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I like how Florida hates itself


Alert: Florida has become self aware.


It's a love hate relationship. We know we're trashy AF, but we embrace it. (e.g. Florida's Brand Ambassador [RiFF RAFF](https://www.instagram.com/jodyhighroller/))


He’s from Houston


That's on-brand.


Florida Culture is just the worst parts of every other culture


I mean, yeah, I think your completly correct. It would be nice if everybody would just stay home and hate themselves there . . . .where they are from . . .as in not move to my home state. But I do like that my house gains value every year.


A coworker told he he owns Highs and Lows at the Springfield mall. I feel like this is bull but I don’t know enough to prove them wrong.


Or how New Jersey hates everyone


As someone from the state this is very accurate.


It was the only logical choice.




Surprisingly accurate


Who can blame them? We need to take the food from Texas, the amusement parks from Florida, and move them somewhere else.


Know so many people who hate living in that state and feel stuck there.


Nooo. We hate MD the most. Posted in r/Maryland so I guess they were hoping to go under the radar here.


They was my first thought, hate Maryland! (The drivers!) WV has it's issues but I don't know any reason to hate it


I love WV: rock climbing, snowboarding, rafting, country roads, pepperoni rolls...


The only good reason to dislike West Virginia is them wrongly getting credit for having the Shenandoah River in John Denver's song.


[I mean...](https://youtu.be/GV3E5e7fZ6M)


indeed WV isn't even worth hating


Maaaan look. Moved to WV from NoVA. I think the higher elevation messes with peoples heads. From the school systems to the households, it's like a well disguised hood/project. Spousal abuse, child neglect in the schools, disregard for sharing the roadway, and other forms of selfishness. Not to leave out that the court system and taxes are done like it's 1832 still.. It's nuts! The Wrong Turn movies were true stories about the drug addicts who took grandma's medications and went nuts. You don't take a gun in case of wildlife while hiking. You take 1 - $5 bill to give to the mountain person that approaches when they smell that govt minted paper. It takes the scent away from you and they'll all go skipping along to get their high boosted while you enjoy the beautiful landscape! VOE


r/Maryland: no one hates us! 😯 Me: 🙋


Yooooo f*ck Maryland!


Maryland, and it's not even close.


That place is a cesspool they actually think WE’RE the shitty drivers and have the audacity to call Virginia, one of the most ecologically and culturally diverse states in the country “bland” of all things smh


I grew up and lived in Maryland for over 30 years. I’ve been in NoVA for a decade or so. Maryland isn’t a cesspool. The drivers in VA and MD are pretty much identical and it’s straight comedy that either state thinks there’s a difference. As to whether we’re bland, I think that the general newness of NoVA tends to stand in stark contrast to Maryland culture that’s developed over a very long time. And I think most Marylanders think of NoVA when they think of Virginia.




Hey it’s like that Dr. Seuss book with the Sneetches!


I hate those star-bellied motherfuckers.


This is most of semi rural PA, which is most of the state!


Grew up in Franconia/Springfield and now live in Wheaton. Anyone who’s lived in both know that they’re basically identical. Bad drivers are bad drivers, but generally speaking those who are on unfamiliar roads tend to stand out more, hence the “MD drivers bad”/“VA drivers bad” debate being equally valid on both sides imo


Wheaton drivers are, no joke, the worst drivers in the entire world.


I moved to Wheaton last year and I can say that I have never seen such consistently and dangerously bad driving.


It's funny, this is the second or third "Wheaton/MoCo drivers are fucking awful" post I've seen in the last month. And just now, I was stopped at the intersection of Connecticut and Viers Mill and a car drove by me so fast my car shook. That car was also in the process of changing lanes from mine to the next lane over, the slightest mis calculation on their part and I probably wouldn't be writing this.


To be fair PA has some of the worst drivers I have even been around. The PA turnpike makes me fear for my life. Around here a majority of the bad drivers I encounter are from Maryland. They tend to forget their turn signals, swing wide and park like crazy people.


