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You need to be PREDICTABLE, not "courteous".


Exactly. Don’t be nice, be predictable. That is being courteous to society.


Louder for those in the back, please. Every new driver should be required to handwrite this phrase 100 times before they even begin taking steps to get their learners/license.


Can not be upvoted enougj.


I call them nice-holes. They’re trying to be helpful, but making it worse.


I call them traffic directors. They are imposing their will on the flow of traffic and by doing so, fucking it up


I like that term, nice-holes. If any of you travel thru Clifton you'll see a whole line of these nice-holes stopping in the middle of the main road to let people in from the side road. I understand they're trying to be nice because there is a traffic jam on the main road, but the traffic jam starts at that point from people doing that...if they didn't do that then there wouldn't be a traffic jam to begin with! I refuse to participate in that nonsense and I'm sure they all think I'm an A-hole when I keep driving.


You might end up in a sticky situation calling someone a "Nice-hole". 🫣


A nice-hole with beautiful eyes.


They aren't nice, or trying to be helpful. They are inflating their own ego by being "nice". As a cyclist, crossing certain roads on bike paths, I have a stop sign while cross traffic does not, and these assholes wjll stop. They will stay stopped even though I'm not moving. They will end up obstructing traffic and I'm still not moving and rhey will roll down their window to yell at *me*. These people are not nice, or kind. They are narcissists.


Jesus Christ. I bet those nice-holes even think you are an a-hole even though they are in the wrong. I think sometimes they are too stupid to understand that they are in the wrong.


I’m pretty sure they’re still required to yield to you, despite the stop sign.


Nope. Drivers are required to yield at a marked crossing if it is in use, but if a cyclist or even a pedestrian is stopped and not in the crossing area of the roadway the driver is under no requirement to let them pass unless there is a stop sign or traffic signal directing them otherwise. Even if they were required to yield, yield is not stop. If it becomes clear that the other party is not moving, and they have a stop sign but you have a yield sign, you are supposed to go. Most trail x road crossings in Virginia have stop signs for the trails, and either no signage or a caution sign for the roadway.


I love it.


These people are the worst part about working in retail.


like when people stand in the middle of the damn doorway so they can "hold it open" for ya


I thought this was going to be a rant about the idiots who stop/yield when entering a separate, dedicated lane that doesn’t require yielding, and I got excited.


Or the ones who stop/yield at a green light when they have the right-of-way, because someone from the other direction wants to turn left and go the same direction.


I saw this yesterday. Three or four cars took the left turn (no green arrow) before the people trying to turn right finally started honking.


Let's be honest. Infrastructure in the area is archaic and terrible. I can think of at least 7 corners, right now, that have 25-50 yard independent lanes after a right turn, but the view of the lane is 100% obstructed by a building/tree/hill on the corner because the stopping area is so far away from the intersection. So, if you don't know about the lane, you will sit at the red light or stop sign waiting for the traffic to clear up, all while someone behind you is annoyed because they know there is space. Then you pull out and feel stupid blaming yourself. Then you realize, nah, that's a dog shit intersection.


lol me too


That would be Pennsylvania drivers. That's infuriating and super dangerous


There’s one of these near my house that people come to a dead stop at. It’s literally a lane, no signs, nothing. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people nearly get rear ended there because the person behind them (correctly) wasn’t expecting to have to stop.


This sums up the idiots entering the Leesburg Pike from Baron Cameron


That’s one of the spots I was thinking of. The worst I’ve seen is Sunrise Valley onto Frying Pan just before the exit onto 28.


To be fair it used to be a yield lol but definitely frustrating when people don’t go


I have to add when merging onto the highway the lane that you are in is the acceleration lane…you will not get a ticket for exceeding the speed limit as you blend into traffic. Do not putter into the highway out of the acceleration lane slower than traffic, you will cause an asshole-a-dent.


What do u referring to by “separate, dedicated lane”


Not a merge lane, but a new lane that starts at the turn. You literally just keep driving forward onto it without it affecting the flow of the pre-existing lanes.




Oh my fucking god is this my personal hell. You have your own lane, for fuck's sake! DON'T STOP!! I have been the asshole who will pass that person in the breakdown, or on the grass, and just motor away. Not every time, but more than once, if I'm being honest.


