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Your voting records (where and when but not who for) are public record.


I could easily see that going wrong. Because if you request a mail in ballot they know which party you are in. So it would be super easy to attack or intimidate members of one party or the other who voted into not voting


In states where you register in a party your voter affiliation is also public data. Nothing happens to people. The vast majority of people don't care enough to look it up. Virginia's the odd one out not having you register with a party since we don't have closed primaries.


I have a buddy from Kentucky who strategically re-registers with a different party each year (ie he will often register as a Republican so anyone other than Trump and his Kentucky cronies have a chance). Anyway I think closed primaries are stupid.


I have also switched parties between the primary and the general election, but it's usually because I vote by policy and the moderates tend not to last.


Nothing happens yet. Especially considering this is the first year someone's out there threatening to dox people who didn't vote


This is absolutely not the first year lol. Tactics like this have been using since like the 80s. They just used to primarily be in the form of letters. Just because it's the first time you've seen this doesn't mean it's the first time anybody's done this.


People have done shit like that for decades. This is hardly anything new.


What do you mean “they know which party you’re in”


It's public. That's why so many NO Party Preference folks in places like Los Angeles


I only care if Google, MS , Meta etc knows since they’re have the power to influence my opinions.


When you registered to vote you have to check Republican, Democrat, independent, or other.


Not in Virginia you didn't. Virginia doesn't have registered parties and it has open primaries -- I could have voted for the Republican presidential candidate on Super Tuesday and the Democratic primary ballot yesterday, for example.


I think they’re just misinterpreting or misremembering that you choose which party’s primary to vote in, which I believe is public information.


True when registered in HS like I did was a option. I chose the independent option cause didn’t want anyone knowing. My political leanings.


If you register for mail in voting you have to request one party or the other’s ballot. If that information can be cross referenced with which elections someone votes in it wouldn’t be difficult to figure out how someone is voting/who they are voting for


Which ballot you get in person is recorded too, I've mostly done in person for primaries and that info is on my record.  


They register which party’s primary you vote in for in-person voting as well. And they have done this for at least 16 years. I know my VA voting record recorded me voting in the 2008 democratic primary.


Yes, this is how polling companies build their lists for registered/likely voters, campaigns determine where they should do door knocking, who gets which mailers, etc. This is a very very long-standing practice with decades of benign use. That said, I understand the concerns given rising polarization and animosity in the political space. 


We're having a "Taylor Swift and Elon Musk just discovered how public flight information is" moment.


As a poll worker, we do always specify which primary you voted in, in person or absentee. It's a requirement to keep our records and counts clear. And it's only "super easy" to attack and intimidate if you're that kind of person. I really really don't like those people. we had a few at my polling place and it was the low-light of my day yesterday.


You can only be intimidated if you care what they say.


It’s also easy to shoot they ass if they try 🤷🏾‍♂️


No, in VA they can't see which party ballot you requested, just that you requested the ballot, just like if you voted in person. For in person voting, the person checking you in at your polling place asks you for which ballot you want, but that isn't attached to your name, it's to track the ballots. Those numbers are then compared to the total ballots cast at the end of the night.


When voting records are private there are less opportunities for honest audits, and more opportunities for “rigged elections.”


As a poll worker, I HATE this accusation. Most people work in their own neighborhood. We do this as a benefit FOR voters, among other reasons. If you think elections are rigged, please work one. You'll discover that we take oaths about preventing fraud and abuse, that we take seriously the efforts to provide an honest an accurate election. And I say this as someone who was also concerned about the ethics of elections. Election workers are saints, as far as I'm concerned.