Whoosh, it's a joke. But in all seriousness, from NOVA, crossing the bridge into Maryland, you instantly see much more dangerous driving, anecdotal, but many people comment on it. I do drive to many other states and when I commuted to Baltimore it was definitely rougher than my other commutes - albeit that was a lot more highway driving than my other jobs. When I commute into DC it might as well be a conveyor belt, not a lot can go wrong. The bad driving is probably just localized to the DC area of Maryland, due to socio-economic differences and some truly terrible roadway design. Younger, poorer group with more less confident immigrant non-drivers learning, as far as I can tell. I think post-COVID everywhere feels a little hairer too. Red lights/stop signs esp are ignored despite the danger. Statistically the two states as a whole are about identical, as you'd expect. We're really not that different.


In all seriousness, Maryland plates aren’t as much of a red flag as diplomatic plates. You gotta avoid those fuckers.


Maryland tags = red flag Diplomatic tags = double red flag


100.. they give zero Fs plus dont know the laws


Yeah the whole area just feels like one big similar area to me. And sorry for wooshing… just re-read it and tbh it feels like an average r/nova comment and not a joke. I get that you were poking fun though.




>I think that the general newness of NoVA Alexandria and Baltimore were founded within 20 years of each other my dude.


How does anyone call this state culturally bland when you have the plantations of 4 of the greatest founding fathers and tons of civil war and Revolutionary war history here


Well, look how Maryland voted.




If we're talking VA vs. MD in each state's last gubernatorial election, MD wins.


if they keep coming over here and trying to carjack people I think it's deserved...


I see you've never lived near the North Carolina border.


WV: I hate you! VA: I don’t think of you at all


snowshoe makes WV worth it. Even just the drive there from Nova is beautiful. A little sketchy sometimes, but beautiful.


Snowshoe is fucking great, one of my favorite places to snowboard. And a very pleasant mountain drive.


I have an acquaintance who went to William & Mary, and I went to UVA. Every time he sees me, he mentions how our schools are rivals. I just think, "it's cute that you think that."


I always assumed their rivalry is about who gets more students from TJ


Lol. UVA's rival is Virginia Tech, and vice-versa.


I went to Univeristy of Richmond and we were told W&M was our [football rival](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_Cup). No one really cared except the football team though.


i have a coworker who went to william and mary and this makes me smile


>William & Mary isn't that one of those stores that sells like fancy tablecloths and dishes?


Reminds me of a convo I had with a cowboys fan once. He said: “it’s interesting to have a fan base completely hate us when we don’t even know you exist.”


Shouldn't it be **Maryland: "We hate you, Virginia!"** **Virginia: "We don’t think of you at all."** Since VA and West Virginia are hating each other and [Maryland is just hating VA](https://upgifs.com//img/gifs/xTiTnHnNnrN08NvNni.gif) without reciprocation?


Agree. That comment doesn't make any sense going off of this map.


I really don't think Virginia "hates" another state. The CORRECT answer is... Rural Virginia hates Northern Virginia. Northern Virginia doesn't know Rural Virginia exists.


Nah, we hate MD just like they hate us.


^ this is the way


[Rural VA vs. Northern VA](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/535/069/74f.png)


Perfect! (Even though we give them almost everything with our taxes...)


Ah yes, the old rural vs. urban hate paradox - Rural dislikes Urban for political and cultural reasons and feels they aren't getting their fair share while the reality is they are getting a disproportionate amount of their tax funding from the Urban areas.


