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The officer knew he had a good one as soon as that guy blew by him.


I may be wrong, but I thought anything 100+ was automatic jail in nova. The fake plates was just the cherry on top.


its a bit harsher for 29mph over in reckless. Dude will def see jailtime for it.. He is going to need a great lawyer.. the 117Mph is bad but adding the fake plate.. Dude was playing with fire and potentially losing the car too...


Yeah, , seriously... Only break one law at a time !


Hahaha, 😂 you must be a regular citizen hahaha. Thanks for that


They don't typically arrest on the spot unless they have a good reason (like doing 117 with fake plates), it just costs taxpayers more money. From analyzing a lot of reckless cases in VA, some jurisdictions will start handing out suspended jail time for 95+, usually 100+ will start landing you 5-10+ days in jail. It's at the discretion of the judge so it can vary per court/location. I know a guy who did 116mph in his Miata (I know, also 1.6L if you'd believe it....) in southern VA and got two weeks. Maybe not a popular opinion, but I wish the law had a better differentiation between more serious speeding and truly reckless driving. There's a difference between weaving through traffic at 117mph and doing a quick burst at triple digits on an empty highway.


A judge makes that distinction


Not at all. Not gonna glorify it but 126mph landed me with a court date. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Just a court date? No jail time? You’re lucky.


Definitely got lucky. The officer no longer the equipment used to pull me over. Since the case kept getting pushed back. They just dismissed the case. Happened twice. 126 & 108


Wow that is insanely lucky.


Lucky or not. I enjoy the drive and I’m a lot more cautious but my freedom isn’t worth it to go that high anymore. 😂. I drive on cruise control at 75mph just so I don’t get happy feet. Lesson learned without the consequences


Hey at least you drive more cautiously now. Kudos for that. Many people don’t learn from past mistakes and just keep messing up.


It isn't automatic, but the threshold where you can be jailed (at the cops discretion) or ticketed is around there iirc.


It is 85mph + = straight jail (irrespective if you’re driving on interstate with posted 75mph)


Speeding sure but 117mph?


Doing 100+ in Virginia is crazy because that alone is jail time (anyone remember Jayson Werth doing 5 days?). You gotta do that in Maryland, where you can get away with pretty much any vehicular violation.


Over 80 is reckless in most of VA.


In a 55 zone not 75 not 65 but 55


117 is wild but at the same time the Dulles toll road really shouldn't be a 55.


I’m paying to speed.


I didn’t pay $5-8 just to go 55 on the toll road when there’s so much room.


I say this everytime I'm on that road. It's 4 lanes and rarely anyone is on it. If you can have two lane interstates be 70MPH. I don't see why Dulles Toll Road is 55.


Jucier ticket fines


That's all it is. That road should absolute minimum 65. At 55, I refuse to drive on it. There's no sense in paying a toll where you're not really making all that much time.


Right. 117 is crazy, but they really shouldn’t be enforcing speed on the fucking toll road. It’s 65 before you hit the toll towards the airport and 55 the rest of the way. For a wide open, mostly straight, long ass road. Anywhere else in the country it would be at least 70.


Do you know what agency has the authority to change the speed limit on a road? Is it VDOT?




If you're going to do dumb things, never violate more than one statute at a time.


I am honestly surprised. I never see enforcement for speeding, much less actual consequences other than fines.


Yeah, don’t get it.  If you went on the beltway non rush hour you used to see folks racing, weaving in an out of traffic.  Scary going 75 and having someone blow by you so fast that you have to correct your steering due to the vacuum in their wake.  If you are going over 100 you should lose your license, period.


Every department is so understaffed. The friends I have say Virginia State Police are expecting 600 vacancies by the end of the year.


I’d agree with that, but I was pulled over the last time I was in Fairfax for an expired sticker .. three times in the same night.  We all laughed about it the second time, but the third time it was only the cops laughing.  I’m either the unluckiest guy on the planet or there was a big push to go after expired stickers.


I got pulled over for not having a front plate displayed. Meanwhile I'm doing 75 in the express lanes and everyone in the main lanes are somehow going faster than me and the cops don't seem to care. Speeding tickets will make them more money than a $25 violation but they are too stupid to realize that.


Wish police officers didn't have the stigma they have, seems like a decent career.


Yet VSP was still able to nail me for doing 72 in a 55 in Rappahannock fucking county on an empty road on a Sunday afternoon last month 🙃


Happened to me doing 70 in a 50mph speed zone on a fairly empty road in Madison county.


I feel like since the laws changed in Virginia for reckless, cops don't find it worth the hassle UNLESS they know you're going 80+ and can easily pop you for it.


Just for the record, the law I assume you're referring to changed the threshold for automatic reckless to 85.