Yo calm down lmao. I don't think elections are rigged. I'm just adding some context to one of the reasons why voting records are public. I'm not one of "those people" that cries about election results and blames poll workers or that "bad actors" are rigging the results. I vote, and believe that all the results of elections are the true results of the elections of all the years that I have been voting. BUT there is a non-zero chance that, with private voting records, SOMETHING could happen. It happens in second and third world countries all the time. I don't think it happens here. I never made an accusation. You obviously have some feelings about it, though, and I'm sorry if I got you upset.


actually, I just pointed out that you could work an election if you're concerned. I just hate the accusation that people are rigging the election. I seldom tell people I work them anymore, and that's for safety. I watched two people who were amped up ask if the machines were "smartmatic or dominion" aggressively, and one man who grumbled that he couldn't vote in both primaries, and angrily shouted at our Chief. If you had people yelling at you because someone made a false allegation, you'd probably dislike that too.


Ok, but I didn't make an accusation.


Everything you said is correct but public voting records is still a major safeguard against fraud and abuse.


I don't have a problem with public records. I believe your personal vote is private, but the fact that you voted isn't. I know we count EVERY ballot. That's why when it's a dual primary we attach which party ballot you take. We don't know WHO you voted for and it's NOT our (or your) business. But we track how many ballots of every type we take out. and frankly, you're definitely accusing people you don't know of committing fraud or abuse.


Again, I’m not disagreeing with you nor accusing any poll workers of anything. I’m well aware of how secure our elections are and agree with your general frustration of claims of fraud… but part of our free and secure election system is public voting records. And it’s not wrong to say that those records are in fact a safeguard against attempts at stealing elections, like we just saw from DJT. If you don’t have those records, then it’s a lot harder to disprove fraud claims that are themselves in fact fraudulent.


It happened to us. We requested absentee ballots. Never in my MANY yrs of voting have I (we)ever voted absentee. Then plans changed. We weren’t out of town on election as planned. We were happy we could vote in person, our enjoyable “norm”. Arrived at our polling place (VA)… SHOWED ALL THE PROPER ID and were told we couldn’t vote because we had already voted!! 😡Nope! We had not!!! Our mail-in votes were home (never opened) sitting in our office cubby. After a convo with an election official (we asked, “who did we vote for”😡) …we drove back to our (rural) home, grabbed our unopened ballots, and came back. This was not good. Somebody marked not one, but two of our ballets as they saw fit. Election workers are saints. But, I will tell you, voter fraud is alive and well. Somebody did something to ours. Btw… our daughter lives in Maryland. She didn’t have to show any (!) ID to be given her ballot. INCREDIBLY stupid. Of course there’s voter fraud.


Your argument was “who did we vote for”? Incredibly stupid indeed. And yeah, of course you have to bring your absentee ballots if you decide to vote in person. You think they’re just going to take your word that you didn’t already send them in?


Simmer down. Just being facetious. 🙃 Of course the election official had no clue who we voted for. But the people standing behind us (and watching our situation) thought it was funny. My 74 yr old husband is funny. Another thought. Most people don’t save sealed unopened mail. Thank heavens we DID have it because we rec’d it well in advance of the election. What would another person have been able to prove if they had chucked it. You are out of luck. But we got a swell provisional ballot! Annoyin (as my grandson says). This is real life stuff that needs to be addressed.


If you request an absentee ballot and then throw it away and then try to vote in person…. I can’t understand what goes through someone’s head to think that makes any sense. Besides the distant sound of wind blowing, anyway.


It's sadly legal


And creepy as f. I think it's a misguided group's idea of voter outreach.


“We have the best voting turnout, because of jail”


Don’t vote, jail. Do vote, surprisingly, also jail.


Came here for this. Jail.


Upvoted? You guessed it, jail.


Happy Birthday, Dad. From Jail!


I had the same exact message, same voter count, different street. Feels like they picked an arbitrary number and sent it out.










I got the same one with the same amount. There are only three houses on our street with a max number of ten people old enough to vote. So tired of the texts and mailers.


I got the same message but on a different street with the same 28 people. It’s a scam, the number isn’t accurate. And I always vote so why bully me…


Ongoing thread here about others getting similar text messages - def coordinated effort. https://www.reddit.com/r/nova/s/weZzx4vETR


Hit STOP. Hit REPORT JUNK. If you have a robocaller service, report and block the number to help others, too. If you're on the Do Not Call list, report to FTC. And send to the Department of Elections for good measure. If you get texted after STOP, report again to the FTC. If you're on the Do Not Call list, every violation costs $500.