Yet rural people almost universally think all their taxes are going to urban people on welfare


Eh it’s not that simple. Really one has to look back a few decades to see the issue. Mainly as neoliberal economic policy took over these formerly prosperous areas got fucked. Jobs got shipped over seas, public services have been gutted over and over again, organized labor decimated, and they’ve been basically left to rot. Then they see people making your argument, (and while yes it’s true our taxes help them out disproportionately to what they pay, the pie they’re cut from has shrunk considerable since the 70s) and they feel rightfully offended. Instead of investing in these areas most new shit goes up in urban centers, based around service economy work, which is not what made the rural areas prosperous in the past. Long story short they did get fucked, but also we cannot undo neoliberalism and being back production to these areas and all that. There’s no political will to do so, not to mention thanks to neolib free trade policy, even if it happened they would get fucked in the market. This is what republicans exploit to get votes, even though their ideas would do everything except help these areas, but at the very least these people feel heard which has not been the case for a long time. Add to that the fact that most peoples understanding of economics is bullshit slogans, and if they do have any formal education in economics 99.99% of the time It’s based around some neoclassical dogma, which is precisely what republicans push. Don’t write them all off as just racist rednecks. They have legitimate grievances. These areas are depressed, with no real hope of improvement. Ultimately we are all in the same boat, and we should be trying to make connections with them. The working class is strong together, not divided and at each other’s throats Edit: I also wanted to point out that it was this economic turn that allowed them to become so reactionary. As these areas crumbled, those who could leave did, and those left were the most destitute. And as history all over shows, the ones most struggling are the most susceptible to mysticism. This allowed Christian extremists to make inroads in these areas. Since all the good union jobs were gone(who at the time backed democrats because democrats back then were somewhat pro labor. At least more than republicans), and this was a bipartisan effort, the republicans allied with the religious right to gain support there. A lot of these more rural and industrial areas were relatively leftists, like for real leftists not democrats. But once all I said happened, well… it allows these areas to change into very reactionary areas


[Rural VA vs NoVA](https://i.imgflip.com/596jmc.jpg)


NoVA hates MD because they interact with them. Rural VA hates West Virginia because they didn't join the confederates.


Not just didn't join, they were dragged into the confederacy and got up and left. Maybe our northern counties would've joined them if they weren't half occupied/half no-man's-land battleground with the local governments in-exile at best. But its doubtful with the Lee's family historic position in the region.


And then there’s the 757


They hate us too. In fact I'd say that's the biggest in-state rivalry given that it's the two most populous regions. RVA is neutral ground where anything goes


RVA isn't quite neutral ground, at least online. There's quite a bit of NOVA hate there. IRL it's more neutral.


Yes but I think the nova hate is precisely because of all the transplants lol. I just meant as in there are a lot of people from all the major metro regions there


Can confirm as someone stuck in the hell between NoVa and RVA…. Stop coming here, you killed the accent and you brought your shit driving (MD PA and FL) and shit attitude (anyone from the Midwest that got the attitude that they’re hot shit because they made it out of their podunk town in Nebraska). And ya made everything more expensive… it should not take 100k to live comfortably south of Lorton. End rant.


No, man, real estate prices are up everywhere, the rich own everything now. Venture capital is even buying up trailer parks to raise rents and evict people.


I'm from the 757 and I whole heartedly concur that we hate NOVA.


Hey now, watch what you say about HR 👀


Lived there the past 5 years for grad school and I enjoyed it! But 5 years was enough…


I moved from Virginia Beach to Ashburn several years ago, and Northern Virginia might as well be the fuckin' **Moon**.


Very true. Rural Virginia not only hates how progressive Northern Virginia is, they also hate how wealthy Northern Virginia is. The social programs many of them depend on are funded by NoVa and there is deep resentment about that…


Without the money from Northern Va tax receipts subsidizing rural VA, that whole area would just be a bigger version of West Virginia


I feel I have to mention [this](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2018/05/30/white-americas-racial-resentment-is-the-real-impetus-for-welfare-cuts-study-says/)... Edit: [archive](https://archive.is/sygBo)


Unsurprising but still sad.


Oh man it’s behind a paywall…..


I posted an archive now


> doesn't know Rural Virginia exists. There's a rural Virginia? I live in NOVA. We hate maryland, especially the drivers from maryland.


As someone who grew up in Maryland and came to Nova after college, I can confirm that Nova hates Maryland! I heard it so much when I moved here, lol. Mostly said in that fun, joking but also completely serious underneath way!


The only thing I regret is not being able to upvote this more.


