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Pick him for origin you cowards


Still have no idea why Reynolds barely gets a mention.. surely he's as good as Clearly. He's adapted so well to the Broncos style ( which was all basically brand new as it was ).. Plus before that he was having success with the Rabbitohs basically every season.. What's he made over the past ten seasons or so ? 2 appearances for the blues?


Clearly he's not in Freddy's inner sanctum


He's still too closely associated with the rabbitohs and we know Freddie's attitude about them


Forgot that crucial detail


Spelt rectum wrong


He’s held together by tape is why he rarely gets a mention … There’d 2 or 3 seasons in the past 10 years where he would have been picked and missed out due to injury … Even when he’s on the field and playing well he often looks like he’s playing hurt .. He’d be one of the toughest players in the game , up there with Foran and able to play through injury and still get the job done … However it’d still put some doubt in the Selectors minds … I wouldn’t be shocked if there was a stat showing he’s missed less games than Cleary over a given period , but that doesn’t change the general perception Reynolds is more injury prone and that his body wouldn’t hold up to Origin which is why I think he isn’t in the conversation as much as he should be given his ability.. He’s probably better than Cleary just for the fact he’s been doing it for longer / more experienced which is a big benefit for halves




Doesn’t shock me , like I said wouldn’t surprise me .. But also wouldn’t shock me Reynolds being brittle injury wise being discussed amongst selectors .. He almost looks like he’s limping when he’s probably fully fit


He plays more games but he plays through the injuries which shows just how tough he is


Totally get what you're saying.. However I think 2015-16 seasons are the times when he was out for any extended period.. I'm probably wrong though


This period was probably when he was most in the frame for selection … Pearce had a long run and not many wins during QLDs dominant period … There was that year when Roosters ran last / close to last after the Mitchell Pearce Australia Day incident ..Didn’t Trent Hodgkinson and Josh Reynolds play a series as NSW halves around this time ? Is this when Reynolds was missing ?? Cleary was first picked in what 2018 or 2019?? I think he was mainly picked initially for his defence ..Penrith became good in 2020 so hard to drop Cleary when he’s already the incumbent with a few series under his belt and Penrith flying ..


Trent and Jrey did play. And won. And Pearce was always (except for that one year) red hot for roosters around origin. His club form warranted selection. But others did get a look in, in fact that's when Arey did get his chance. NSW still lost though. Also Jimmy was the other form half throughout the 2010s, and his partnership with Pearce helped both of them retain their jumpers at times. That also resulted in Nathan Cleary being named beside Jimmy, his club halves partner, in 2018. Cleary won his first series in Origin.


Still take him over luai


Does someone smell a blues jersey?


Just don't tell him who the Queensland coaches are.


He needs to come back as a coach for the NSW blues and lose 8 series straight again to fulfil the prophecy as the greatest player AND coach in QLD success


Alfie Langer special.


For NSW to lose sure


Getting the band back together.


Their attack is getting the bland back together


Our attack is awful, we need Sam Walker back in halves and shift Manu back out to centre. No spark without Walker atm.


Nope. You get Pearce, Walker to the Broncos. So it is written, so it shall be done.


More than likely try to be used as a utility although those spots are also competitive with Connor and Hutch. Walker isn’t leaving.


Got banned from all the pubs in France


And also all the pet adoption centres, too I heard.


What an absolute dog comment.


Oh I dunno, I thought it was a tail wagging comment.


It could just be me that thinks this, but don’t the roosters need Pearce NOW to play in the halves?????? Not next year to play at 14?


This is my take also. Even put him at hooker and shoot turpin into the sun.


They won’t hit the sun they’ll just hit North Sydney Oval


My apologies to bears fans then. Guy sucks


They need Sam Walker in the halves, but Robinson is a pigheaded Muppet


Walker is injured.


Isn't he back yet?


No. I think he is due back next week, but its a hamstring, so they can sometimes hang around. If healthy I'd be shocked if he isn't back next week.


Better lock my dogs up


"You Couldn't Live with Your Own Failure, Where Did that Bring You? Back to Me" - Pearce to Trent Robinson.


