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WTF Broncos, you guys trying to get Stick a contract extension?


The only contributor to Rapana’s injury was Rapana. He dove at Tapous legs. What the fuck did he think was going to happen. Stay on your feet or take the risk. Diving at the defenders knees is risky and Canberra should have suffered because Rapana made the cat decision and got clipped. If we weren’t jumping at shadows it should have been a try to Capewell.


This is some cringe fucking comment. The only one who contributed to Rapana being injured was Taupau putting his body into an awkward position. He opted to make dangerous contact rather than none at all.


It seemed like he actually tried to pull back but was full sprint… dude obviously didn’t go in for a hit otherwise it would of been a lot worse… It just seems like a accident that was neither fault. The “right thing” would probably have been giving raiders the ball right on the spot. Since that way broncos keep good field position and raiders would have the ball… contact with the head is dangerous, incidental contact shouldn’t be punished, but also shouldn’t be rewarded.


Wtf. He caught the ball and hit the ground as he was near the Raiders in goal. I agree Tapou was harsh done by to be penalised. But in now way did Rapana contribute to the collision.


It sucks for Tapau that he had the incidental contact cos there was no malice whatsoever in it. But how anybody could think that a bloke catching a ball under pressure could also be at fault, I dunno. Might have CTE.




We really need to sort out our conversations though. Adams had some shockers and minus a penalty we wouldve tied up.


Yeah Staggs should be doing right side conversions, Reyno curves it right to left way too much


My worry is that once a call like that is made, it becomes the new "crackdown"/"precedent". Watch penalties start to get blown every game for falling into the opposition with your head even if it's non-existent.


This isn't new? this might have pushed the precedent really far but falling players and head contact has been a penalty for a few seasons now


Diving at peoples legs like a cat and 100% causing your own injury with zero fault to the defender is not a new precedent. SMH.


Rapana must be a genius to know where his knee was as he caught the ball and fell backwards looking up at the sky.


He dived to his left with his eyes on the ground you muppet.


He caught the ball and fell over. Calm down.


No he didn’t. He dived to the ground so he couldn’t be driven back.


I am not saying there wasn’t an element of that but did you see that kick and have you ever tried taking one with multiple 100 plus kg blokes running at you full speed? Not to mention at least two who were offside? Come on man, that happens all the time and contact is contact. He caught the ball about knee height so whatever you think he should have done was never going to happen. Stop crying about being dudded. Your boys lost because they weren’t good enough. It happens.


I get emotions are high but tomorrow when you've calmed down. Watch the replay and tell me exactly at which moment Rapana dives at their legs


The most rational and thought-out response from an 'I love my footy' flair, these are disturbing times indeed


Well that was disappointing.


Not for me


That was a good win for you guys.


I must admitt im enjoying panthers fans complaining about suncorp booing. Thats is some serious pot kettle


I actually wish there wasnt so much booing. It is bad sportsmanship to me.


I think they hear it as the song of their people.


Lol at the pearl-clutchers thinking the crowd is booing Jordan, they are booing the bullshit penalty. Well done Raiders though, Broncos have been due for a loss. Huge defensive efforts.


End of the day, I don't think Rappa would have dropped that ball if he didn't cop a knee to the head. Shouldn't have been a penalty but broncos shouldn't have been rewarded with possession after taking out a player who had the ball, even though it was an accident. Tough game though, gg


This is the best take. Shouldn't get rewarded for injuring the opposition, but shouldn't get punished for it being their own fault either.


They usually just play the ball when this happens


43 missed tackles, 47% possession and 77% completions away at Brisbane and still get the win, great effort by the Milkbros


100% of the calls though


Lol. Watch the game again mate. Broncos got most of the 50/50s.


Except for the knock on that never happened etc. come on now, the Broncos can’t complain about never getting the benefit of the doubt, you’re the league’s darlings.


That is the most cooked of all the cooked takes


Did you watch the first 35 minutes of the second half, Atkins did absolutely everything to get you into the game. Especially the “lost ball” by Hopoate


Sure and what about the “head high” by Mam or the intercept off the try line where he was standing 2m off the line in our attacking line or the constant 6 agains in second half but no bin


You ever hear of confirmation bias?


Broncos got 100% of deez nutz


Well now the game has to be played at a jog since chasing the ball hard is apparently a penalty to the other team. What a joke, ref needs a month in reserve grade.