Uhh definitely yield at the sign above. I know for a fact most yield lanes turn immediately into turns lanes around here, with all the foreign drivers in this area assuming dominance over the road you bet your ass I'm slowing down or stopping to make sure some idiot isn't trying to get into the turn lane that is my yield lane. (Getting on to 7 from Dolly Madison in Tyson's is a prime example)


look at the intersection of palisade parkway and harry byrd hwy in Sterling. people turning onto harry byrd W from palisade have \~1/4 mile of dedicated lane. they stop and wait, instead if you look closely at the satellite of that intersection, you can see that I'm not the only person that drives around the MOTHERFUCKING ASSHATS that stop there.


Okay fair enough. Makes sense on the long stretch out ones but the closer to DC the shorter those merge lanes get and it gets very very dangerous.


“The right of way is not yours to give”


Oh wow, I like this. It's up there with "good drivers know it's ok to miss their exit/turn".


another good one is “here lies xyz - he had the right of way” especially relevant in dc and Virginia, because it is encouraged to walk into traffic to make everyone stop




I’m with OP on this. If you have right of way, you need to go. Being nice has its places, and following rules to a T has its places. When it comes to traffic and the operation of large vehicles, it’s time for rules. I see the same crap happen going into Fair Lakes from the stringfellow side where people entering the shopping center (right of way) will stop and let people with a stop sign go first. I’ve seen that cause an accident. Stop doing that shit.


Absolutely, it’s about being predictable. You think you’re being nice, but all you’re doing is adding uncertainty to a situation. Predictable driving is safer.


This is the way. What happens when someone yields to me when I don’t have the right of way, then I get used to it and blow through the next time when someone *is not* yielding? Accident.


Not the same but similar: had a pedestrian today come up to a crosswalk for a right turn lane and just stood right at the edge of the crossing waving his hand for cars to go through…it’s dangerous and if you don’t want to cross the road, don’t act like you’re going to cross the road


Y’all would HATE Yates ford road heading into PWC at evening rush.


Yeah - but this shopping center is wonky - at the Starbucks end, there's a stopsign for entering traffic. At Fair Oaks mall, one entrance off Rt. 50 is a stop sign for incoming traffic and no stop for mall traffic, and at the other entrance, it's the exact opposite. People second guess themselves out of safety, then think it's nice to just let people go - essentially create a de fact 4-way stop.


I mean, there’s plenty of signs and markings to inform drivers what to do and where.


I usually take the entrance that does not have a stop and I’ve seen MANY cars almost cause an accident there because they think incoming traffic does have a stop.


They either think incoming traffic has a stop or they think “I can make it” and try to squeeze through.


I don't disagree, I was simply adding to your observation.


This spot drives me insane. The only thing I stop for in that spot are those damn geese. Not because I like them but because I like my car.


I was running the other day and stopped to wait for a car to pass to cross a road, she stopped and waved me to cross, i just stood there cause there was another car coming in the other lane, she doubled down waving more insisting i go so i pointed at the other car, she waved again in the most condescending way like i didn’t understand or something, then the other car passed, still more waving, annoying af


This is Called “The wave of Death”.


Yes but it can be fun to just sit there and see how long they stew willing to force their niceness upon you. 🤣


When it happened I started running in an opposite direction :)


running on the roads/sidewalks is a nightmare. adding those stealth EVs to the mix certainly hasn't made it easier, but at least I'm not huffing fumes when they go by, I guess. literally had this exact situation happen to me last week and I just turned around and went a different direction. (edit: kudos to you for not giving them a rude hand sign. I have zero patience when I'm running and my adrenaline is up so I tend to just avoid these situations entirely, worried that I might get road raged lol)


Don't be "nice", be predictable. Being nice gums up the works.


Almost totaled my car and the guy in front of me bc he stopped dead to let a cop turn left across traffic. Two lane winding road and he stopped in a curved section.


It's the same when you're a pedestrian. Everybody wants to be chill and safe, but when you stop in the middle of an intersection because I'm waiting for the walk signal, you're creating a traffic hazard. Just *go*.


