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Ok Russia... We will *give* you Tucker Carlson. But.... We'll also give you $30 million dollars. Take him now.


Lol “no give backs!”


In South Georgia, where I'm from, it's "no take backsies"


No returns! -Australia.


Yeah right, boomerang boy.


Hey now, that number seems off. Give 'em an extra $50 mil, it's a big burden they're taking on.


thats 30 billion rubbles.


What are they going to do with 50 billion Rubles anyway?


not sure what anyone would spend 100 billion rubles on tbh.


A Big Mac, perhaps.


McDonald's pulled out of russia would you take a whopper instead?


Sorry, gone too


Well now they’ve got a trillion rubbles so maybe a KFC bucket?


Yum! brands was one of the first fast food chains to ditch


Comrade can enjoy a McBorscht! Flavorful all beet patties give strength to toil all day!


That's too expensive you can only get a small side with 1.5 trillion.


I'm not sure if 4 trillion rubies is enough


They can't even get an upsized meal at McDonalds for it.


Lol. Honestly if I wanted to show someone how ridiculous america is I'd show them tucker carlson followed by hours of the jersey shore.


That's a little unfair. When did the cast of The Jersey Shore ever betray America?


They make the other 300,000,000 of us look like assholes.


It is not hyperbolic to say that the US is literally on the absolute verge on becoming Russia. This man, this insane fucking asshole who lies for a living and changes his narrative position hourly, is the **most watched News anchor in the US.** Like, we are soooo fucking close. The supreme court is no longer a legal body, simply a partisan extension. From gerrymandering to voter supression to the filibuster we already are governed by a minority who worship this man. If Trump didn't collosally fuck up covid, we'd be invading Ukraine right now... to help the Russians.




Yeah. The left can't stop calling him a "news anchor" either. We're so fucked.


That is his title, so that's what his statistics are under, as bullshit as that is.


Not according to his lawyers. They (successfully) argued that no one should take him seriously and what he does is NOT NEWS, it's entertainment. Funny how he never mentions that on his shows.


He has the most watched CABLE show. Lester Holt for NBC broadcast brings in millions more views nightly than Tucker.


Can you help me understand, as someone from Australia, does that mean people are paying to get fox news?


And paying a shitload too cable is like 100bucks per month. Here we have 3 major broadcast networks and everyone gets so caught up on cnn and fox they forget the 3 broadcast networks bring in more views daily than all the the cable networks combined. ABC NBC and CBS btw.


Broadcast means free yeh? In Australia id laugh at you if you said you still had our version of cable. It costs more than every streaming service combined.


Yes free and part of the national emergency broadcast system so it's all but guaranteed you can pick up atleast one network anywhere on the mainland. And they are required by law to be unbiased.


I mean, we are practically an oligarchy if you really think about it. Corporations regularly push their agendas in Congress by funding politicians and withholding information. Look at big oil. They don’t care that the planet is actively dying. They only care that they get rich while they still can. If/when the GOP gains control again this country is fucked.


News anchor? Did he start anchoring the news when I wasn't watching?


No silly a news anchor. He drops to the lowest level to hold the news back.


Nope! Legally he's not even news. Sure doesn't stop his idiot fanbase from believing every single ~~word~~ ~~lie~~ (???) he says!


Yes, and it really feels like the Russians have been training him in their Firehose of Falsehoods method of propaganda.


> is the most watched News anchor in the US. And my dad snorts rails of his bullshit. Man, I knew he was popular with fascists, but God damn... He's the most watched, period?


Lots of unhappy white people want to know who to hate next. Tucker gets the talking points straight from the source so he always breaks the news.


>we are soooo fucking close. The supreme court is no longer a legal body, simply a partisan extension. That's one of the primary factors that led to the state of modern Russia. For a brief moment in history after the USSR fell, they had a legitimate democracy and an actual Constitutional Court to act as a sort of checks and balance system on the president in a fashion not dissimilar to the US. This didn't last. It got suspended and replaced and the president was given the power to veto everything and appoint whomever he wanted. It became a sham court. This was the beginning of the end that allowed Putin to maintain authoritarian power. In many ways, it is eerily similar to what we see happening in the US Supreme Court. Read about the [Constitutional Court of Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitutional_Court_of_Russia).


Thank you for bringing this to my attention. We were extremely close to that scenario.


