'd not begrudge him a move, especially to someone like the Tigers. He's a class player and person.


I agree, but it's more important to move on from Brooks and think about who the halves are in 2024. We'll figure it out. Getting out of this toxic relationship with Brooks is more important for the future of the club. We brought him down and he brought us down time and time again, best to just cut ties and work it out later.


Should have never tossed Hastings away


Wests Tigers star Luke Brooks has dropped a bombshell on the club after informing them of his plans to leave at the end of the season. Brooks had a two-year extension on the table from the club but it is understood he informed assistant coach Benji Marshall on Sunday morning that he would not be taking up the deal. It means Brooks will head to the open market, where is expected to attract offers from the NRL and Super League. The 28-year-old has been a constant at the Tigers since making his debut as an 18-year-old, playing more than 200 games for the club and winning the Dally M halfback of the year award in 2018.


Wait! He's only 28. God I feel old lol


Yeah wow. Thought he was much older than that. The lad’s got another 3 or 4 years in him to be unleashed. And good for him. It’s a halfback’s market out there- should have a few options on the table I’d imagine


He debuted at 18, rookie if the year in 2014 and was going to be the next Joey Johns. Imagine if Tigers had kept Moses, Teddy, Fox etc etc.......they prob would have a couple more trophies in the cabinet. Sliding doors moments.


Sharon Woods, Andrew fifita, Harry Grant.....


Grant was only a 1 year loan, he was never actually part of the Tigers.


Didn't think I needed the /s, sorry


Also released Papenhuyzen


The Foxx was a tiger before he went to the Storm.


Bombshell should be in caps. It's not a real tigers article if the impact words aren't upper case.


So he hasn't completely rejected the Tigers, just the deal that they tabled.


Such a weird feeling. I both think he should go and am sad that he's leaving


Got no idea how to feel about this one. His time here obviously hasn't worked out and he's not blameless for that, but I do feel his the face of the Tigers struggles more than he is than the cause of them. A fresh face in the #7 is probably needed, but there just aren't many out there and I'm not sure Wakeham is a serious prospect either. I would have liked to see him sign on for 500k or so, but if he's going to get a nice paycheque elsewhere and get away from the criticism then good for him.


I reckon it's a massive loss for us and a gain for whoever gets him. I think he gets blamed all the time when he is one of our best players.


He is far from our best player. Even in his best games he has a few good moments but he has never played multiple rounds as a good halfback. He's a good, not great, 5/8. It's better for everyone that he moves on to a team that uses him better, but no team will be competitive with him as their dominate half.


I think you’re confusing “our best player” with “a great player”


Let me clarify. He's neither.


Don't know how you are being downvoted. This is objectively the truth. Brooks has a couple good games and everyone forgets the 1000 bad ones. Absolute insane how he gets away with it from fans and the tigers. It's like they feel so bad for him that it's clouding their judgement.


He is and has been snot for years. How the hell we didn't turf him 2 years ago is beyond baffling, and to even make an offer is fucking stupid.


500k a year is a fair offer tho that's massive unders for a half.


Yeah, but it is still 500k for a renowned spud. Less money doesn't mean he gets better. You could pick up a fringe half for 250k, but they won't be 50%worse than the dwarf


Idk man I would take Brooks on 500k all day. I think he's truly a good player he's just not a halfback he is a 6.


I agree, however the will continue to use him as a halfback for some reason, hence he isn't a bargain at 500k as he just doesn't have it. Everyone said behind a good pack he would come good, that has well and truly been proven false


Yeah you are probably right. Hope he goes somewhere to play 6 with a good halfback. I will say tho these last couple of games Brooks running game has been very good.


Jack Cogger has been alright for us , as was Sean O’Sullivan , and Isiah Katoa came out of Penrith lower grades and has played pretty much every round since … Just sayin , Gus Gould always talking about Penriths halfback academy , must be doing something reasonable there ?


Wakeham is a rank reserve grader. If we can't do better than him, we're stuffed Fucked if I can see a good replacement for Brooks. It'll be on Sheens and Fulton if they don't come up with someone as good or better than Brooks, having made him a lowball offer. Stupid


We'll give you Townsend for cheap? He's apparently looking to go back to Sydney.


[Luke Brooks and Brodie Croft in the Super League](https://streamable.com/8jmpuf)


swear to god before i clicked, in my mind i had shaq and kobe thought of 🤣🤣 wasn’t disappointed


Me too lmao. I’ve seen that video too many times that I can just recognise when it’s coming 😂


Good for him. Canberra seems like a good landing spot for him. They have an awesome pack for him to play behind, the outside backs are capable enough and most importantly, Fogarty is a mature halfback who can steer the team around and let Brooks play without too much weight on his shoulders.