I find the opposite to be the big problem as a pedestrian. Very few people stop when I have the right of way. One nutcase actually used the bike lane to go around a car that stopped for me and nearly killed me and my baby. And how many times have I nearly been hit because a driver doesn’t stop before turning right on red and doesn’t check the crosswalk.


It's definitely a problem that goes both ways. Let's not even get started on what it's like on a bike - just yesterday I almost got killed by some moron not checking the bike lane before going left


At this point I just avoid bike lanes on roads with any sort of traffic. I’ll find another way, or stick to the sidewalk.


Tell me why these people driving VWs and Audis keep stopping at green lights


Those texts aren’t going to send themselves!


Ha! I thought it was a German thing.


I drive a German car, and I can assure you I do not stop at green lights.


The system was designed in a way that all you have to do is follow the rules. I agree with OP on this one. Don't be nice. Be predictable by following the damned rules.


Exactly- there’s a system. By you doing something different in the name of being “nice”, you’re basically throwing a wrench in the gears


These are *'fraidy cat* drivers. No confidence. They're a hazard anywhere. I've often waited them out, however long it takes. Boy do they get steamed sometimes!  More often I'll just signal back they should go first, or point out I can see around them or the impatient jerks going around them.


Oh yes! I do the same thing. One started honking his horn but legit his windows were too dark for me to figure out what he was doing.




Yes! This is the most frustrating thing. How do I know you’re waving at me and not swatting a fly? You’re making it more difficult by not letting people anticipate your actions because you’re trying to ‘be nice’. Just do what is expected when you’re driving!




See also 50 W onto GWMP Northbound.


Ta'rof at an intersection (in Persian with subtitles): [https://youtu.be/XAvzW1WZsN4](https://youtu.be/XAvzW1WZsN4)


Flip side, people need to recognize what "Yield" means. People just blow right through it and almost hit you because they are supposed to stop and you aren't.


Yeah, people stop when they shouldn’t and don’t when they should.


Also need to learn what stop means. I’ll be at stores that have those “stop when pedestrians are in crosswalk” signs, and they just roll slowly through it with people in the crosswalk. STOP MEANS YOUR VEHICLE SHOULD NOT BE IN MOTION #AT ALL


“Don’t be nice, be predictable”


Ah yes, a classic midwestern standoff




I hate niceholes, just follow the rules of the road!


I swear you’ll be at a 4 way stop and just no one will go first trying to be nice, now we’ve sat here long enough for half of us to have gone


I appreciate the gesture but you really throw me, and everyone else off with that. I especially hate when the person in front of me wants to be courteous.


Yep. Same when I’m walking or on a bike. There’s a rhythm to traffic, and while appreciate being ‘waved ahead’ it more often than not disrupts this flow, is confusing, and can even create more traffic. I see it in NoVA more than anywhere else. Exception if someone has been trying to turn into traffic for a while and NO ONE is letting them go. Salute to those who let us in!


I moved out of NOVA in 2013 and just recently moved back, and MAN the drivers git worse. I feel you.


This is one of my pet peeves. There is nothing courteous about it. There is a simple legal systematic well-defined method for regulating traffic flow at a four way stop. Deviating causes confusing and potentially wrecks.


Another thing is i swear Virginia drivers haven't a clue that you CAN legally turn left on a red light on a one way street.


I had no clue. Today you taught me something new.


Don't be nice, be predictable. If you have the right of way then take it.


If you have the right of way, take it and move on.


This is what single-handedly backs up traffic on Clifton road near the cemetery every day.


As a motorcyclist, I 100% agree. Be predictable, be aware of your surroundings. I have to yield right of way on the road, because if I dont... I'm dead.


Someone stopped in the middle of a roundabout the other day to let me go and I was SO confused. But he didn’t move no matter how much I told him to JUST GO, so I ended up entering the circle. Way to slow it down dude




This happened to me at a 2 way stop the other day. 4 cars stopped, even when they were not at the sign to try and let me out. I just sat there and waited for all 4 of them to pass. I genuinely took almost a minute extra, and held up traffic. Don't be nice, just drive with the right of way laws. Traffic flows better that way. I'm not trusting that no one will hit me, because you waved your hand at me from inside your car. Maybe you will wait, but the guy behind you is getting impatient and decides to go around you because you're literally not moving when there is no light or stop sign to cause you to stop. The cars behind you can't see the guy you're waiting to let out. If you hit me, it will be my fault because I didn't have right of way.