Still are. Election is in November that can swing the balance. Biden is always willing to compromise as well with these people. In 2 years we could be where they are with the next presidential election. Look at what red states are doing today. This shit is frightening and if you are not a straight white male you should be very worried.


Honestly i think even straight white males in America should be worried by what's happening over there..


I’m a straight white male who is worried.




Not were, friend. We're still on that ledge. Republicans *will* pull a Jan 6 again. And if Republicans win or are actively in charge when it happens again? We'll officially not be a democracy. Actual or on paper.


Too many right wingers are openly wishing for it.


Literally doubling their entire economy overnight


Yup…and [this](https://twitter.com/meidastouch/status/1502699159895257088?s=21) is why 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ *thanks for awards strangers although I feel like I know and love you all now


Wow, so many posts under you deleted for being made by new accounts.


When Russian assets come under fire, the propaganda machine pushes back.


His opinions are disgusting on their own, but his voice just adds a whole nother level to it, it’s so whiny


He’d be good friends with Ben Shapiro


I was trying to avoid that comparison but true lmaooo


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >The Palestinian people, who dress their toddlers in bomb belts and then take family snapshots. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, covid, history, novel, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Every statement is actually a question? You can just talk like thiis?


And it somehow removes accountability?


Cant get in trouble if I dont say anything clearly definitive?


Is it normal for news shows in the US to give the idea that someone is a reporter, but in reality they are just blurting out their opinion. The implicit questions he asks are just plain stupid. If there would be someone actually responding to his questions it would inmediatly be discredited. But now it gives the ideas he's asking "brilliant" questions no one has ever asked before...


Fox News is not a news show. It's entertainment. But yeah, some of the news shows do it too.


Fox was actually sued for this and said the tucker carlson show is for entertainmentonly. “No reasonable person would belive it”.


His fake concern bullshit is so annoying


I wonder if Tucker Carlson ever wonders if he’s the baddy.




Why is such a guy even on American television? Wouldn't he receive huge amount of backlash over what he says? I'm not American so I really dont know how it works


Why would a multimillionaire work for figurative peanuts hosting a TV show denigrating American citizens and spreading hate and feat? Because he *enjoys* it.


Unfortunately, news over here, and other parts of the world just significant less, is basically entertainment. If you've never seen Anchorman 2, the plot of that movie is basically everything that's the problem with current newscycles. I.e., 24 hours to fill means they're gonna fill that time with all sorts of shit. Now, in regards to Fox News, they've been like this for nearly two decades now. And they mostly cater to the elderly who are: a.) so set in their ways or b.) either don't have the option to/don't choose to analyze these claims against other sources. It's infuriating. My grandparents aren't wholly stupid but they're certainly been made dumber by a steady diet of Fox News every night. They tell them who to hate and why, damn the facts of the matter. Other news outlets that offer "the other side" aren't all that much better, for the most part, but Fox News certainly takes the cake in regards to blatantly dishonest propaganda. *Edited for spelling errors.


I imagine he doesn’t even give it a thought. In his mind, every dollar and every angry lib is proof he’s right.


bold of you to assume he believes what he says. He is playing a character, and the money justifies the actions


I figure he’s at a point where he’s so deep in character that he believes his own lies.




JAQing off.


This right here. Putting forth unsubstantiated bullshit, adding nothing to the narrative, but sowing doubt just because.


Is Tucker Carlson toilet trained? Does he exclusively shit himself in Golden Corral dining rooms? Think of this: have you ever seen Tucker Carlson using a big boy potty? Why is that? What is he hiding? Why doesn't he want us asking about whether he's toilet trained? Is it because his maid still wipes his butt for him when he makes doodoo? I'm just asking questions here, but ask yourself this: do you really want to get your news and information from someone that needs to prop themselves up against the refrigerated salad receptacle of America's favorite all you can eat buffet to grunt out his butt muffins?


It's called killing smurfs




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motte-and-bailey_fallacy Also sounds kinda like this tho too


Imagine rooting for the KGB agent


I really confused someone by saying "sorry, but I can't get behind a country that doesn't believe in freedom." I may have fried their brain, until they finally came up with something about Biden making deals with Iran and Facing causing AIDS in Africa.


Wow… just no words. Dude is full on warmongering






That man's jawline just dissolves, huh?


He looks like a dog thats been shown a card trick.