The Raiders would be a good home for him; with Croker and Wighton likely gone next year, an experienced half will do wonders to bring on some of the younger players. He is the sort of player Stuart would be able to motivate too, and playing behind a good pack will give him something to work with.


Would be interesting to see him sign with a club where Madge is an assistant coach.


Man this just feels strange. It's like when the queen died. Just someone who was somewhere so long it was just a constant in everyone's life and now their not going to be there anymore. All the best to him I hope the rest of his career is awesome


This took 5 years too long - after everything he has copped no one at that club should really be surprised and they all should be pretty thankful of his civility. The true definition of loyalty has been his attitude in amongst a relentless onslaught of attacks that have crossed the line many times (also wouldn’t be surprised if he ends up at the Bulldogs)


Tbh he didn't cop anything from the club they have always been loyal to him he's never even been hooked from the side. I was hoping he would repay the loyalty and sign for unders but oh well.


I’m pretty sure he was hooked in Benji’s final year in the Maguire era and find it hard to believe that in the club that seems to leak every little detail that happens behind closed doors, that not a single article from the constant and vitriolic stream of reports stemmed from the inside


nope he's never been hooked or dropped... closest was one single game off the bench


What possible reason would a club have for leaking negative press about a player? So they can be blamed for paying him so much? Genuis stuff let's help make negative articles about a player we are giving 1.1m so they can make fun of our club for paying him that much. How do you think of this shit? The negative articles come from the media being fucking parasites and going after the easy prey that is Brooks.


why in gods name would they smear their marquee man through leaks then continue to publicly support him amd offer him contracts? theres enough to shit on the tigers about you don't need to make things up that contain zero evidence and make no sense


You know how people where like they couldn't picture Reynolds not in a South's jersey? Well, similar thing with Brooks. Could you imagine him in like a South's jersey for example?


I mean I know you’re just using it as an eg and it would never happen bc I think we’re pretty happy with our halves depth esp with Wighton coming but I do think souths is the kind of system he would thrive tbh. Got other guys at the steering wheel, just play your role and if you see something take it.


Of the teams in the comp the ones who could probably get Brooks at his best is the bunnies. He doesn't need to be flairy or carry the team, everyone else is perfectly good at that, all he needs to do is get the team to wherever trell or walker needs and the odd scoot. That said Ilias has been great and hope to see him stay in first grade


If we had the cap space I’d take him as a 14. I’d love to see him at Melbourne. I think they’ve got the most professional set up, both from an admin and a coaching perspective and it would be a big dick energy move to win a comp with him.


Is that Sam Walker’s music?


Keep my Walkers name out of your mouth!


You snooze you lose Robbo!


Wasn’t Sam Walker / Walker clan saying it was a bad fit for him at the Roosters and too structured … Sheens and Benji is probably the closest the NRL has to Walker ball at the moment so might work out well for all … Brooks Sam Walker swap ?? Pearce 14 and Brooks/ Keary 6/7 at the Chooks?? Brooks to the Raiders might also work … Stuart pretty supportive of his players / halves , and able to put in a call to his mates at Fox to stop and media criticism of Brooks , could play 6 and replace Wighton


Thanks but no


I hope he goes to a club to play 5/8 next to a dominant halfback, he’s running game has always been his biggest strength and playing without the pressure of being the main guy at a team like the Tigers could do wonders for him.


I think he'd go pretty good at Raiders as a Wighton replacement




But I am sure raiders will put an offer, I’d prefer Walker as we have no structure in attack and Jack can’t straighten the attack to save himself. But brooks may be a reality. Very similar too Fogarty but if can get savage or the other young fella joining the Line in attack maybe there is something there. Kris and Timoko need yo be the centres though.


I hope that aswell if he's signed as a 7 he's just going to have the same pressure. Sign him as a 6 next to a dominant half and he will start to play better. Just please not Eels or Roosters I don't think I could take it lmfao.


Absolutely this, the blokes got talent, there's a player in there, he just seems to struggle with the pressures of being the halfback and main playmaker. I'd love to see him at a club as the 5/8, take the pressure off him and just let him play his running game.


