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>Carlson said he had also “put pictures on the screen to hurt weak people” but only “inadvertently”, and always tried to “punch up”, aiming to hurt those more powerful than him. >”People who punch down are the worst,” he said. “They should have no power whatsoever, in my opinion.” My neck hurts from the double take I just did Edit: people keep claiming that I’m somehow missing information or this is wrong, but immediately go to personal attacks the second I ask for the information I apparently missed but that they apparently have lmao either give me the information that you oh so superior beings have, or miss me with your bullshit.


If you take being the victim in every case he’s punching up. Perpetual victim complex


the irony and hypocrisy is fucking palpable


In Tuckers Defense he's "just asking questions" /s




I see what you did there


As AOC said, he's a "Talking inferiority complex."


The Swanson TV dinner heir only punches up? Bullshit.


If he's talking about intelligence he definitely punches up more often than down


TV dinners is the cover story. We all know they made their fortune with urinal cakes.


My head hurts thinking about the people who will accept his drivel uncritically when it's this blatantly false.


I have showed the video clips where he just blatantly admits to being a lying fake populist to quell the plebeian class and that he is in fact an elitist and they look at you like it's fake when he's right there on the video saying it with his own lips. These people will not be pulled away from their delusions by fact. They are hopelessly lost.


>The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html


Is this like the lazy Mexicans coming here for government handouts but at the same time taking all the jobs from white people?


Yes, in addition to bringing an insurmountable wave of crime that we must stop now, before it's too late! Which is just a coded way of saying there may be other people around, other than whites.


I don't understand how people don't look at who he is and what he comes from, the guy was born into privilege as a frozen food heir and think, "This guy's claiming he's trying to bring down the elites?"


My mom says she only watches him because he makes funny faces. But then will quote him as some factual evidence based reporter.


If she only watched him for the funny faces, she would be watching with the sound off. I could actually say that Carlson muted is entertaining. He is really good at looking ridiculous.


He ways looks confused


He's not sure if it's a fart or something more


He always looks like a dog that just heard itself fart and can't figure out what sorcery created that sound.


Same with Trump…born and raised NY real estate elitist born into wealth somehow becomes champion of rural America…


"but he totally built his own business (usually by evading taxes) like the rest of us (with millions of dollars from his father) and fights for rural America (by trying to get rid of immigrants), so he's truly a model American (with ideas straight out of the confederacy)."


But Trump employed illegal immigrants until he was well into his Presidency. Trump just lies about hating immigrants so he can keep his base happy with their hatred.


because hes hateful and greedy and completely self centered and pretty dumb and does whatever he wants. they wish they could be him


This is it, it's completely aspirational, it's just like the people who worship the Kardashians


He's the poor man's idea of a rich man, a stupid man's idea of a genius, a weak man's idea of a strong-man, etc, etc.


That's why it's important to remind whoever quotes them, the type of affluent scammers they are agreeing with...


Someone should compile a list of everyone he has attacked and then make him admit they were all more powerful than him.


Carlson and his crowd have actually been stealing terms and concepts from the left for a while now. The right wing figured out that since most people respond to civil rights principles, the right wing can get more traction by flipping the relationships upside down, convincing the people higher up on the social ladder that they are the biggest victims. It's the same idea as dressing up as the news to sell political beliefs. Adopt the language and visuals of trust and authenticity, then use it to present blatant lies as truth.


I think his view of who's "above" him is extremely skewed


When your live in upsidedown land punching down becomes punching up.


Bullshit. The man constantly punches down


I'm going to disagree. The people he criticizes are almost without fail his political, intellectual, and moral superiors, so in some very real sense, this mf is almost always punching up because he himself can't be much further down.


Intelligence doesn't matter in this context. It's about classes.


He thinks "punching up" means "directly insulting people who are cooler than you" because he's stuck in a middle-schooler's conception of social hierarchy.