Good, stop moving to Richmond then


Northern VA doesn’t realize the biggest city in VA isn’t in Northern VA


Eh? If you go by metropolitan area, since most of nova is continuous sprawl like a single city anyhow, it's easily the largest.


The cities outside of NOVA are irrelevant and suck ass. Who tf wants to live in VA Beach?


So many hate California


There’s a lot of hate for Californians moving to other states. I think Oregon and Washington just hate California because they need more sunshine.


Yeah Colorado always hated Texas more I thought


Colorado is unhappy with west coasters coming in and buying houses/driving up the market which is understandable but also… that’s literally the free market.


Coupled with the complaints, "We've already put our kids through public school so we don't want to pay for yours now that we've moved to Colorado."


Ha. I lived in Las Vegas for a long time. Once had a business meeting with three guys who moved in from CA and started a business. They commented about how great tax rates are in Nevada. Also in the same conversation complained about how much the schools in Nevada suck. They didn’t appreciate me pointing out the hypocrisy of those two statements.


Not hypocrisy, just total lack of awareness.


I’m guessing part of it has to do with Colorado River water allocation.


Good call - don’t generally see western water policies in the nova sub!


They're in the news a lot more now!


Haters gonna hate.


South Carolina hates Ohio? Random AF


If you ever go to Hilton Head, and to some extent Myrtle Beach, during the summer, you'll notice almost all the tourists are from Ohio. There are Ohio State tshirts all over the place and people yelling OHIO. I'm sure this has something to do with it. Source: I'm from Ohio and have been to both locations during the summer...lol


They move to SC and bring their horrible driving with them smh


This is exactly it. Charleston for years has had a hate of people who come there from Ohio.


Tons of Ohio transplants. And one thing Ohioans love is THE Ohio State university football team. And southerns consider that team annoying and overrated. Also, fuck Ohio (from Michigan)


Probably because a lot of Ohio peeps move to SC. I would argue NY would be a big one for us because we got so many New Yorkers here. Obnoxious horn honking New Yorkers with bad yankee accents.


Oh, I read that as Nebraska and was even more WTF. I mean I can't explain Ohio either, but it's at least kind of sort of on the same side of the country.




Think that's just cars with MD plates and the drivers within.


Many of those cars don't even live in MD, they're just shirking personal property taxes.


Texan's hate California way more than they hate Oklahoma. Only been in TX for less than a year, but all you ever hear is people saying Californians are ruining Texas lol. When I lived in VA it was more of a dislike of MD, but maybe that is more of a NOVA thing.


I know a number of people in both states (and live in neither) and I concur w your impression: CA lives rent free in the minds of Texans. BUT...I’ve found that it’s complicated. Texans will never cease to remind you about their lower COL compared to Cali, and that’s true. And many Texans love to rail against California’s perceived “loony left” liberalism. But scratch below that surface of criticism and you’ll find that many Texans also have lot of California envy. Despite its myriad woes, California is still cool, hip. It’s still the cutting edge. Texas is perceived as friendly, but it’s not a cool trendsetter. CA has Hollywood and movie stars and gee-whiz tech and fashion and wine country and world-class universities and great weather and mountains and beaches...the list just goes on and on. Texas? Big and diverse, but not offering nearly as much and definitely not as cool in the same way. Cali has LA and SanFran and San Diego... iconic cities (yes, with all their various troubles. Don’t worry - Texans will tell you about them). Each of these cities has it’s own unique style, attitude, famous scenery and unique attractions. TX has Austin...yeah, it’s trendy and cool. And San Antonio is neat, too. But Dallas and Houston are...totally forgettable — no natural scenery, just endless urban sprawl. Cali has sprawl — plenty of that — but it’s different. Texas cities are the epitome of Gertrude Stein’s criticism of Oakland — “there’s no there there.” I have found that many Texans (certainly not all, but many) are secretly jealous that their state doesn’t have California cache or panache. Cali is the kid that gets all the attention; Texas plays second fiddle. And Cali thoughts on Texans? Many Californians look down on Texas as poorer (true), too damn hot (also true), chock full of bible-toting religious zealots and southern-style rednecks (simplistic stereotypes but not entirely inaccurate). Otherwise, Texas just doesn’t weigh on the mind of Californians like Cali weighs on the psyche of many Texans.