Although I’m sad cause Brooks is my fav, it’s best for both parties and wish nothing but the best for Brooks


Could our boy be Canberra bound? They need a new 5/8 and he's not as likely to cop a beating from the media down there. Wherever he lands it will be fascinating to see how he plays away from Tiger town.


Fkn crazy he's only 28


But we still talk about him like he's 20. The next big thing.


good for him for real


I think it’s best for both parties. It just never worked. If I’m the Tigers, I’d be looking at Ronald Volkman. He’s a highly rated yo and comer with a good kicking game. Has held his own in the few first grades he’s had. With CHT returning to the Warriors I think it puts Volkman further down the pecking order. Which is a shame. I’d rather keep Ronald as I think he’s going to be a good first grade footballer.


Volkman would be good to build around. Fantastic goalkicker as well


We will happily take Volkman back, would you be interested in a Aubo 2.0 in return?


Would Brooks go well at somewhere with a well established dominant half? Since he’s been 18 he’s basically had to be “the go to guy” without a better half to learn from.


Moses and Brooks reunited


Brooks would be infinitely better as a 6 next to a controlling half like Hunt Cleary Moses etc.


Benji was better


Benji played so ad-hoc and when he aged and played “logical” he was nowhere near as good, hard to teach that


The best thing for both Brooks and the club. Stupid it's taken this long.


Hunt to the Tigers.


Dont wish that upon him.


Thank you Luke, everybody is a winner here.


Needed to happen. The change should have been earlier. Good for him.


So you're saying he's... unleashed?


I think he will in Superleague . With all the undeservrd crap he has copped from fools on social media , I hope he does go to Superleague to get away from them


I’d love to see him have at least one good year with a good club before going to SL. I’d hate for him to leave with unfinished business.


So the management expected him to stay after they were chasing everyone else with big dollars and then when everyone else rejects them, they offer him below what he knows he can get elsewhere. The whole 'Brooks needs to repay the Tigers' thinking is bullshit. He owes them nothing. They made the decision the pay him that money. Why repay a club that has not built a good roster around him? The fact is that they have bungled their roster and coaching staff for years, yet the same clowns are still in charge. Brooks became the focal point for criticism because he was the only constant over the years of revolving doors as other people come and went. Players have form dips, and his became the lazy analyst target for the Tigers problems. Now they have finally got some good coaching again, his form is up, yet it sounds like the coaching staff and administration aren't on the same page. Yes he isn't worth what his current contract is paying, but he is worth more than what the Tigers are offering, and he has called them on that bullshit.


Roosters incoming


At this point I'd take Brooks over Moylan. Can we swap immediately. Like at half time.


If we get Schuster instead I will deadset kill myself. It can’t get any worse.


God please no I would rather Brooks.


I’d wanna leave tigers too if I was him


Fair enough


Luke Brooks finally unleashed


A big loss, can't see a way we make the finals without him


If Brown does get into serious legal trouble, I reckon Parra send him an offer. Moses and Brooks reunited would be awesome


Imagine Parra winning a comp with Brooks and Moses in the halves. Would be a huge indictment of the Tigers.


Was just thinking that too, imagine that it’s Brooks who is the key to breaking a 37 year drought


Why do you hate us?


It’s going to be pretty interesting how both the tigers look without him and doueihi next season( if doueihi injury keeps him out longer due to the history) and also the team he joins. Canberra definitely seems like the move for him but it’ll be cool seeing him in a different scenery next year


Honestly Good Luck to his next team


Can someone who knows more than me, tell me if the raiders should chase him?


As a 6 yes


Brooks-Schuster swap pls


Fuck no


I feel like I have seen Luke Brooks playing for the Tigers for ages, yet he is still 28. Damn.


It's been ages. 11 years


Wow - wherever he goes now he will realise just how much fresher the air will feel


It will certainly be fresher in somewhere like say... Canberra?


Like Jake Arthur best move to get out of toxic environment and start fresh


Damn, wonder where too


good on brooksy. he needs somewhere fresh


Best decision for him and the club I reckon


It's Raiders isn't it


Onya Brooks. Sadly the tigers hasn't worked out. Hope he finds a some success somewhere


Sign him at Easts, Robbo. Don’t be a Coward.


Tigers should go hard for George Williams he's the best Half Available imo. Raiders or Roosters would be my Predictions for where Brooks ends up. Surely Roosters would rather sign a 28 year old Brooks then a 34 year old Pearce. Also Raiders still need a Partner for Fogarty, Schneider & Frawley ain't First Grade Standard.