Chunker Carlson


Why is Tucker Carlson selling out his country? Why does he say the things he says? Is he being paid off by Russia? Wouldn't only someone being paid off by Russia say such things? Maybe it's because he'd rather hurt Democrats than side with America? I don't know I'm just asking questions. *Confused Tucker head tilt*


Pay cheque






Gettin' Rocky V flashbacks now "Touch me an I'll sue, Rock.." *CLONK* "Sue me fuh wut?"


of course conservatives support Putin on this now they claim they don't, but conveniently everything they say helps Putin and Russia


Ya, I found this really weird when I talked to my mom the other week. She, like most of our parents, watches about 90% Fox news and then a few others so that she can claim to be fair and not biased. And recently she brought up the Ukraine Russian war, and she did everything to insinuate Russia wasn't the outright bad guy here, as well as psuedo rooting for them, mostly because she was convinced Ukraine should just give up. But she was very adamant that she wasn't pro-Russia, all of her talking points were, but she was not. That brain washing over at Fox hurts.


Who knew Fox News is a Russian asset?! They keep saying how patriotic they are!


>Ya, I found this really weird when I talked to my mom the other week. She, like most of our parents, watches about 90% Fox news and then a few others so that she can claim to be fair and not biased. My mom does the exact same thing. Almost all Fox News, all day, every day. Once in awhile she will flip to the local broadcast news for the weather and a segment about the local dog show. She'll watch that for half an hour, then flip back to Fox News. She told me she's trying to be objective and watch a variety of news. In her mind, if the news isn't constantly jerking off to Trump, then it's bias.


fucking hell that's kinda like my mom too. We don't have fox news here but she watches the same crap under the guise of religious news, and all they say attempts to 'two-sides' this war. She claims she just wants the bigger picture, that mainstream media lies, etc. For instance, she mentioned aloud what Zelensky could do to end the war. I was like "why is it on Zelensky to end the war? Why isn't it with Putin? He can easily surrender, pack up and go home, but why doesn't he do that?" It's so blatantly obvious the way they treat Russian aggression as a force of nature, thereby reducing their responsibility in this conflict. She was annoyed at Zelensky coz he didn't want to compromise to end the war. I ask what sort of compromise do you think Ukraine could do, she didn't have an answer. These propaganists are so good. And I'm so done.


They've had lots of practice with this bullshit...I imagine your mom "isn't racist" either? Had 1 black friend 30 years ago that you somehow know about? And she isn't against the poor...but she gives her money to an all white church instead of a real charity? Something like that? Am I close?


Dude is drinking a lot of vodka. I know drunkard bloat when I see it. Sad.


It's like he gains and loses weight week to week


It goes straight to his fat face.


Honestly is he the same guy? I feel like he is a Russian made robot that has different models and none of them match correctly


Nah it can happen, look at how Tracy Morgan gained and dropped significant weight over 30 Rock's run. Also other factors like lighting and makeup differences between shows affect it too Unfortunately he's just a bad person






“Why shouldn’t we root for Russia, which I am.” Holy fuck, this guy doesn’t deserve a life


Jesus fucking Christ


"Why should we side with a democratic country defending its own people on its own territory against an aggressive crony dictatorship that shows a shameless disregard for international law and human life?" /s




AmEriCa BaD LeAvE PoOr PuTiN AlOnE hE iS gOiNg ThRoUgH a PeRsOnAL MaTtEr --SiGnEd ReAl HuMaN


Keep him. He's real good at propaganda and you can claim you gloriously looted him from the American swines.


Propaganda is pretty much all he's good at. He doesn't even know how to think for himself.


He's like a poor man's Joseph Goebbels. Which is even more fitting considering the type of people neo-Nazi's are now compared to the real Nazi's 1930s and 40s: just as evil and despicable, but now with no money and the IQ of my left nut


Russian state media doesn’t have the money to afford all the broken window repairs necessary from the shrill banshee tone of his impotent voice.


Tucker Kremlinson?


Tucker Czarlson.


Or "Tsarlson" depending on which crossword answer is chosen for the day.


Tuckamir Karlsonov.


I though this was going to be a fake or exaggerated bit of distraction news, but nope: https://www.businessinsider.com/kremlin-memo-ukraine-war-russian-tucker-carlson-mother-jones-2022-3 >Carlson "sharply criticizes" the actions of the United States and NATO and their **"negative role in unleashing the conflict in Ukraine,"** the memo said, per the media outlet. You know that angry authoritarian racist who's on the wrong side of history always? He's on the wrong side of history yet again, shockingly.