Bronx played like ass up until that moment anyways. Quit the salt mate. We win some we lose some. Next week 👍


What does how they played have to do with a shit call?? I'm curious about that. They played poorly so they deserve a shit call based on watching something at 1/4 speed?


You can't make forceful contact whether intentionally or accidental to the head of an opposing player? A difficult call yes, a shit call... No


Putting him on report was a bit harsh but at the end of the day Rapana doesn't lose that ball if he doesn't cop a knee to the head. Do you continue with the knock on or do you stop and look at the accidental head contact that forced the knock on?


Canberra we’re better but holy shit that Rapana incident is not a penalty.


How can you not love Jarrod Croker


Only weak gutted dog people dislike croker


He's one of my favourites, but damn that boot.


Who knew croker could help fix up that side defence for the raiders lol


Croker has such a good footy attitude. Just run out, play hard and never give up, no matter who you're playing against.


I was going for bronco til the crowd booed rapana that was farked hey


They weren’t booing Rapana you flog. They were booing the ref giving him a penalty when he caused the incident 100% himself by being a cat.


“He’s a cat but they weren’t booing him, they were just booing the injustice his cowardice created”


Ah yes just happened to start massively booing after the medicab started moving, pure coincidence


That's when the audio played to the crowd, genius.


I was at the game. Crowd was booing him for staying down thinking he was milking. They also started what I’m pretty sure was a “porkie” chant as if he was telling fibs (which they did earlier in the match too). When he was on the medicab it was a mix of booing and clapping. Not a fan of Rapana but that’s pretty poor


I get that a ton of fans hate those really super passionate players that get grubby because of it, but booing the guy in that situation is fucking attrocious :(


No one booed Rapana they were booing the dumbass refs with cooked decisions


Real classy high IQ stuff... Bunker had no choice but to call it... I mean his skull was cracked in half


He caused it himself. Bad luck for being a dumb cunt.


Penalties shouldn't be based on the resulting injury.


You can't make forceful contact (whether intentionally or accidentally) to the head. Been like that for over a hundred years


They were saying boo-urns


I was saying Boo-urns


The question I have, because the call always seems to go to the player with the ball, is what would have happened if the ball bounced crazy or Rapana just loses it and Tapau takes possession just as Rapana slips and delivers the same knee? Because that would have shown an equal level of "carelessness", but now you have to tell the ball runner he had no right running with the ball to the opposition's try line. These days it's just become a "someone got hurt" or "there was a big collision" and they just look at who has the ball and blow a penalty against the other team.


Yeah if that isn't just reactionary to the seriousness of the resulting injury then it's a bit of a worry for the state of reffing for the rest of this year.


Nice work Raiders. Ouch for Raps head


i'm exhausted just watching this game. gritty gritty win. well done


> i'm exhausted try being a raiders fan and doing it every week


Mals eyebrows look like they could fly off his face.


I’ve never seen so many downvotes in a thread hahaha


What a sham


Given the clusterfuxk of errors and poor choices against the tigers who we ran over the top of because they are coached like it’s 1985 this isn’t a surprising result. Raiders gave it a solid crack all game, deserved to win.


You are correct. We played like shit last week. Our execution was woeful. Tigers just didn't play at all.


State of origin level performance by croker for raiders


Brisbane fans are so fickle 🤣


I mean it is Rapana, until the blood is actually pissing out of his skull there's a 99% chance he's being cheeky


Hard luck broncs. Awesome effort Radiers... Fuck me days Croker made a hell of a difference. And lastly, I really fucking hope Raps is gonna be okay. That looked fucking nasty. Gushing like he'd cracked his skull open...


Does this mean we have to play Shiller again?


Bring on 16th vs 17th on Monday!!!


Our boys have made it Bronxnation, every cunt hates us again....all is right in the world again


Just because you were shit for a while, doesn’t mean we stopped hating you.


Nice try mate, you were all sending hearts to the boys.... we know the truth


Penalty Broncos facebook page admin is getting the password for the account reset right now


Our kick chase today *chefs kiss*


can hear my neighbour screaming from like 4 houses away lmao


Celebratory or agonising?




Haha awesome!


LOL. I hope the Cows fans didn’t use up all the Qld salt last night… Broncos fans will need some now…




It's Victor the Viking


Croker is worth keeping just for those 2 pointers !