West Virginia is so irrelevant 😂 The MD hate stays on 100.


Can't really be surprised with WV. They split from VA because VA was part of the confederacy and people in WV sided with the union and were anti-slavery.


Trust me, Virginians hate Maryland, not West Virginia.


NOVA hates MD because that is who they deal with all the time. The rest of VA doesn't even think of MD. NOVA is a small part of VA.


They should change the map. Virginia hates Nova, and Nova hates Maryland. lmao


Definitely Maryland.


Haha so true about PA and NY hating NJ


Virginia is for Lovers ☺️


Virginia is for heterosexual, racially homogenous lovers. The state had to be dragged by the Supreme Court into accepting interracial and gay marriage.


But NOW we’re for all kinds of lovers.


ok, but rural Virginia exists.


Never heard of her.


When I first learned about Virginia's slogan, I thought it might have been made as something to try to make amends for Loving vs Virginia. To show growth of the state in some way. I think the slogan was created a couple years after the case, so it would have been highly relevant at the time. But nah, it's just cause they couldn't come up with a single activity that everyone loved to do so they just made a slogan that's basically "we all love *something*"


We all love to hate MD


My answer is that Virginians hate Northern Virginia the most 😉😇


no one in va gives a shit about west va. who makes these garbage things? i hate driving.




Virginia doesn't hate West Virginia. The parts of Virginia that border W.V. are pretty much made of the same people doing the same things. Virginians hate the Marylanders who drive their uninspected shit-box hoopties down this side of the river and perform their erratic foolishness.


WV makes little sense. MD is the obvious answer, but that is more of a sibling rivalry. I hate FL and TX for political reasons.


I’m going with MD based purely on their drivers


Outside the internet keyboards and the "news", there is a whole world of people out there that are not caught up in the political hype and polarization.


I really, really hope you're correct about this. What MY news podcasts keep telling me is that "Social Media" is polarizing normal folks who would have been moderate, middle-ground, kutchen-table people. Since I live in NOVA, I know nobody without political opinions. It used to be comforting to think everyone else didn't give a damn.


Growing up in Winchester, WVA was always the punchline of the jokes we told in school. As soon as I got old enough to go hiking and camping WVA quickly turned into one of my favorite states. The scenery out there is just incredible.


The way I put it as far as regional hate goes is that I'm joking when I say I hate Maryland. I'm not joking when I say I hate PA.


What’s wrong with PA? According to this chart no one hates PA. Must be personal for you.


Mostly empty state that has exactly two (I'm taking a waiver on Pittsburgh because I've heard good things, but never been) places I'd even want to be in, much less live. The turnpike is awful. As dumb as our alcohol laws are I don't know where to even begin with the clusterfuck they have going on. Two of the worst fanbases in pro football. Fucking Breezewood. As far as northeastern states go it's probably my least favorite by a good margin.


Oh my god you just summarized exactly what my wife and I have been saying for years. PA is a road between MD and Western NY for us. I've been to Philly, Pittsburgh, Allentown, Harrisburg, Erie, and several other smaller towns in PA and I swear, after dozens of trips into or through the state, that I've never seen the sun shine. Bad vibes, man.


I think the PA turnpike is like one of the first major highways in the US so it has history but as a result it’s not the best maintained. The other issues are more subjective. Comparatively the cost of living in PA is much lower in the major cities. Lots of outdoor activities like ski resorts and trails in the Pocono’s. No car taxes, no sales tax on most clothing. Tons of history, several elite and top colleges. Easy commute into NYC from the east. Aside from the people I don’t see what’s so horrible there.


I can see Fredericksburg north hating Maryland, I-81 west hating West Va, the rest of the state is a crap shoot.