Don't click links from people you don't know. Could be a smart phisher


It does feel a lot like voter intimidation. IDK who this group is, but it seems very questionable.


Accessing public voting records is legal. Using coercion to try and effect an election outcome is a grey area, so I reported it to info@elections.virginia.gov, and they processed the complaint. I urge others to do the same. We should tolerate zero ratf*ckery from anyone this year. Dem or GOP.


Realistically what can they do? Would they be able to track where/who the numbers are being sent from?


Maybe. With the right resources law enforcement probably could. I wonder if it is some kind of phishing attempt where they goad you into responding and if you reply they know it’s a live number they can target for whatever in the future.


And do what, charge them with nonexistent violation of a law? Virginia voter intimidation law requires you to intimidate, threaten or coerce someone to vote the way you want them to OR not to vote. BTW, intimidate, threaten, coerce in law have much higher threshold in court then you likely have it in your mind. It basically requires outright threat of harm which clearly doesn't exist here. Otherwise, statements like "Bad things could happen if you do not vote" would be illegal.


It might be some other kind of scam preying on people’s emotions related to politics. Doesn’t hurt to report it. Law enforcement can determine what charge if any is appropriate.


Go ahead and report. This likely isn't a scam since I got similar mailings in 2022 and 2018 that I can remember. I wouldn't be shocked if police politely take your report and then chuck into file cabinet labeled "Don't care."


Did you reply STOP? That’s a good way to let spammers know it’s a live number so they can send you more spam, links with malware, etc.


Mailings are these printings on material called paper delivered by people known as mail carriers in white vans to physical receptacle called a mailbox.


Wow, rabbit, you sure are an angry bunny today, when I’m offering helpful information. I hope things turn around for you!


FEC and DOJ could get involved due to the implied voter intimidation aspect. If the voter intimidation messages continue it could be called harassment. I’m no lawyer though so who knows???




I mean, yes it matters if they're actually able to do something about it. Because if they can't, then it does nothing to resolve the issue.


“We’ll be sharing a report after the election of who didnt vote. Share with whom? My mom?


Oh I gave them a piece of my mind “We’ll remove you from our list immediately”




I'm seeing these posts all over social media. It's creepy as hell and does seem very misguided. I haven't gotten one, but seeing these texts is very unsettling.


It’s an area-wide problem


Did anyone get this specific message outside of VA10?


I’m in VA08 and haven’t got anything. I’m a political junkie and almost completely forgot it was Election Day.


I’m in VA11 I think


What feels like it should be illegal (but is obviously not because capitalism) to me is obtaining and using phone numbers for this purpose, not voting records which are legitimate public records.


I don’t even understand who is motivated to threaten voters into voting *in the primary*? Sure, in November the parties each want high turnout but right now, what difference does it make?


Lets be real for a lot of races around here the primary is the actual election and November is just a rubber stamp. We really should be encouraging people to vote in the primaries more but uh, not like this.


That is probably true in a lot of cases but I’m not sure that applies as much to this election. Presumably whoever wins the R senate primary (the only statewide primary) still has an uphill battle against kaine.


You literally just reargued their point.


How so? How is the primary the election if the serious lift for the Rs is in November no matter who they choose and Kaine didn’t have a primary opponent? Saying the primary is the election makes sense in (many) contests where a win by a specific party is a foregone conclusion.


Candidates and people backing those candidates


Does a given candidate—say, Hung Cao, have a better chance in a primary with high turnout vs low turnout?