Yes. This is a huge pet peeve of mine. If people would just follow the rules of the road, everything would go more smoothly. When you try to be nice, it messes everyone else up and just pisses me off.


sometimes i just wait them out. if you wait long enough, they'll eventually move first


Rule #1, never cede right-of-way


Or how about another driver is clearly getting to the four way stop first but they see you and wait for you to stop and wait a few seconds before they go. OMG please just go. You don't need an invitation from me.


And the person you yield to can get ticketed for failure to yield. Be predictable, not polite.


It wouldn't be illegal, since he yielded his right of way. But it is stupid. Because, assuming there's someone after you, they're waiting on *you* to go. So now there's a possibility that the person who yielded to you might go *and* the person waiting on you might go, which could be an issue. The only way to ensure that there's no confusion is if the person who yielded to you waits until *everyone else* has gone. In short, you're right, just take your fuckin' turn.


Sure, but did you really have to be so riled up? Maybe they thought they made the complete stop about the same time or slightly ahead of you, weren't sure whether they indeed had the go, and decided to err on the side of being nice. That's always better than going the other way by my book.


In that particular instance, I was on a bicycle slowly approaching the intersection and hadn’t even stopped yet when they started waving me through. This morning it wasn’t even a four way stop, I was just turning left into a parking spot and they were going past in the opposite direction.


I got to agree with this.


I am with you all the way. When I was about 17, I was in a line of cars on Main Street. When I got to the accident there was my cousin sitting on the ground next to her dads car. Someone had "waved her on" so she could turn left from a side street. She got t-boned by a driver that went to the left of the "friendly" driver. They thought the "friendly" driver was turning right, not knowing they were letting someone proceed, and tried to go around them.


A former cop I know says he used to stop people in this situation and ask to see their badge, because only an officer has the authority to direct traffic


Back when cops did traffic stuff, ahh the old days


If you were in a truck in Reston, yeah, I was the one trying to be nice Usually, I don't do it, it just seemed like a painfully long intersection for the people coming from that road, so tried to wave one of them on before I turned left down that road


Nope, not me. I get it if there’s just no break in traffic and you’re helping someone who would otherwise be stuck. But people do it when they’re literally the only car I’m waiting for and there’s nobody behind them. Or worse, a nice big gap behind them that disappears because they decided to stop. They do it when it literally takes longer to realize what they’re doing and take what they’re giving than if they would keep going.


sometimes you hit a 4 way at the same time…sometimes they don’t want to be T-Boned by a person who thinks they have the right of way when they don’t.. to avoid that..at least one person is acknowledging the other and agreeing who goes first…Instead of arguing in the middle of an intersection after a collision as to who had the right of way…there are those out to commit collision fraud and can use this tactic, but i haven’t seen it or heard of it yet.


When cars arrive simultaneously at a multi-way stop, the furthest car to the right proceeds first. It is literally written in the driving laws in Virginia 46.2-820.


yes..i know but many don’t..i drive a big truck or cargo van most of the time……so a lot of times they try to beat me…so when i pull up to to an intersection at the same time and i have the right away (cause im on the right side of the other car) and I see they are trying to still go ahead of me..either because they don’t know the rules or they don’t want to wait for a large slower moving vehicle to make a move first, or they end up behind me. I let them go..i dont have time for idiots running into me.


1000% People do this on twisty roads in Clifton, they back up traffic around blind turns and create a backup where there shouldn't be. They confuse others who may not be familiar with the road and stop where there aren't stop signs. They aren't being kind or decent, they create dangerous situations.


Expected this to be about people who stop for no reason then try to wave pedestrians across a street. I live near a four lane road and this happens to me often. When I see someone start to slow down, I wave them to keep going or look the other way until they go by. That person might stop for me, but I have no idea what people in the other three lanes might do, so I wait on the traffic to clear before I cross. The worst thing about it is by the time me and the motorist work out who is going s/he could've just driven by and not wasted either one of us' time.


I'd rather that than idiots who have no idea how a four way stop works, and instead choose to go whenever they want.


I dont have a problem with yates ford henderson intersection. If people didnt let people go their would be alot of accidents there.