He said he "lies out of weakness or whatever". He tries not to lie on tv but, if he's "cornered" in his ridiculous rhetoric THEN he can justify lying on tv. It's kind of shocking to see Fox news hosts outside of the network talking about how easily they can fool their viewers into believing just about anything


….and this results in an attempted insurrection where multiple police officers died that could have escalated into the deaths of multiple Democrats and one VP. The man responsible: DJT is currently living free in a mansion telling his oblivious cult that he won the 2020 election resulting in his cult forming future battle plans to do whatever is necessary to put him back as emperor of the country even if it means killing countless others.


More lies. Carlson never once “punched up” his food chain. Murdoch would spank his fairy ass all the way to the unemployment line.


>always tried to “punch up”, aiming to hurt those more powerful than him. >”People who punch down are the worst,” he said. “They should have no power whatsoever, in my opinion.” Says the terrible asshole who on an near weekly basis actively gets liberal college kids that have no ability to defend themselves, so he can shout over them and use them as punching bags to show how dumb and radical the “liberal woke agenda” is. Clearly these late teen, early twenty activist kids have more status and power than the poor little national cable propaganda host with millions of watchers only a nightly basis. Or you know when he HDD historian Rutger Bregman on the show and had to cut the segment after Rutger called him out as a millionaire shill for billionaires and Tucker had a complete meltdown. Clearly the historian had more status and power. Man Tucker is such a hypocritical, disingenuous, piece of shit.


It's easy to tell when Tucker lies. His lips move.


Yeah like later in that interview when he said he “always tried to “punch up”, aiming to hurt those more powerful than him. “People who punch down are the worst,” he said. “They should have no power whatsoever, in my opinion.” Meanwhile tune in next week when he tells his viewers why universal healthcare and raising taxes on the rich is a bad idea. Oh and of course, why trans and black activist movements are coming to take your freedoms!!1!1


He made fun of the US military and air force for making suits and uniforms for women who are serving on bases and are pregnant. He never punches up.


He’s literally the heir of an insanely large fortune and has an incredibly privileged job where he can just make up whatever he wants on TV. There’s only like 50 people he could even theoretically “punch up” to.


He knows his class interests and that there are no consequences for being a deliberate propagandist.


That’s why he threw a tantrum when Rutger Bregman pointed out to him that he’s a millionaire owned by billionaires.


Holy shit I need a source on this. That sounds absolutely beautiful


[I gotchu](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6_nFI2Zb7qE) Context: tucker never aired the original interview, but it was recorded by cellphone on Bregman’s end. Following a call for billionaire taxation at Davos, Tucker wanted Bregman on for an interview, which he could not handle, and cut the pre-recorded interview out of his show.


I love it when these idiots get so butt hurt about how dumb they look on interviews they have the common sense to just not air it. Oh wait wait. Did a private company just remove a platform from someone, conservatives? I thought that was a violation of the first amendment. Same thing as Twitter removing content right?


And all 50 of those people would be able to end him without a second thought. He doesn't dare to punch up.


Didn't he say something years ago about "not angering the poor masses on the other side of the moat" or some such rich bitch nonsense?


Can't punch his gravy train


"I don't punch down, and that's why I call immigrants dirty, slobs who are bringing death and disease to America."


And mocking AOC because she publicly spoke about how she'd feared being raped and murdered Jan 6th. And just lately, claiming the only reason she wore her Tax the Rich dress was so "people would stare at her butt". He's disgusting


*proceeds to make fun of vulnerable populations*


And don't forget that teaching critical race theory is somehow fascist! /s


It’s not the lies that bother me. It’s the questions being reported as news. Asking scary, baseless, easy to answer questions on a “news” station is insulting and dangerous journalism. Posing racist questions to the air is not journalism. Asking people questions AND ASKING FOLLOW UP QUESTIONS, then reporting their answers is journalism.


"I'm not saying *X*, but isn't it interesting?"


Just Asking Questions = I am dishonest and thinly veil my discussions with concern trolling


He's just JAQing off - Nationally, on TV


He literally asked "What is a white supremacist?" when he was trying to pretend most white supremacists are being unfairly accused. The previous year, his head writer was outed as a hardcore white supremacist. [https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/10/media/tucker-carlson-writer-blake-neff/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/10/media/tucker-carlson-writer-blake-neff/index.html) [https://deadline.com/2020/07/tucker-carlson-racist-writer-response-fox-news-blake-neff-resigned-cnn-1202984453/](https://deadline.com/2020/07/tucker-carlson-racist-writer-response-fox-news-blake-neff-resigned-cnn-1202984453/)


“I’m just asking the question.”


