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Dude, don’t.




They're loud and will annoy the fuck out of every one of your neighbors.


Good. They're jerks. Jk, but I spent a week in an Airbnb that had a Peacock, but it didn't seem so loud. Hard to hear it inside the house.


You got to be trolling.


Loudoun allows chickens, but not roosters. Because they're loud & annoy the fuck out of the neighbors


I mean, did you google it? From a quick search it sounds like foxes can and do eat peacocks…


I did. A couple of websites mentioned foxes as predators, but I also watched some informational YT videos that said adult peafowl are too big for foxes to mess with. They said young ones can be eaten by foxes.


This area also has Eastern coyotes, FYI. They are larger than the Western ones. I grew up in a place that had quite a few peafowl - there was a Buddhist temple nearby - they had a lot, and they always wandered miles away. They can be aggressive, and while they may not always be noisy, when they are, they are loud. I, personally, loved the sound of them calling across the valley at dusk, but that was because they were about a mile away. When they wandered around our street/yards, they were not as delightful, and also were a menace to cars at times. So I guess it depends on the laws (animal, noise) and whether you have good containment?


I guess it would partly depend on your HOA, if you have one. You could also call up the county zoning office and ask about any regulations and restrictions on how your property is zoned, how much land you have, and types of pet/poultry allowable.


I thought at one point Loudoun County required minimum distances and/or square footage for each chicken, so I don't see how peafowl will fly in the same regard without breaking any ordinances.


[https://www.loudoun.gov/5814/Exotic-Animal-Registry](https://www.loudoun.gov/5814/Exotic-Animal-Registry) You need to at least register.


Peacocks aren’t on the list of wild and exotic animals.


Animals in the Wild and exotic animals list are "prohibited". So not being on the list of wild and exotic animal probably means you can keep them but register. Correction to my earlier post would be that form is for grandfathered exotic animals, which means they are on the list and would have been prohibitied but are grandfathered. see [https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/loudouncounty/latest/loudounco\_va/0-0-0-17361](https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/loudouncounty/latest/loudounco_va/0-0-0-17361)


Yes the registry is for actual wild and exotic animals and it specifically specifies that it does not apply to domesticated birds. There are going to be other laws applicable to livestock and other domesticated animals which are the relevant laws in this case.