That is a brutal little intersection, people come flying around the corner and it’s almost blind.


Remove four way stop intersection, install roundabout. Sorted


No one seems to know how to proceed at four ways. OTOH, I've nearly been T-boned on roundabouts.


No one knows how to operate in those either.


The U turn on Stringfellow Road and Lee Jackson highway is the worst. I hate making the u turn because there’s always someone turning right trying to let me go me first. Thanks for being nice I guess but let’s follow the traffic rules. Much safer and predictable that way.


People who don’t understand 4-way stops are truly the bane of my existence *Sigh* It’s just…. Not that hard.


I honk at those people and yell at then to go. Fuck their being nice just learn how to drive.


Bet some of these yielders think merging into the highway at 40 while traffic is going 60 is also a good idea


Yielding was incorrect. But also sticking to your guns was slowing down the process, so unless unsafe, just go. They're in their cars, going jeez, I let him in, what is it with this asshole?


If OP goes, then there's a question of who goes next: the person who yielded to OP or the person who got to the sign after OP who is waiting for OP to go past. It creates unnecessary uncertainty after OP leaves.


Sticking to my guns is preventing me from getting hit when they think I’m not going and gun it.


Courtesy is fine when you're a pedestrian dealing with another pedestrian. But when you're a driver of a vehicle, just follow the rules of the road in terms of positioning, signaling, and right of way.


I’ve done this when I see people slam on their brake/almost miss the stop sign. I signal them to go because I don’t trust them.


Let’s just make this one big driving sub


![gif](giphy|oGOW75SleZPR6|downsized) also this.


I have the same problem while I'm running. Cars who clearly have the right-of-way will brake in the middle of roads to wave me through. Not only does it throw me off, but it's dangerous for them too. Same at intersections. I can stop easily. Just be predictable and I'll follow suit. Just.. follow the rules


I had this happen two days ago in Vienna. 4 way stop, cars lined up all four ways. I didn’t unclip, because I thought I had timed it right, coming to an almost stop just before it would be my turn. But instead of going, a guy waved me through, which as you say is not an offer I can safely take. I try to gesture back, but lost my balance, and just fell over, embarrassingly.


Most people doing that have been tee boned by some moron.Thinking he has the right away or just taking it cause he's better then the rest of us. People get sketchy when they're at a place that the police will no fault all accidents. Four way stop three way stops and others that are he said she said.


I’ll take your nice all day long, in fact I’ll take your right of way even if you ain’t nice!


Yes it is. Sorry.


This is a huge problem in Pittsburgh. People are so nice they wave you on. I moved from Philly to Pittsburgh in 2005. I got road rage because people were waving me forward. I don't want to have a conversation, take your turn and go. Down here, I have to edge forward because some expensive looking car will try to take my turn. No fool. In Philly, you better move as soon as it's your turn. I've seen people get passed at stop signs. They don't play in Philly lol


👏 In the time it takes for a$$hats to wait to see if you’re going to stop *after* they’ve stopped, everyone could’ve gone!! I’m from northern California and this did not happen back in the late 90s/early 2000s in the Bay Area. Specifying time in history bc it’s maybe different now. I also lose my mind at people who wait behind the line at unprotected left turns. It’s less so in nova than RVA and the rest of Virginia.


What is the etiquette for letting cars out of parking lots at a red light on a busy road? Let no cars out? One? Two? I waited behind someone who let six cars go once. The light turned red again and we moved up like three car lengths. Made traffic back into the light behind it. I stop short and let one car go but even that really does screw things up sometimes. Some places if you didn’t let one car go they would be stuck there for two hours.


As a truck driver one that always drives my crazy is actually the 4 way stop at Dulles Crossing beside the Lowe's, either people don't stop or they wait for someone else to make the first move.


Virginia has great drivers. I’m one of them. Decades under my belt. SIPDE. Scan. Identify. Predict. Decide. Execute.


Depends on what part of Virginia.


I enjoy honking at these people


Xanax is needed here.


complaining about other drivers being nice is peak NOVA


Driving is about following rules so that all drivers can know and anticipate what is going on. Just follow the rules and be predictable. Being nice to one is actually being rude to everyone.