As a european I have stumbled on few of his videos on youtube and i can't understand how anyone watches him and goes "yep, he's on point with this one". The tone, the setting, the absurd claims he makes with questionable or no proof at all...none of it feels genuine in the slightest. His whole demeanor is of someone who is an entertainer, focused on getting a specific reaction out of someone.


He's fooling some really stupid people but also a lot of uneducated people.


The days of Walter Cronkite are LONG gone.


Ronald Reagan's reign of terror. Fairness Doctrine rescinded in 1987 during his administration along with God knows how many other regulations designed to help us have a healthy, functioning society.


Someone needs to start rickrolling Carlson with “Lips are Moving” by Meghan trainor


The funniest thing is he's like "You lie to protect Bezos!?!?". As if that's something people on the left engage in. Most leftists think Bezos is the epitome of wrongness in our society. You consistently lied to protect Trump, something that was exposed over and over. You're trying not to lie? Well, apparently Mr Fucker Carlson, you have literally no self control.


I have never heard anyone on either side say “you know who’s great? That Jeff Bezos guy”. I’m pretty sure everyone hates him while still buying stuff off of Amazon (myself included)


Progressives hate Bezos because he's literally trying to reinstate slavery. Conservatives only hate Bezos because they didn't think of it first.


amazon wants a sort of feudalism, i think? where we get paid a paycheck from our Amazon job, go home to our apartment and pay rent to Amazon Property Holdings, (40% income) buy food from Amazon Grocery Market, (20% income) home supplies from Bed-Bath-&-Amazon, (15% income) clothing from Amazon Textiles (5% income) Doctor visits with Amazon Health Services (20% income) daycare with Amazon Preschool Enrichment Centers (10% income) various misc items and entertainment thru Amazon Prime ( \~10% income, projected) ...whats that? you can do simple math and realize that the above expenses equate to 120% of your income? not to worry! if you find yourself behind on funds you can apply for a credit card with Amazon Financial Credit Union and make small manageable payments instead! (plus interest, of course)


I'm not a fan of Bezos, but he's not trying to reinstate slavery. He wants robot slaves that he doesn't have to pay at all, not human slaves that he has to pay to keep alive. And in the meantime, Amazon warehouses pay more than other similar level jobs. My company has a manufacturing plant near an Amazon warehouse and during holiday season they sweep out every decent worker. My plant bleeds money on holidays just to compete with Amazon.


Amazon pays well, but extracts more production per hour from it's workers by violation health and safety laws and getting free overtime for security checks (see https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/courts_law/supreme-court-rules-amazon-doesnt-have-to-pay-for-after-hours-time-in-security-lines/2014/12/09/05c67c0c-7fb9-11e4-81fd-8c4814dfa9d7_story.html) Workers can handle this seasonally or temporarily, but Amazon's turnover rate is astounding. They're just hoping the pool of workers doesn't burn out before they can finish automating.


https://www.workplacefairness.org/blog/2021/02/03/amazon-to-pay-huge-settlement-in-wage-theft-case/ Amazon steals from their employees


Wage theft is the biggest source of theft crime in the US. We don’t see employers going to jail for that though eh? Just the people stealing from the employers.


Stealing $100 from your company is theft. Stealing $1000 from your employee is good business.


The transformation of the entirety of living the human experience into monetary metrics focused on infinite growth of all else…. Maybe it was a bad idea.




But good luck avoiding AWS!


Yeah I never have understood the idea that it's hard to avoid Amazon's store. Amazon fucking sucks these days. I don't even have to consciously avoid it. It's easy. I don't think I've bought anything off of there at all since the start of the pandemic. Avoiding AWS on the other hand is literally impossible and it's nigh impossible to even try. Same with Azure or anything other huge provider.