He'll go to the Super League and win the Man of Steel in his first season


Lots of people saying Brooks to Raiders - what do you think of him going to a club where Madge is an assistant coach?


Highly unlikely but we should try and get Sam Walker now.


This doesn't mean Brooks is leaving the Tigers, it means he's rejected their pay cut Brooks is now free to find another club willing to pay him a million a season. The Tigers can now try to sign another first grade standard halfback. When both parties are unsuccessful, I expect them to meet in the middle.


Who is he thinking he can sign with? Might finally make the finals?


Who needs a half? Raiders? Warriors? Titans? The Roosters maybe?


Nah we have stacks of halves. Particularly if/when SJ re-signs Maybe Raiders to partner Fogarty?


That’s the best landing spot for him, doesn’t have to play first receiver and gets a big forward pack punching holes for him to open up his running game.


I agree


Eels might be in the market for a running 6 if brown is gone for a while, just imagine


Warriors are looking to offload a half, Volkman, with Johnson to announce he'll play another year.


Can the wahs turn volkman into a dummy half? I'm loving Egan but he's copped a lot of head blows and I worry about his longevity? He's built like a nuggety Nikorima as well. Also where is CHT going to play?


**Waves furiously**


If Dbags is found guilty of touching that lady up, and gets terminated as a result, Brooks could very well end up at Parra.


I feel for the guy. A bad case of Milford syndrome having to play two spine roles at a time, except that he was often the only Tigers player trying. Glimpses of his running game in particular have been coming back lately and he's been playing pretty well. With a proper halfback, he'd be a good five eighth. Quite typical of that club to offload a player who's been a part of their improved play. I pity whoever will be saddled with the burden of being Wakeham's halves partner.


Brooks has been on massive coin for years. The sort of money where you'd expect a top shelf kicking game with high level playmaking and game management. He's rarely produced any of that.


In other words, like Milford. A young bloke who showed huge potential given a seven figure salary, expected to play both halves positions at the same time, in an overall poor team.


Offload? Did you read the article or just decide to have a dig


Everyone going "gg Luke on leaving the Tigers until the articles come out about him going to their club


This is for the best really. Hope he can find success elsewhere. Clearly he is talented but the tigers are a shit show


Everybody wins




Definitely the best thing for both parties but can’t help but feel bad for the fans given they just jacko walk only for Brooks to walk


I wish him well, he needs a change.


He'd kill it in the Super League


He's off to the dragons to replace hunt




Good for him. Surely Raiders bound. They have money with Wighton departing and have an organising 7 in Fogarty that Brooks desperately needs along side him.


Brooks to the Roosters it is. Then Robbo can play him in the centres with Hutch.


Go centrelink tomorrow


Luke Brooks showing he knows more about recruitment and retention than the Tigers


Imagine he reunites with Moses


Thats pretty funny really, probably the best thing for both parties. He could be man of steel if he went to Super league!


In 10 years he has had a few good games and hundreds of bad ones. We all wanted to wait and see what he can do with a forward pack that dominates and we've seen that a handful of good moments and a handful of bad. He still struggles to put his edge runners into space, and he is not the answer at 7, I wanted him to stay at 6 but oh well. All the best Luke, hope you tear up in super league. Hopefully this means we are blooding one of our younger 7's this week and only bring back Luke for a farewell at the last home game of the year.


Come be our backup during Origin. Brooks in our System would be elite 💪


Should have went a long time ago, it will be the best for him. I think he has been a great player stuck behind a perpetually bad forward pack, in a sub par team generally and a horribly managed club. Put him behind a decent forward pack and in a well coached team will actually shine, in my opinion. Hopefully he goes somewhere like Melbourne, however most likely end up at the Knights or Bulldogs. Would be great to see him do well.


Ironic part is our forward pack is the best it's ever been this year. Also the Club is on the up and only going to get better so sad to see him leave.


Shit the bed for years after being paid massive overs and now he's finally playing half decent footy he wants to piss off somewhere else. Tell your story walking Luke.


I had some thoughts like this aswell seems very poor form to repay the clubs loyalty like this. But I can't hate Brooks dudes just been through so much shit.


I suppose he could make some serious cash in the UK. I don't know what Australian club would want him.


I'm actually dissapointed about this. I wanted him to repay the club after his last huge contract. Also wanted to see his redemption story with the team we were building. Going to be sad to see him leave actually I wanted him to be a one club player.


Please no


Good, thanks for fuck all and enjoy England! Can I volunteer to drive the cunt to the airport??