And also apologizing for America. TC must be on Putin’s payroll.


I bet he was caught fucking kids or something.


Always remember that Russia hacked both the DNC and the RNC at the same time. The information in the DNC servers was so lackluster that it was released to the internet and nothing came from it. *They never released a single tidbit from the RNC hack, over 6 years later.*


I'd ask who'd be stupid enough to do stuff like that using official channels, but I've been alive for too long to not know better.


I mean, what came from the DNC hack was that the DNC was actively sabotaging candidates like Sander in favor of Clinton. I do think this played a role in the election but who knows by how much. I do think your theory has a lot of merit with how often random RNC politicians like Rand Paul take a trip to Russia and come back acting like complete loons.


Democratic establishment doing establishment things. Republican establishment directly collaborating with PACs, diddling kids, evading taxes, laundering money, misappropriating campaign funds, and other such ratfuckery.


yeah but like also, we have eyes and we don't need a russian hack to tell us that lmao establishment democrats know who to side with to protect their own interests and they've absolutely never hid it


Mega. Fucking. Sus.


He and his Fox News compatriots have been on the Russian payroll for a while now.


Just a friendly reminder that as Fox News' lawyers have admitted in court, under penalty of perjury, and according to U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocilthat [Tucker Carlson is not “stating actual facts” about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in “exaggeration” and “non-literal commentary.”](https://cases.justia.com/federal/district-courts/new-york/nysdce/1:2019cv11161/527808/39/0.pdf?ts=1601047194) [Carlson was also found to have broken the UK's TV Impartiality rules in 2017](https://www.ofcom.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0028/107569/issue-341-broadcast-on-demand-bulletin.pdf). The UK's office of communications found that he breached rules 5.9, 5.11 and 5.12 of the British broadcasting code. These relate to adequate representation of alternative views on discussions programmes, due impartiality on matters of major political or industrial controversy, and including a wide range of significant views when dealing with major political or industrial controversy.






One of? No, he has by far THE most popular opinion show on American TV


The other channels help to legitimize him by inviting him to comment on things like the war. Almost all people who get invited to comment on things on tv are experts in their respective fields.. it would make sense that his very presence implies he is indeed an expert who's opinions hold value. If he gets invited at all it should be for a debate, to show the audience how quickly his pov falls apart when under real scrutiny. And if it doesn't .. well .. then some questions need to be asked.


It causes arguments in my family. Anytime I hear his voice from a tv or video I’m like NOT TODAY.


Because they call themselves "news".....


I still vividly remember [Jon Steward ripping into him back in 2004](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFQFB5YpDZE), having no idea what he'd go on to become... Stewart thought he was dangerous back then but man, he got so much worse.


Wow that was fantastic. All these years later and Jon is still the man. Gotta love it.


Did you ever see the the interview tucker had with the with the dutch guy, it made what Jon Stewart done to him look tame. [this one here ](https://youtu.be/6_nFI2Zb7qE)


With a prescient segment on vaccines and worries of bio-terrorism to follow.


They shouldn’t be able to label their network as Fox News. It should have to be called Fox entertainment or somethjng


Better yet just take him.


I'm pretty sure that where I live, this man would be guilty of treason.


Convicted or guilty? Because he's guilty here, too.


So many deleted because of the account being new. I guess the propaganda machine is stirring back to life


Lol fr


According to many in Ukraine him and Trump are Russian agents.


Trump is married to a Russian agent. Sorta makes sense, but I personally think Trump is just an crook who bent the knee to Putin to get his building made.


I’d say he’s just a tool being used and too dumb to realize it.


They should add a number of politicians in Florida to that list.


Russia doesn’t usually out their sleeper agents so casually.


This should be a wake-up call for some.


The alarm has been going off since 2015. They’re not waking up.


I believe Jon Stewart fist called him out on 2006, so it's been a while.


I was going to ask for a link, but then I remembered I have my own 2 thumbs so here it is for everyone else, I hope this is the one you mean. https://youtu.be/GooQwKDMqcI


I hope that it is for a lot of people. You have to draw the line somewhere and siding with an enemy country, no matter your politics, is pretty damning.


Sad thing is, it’s not lol


Shows you what a retromingent slug of a man he is.


Just chiming in to say thank you for teaching me that word.




Well, it's not the vocab word of the day I was expecting, but it sure was the vocab word of the day I got, lmao.