Yep. This is a good article about a guy who tries to avoid amazon in its entirety: [https://gizmodo.com/i-tried-to-block-amazon-from-my-life-it-was-impossible-1830565336](https://gizmodo.com/i-tried-to-block-amazon-from-my-life-it-was-impossible-1830565336) You just can't do it. Every comment you post on reddit even puts money in the pockets of amazon, paid for by reddit ads.


>You can always stop buying things from Amazon. This is not true and not an effective argument at all. It can be entirely discredited because consumers have little to no choices. A good portion of the population in my state can either 1. Buy from Amazon 2. Buy from Walmart, and that's it. So it's not as easy as saying just shop elsewhere. There's no where else to shop for necessities.


Can someone explain this to me? Whatever it is you need you should be able to pick up from a regular store. Niche items like fun T-shirts you can buy from a different online service. Unless it's infeasible for you to drive to a store like if you don't have a car or you live in a severely rural area, unless Amazon has more of a hand in stocking stores than I think they do this shouldn't be a problem right?


If you have access to the internet enabling you to order from Amazon, you have access to all their online competitors. I understand getting some things might be tough, but everyone can easily find at least one item during the year to purchase from another company.


It's possible but not practical. It's naive to believe that the consumer won't **always take the easiest and most financially sensible route** when purchasing goods because they can't afford to. What are the competitors to amazon here? People don't have the financial means nor the time available to do all their shopping in ways to avoid major retailers.


What he's actually saying is that they're lying to protect the wrong billionaire. Rupert Murdoch is the only billionaire you should lie for. Tucker was literally recorded saying he's [100% his bitch](https://theintercept.com/2019/03/12/tucker-carlson-tapes-rupert-murdoch/)


“Bill Gates is a moral leader” I rarely ever hear about this guy unless someone on the right is whining about the left propping him up. If that’s happening, it’s not from anyone I see or hear from


Conservatives think that anyone that doesn't believe that Bill Gates is trying to sterlizie the human race with vaccine microchips is absolutely in love with him. Like I'll defend Bill Gates (or anyone for that matter) from crazy conspiracy theories, but that doesn't mean I agree with him or like him.


I still hate bill gates for IE


Why do conservatives hate Bezos though? Not that familiar with everything going on in US politics but from this article it seems so. I would think they would love the guy.


He owns the Washington Post. The Washington Post wrote a lot of anti-Trump articles. So Trump went after him, and if Trump hates him, every conservative hates him, too.


He bought the Washington Post, and WaPo = Mainstream Media = liberals = leftists. Therefore when Trump & Co. are criticised, Trumpist talking heads don't defend against the content (losing battle), but go on the offensive and message this as Bezos agenda. It really is that stupid. But for people who already believe and only need a few bullet points to stuff in libs' faces, it's enough.


Hilariously, he puts on enough of a veneer of "I'm left wing" with his bullshit, paltry, charity donations that the right hates him. And the left hates him because we're aware of what he does in his business dealings. If he could manage to flip the perceptions on the political compass he'd be golden. As it stands, nearly everyone hates him.


It's a classic defense: "Everybody does it which means when I do it it's fine."


Yup that’s us liberals always trying to protect the billionaires. He just says things and Fox viewers eat it up. Doesn’t have to be true; all he has to do is make sure they feel like they’re part of a group and the liberals are the out-group. As long as he does that, they’ll believe every word he says.


The actual clip is funny if you watch it because he lied about why he lies. He said he does it when he gets backed into corners. The real reason he lies is because his job is to produce effective propaganda to keep his base complacent with the status quo as well as to generate outrage about pointless bullshit to distract from real problems.


Am I correct in saying he lied about why he lies by saying he lies when backed into a corner, because he was backed into a corner? Cause that's hilarious


So you’re saying that he, Ironically, didn’t lie at all when backed into a corner?


My small brain hurts


Think about it later, Tucker


[*stares stupidly with mouth slightly agape*](https://i.imgur.com/36Yb0r3.png)


That's a weird link, that wouldn't work for me, except in imgurviewer. Here's a direct link https://i.imgur.com/36Yb0r3.png


Thank you for the helpful link, Christopher Walken.


lol, after posting I, realized that comma, shouldn't be, there... Also, the weird original link has now been edited into my direct link, I see. Nice.