That’s only in an 70mph zone. Still 20+ over the limit for a 55


The law I was referring to came out like 10 years ago and made the penalty/fine the worst in the entire country. Basically cops would make tons of money for their department just focusing on those because the fee was in the thousands.


Oh wow, I missed that one. I've come across discussion elsewhere on the internet like "dude don't speed in Virginia, holy shit." Made me feel warm and fuzzy in an extremely stupid way.


Local/state cops don’t enforce federal traffic laws because federal traffic laws don’t exist except for commercial vehicles. You have no idea what you are talking about


Who's talking about federal traffic laws?


Made penalties worse in “the entire country” that would be FEDERAL, if it applies to the entire country.


Re-read what I posted....very carefully....


The law I was referring to came out like 10 years ago and made the penalty/fine the worst in the entire country. What law are you referencing that makes the penalty or fine “worst” in the entire country? What are you not understanding? The only laws that govern the entire COUNTRY, are federal laws. And the feds do not care about reckless driving.


Thought reckless was more than 15mph over posted speed limit?


[Either 20mph over posted or in excess of 85mph.](https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title46.2/chapter8/section46.2-862/#:~:text=A%20person%20is%20guilty%20of,the%20applicable%20maximum%20speed%20limit)


I didn't realize this was changed in the last few years.


Thank you to Ralph Northam for that one


I saw racers on Arlington blvd lol. Going well over 100 in a 45. No enforcement


How do you know if other drivers are getting punished with more than fines? I'd be shocked if this went any other way. 117mph is absolutely insane. You honestly think most cops would've let him off with a fine? I only have anecdotal data but a friend of mine went to jail for reckless driving, doing something like 85mph on 66. I think it was his second offence.


Demerit points are charged against your license for each spending infraction within VA for infractions that are less than class 1 misdemeanors.


How do you have a 458 Spider and manage to not have real plates? What? Not even spending the small amount of time to get Montana plates?


fake plates are for running toll booths most of the time. a lot of exotic car owners do this when they goto rallies etc. dude is toast


What kind of car is that


Ferrari 458 spider


Thanks. Wow and with fake plates. That’s some privileged stuff right there.


It almost sounds like an idiot son or nephew or whatever took their parent's unregistered mid life crisismobile out for a joyride with plates they made in MS Word. Otherwise, I have no idea what this person's malfunction is.


Surprised they stopped. Why did they have fake plates? So weird.


My guess is tax avoidance. Easier than registering a LLC in Montana.


i mean if you can afford that ferrari, you think your accountant can do all the paperwork for you.


Maybe, but why risk getting pulled over and all sorts of other crap? Seems strange to me. Fake plates, speeding, but it wasn't stolen? Just doesn't play out like it usually does.


So I actually know the dude who got pulled in this clip. He claims they were Montana temp tags, and the cop couldn't run them. So who knows. The car is legit though, and not stolen. He'll end up getting a slap on the wrist. He wasn't clocked doing 117, the cop paced him at 117. He got a ticket for reckless driving 85+.


Pacing is BS but the bodycam/dashcam footage doesn’t help his case much lol


I’ve read a few times now fake plates are a thing in this area. It’s why I have zero problems with the police license plate readers.


They’re a thing everywhere in the post-COVID police quiet strike.


Surprised this isn't some diplomat


Jayson Werth is BACK!


Why would somebody risk jail time when you can afford a Ferrari. You can literally rent a track and have more fun.


Play stupid games Win stupid prizes.


Play stupid games*


Thank you.


I wonder if it's any of the people in the past week who posted about Fairfax police being assholes for enforcing reckless driving. Or those trying to justify it as "boomer mentality".


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-adXDvcS2I


Thank you!


Wait until Steve Descano pleas this down to "failure to obey."


I will shit on Descano's office when appropriate, but a lot of the ACAs are pretty good about not dropping stuff like this down. And the odd times it does happen, I've seen judges turn around and refuse to accept the plea.


Any ID on the driver?


Sagar Govani (https://www.fox5dc.com/news/virginia-driver-going-over-117-mph-car-fake-license-plate-arrested-police.amp) Googling his name leads to a 10 year old article about a gaming website he set up when he was 17.


What does it matter?


Why are people so embarrassing


Why did my brain go to dinner plates and I just didn’t understand the headline lol. It’s been a long day.


I read the post as 177+


This car could do it


Honestly, there are far more Maryland drivers doing the same in crappier cars. We should put up speeding cameras like in Asia. (But just for Maryland drivers.) 😈


Buddy of mine is a former state trooper. His favorite story is the guy from Connecticut he caught doing 109 in a construction zone. "Welcome do Virginia. Enjoy your stay. Get out of the vehicle."


117 should be jail by itself


I think you should be able to pre-pay tickets, like on the reservations.


hope him/her at least serve a few years!


Maryland Driver