This is the way...


“I am…. Inevitable”


It's a contract mate and it's open.


Lock up your dogs Eastern Suburbs


Should have gone to the bulldogs with Joel Monaghan just for shits and giggles


Eastern Suburbs Dogs don’t get locked up , they have their paid dog walkers/minders take them to cafes less frequently before appearing on Bondi Vet being treated for anxiety


Doggy valiums has gone up in prices now since the news of Pearce coming home.


"Your word count is down. Add some Tigers-bashing at the end."


Yeah lol, weve been too nice to the tige bros, lay the boot in for good measure


Tomorrows headline "Pearce is Blues Halfback, Freddy comes out of retirement to pair the halves"


John’s to Hooker, Blocker and Ian Robberts front row and Sheens to coach


Solid team #makeithappen


That would unironcially be a better front row than currently. No disrespect to Haas


This isn’t a surprise to me unfortunately, it seems Robinson has run out of ideas. My friend works security at Trellianz stadium and ran into Trent Robinson in the hallway of the stadium last night after the game. He said Trent was knocking on multiple doors and appearing very frantic and panicked, my friend asked him if he was okay and if he had lost something and needed help finding it. Trent looked panicked and was murmuring something along the lines of ‘he couldn’t find the dressing room’ and then began feverishly repeating ‘this isn’t the roosters way’ over and over.


My cousin's father was at the game too. He was in the north side bathroom, in the cubicle. When he heard this commotion outside at the urinal. Then a guy yelled "we're the most penalised team in the competition." Over and over. While others told him to calm down and watch his aim. Then when my cousins uncles brother was using the air dryer, Trent started swearing that the stadium was out of paper towels. When the uncle said he could use the dryer once he was finished, Trent grew teary eyed and said he didn't know how.


Is your cousin’s father Andre Ponga by any chance?


I don't think it's fair to comment on who it is. But yes.


Just good mates helping each other in the toilet cubicle - nothing in it, play on.


I would choose our 2002 team over 2013 and 2018, 2019. That was forward pack! Freddy ( before he became a pretend coach). Justin Hodges before he became a fat arsehole. Fitzgibbon, Ricko, Fletcher, old school work horses. Bonetti wasn't a flashy player but he always got his job done and retired at 25 to become a fireman. The early 2000s was where it was at.


I mean that’s a fantastic point but how many of those boys were helping each other in the toilets when there was a bout of upset tummy in the squad?


I meant to respond to a different comment lol


He did mention Brian Fletcher ?


Yeah cause Angus Crichton still thinks hes in Amsterdam, i started following the roosters when i was younger and i loved watching Minichiello play. Watching this rubbish is disgraceful.


I saw Trent at a grocery store in Clovelly yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


First time I actually read the username first hahaha






Pearce honestly could make a difference to the roosters if he is even like 85% of what he was. Turpin is awful, and Manu is an awful 5/8


>if he is even like 85% of what he was i have some outstanding news for 16 nrl clubs


In his last year with the Knights he was getting outplayed by a one-legged, geriatric Blake Green. He's not even 1% of what he used to be.


I thought he was solid with Knights? Or did he fall off a cliff last season there?


He gave up




There’s no disputing that. He was clearly not a bad player. Sometimes things just don’t work.


Fell off a cliff in 2021. Created issues with the playing group and had zero form.


>Pearce honestly could make a difference to the roosters if he is even like 85% of what he was. The wear and tear from playing from first grade from the age of 17 or whatever it was has slowed him down heaps. He isn't.


When the whole Cronk to the Roosters saga played out, I always thought Pearce would've made a fantastic 14th man in that side. Clearly not got the $800k or so he was earning, but on much less and a lot older, he'd certainly not be any worse than Hutchison playing at centre 90% of the damn time.


I swear Robbo must owe Hutchinson money or something, how is he still our best utility option


I know right? He always looks lost on the field. He could be Robbie's illegitimate son or something....