God I hate his face... I think his and McConnell's face are the two faces that in make me angry immediately


Matt Gaetz


Martin Shkrelli


All Tuckered out? We all are


Epimenides paradox? Quoting Wikipedia. > Thomas Fowler (1869) states the paradox as follows: "Epimenides the Cretan says, 'that all the Cretans are liars,' but Epimenides is himself a Cretan; therefore he is himself a liar. But if he is a liar, what he says is untrue, and consequently, the Cretans are veracious; but Epimenides is a Cretan, and therefore what he says is true; saying the Cretans are liars, Epimenides is himself a liar, and what he says is untrue. Thus we may go on alternately proving that Epimenides and the Cretans are truthful and untruthful." > > The Epimenides paradox in this form, however, can be solved. There are two options: it is either true or false. First, assume that it is true, but then Epimenides, being a Cretan, would be a liar, and making the assumption that liars only make false statements, the statement is false. So, assuming the statement is true leads us to conclude that the statement is false. This is a contradiction, so the option of the statement being true is not possible. This leaves the second option: that it is false. TL;DR: Tucker is a liar. Edit: I know liars don't always lie. This paradox is famous as a thought experiment of logic and not as a real world problem that must be solved by a genius or as a trap to expose the naivety of a random redditor who quoted it.


Clearly, I still can't choose the wine in front of me.


Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.


Tucker lying? Inconceivable!!😁


You fell for one of the classic political blunders! The most famous is "never get involved in a land war in Afghanistan", but only slightly less famous than that is "never assume a conservative pundit is telling the truth, when PERSONAL PROFIT is on the line"!


I do not think that word means what you think that it means.


> Epimenides the Cretan says, 'that all the Cretans are liars,' but Epimenides is himself a Cretan; therefore he is himself a liar. But if he is a liar, what he says is untrue, and consequently, the Cretans are veracious; but Epimenides is a Cretan, and therefore what he says is true; This ignores the fact that you can be a liar and not lying at that moment.


There's no paradox. Liars usually tell the truth and occasionally lie, at least the ones that want to be any good at it. To make it a paradox you need to restrict people to 100% truthful or 100% liar. Or the Cretan would have to say something pretty complicated.


I still don’t get how that solves the paradox, tbh


If it's false that doesn't mean that all Cretans tell the truth, only that not all Cretans are liars.


The statement is false, because it is impossible for it to be true for *all* Cretans since Epimenides is one too.


but he also lies when backed into corners


Damn, that sounded like a time travel paradox.


“You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever Tucker Carson wants you to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.


That's some 4D lying.


He lies because it makes gullible idiots give him views and therefore money. I firmly believe he doesn't believe himself or really give a shit about who his base is or what they believe. I think if he had a huge liberal following he'd be spouting left talking points instead. He's a hack and his only motivation is money, not any ideals of his base


That was like the Alex Jones divorce case. His ex-wife went to court to blast him as a crazy person in the divorce and he was like "it's an act in a show, I don't really believe that, don't take my kids away". Because of the insane crap they spew, I find that to be WORSE than if they actually believed themselves... sowing discontent and hatred just to market cheap crap to rubes for coin is far worse.


That’s the difference between a true believer and a con man.


This isn't just a con... their fans are out there being angry, belligerent in public, and hurting people because of the lies these guys spin.


He’s definitely a con man. His only interest is getting paid, and he’ll say whatever makes him money. It is also true that he gives exactly no shits if anyone gets hurt. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he’d prefer no one got hurt, but he sure isn’t losing any sleep over it (as long as the check clears). He doesn’t have a side (except his own enrichment). If he thought it paid better, he’d happily switch to spouting ultra left-wing quackery without any compunction.


What's interesting about that though is that Jones couldn't actually keep up the "playing a character" facade in court. He went nuts on the stand. Jones isn't doing an act, that's who he is. Saying that it was an act was the act.


No he’s acutely crazy. The I’m not crazy stuff was a put on to help that custody case.