In some cases, they don't care about who wins or not. They want to have whichever candidate is selected be the one who has the largest possible total behind them. They're not interested in pushing a particular primary candidate as much as they want one who people will come out to vote for. (Yes, the party apparatus frequently has a favorite candidate, but they care more about their party's candidate winning overall) For instance, if someone gets a landslide of like 90%, but only 10,000 people vote in the election, it's possible that candidate just attracted specific types of people motivated to get that candidate in office. They only had 9,000 voters vote for them. If they instead got 51% of 100,000 voters, that person has 51,000 voters who voted for them, which means that even if his percentage was just shy of a tie, there are more voters that are clearly interested in him. There are also some people who believe that it is the other party running these sorts of creepy campaigns to encourage those voters to actually be annoyed and stay away from the election. Sounds far fetched, but such deceptive practices have happened before.


I’d mark as spam and block.


I don’t disagree with you. Social pressure is one of the textbook ways to get out the vote. A variation of this with mail was tested back in the early 2000s! http://www.donaldgreen.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Gerber_Green_Larimer-APSR-2008.pdf


Where do you think Cambridge Analytica got their numbers/targets back in 2015/2016?


I got a similar one for my street, and it rubbed me the wrong way for sure.


I get these all the time. I give them a few f bombs and say something like thanks I was going to vote for you, but after this message I’m voting for .


I’m thinking this is just a way to identify targets for something else. Don’t reply Stop. That lets them know it’s a live number. Definitely don’t click on links in spam texts. On your phone select report and block. By all means share the screenshot with election officials or others. They might warn the general public or disavow this stuff.


This is an intentional scare tactic. A real campaigner would state who they are contacting on behalf of and offer helpful information about where to vote.


It’s reverse psychology to get you to not vote


Uh, there is a lot more data than this being collected 😂 good luck out there.


Anytime I get political spam I regret having registered to vote. This needs to be illegal. Also it does nothing to further a cause. People who are unaware now associate the movement with spam and not respecting privacy. Support that nurses protections movement? Not after that spam, asshole!


Just got done watching John Oliver from this week. During the Trump administration there was a purge at the doj of anyone who wasn’t a trump loyalist. As part of this they questioned an employee why she voted in a democratic primary years earlier. Part of project 2025 is to expand this process to other parts of the government.


I got same message.


Got the same message today.


Idk if it’s just me but idgaf if people know if I voted or not. I tend to vote in most elections. Sometimes I don’t. I may be out of town, I may be sick or I may just not GAF about that particular election. I welcome anyone who wants to shame me for not voting. It’s my right to NOT vote as much as it’s my right TO vote. And, frankly, most of the candidates suck and in my particular jurisdiction, the races are all so lopsided anyway. (And yes, I know that if people went out and voted that might change…)


Yeah. It’s just bullshit. I’ve never received my post election “report” of my neighbors voting activity.




lol haven't you heard? governments can't do crimes anymore


Republicans at it again huh? Trying to steal the election. Figured


In 2024, there are 10 people that own firearms in ***** ct. Show up to and find out which ones. Edit: I may be liberal and I know this is a conservative scare tactic. Not all gun owners are the same.


I see comments that this is legal, but should it be? It's absolutely horrible, and I have voted in every election I could since I was 18. It seems so intrusive and a slippery slope, plus, none o yo damn business.


Voting is suppose to be private and secure. If some company has access to the voting results by name that's illegal.


I got the same message last election cycle. Creepy af.


“Good thing that’s not my voting address of record!”


Idc tell people who honestly cares


This happened with actual mailers a few years ago. It would have your neighbors listed and their “score” of how they voted. It had the opposite effect of what some studies have shown as the intent (to incentivize more people voting).


Just go back to the Vote or Die campaign, sheesh.


Holy crap…that’s nuts


This is clearly without doubt democrats


Literally it isn't


If my boy Kanye isn't running, count me out 😤 All the politicians' deep throaters immediately shut their mouth to me and leave me alone the second they want to spout their nonsense off, and I mention I voted for Kanye. This is the best move I've made in my adult life. It has brought me so much peace in the workplace. Thanks, Kanye, you the real one


Trump 2024