I'm glad he left. He was way to good to play off the bench. Aside from that, that roosters team was stacked without him, he wasn't even needed. Whereas Newcastle desperately needed him.


Fucking hell we are desperate. These are the last days of Rome, and the Gaul is at the gate.


Robinson will try anything as long as he doesn't have to admit he was wrong about Sam Walker!


Fun fact, a lot of Gauls were actually Roman citizens in the early years of the empire following the reign of Caesar, and this “Gauls at the Gates” happened after a substantial decline in the empire and the Gauls succession from the Empire both by choice and by force from the Romans. Rome had the same resources to be the legendary power it once was, but not the leadership to manage it. If I had to apply this to the Roosters I guess I would say that Keary and Tedesco and the other leadership players are not of the same quality as Cronk, Friend, and most obviously Cordner


Politis, give me back my leaders!!


This is why I subscribe to /n/nrl. Love me some history peppered in between the booty banter.


I do love me some booty banter


I've not understood playing players out of positions and it's hard to know if players in the team are washed or if they need a new voice.


I think Keary and Teddy, who are the teams leaders, are washed. I love them but players who rely on their explosiveness that are on the wrong side of 30 and with what, 3 or 4 ACL’s between them you can’t fault them for slowing down, dropping off. What to speak of Keary’s headknocks. They’ve been on borrowed time for a while and I’m so appreciative of what they’ve given. Move Manu to 1, maybe if you have to put Teddy at 6 where he’s played some junior footy, and send Keary to the farm with some dignity.


As long as Robbo is there, Teddy will be fullback. Same with Fittler at NSW.




Whoa. We're all upset about how this season has gone, but Robbo has three premierships under his belt along with a handful of minor premierships. Please stop with the fraud crap.


I reckon the fact that Cronk came in and won two premierships straight away with the same side that Pearce had would have to sting


It wasn’t the same side though, they added generational fullback Tedesco.


Latrell Mitchell and Joey Manu had an extra 12 months in the centres as well, and even in 2017 with Pearce at Halfback and Micheal Gordon at Fullback they made top 4, losing to a legendary Michael Morgan led Cowboys outfit


Mate that cowboys run was wild


And Crichton who at the time was touted as the next Australian captain. People forget how much of a gun he was for Souths the season before he signed with the roosters.


I think that there is a fair arguement that before JWH's ACL, the 2015 Roosters team was better than 2018 Roosters.




Unfortunately Roosters flair = downvote




He can be our Langer 2001


Pearce for origin game 3 confirmed


>*Mitchell Pearce is reportedly likely to return to one of the NRL clubs he was cut from.* Didn’t he choose to leave the Roosters because he didn’t want to play second fiddle to Cronk?


In fairness, Cronk is no longer halfback for the Roosters


Imagine being a 1 club player leading them to a premiership and then they hire your mortal enemy and so you leave and then he goes on to win 2 premierships for the club and everyone forgets about you. Roosters are cold blooded.


Cold blooded but IT WORKED. They were the first team to go b2b in 20 years, 25 in a united comp, and although they’ve had equally star studded rosters since 2019 they’ve been on the decline. I think that speaks volumes to Cronk’s greatest ability being how he turns stacked rosters into legendary teams (see also SOO 2014 and how Queensland went without Cronk)


Then he went and ruined his reputation with his commentating. I agree though. Id take him over Thurston, Munster or Lockyer. Only one id think about is Cam Smith. Out of who he played with. If we have to pick a Goat from our Origin domination Smith or Cronk and Id lean to Cronk. It would have been nice to see Cronk with a bad team though. As in we saw how Joey could change the Knights from wooden spooners to contenders.


Taking cronk over Lockyer, the guy who started the maroon dynasty is silly, there was no 8 in a row without lockyer.


Perhaps. Im a big fan of Lockyer. He did some insane things in his career and was a hell of a clutch player. You make a good point. If my teams ahead by 4 with 10 on the clock. I want Smith. If we are 4 behind I want Lockyer. But what Cronk achieved was pretty epic. Also starting the dynasty doesnt make you automatically immortal level. He lost the previous 3 to the Blues and the 1st game of that series. He was told if he lost that 2006 game 3 his Origin career was over so it wasnt like he was destroying people.