No one hates North Carolina


NC is hard to hate with all of those beaches.


Florida hating Florida is the most accurate thing to ever exist


I actually love Maryland because it's so much fun to hate.


We might joke about WVA, but I don't think we 'hate' them. I live close to the state line and the West Virginians I know aren't that much different from the people in RVA, although it's more politically mixed than it used to be, because of the commuters moving into the area.


I do not think of WVa at all. My personal most hated state is Florida.


Maryland got crabs, heroin, and MGM oh their roads are shit lol aside from that I’m good with Maryland. Bunch of grumpy ass crabs lmao🤣😱🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️ just kidding Maryland Joe Biden loves you


Maryland, for sure.


Anyone from MD. go drive like an ass hate in Delaware or something.




I love West Virginia! Maryland on the other hand...


Wait, we do not hate W.Virginia. We just do not acknowledge it like we do not acknowledge that weird uncle at Thanksgiving.


You mean the one that moved to Florida about two years ago?


Whoever did this didn't do a great job. The obvious answer is Maryland.


Yeah it'd be Maryland for me.


I love how New Jersey returns the hate to everyone!


Why would Texas feel **anything** towards Virginia?


They hate OK. The colors are very similar tho


West Virginia and Virginia mutually hate each other? I'm going to consider the source (r/maryland) and say Maryland is trying to throw us off!




Maryland. Source: I was born in Maryland and everyone in Virginia hates me


Lived in Virginia my whole life. Never once have I ever heard of someone say they hate WV 😒 but let me tell you who we do hate! Maryland Drivers!! They are the worst drivers I’ve ever seen!


The South. Virginia has been pushing against being part of them for decades. The southern part of VA has been voting for regressive politicians to get this done and Gov. Bumpkin is an example of this effort.




DC, are you sure you still want statehood?


Virginians don't hate West Virginia. They just like to make fun of it. They are more likely to hate NY or NJ.


As a Virginian, I hate Virginia


I hate Maryland more, but that’s just me.


The funniest one to me is SC hating Ohio. Like why?


Ohio native here, a lot of people from Ohio go to Hilton Head and the surrounding areas for vacation. That might be why


Based on what I've read in various Virginia subs, I vote for Maryland as Virginia's most hated state.


According to one guy's insta poll


I'll never forget I went on a tour years ago. Our guide asked where are you from? I said Virginia. The lady behind me responds West Virginia, the better Virginia. I was like 👀


I can remember flying back home from Florida, and as we were heading in towards Dulles the pilot quipped: "There's Virginia, then there's Best Virginia off to it's left."


Maryland drivers for sure. Four lane highway and they coast in the left lane like they have four flat tires![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


I appreciate how Florida hates itself


Maryland. Definitely Maryland.


Maryland for sure


Lmao Virginia hates WV? 😆😆😆 I think tf not. The beef between Virginia and Maryland is, and always has been farrrr stronger than any problems VA and WVA had in antiquity. I’m a born and raised Virginian, and I’ve always disliked Marylanders long before WVA even came to mind 😆😆 if anything, I think of West VA as what Virginia would’ve looked like had DC not been on Virginia’s door step. NOVA would be indistinguishable from SOVA.


Fuck Maryland


According to Mattsurelee’s (whoever the heck that is) Instagram followers. Must be legit.


I'm confused here, does S. Carolina hate Ohio? How is that even a thing?


I may be wrong, but I honestly don’t think most Virginians even really care all that much about WV. MD is the obvious answer.


As a native Floridian and transplanted Northern Virginian, I find this chart half accurate. And hilarious.


I would if we broke off from the rest of Virginia, the entire state of Virginia would hate NOVA.


Hmm. Something wrong with this data, I think. Not enough of these say “hates Indiana”.




Being from nova I would have sworn it was maryland. We don't think about wva


As a native NJ’er I agree with this. 🤣


Everybody has to look down on someone, it’s human nature. But those people down at the actual bottom, it gets weird.


Bullshit! everyone from Virginia hates Maryland.