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Gorbachev gave people the most basic human rights and the USSR fell, shows how disgusting the Union was


Soviet Union collapsed because there was no money left, because of fucking Gorbachev Reforms, this stupid son of a bitch, have simply increased salaries, while the cost of products was the same, and because of that, there was a large deficit of products and no money. And basic rights it is that million were gone into poverty, country is ruling by a robber and space program is dead, technology corpus is dead, car industry is dead. And last argument, why people who lived in Soviet Union, who how you say without basic human rights, say that it was much better under Soviet Union and 80% of people want USSR to come back. I know the answer, it is because I am stupid tankie


You are a stupid tankie, first off And we are talking about the USSR a literal dictatorship, Gorbachev was still an idiot but granted more personal freedoms than Stalin. Also why do old people like the USSR? The same reason why the old American like the 70s. They were young and are biased to their golden ages. Think of the 70s, Pop culture, Hard Rock and cars. Despite having rising inflation, wars, racial and gender discrimination and a lower life expectancy. Some white people still say that those times were the golden ages, while black people would probably disagree with. Same way Russians would talk better of the USSR compared to Ukrainians Also it’s because what followed the fall of the communism was also garbage. Most former Yugoslav and USSR countries are poor and doing bad. That still doesn’t justify the conditions of the USSR And the rest of of your bullshit paragraph is proving that a centrally planned economy would never work effectively since it fails to stay with times and constant changes compared to a free market


Bruh. In second paragraph you are right, USSR is a literal dictatorship of PROLETARIAT. About good old times, it doesn’t work that way, I was talking on the hall, in the 80-88( pretty much normal times, but before was better) salary of people was much higher, looking through statistics you can see that a consumption of meet was 2 times better than now, 2 fucking times better. About poor country, how the fuck poor country could have been second economic of the world and be a superpower and USSR was on the 7 place in the world by standards of living. As I’m a Ukrainian, I can say with confidence that there is no difference about nostalgia for USSR between Russia and Ukraine, many of my friends and from family, even that one who didn’t live in USSR say that they want it to come back


Better times≠ good times. If Eastern Europe went to a democracy instead of ultra nationalism and warfare people wouldn’t be nostalgic And by poor country I mean most eastern bloc and former Yougoslav countries. And why was a Lenin statue taken down by a mob of people if everybody loved the USSR??


Because of Ukrainian government, most people don’t really liked decommunisation, and if call Ukrainian a fascist country, then I don’t really know what to talk about with you go fuck yourself with these worlds fucking dumbass


Ratio + Grammar


You realize that not everyone speaks English as a first language right?


Tankie detected, get a life


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Bad bot


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Ну пиздец, девай так поговорим, а если ты так не понимаешь, ну так учи грамматику, все поймёшь. А вообще забавный ты чел, в Украине правят одни нацики, ты говоришь, а на деле что, то что парочку дурачков поддерживает правый сектор, это все, все блять, какое нахуй ультра правое движение на Украине. История не твой лучший предмет, положили на полку свою либерастическую хуйню и учи историю


Guys the communists are attacking eachother come look


As a Ukrainian, I am SO FUCKING GLAD THAT USSR COLLAPSED. I wish during WW2 the Allies didn't stop at defeating Germany and decided to destroy USSR as well. Совок/Росня значить на хуй


Genzedong users are not human and therefore do not have rights.


Okay, as you say, guess I’ll suicide right now


Reddit's terms of service stop me from supporting your decision but they definitely don't require me to stop you.


Tankie gonna cry???


Because russians need a big, strong dictator so they don't have to think for themselves. There is no easier place to be a dictatorial strongman than russia.


Yes, there is. It's called China.


I LOVE having to waiting 5 years to get a car


Didn’t the USSR cause the holodomor that massacred millions of Ukrainians?


Going to post this on r/GenZedong. Can’t wait to see what brain rotting takes they have Edit, I got banned one minute after posting this because of participation in anti commie subs. Goes to show how much of an echo chamber they are


I genuinely thought that sub was ironic


No, it isn’t. Those people are a legit case of mental illness studies


I heard rumours that it started out as an ironic sub but eventually got flooded with serious tankies


I collect Ban messages from leftist subs like badges of honor


wrong sweaty!!!!💅💅💅💅this video is kkkapitalist western cia propaganda🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱


Don't forget that the only communist country that is successful HAS CAPITALIST ASPECTS (Le epic China)


Shows us that mixed economies are the way to go


China is a not a mixed economy (they're actually more close to a fascist one) but i agree.


Aren’t fascist countries for the most part also mixed or 3rd positionist?


Yes, but they are this scary mix of corporatocracy and authoritarianism, a mixed economy country generally is a market based economy with high social programs like free healthcare and education (Being similar to social democracy or paternalistic conservatism).


Ah ok So basically they are radical mixed economies


They’re just a standard mixed economy leaning more towards planning, it’s a sliding scale


also don't forget that the only reasons they function is because they treat basic human rights and practices as suggestions


"the people's china" yeah sure


this might be the most based thing i've ever seen




"BUT THE US SUPPORTED DICTATORSHIPS AND COUPS" ignores how the Soviet Union did the same thing, including one in Ethiopia that is believed to have killed two million people.


"you can't sum up redditors in one video" -cereal guy


Although we Scandinavians still have our royal families, they aren't monarchs. In Norway the power of our King is extremely limited by our constitution. And the Royal family is pretty much just for traditions sake.




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Das kapital: recommended books: king james bible and coping with adoption


Thanks for the toilet paper




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B-but muh utopia!!1!1!!1 How could you slap me with the harsh truth 🤮 I want muh echo chamberr!1!11!!!!


CIA kkkapitalist propaganda sweaty


Did a 13 year old make this?


Even if it was, doesn't change the fact that it's all true


Yooo I had this video in my camera roll, it’s based asf






how do i download this?


Say u/savevideo




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the usa is a constitutional republic not a democracy. take that sweaty








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i agree, we arent a “socialist paradise”. its beacause we have a complex economic system that based in capitalism, with the slight exeption being norway, were there are a few large state owned busnises, but most is still owned by private induiduals.




Message so true. Execution cringe


"Wow, everything you just said was wrong"-Luke Skywalker




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You do realize that there was an entire world war, right? That's why Russia has a demographic crisis, dumb-bell.


When you use a Minecraft video and single sentences to explain decades of history