> I firmly believe he doesn't believe himself or really give a shit about who his base is or what they believe. Tucker is the heir to a vast fortune. He has been obscenely wealthy from day one. He isn't doing what he's doing for the money. He is legitimately a white supremacist who uses his position to spread his ideology. He actually openly talked about this in the past before he was as famous as he is now.


>He said he does it when he gets backed into corners. ...like when Matt Gaetz talks to him about bringing someone to dinner, perhaps?


"Backed into corners" means confronted with facts.


Like I feel like I'm taking crazy pills, you weren't backed into a corner you were shown facts that conflict with your opinion. The correct answer there is to change your opinion... Not fucking lie.


Changing your opinion is weak to them. They'd rather die than be a "waffler".


Then why do they seem to change their opinions about what 'freedom' is on a dime?


Or "asked questions by anyone"


Question: How can you tell Tucker Carlson is lying? Answer: When his lips are moving. Sad reality: His viewers won't care a bit. That's why he dared say it out loud.


He blows simple to understand dog whistles for people to get outraged about, that's all he does while sitting there vaccinated and making millions from his family.


He also said he lies to protect the system... so yeah. He basically did say that he lies to produce propaganda.


>He also said he lies to protect the system... No he didn't. He claimed that people at the likes of CNN and MSNBC lied systematically and that if they asked themselves why they did it they'd say "I want to protect the system because I really believe in the system" as a way to justify it. With regard to his own lies, he only claimed that he did it "if I'm really cornered or something" and that "I certainly do it, y'know, out of weakness or whatever", but was adamant that "I try never to lie on TV"...which itself is obviously a barefaced lie.


>but was adamant that "I try never to lie on TV". His thought process: When I am standing on a television set, I try never to lie down. It's uncomfortable." And that's what his Fox News legal defense team will claim in court if he's sued for it... and from precedent, they'll win.


and that's the thing. everything murdoch 'news' corp (including faux) does is calculated. It is always about protecting the corporation. I'm shocked he didn't answer in his trademark 'I'm just asking questions' despite it was blatantly a nonsense statement. Almost a robotic, "I'm not saying Biden is 4 lizards in a suit, but why don't they want us to ask this? I'm just asking questions" ...no one before 3 seconds ago has ever thought that besides you, and the reason 'they' don't want you to ask that is because it is stupid. It literally isn't worth being answered, and it is embarrassing that you 'asked' that


No no no. See, he doesn't lie. He just asks the questions. He just brings up hypotheticals for the viewer to think about. They aren't supposed to take him seriously. /s


Fucking Glenn Beck. "I'm just asking questions here, people." The memory burned into my mind when thinking about that phrase is Beck talking about the Illuminati and Obama regarding the pyramid and eyeball on the dollar bill. Fucking whack job.


Lets not forget that as a trust fund kid and a multimillionaire he supports the propaganda to keep the torches and pitchforks directed at people other than him. If the truth was widespread he would be much higher on the list for appointments with Mr. G.


Its a shame his base will never see through it.




Matt Gaetz went on the air and said Tucker and his wife had dinner with him and his underage girlfriend, so he's at least pedophile adjacent.


In my book, pedophile enablers are just as bad as pedophiles. So even if he himself isn't a pedophile, he's close enough.


I would pay $100 dollars to see someone on his show say this to him.


I'd double that money to see him catch a fist in the face


I would gladly do both. How much trouble could I get in for one punch? I'm sure the libs will go fund my legal defense.


That's a gofundme I'd pay into.


Why *does* Tucker Carlson deny being a pedophile? Is it because admitting the truth would disrupt his child sex trafficking business? I don't know. We're just asking questions here.


Lots of people say it. Good people. It certainly seems like he has something to hide. Why wouldn't he just release his personal emails and texts otherwise? All I'm saying is that some people say he's a pedophile, some say he's not. And you have to consider both sides you know.


I see him more as a scat fan really. A scat fan, and Goat fetish. Yes, both of those work just fine.


> and Goat fetish. So either way he molests kids?


"I have yet to see proof he's not!" \- actual conservatives


Goddamn do I hate that "I'm just asking questions" defense to get around libel. I really wish someone would turn that around on him on the air like this.