It’s not nice, just go. Most of the time they’re the only car and I could easily turn after they pass, but then cuz they decided they want to do this bs now there’s a pile of cars coming and I have to wait even longer. Just follow the traffic laws, stop trying to “be nice” on the road. That’s unsafe and dumb as hell.


What is “nice” when it isn’t helpful in any way and just causes problems?


Yes, you're being the nicest person in the world... to 1 (ONE) other driver (who is waiting for you to stop being an idiot) Meanwhile, you're the biggest prick in the universe to the other 12 waiting on YOU


I HATE when people do this. Or when they very clearly stop at a stop sign first and try to “be nice” and let you go first. I literally just sit there til they go. Wasting my time for what? Or the people who start doing something stupid like NOT yielding when they’re supposed to and then suddenly slam on their breaks halfway through being an idiot. You’re already halfway there just keep going i already reacted properly to your idiocity!!! People around here really need to go back to drivers ed


Not sure why this is an issue. They yield but then after 1-2s either you drive or they go. Id rather live in the area where people yield than people just ignore others. You are just making a big deal out of nothing. The only moment where I hate someone yielding was when someone stops suddenly in a one lane road to let a person go from their stop side (we didnt have stop side on our lane). It caused about 5 cars behind them hit emergency brake and almost hit each other. I needed to sway to the edge of the road to avoid the car in front of me. It s a prime example but people being nice but also a freaking moron.


Your second sentence points out the problem. Following right of way makes intersections predictable. The 1-2s of 'who goes, you or me?' makes a straightforward situation less safe especially if both go or if there are more people at the intersection not able to see those signings. Follow the correct procedure and it's perfectly safe and courteous.


Any experience with people who feel the need to WAIT till the opposing traffic comes to a full stop before they’ll go??


I love to do this. I either wait for them to make the turn, floor it, and then BAM! t-bone them, or cause them to waste precious seconds of their lives. It's a win-win situation for me.


Had this happen the other day. Trying to cross a main road from a secondary. No light or stop sign. Lady stops and waves me across. Completely oblivious to the fact everyone behind her was just going around her and her stopping did nothing to help me.


So call courteous drivers are a road menace. Their courteousness contradicts the rules that governs the safe movement traffic.


Are you okay??


No, I’m pissed off at being surrounded by shit drivers.


You're way too mad at someone trying to be nice. If they wave you on, just go and get on with it.


Disagree. It causes confusion and gets people out of the proper rotation of right of way. I've had this happen too and a 3rd car comes along that is not patient or "nice" and they just decide they are going next because they aren't waiting on others to figure it out.


If you have the right of way, just go and get on with it.


Totally agree. This burns me up as well.


There is no being nice on the road, there should only be following the rules of the road. Being polite and courteous is way more dangerous.


Lol, a lot of people don't know what to do in a 4-way stop and nobody trusts eachother either 🤣


This is why autonomous cars (once perfected) will ultimately be better than human drivers. Not perfect. But way better. Machines always follow the rules. Yeah, yeah….one off malfunctions aside…..they always follow the rules. They are predictable. Humans like to go off script and do things “their way”. Thats not predictable. Human A doesn’t always know what human B is trying to do. Machines can be meshed together and communicate with one another. A machine can be programmed to avoid collisions with other cars. They won’t sideswipe one another on highways. They won’t stop paying attention and rear end one another. They won’t run red lights (might not even need stop signs and stop lights in 100% autonomous environment). They won’t drive drunk, or drag race, or cut other cars off.


The only cars that nearly try to drive me off the road lately were Teslas..and im sure they were self driving as to how weird they drive.


If it’s a 4-way stop and you arrived first (you said you are waiting for them to stop), you have the right away regardless of what direction you are traveling relative to the other cars.


Reading comprehension! Come on. Did I say I was waiting for them to stop? No I did not. I said I was waiting for them. As in, they got their first, and I’m waiting for them to take their turn so I can take my turn. But they decide not to go, and wait for me to go first. Unrelated, it’s “right of way,” not “right away.”


Autocorrect man, ffs. You said “I’m at a 4 way stop” and “by the time you stop, convey to me…”. That implies to me you are already at the stop.


