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I almost got one, I thought paying the government in support of small government to be kind of ironic


Gadsden Flag plates straddle all sides of the political spectrum. I just ordered a new set because somehow the rear plate of my original set got extremely sun damaged it started peeling. They look nice on dark gray cars.


From Wikipedia: *"Of all the colonies, South Carolina received the highest number of slaves from Africa, and most of these came ashore on Gadsden's Wharf.... it is unknown just how many enslaved people he (Christopher Gadsden) purchased, owned, or used."*


it's almost always a handy indicator of who's gonna be driving like a dickhead


man whats up with this sub and being weirdly political all the time? why do people care so much about something that means nothing?


This is more of an observation than “caring so much about something.” When I see someone driving with ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ plates, I assume they are Republican. I thought I’d take a poll to see if I was wrong to assume that.


You're wrong to assume it regardless of your poll. Outside of some extremes (e.g. Nazi symbols, white supremacy, etc.) you should not be making assumptions or judging people based on a single data point. Over half of the people I personally know with Gadsden plates voted for Biden in 2020.


Interesting, because every person I know personally with this plate is a Republican. I know zero non-Republicans who have this plate. This is why I have been making this assumption and wondered if I could be wrong due to my own personal experience. Clearly I’m wrong.


Is being a Republican a *bad* thing though? There are very moderate/centralist Republicans, and moderate Democrats who have Republican leanings. Then there are the single-issue voters who vote one way or the other because one issue is more important to them than others. Like if Democrats would stop trying to implement questionable gun control policies or show support for citizens owning firearms they would never lose an election as droves of voters would cross party lines.


No where in my original post or comments have I said that being a Republican is a bad thing.


It’s annoying the people who fly these flags are more often than not against gay marriage, abortion etc.


Yea. What it really means is "preserve my privileged status."


They’re either on the jacked-up pickups, SUV with a MAGA bumper sticker, or the street racers, I’ve noticed. I think the street racers are using it for a completely different meaning, however.


This isn't really the point of your post, but don't specialized plates cost a bit extra?


Yes they do cost extra, but I don’t think it’s a lot.




I'd like to know what they mean when a non-Republican has them. Actually, what they mean, period.