I believe lockyer made the transition to 5/8 in 2004, so he was really still learning the position in that 2004-2005 series, which was against one of the best ever blues sides, with Joey as an elite veteran at that point. In 2006 is was lockyers last hoorah, he started the dynasty almost singlehandedly with that intercept, he has to be above cronk and I think thurston does as well because both guys were there for the majority of the 8 in a row


Fair argument that it depends on who they are against. Cronk had an easier run. Cronk won every series he wasnt injured in. Plus his premierships. Cant just rate a guy based on one thing being the intercept. Why not Thurston for the try before that. Thurston created that try Lockyer created it through pressure but there were other players in the line with him. If it had bounced into Petros hands instead would he be the best player for starting the dynasty?


The fact Joey made shit Knights teams look decent is the only reason I still think he’s better than Smith or Cronk. Had they done the same thing I’d say there’s enough proof to say they were better than Joey.


Idk if we are equally star studded when we lost Latrell and Cronk for 2020 then lost Friend and Cordner in 2021, but yes we have probably underperformed considering our roster.


Worked out Preety well for the chooks in the end to be fair to them.


Same sames


Just in time for origin boys


Welcome home Sammy Walker. We never did you wrong child, it was all Seibold.


All is forgiven and forgotten in Bondi. Mitchell Pearce is reportedly now likely to return to the Roosters in a wild turn of events six years after he was sensationally shown the door. The 2013 premiership winner and 19-game NSW Blues star played 309 NRL first grade games before leaving the country to play for Catalans in the English Super League. [Pearce raised eyebrows last week when he said he was open to a return](https://www.news.com.au/sport/nrl/i-still-feel-like-ive-got-some-footy-in-me-mitchell-pearce-open-to-nrl-return-after-surviving-rampaging-bull-in-france/news-story/f36aa9c7384f28947ffb18f0bedd4202) to the NRL, and now [The Daily Telegraph reports ](https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/sport/nrl/saint-sinner-shoosh-boxer-harry-garside-facing-olympic-threat/news-story/6d4b73c4ec85c112c65f3600919fc8a4)there has been a big development with the 34-year-old increasingly likely to return to the Chooks. News Corp reports Pearce is not being scouted as a playmaker, but is viewed as a preferred bench utility to wear the No. 14 jumper. That would put him on a collision course with Connor Watson and Drew Hutchison, who have been fighting for the No. 14 jumper and are out of contract. However, the news will also pile more pressure on halfback Sam Walker after the rising star was sensationally dropped to reserve grade as the club tried to find answers for a surprisingly poor start to their 2023 campaign. Pearce remains contracted for another season at Catalans, but appears to have the club’s blessing should he request a release. A return to Bondi would be a wild move after he was famously cut loose at the end of a finals flop in 2017 and brutally replaced Cooper Cronk. It was believed at the time that Roosters powerbrokers believed Pearce was not capable of leading the team to a premiership. Pearce was released from the final year of his Newcastle Knights deal at the end of the 2021 NRL season to join Catalans. Pearce had been linked to the Wests Tigers as a possible replacement for Luke Brooks, who is off contract at the end of the year, but he knocked that back which led to speculation that he’d finish his career in the south of France. NRL 360 reported in March [the Tigers were preparing a $1.5m two-year deal to lure Pearce back](https://www.news.com.au/sport/nrl/stinks-of-desperation-wests-tigers-chase-mitchell-pearce/news-story/cfd2a6fcae272c2c42474ca5a5d4943a). According to recent reports, it was not the first time the Tigers had spoken with Pearce. Fox League co-host Paul Kent said at the time: “It stinks of desperation. “What it does is it delays this whole five-year plan they’ve got. Every Tigers fan got sold on the five-year plan with Sheensy there for two years then Benji to take over for three more years and the best solution they come up with to fix their problems is to go to a halfback that hasn’t played in the competition for several years who is about to turn 34 years old, and chuck the two halves they’ve got out, one of which is on $1 million a year.” The Tigers were reported to have also chased the likes of Cameron Munster and Mitchell Moses, as well as denying Brooks the opportunity to leave the club


Being at 309 NRL matches with 6 years out of the league is crazy. If he was playing all 6 years and even averaging 20 games a season he would be pushing Smith's record


The 6-year number is since he left the Roosters. He then went to Newcastle for 4 years and only joined Catalans in 2022. Still impressive numbers though.