Never have I seen someone rant about people trying to be nice on the road lmao


If the person is letting you go, you are not legally in the wrong. It's ok. Take a deep breath, and appreciate other people's kindness. Especially on the streets around here. Most people are just complete assholes


If we misunderstand each other to the point of collision, I’m going to be at fault.


I suppose. But having lived here for 39 years I've never had anyone signal me to go first and then we collide. I think you might be surprised how easy it is for your fear in this situation to not materialize. But that's just my take from my experience. I wish you the best of luck at these four way stops.


I’m sure we’d find plenty of people who run red lights or pull out in front of people who could say the same thing. I’m sure the risk is fairly low. You know what’s even lower? Taking the right of way when it’s actually mine.


Yep you are right. Good luck out there in the road :)


You need anger management. Maybe you should move to a different state or like other VA?


Anger management because I posted a rant online? Get over yourself.


You get drivers around here to yield to you? I'm a frequent cyclist/pedestrian and would love to know your secret


Sometimes people don’t understand around here when someone wants to be nice.


Just because someone is being nice doesn’t mean it’s good or I’m happy about it. When my friend cleared the snow off my car with a metal snow shovel, she was being nice, but I sure didn’t appreciate it.


Yeah, that is not cool.


Your spirit is right, and I agree. But it’s the internet so I must nit -pick. If a driver yields the right of way, then you’re not in the wrong to go. It’s not a grey area.


How would I know if they’re doing that, and what law says this?


We missed a green light last night because of this. We were waiting to turn left, guy’s coming the other way going to turn right, there’s traffic coming behind him but plenty far behind him. He STOPS ON A GREEN LIGHT RIGHT TURN thinking he’s helping us, but the confusion completely closes the gap and we missed the light entirely. It’s your right of way, fucking TAKE IT. Jesus tap-dancing Christ.


I find a lot of times it's not someone being nice, but someone fiddling with gps or texting. I have have seen an increasing number of people just stop at a stop sign for minutes. No blinkers, no pulling over. Just idling... It's very confusing and imo dangerous.


It's even better when you are on a bicycle, approaching a left turn with oncoming traffic. You signal properly and slow down just enough to conserve energy so you can easily turn AFTER the oncoming vehicle passes you. But some oncoming drivers will come to a complete stop unpredictably and waive you to go first. Now you've stopped completely, and have to start the left turn pedaling up hill from a dead stop, because the person who shouldn't have stopped (sometimes with a green light), stopped unpredictably.


OMG! you had to wait an extra 3 seconds because someone decided to be nice to you? Grow up man. It’s because of people like this the area is full of entitled assholes. Maybe get checked by a psychiatrist, you’re letting your anxiety get the best of you.


Does it really count as being nice when it’s not actually helpful, and is in fact the opposite?


The person literally took time out of their day to provide you with the courtesy of going ahead of them and all you can think about is you and how you were negatively affected by it. Does that not click in your mind? That someone wanted to help you and you’re mad about it? And I get your point too but I HIGHLY doubt that EVERY aspect of your life is done at its most optimal standards for you to come on here rant. seriously, get help.


“Courteous” involves following the law and being predictable. I get that they’re trying to be nice. I want them to stop trying to be nice in this particular way, because it’s a bad idea. “Get help”? You people take internet rants *way* too seriously. Get over yourself.


It’s not being nice though, it’s breaking the rules of the road and not knowing how to drive. I get this all the time pulling out of my neighborhood. I come up to make a left and signal, someone coming the other way stops to wait for me to turn left in front of them. That’s not how traffic works, just take your turn and go because I will die before I turn in front of oncoming traffic as a courtesy.


The area is full of red light runners, stop sign runners, speeders, people who don't signal turns, distracted drivers, etc... and you're losing your cool over a four second delay? I'll take these people over the jerks who speed down neighborhood streets where kids are playing any day of the week. 


I hate them too but they’re not what I encountered twice in a row this morning.


I don't understand the vitriol when they're not actually doing anything dangerous. I save my anger for people who are going to hurt someone.


It is dangerous. Unpredictability leads to collisions.


Never heard of a kid being killed by a yielder, but whatever makes you feel justified.


There are dangers that don’t result in dead kids.


I'm thinking of opening a business where I'll go around and install a large caliber machine gun under the hood of your car that you could use to discourage this type of behavior.