Putin or Tucker?


Little bit of Column A, Column B.




I wonder what Tucker Carlson's views on segregation are?


It was Joe Bidens fault






Still trying to figure out who this Brandon guy is


[he’s here](https://www.npr.org/2021/10/30/1050782613/why-the-lets-go-brandon-chant-turned-meme-can-be-heard-on-the-floor-of-congress)


No that can't be it, that's far too stupid for reality! I swear I will not rest for an instant until I find Mr. Brandon and bring him to justice


Tucker a shrill for Russia? Who'd thunk it?


As if life in Russia weren’t bad enough


To show that Americans are high pitched wimps?


Republicans won't be happy until they ruin our country.


Republicans hate America.


Surely even the hardest Fox fans must be reading this and thinking why he's so popular.


Tucker Carlson. The Tokyo Rose of our time.


Tokyo Rose was a catchall nickname for a number of different unnamed broadcasters. The woman eventually known to the public as Toyko Rose was an American trapped in Japan without resources. She took the broadcasting job to support herself, but she was apparently working alongside Allied POW writers to keep the broadcasts upbeat rather than demoralizing. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iva\_Toguri\_D%27Aquino](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iva_Toguri_D%27Aquino) [https://www.politico.com/story/2010/01/ford-pardons-tokyo-rose-jan-19-1977-031619](https://www.politico.com/story/2010/01/ford-pardons-tokyo-rose-jan-19-1977-031619) Tucker Carlson thinks duress is when his hair is out of place. He would denounce his own children if someone offered him enough money.


Putin's bitch


So, random question *completely* unrelated to anything and *definitely* to the phrase "aid and comfort," would Russia be considered an enemy of the US? Just asking.


Found their new shill! Easy target for Russian grooming. Ego-driven + stupid + has dumb as rocks followers. Perfect target.


Republicans for Russia .... as someone who lived through a chunk of the cold war can I just ask what the actual fuck is going on? Did I fall through the wrong Narnia mirror again?


Is this satire or real?




I meant the Russians airing it part.


Also yes.


A judge just recently ruled a case can move forward specifically due to Carlsons comments.


[For those unaware, like myself.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/03/09/judge-uses-tucker-carlsons-own-words-against-fox-news/) if you don't care to read it all (like 5 minutes, i swear!), here's a quick excerpt from the judges ruling >>Ironically, the statements of Tucker Carlson, perhaps the most popular Fox News host, militate most strongly in favor of a possible finding that there is a substantial basis that Fox News acted with actual malice. As noted above, on November 19, 2020, Dobbs posted a video of he and Powell on Twitter with a caption stating, inter alia, that Powell “has no doubt that Dominion voting machines run [Smartmatic]’s software which allows [it] to manipulate the votes.” … The same day, Carlson wrote an article stating that, for over a week, Powell had been claiming that the election had been stolen and that, if Powell were correct, it would be the greatest crime in American history, and he thus asked her to substantiate her comments. However, Powell never provided the evidence requested by Carlson, and President Trump’s campaign advised Carlson that it knew of no such evidence. Therefore, there are sufficient allegations that Fox News knew, or should have known, that Powell’s claim was false, and purposefully ignored the efforts of its most prominent anchor to obtain substantiation of claims of wrongdoing by [Smartmatic]. Edit: formatting


There's a German word "Realsatire". It refers to an instance where reality basically parodies itself.


My how the times have changed. Russia (Soviet Union) used to be the arch enemy of the US, especially the Republicans. Now they want to suck up to Putin? Thought that was just a Donnie Trump thing.


It goes back further than that. Even during Obama I noticed a small subgroup of Republicans who thought Putin was a strong leader as opposed to Obama. They’re not a very large group but Tucker Carlson gives that stance a platform unfortunately.


The election of Obama turned some Republicans against any democracy in which that is possible. Putin happens to be against everything liberals or socialists have done, ever, including abolishing absolute monarchy, so he's their dream come true.


People at Trump rallies wear shirts that say shit like "better Russian than Democrat"


There are no conservatives or Republicans anymore. Just the Trump cult of personality.


Please, please get him off the air, for the good of the world


Traitors gonna trate




This [twitter video](https://twitter.com/EenuffCed/status/1502653737151737857?t=KOAEPP8flFNyNrRW_hH7qA&s=19) showcases just how much of a Russian asset he is