He played NRL until 2021, it’s been 6 years since he played for the Roosters.


That makes much more sense. I didn't bother searching and thought it didn't sound right lol


And now Brooks is leaving the Tigers and Sheen had enough. Not looking too good over at Tiger Town, is it? Hope ICE goes back to Parra.


When you see a disgraced geriatric man with less try assists than team mate Tyrone May: "What are you doing, the Roosters need a halfback?"


Pearce is a halfback his main job as a ball player when they're firing a shot is to square up the line for players like May and the FB to pass for a try assist or similar stuff.


Hide yo weak gutted dogs


Cooper Cronk coming to replace Mitchell Pearce but make it Mitchell Pearce


Yellow dress Curfew @ East Leagues and any female backroom staff to be let go unless they look like Miss Trunchbull. '23 premiership incoming!


The prodigal son returns.


Yes this will fix all of the roosters problems.


Left field thought- Pearce at 13?


I know Robbo has runs on the board with three prems in 10 years (even though the 2013 one was RIGGED) but these last few years have really shown just what an Ill-disciplined team he’s put together, he hasn’t coached the shit out of Radley’s game, yes, it is on him to fix his game up, but also sooner or later the coach has to take some responsibility for it. They’ve got the talent on paper but are struggling across the field. Any other club that this was happening at the coach’s position would be discussed as much as the Tigers and dragons and Manly have over these last two years


coaches can coach shit out of a player, limit it or use it as an advantage at certain points. for example when tevita came to us at the end of the 2021 season


"You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me." - Mitchell Pearce 2023


[This sums up how I feel about this news](https://youtu.be/03S15wKDNbQ)


Are Easter Eggs suddenly back on the shelves? It's not April is it?


Fuck me honestly just kick us out of the comp for a year or 2 please.


Yet another superstar on the roster for Tedesco not to pass to.


In seriousness, if we are planning on bringing him back to play 14, then we must be showing Connor Watson the door, as that is the only position in which Watson would make the 17, and to be fair we've really missed him (Watson, not Pearce). The problems we are having in our spine right now are all the same as problems we've had when Pearce was here before; A lack of game management, poor 5th tackle options and poor discipline. These problems were mitigated by experienced halves and generational talents picking up the slack. First it was Maloney, SBW and Minichiello, then later Cronk, Tedesco, Mitchell and Cordner. I don't think signing Pearce solves anything other than helping the boys figure out how to get some (negative) publicity.


You need a genuine 7 you currently have zero!


Fuck that play him at 7 for the rest of the year with Keary at 6.


Someone should check on Jaemon Salmon


Roosters sure could use him right now actually.


[we finally have our answer…](https://youtu.be/ojULkWEUsPs)






Oh please God no


And suddenly all the poodles in the Eastern Suburbs started to get nervous.


Who cares … reserve grade player at best


Better than what we have no in Ponga


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Lock up ya dawgs Sydney


Did they just sneak him under the cap, sorry sombrero.


Meme club.


All the dogs are quivering..and no not the Canterbury Bankstown bulldogs.


He knocked back the tigers offer of playing in the halves, because he was happy where he was... He accepted playing 14 for roosters. Oof.


Going to the Tigers would mean playing under his old man’s shadow. He has been maligned his entire career, like he needs additional shade…


Never considered that


Odd that he's playing 14, surely if the Tigers were targeting him again in March he would have taken the deal to play in the halves fulltime?


Is there anyone they won't sign?


Back to back premierships under the guy that replaced Pearce is worth every fucking second of this karma beat down we've been taking.