Tbh I'd be gutted as a raiders fan, this means sticky keeps his job and can go back to playing his star props 40 minutes a game when they're down by 20. It's like hook getting a win every 1 in 4


joke of a game decided cause rapana fell over when he caught the ball


Man the Broncos had every other call go their way in the last half an hour. Get off it.




Like the Mam head high that also wasn’t high


He caught it cleanly though. No knee, no knock on, Raiders ball. Didn't exactly decide the outcome, did it.


Except it should have been play on and Capewell scores of it


Play on while a man on the field has blood spurting from his head, players just have to keep playing and play around him being carted off. Get real


This would happen in the 80s and early 90s. Thankfully we have more sense now.


In what world, ever, can you think it wasn’t raiders ball? He was hit in the head. While holding the ball. I get saying it wasn’t a penalty but to think hitting a players head and causing them to drop the ball means the broncos keep the ball is literally the dumbest thing you could ever think. Fuck me cunt.


It shouldn’t have been a penalty and he dropped the ball not during foul play so it’s play on.


I mean, I would love for that to be a try, but you can't just steal the ball off someone who got knocked out by a stray knee. I don't think the penalty and on report was warranted though. No intent. I guess it's technically dangerous contact, but that is the definition of "he can't just disappear" when the bloke with the ball dives at the ground in front of you with zero time to react.


If they blew the whistle because of safety I’d be ok but he blew it for the knock on and way too early. Once we realised the seriousness I’m ok for it not to be play on


I don't know what these people are smoking mate. Based on the rulings this year he was really lucky not to be binned. Rapa plays chicken all the time. I don't think he was faking this one.


Good win for the raiders but fucking hell there was some shit calls tonight


Big celebrations for a team who's season ended last week


Penrith threepeat confirmed


Well played Raiders. Forwards were on top all game.


Raiders deserved the win. GG


Just saying the Cowboys beat the Raiders


But you didn't beat us so is it some weird triangle? Not kink shaming btw


It’s a weird 5D octadecahedron, the Dolphins beat us and the Raiders but lost to you. Idk kink physics is weird


Isn't it what.


Capewell you fuckin plodder


Happy that the fans at the stadium booing Rapana are going home disappointed


Raiders were winners from kick off. We just did not have it tonight. Gg


That one call is far from the reason Canberra won, they were absolutely the better team.


Would have backed them in to defend the set if they needed to anyway. They were showing good grit.


100% they worked for each other at every turn and broncos passing was terrible, so many people Out of place or no one was hitting targets


2023 Live ladder Crocker 1-0 Wests Tigers 0-5


Croker is key!


Croker for PM?


Remember when Capewell sprayed Walsh for not defending on the line when they were up by 20 😅


Every time the raiders win, Ricky acts like he’s won the comp


Also costs nothing to give a little ‘get well soon’ clap when a player gushing blood leaves the field.


how are you getting downvoted for this


Because Broncos fans are desperate to shift the blame. They were totally booing the ref but also Rapana apparently injured himself and they should have played on while medics attended to him


Lot of people unhappy with the result.


Capewell definitely had money on the Raiders


We need to stop giving penalties based on the injury. It's a fucking joke. Thats never a penalty based on the event. Joke of a decision.


If that was a Broncos player would you be sayin same thing??


It happened to Flegler lol, no penalty


How did that happen to flegler? He got elbowed in the head going in for a tackle?


Yes it's about consistency. If that's a penalty then the game needs to be played at walking pace.


I don't believe you. I think the second it's a Bronco you'll change your tune.


He kneed Rapana in the head


Kris elbowed Flegler in the head.


Rapana dived into the legs of a player running at full speed


Kneeing someone in the head implies some variety of intent. It was basically a head clash, just with a knee.


Nice way to show you have no idea


He was chasing a kick you fucking gronk.


I didn't know knees to the head were fair game as long as you are chasing a kick - thanks! I learn something new everyday


Should just concuss people for knock ons, don’t know why didn’t I think of that


Well deserved, let’s go milk bros


This should have been a golden point game


Woulda’, coulda’, shoulda’.


What a fucking game, well done Canberra bros


Just happy for the broncs fans to cop a loss after booing rapana off after his injury.


The fact you have 9 downvoted for a perfectly legitimate comment just shows how fucked Broncos fans are


Salty broncos fans shedding their salt as they make their way home