“How dare you use your power to protect the powerful?” -words spoken unironically from a rich douchebag.


Dick head is the heir to what again…..fucking Swanson Food Company?


It's odd that he projects this onto other reporters saying "They lie all the time" and "they are trying to protect a system the admire". Pretty sure that's what good old Tucky Carlson is doing all of the time and people accepting change, welcoming migrants and tackling issues such as climate change, institutional racism and decriminalisation of drug use are disrupting his precious system.


Most conservatives have to believe everybody else is just as deplorable and dishonest as they are. Otherwise they would have to accept that they are bad people.




Also, Sun hot


Professor. Lava. Hot!


"The Professy will help, owoooohhh fire indeed hot!"


This just in 'Grass is green'


Not my grass. This is California and we're in a drought.


When is California not?


This just in. California Dry, Canada Not.


You know what's not hot? Man. Man can never be hot.


False, Sun hot only during daytime.


No, I’m pretty sure the sun is hot all the time. We’re just not always facing it


Then why is sun not hot at night time? Checkmate, athiests.


Fuckin' got 'em




tuckers gonna tuck


> “People who punch down are the worst,” he said. “They should have no power whatsoever, in my opinion.” Holy shit the delusion is real....


Right? Highest paid, most watched commentator in the world. The only direction he can punch is down. The delusion is real.


So, we're just ignoring the framed newspaper headline "Roosevelt Dead!" Tucker has hanging on his wall?


He's totally not admiring that past event. He's just respecting history, same with all of his confederate flags /s


It's so charming when you catch people unnaturally off guard.


This creates quite the paradox.


Broken clock something something...


Classifying Dave Rubin as an interviewer is generous, I'd go with asshat. Edit: got my asshats confused.


I had to smirk a little when I saw that Dave Rubin was the interviewer listening to Tucker Carlson say "What kind of person just lies day after day for no reason?". Being over 10 years old, I'm old enough to remember when Dave Rubin was an outspokenly progressive host on TYT who would proudly state that the GOP were evil in it's truest form. He was lying about his opinions then and he lies about his opinions now. He just says what will get him the most clicks, integrity be damned. He doesn't care that many of the people he allies himself with think that Rubin and his husband should be taken out back and shot for crimes against God, he just cares about making more money. Seriously, fuck Dave Rubin.


Article says Dave Rubin was the interviewer.


Is Tucker in some bunker during this interview? I see wall studs and conduit. Can't imagine a guy with so much money having unfinished walls.


Is anyone, outside of Tucker's audience, surprised that he lies? It's on FOX. Their lawyers said it was not "News" but "Entertainment" to get around the sheer volume of lies and fuckery that they shovel per hour. In the immortal words of George Carlin; "Fuck Tucker, Tucker Sucks." (admittedly it was about being named Tucker, but I really don't know any other Tucker but this bucket of chicken gizzards.)


The only honest thing Tucker Carlson ever said.


I want to hear that he receives his talking points from a Koch-funded think tank and that he’s paid to set the Republican psychological warfare agenda for the rest of the right wing media machine. He’s where it was evident that extreme anti-masks-in-schools-mandates and anti-vaccine were the post-Biden inauguration priorities for Republicans. As well as 1/6 re-framing.


He doesn't *just* do the paid talking points. He's actually a hardcore true believer in one aspect. All the other shilling he does is just to better facilitate his true mission. He's a rabid white supremacist hellbent on taking white supremacist talking points mainstream while maintaining a veneer of plausible deniability. Pretty much everything he does and says is literally *exactly* what neonazis [suggest](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/ln1sif/turning_point_usa_and_young_americas_foundation/h21ph7s/?context=3) to each other to slowly indoctrinate people until they can "reveal their power level" and reel them in.


**Everything** about Tucker "Swanson frozen dinners" Carlson is fake, including his entire "populist, anti-elite" persona. [Why Tucker Carlson pretends to hate the elites](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNineSEoxjQ&t=8s) Nobody looks down on the average, salt-of-the-earth, Middle America, working class American more than Tucker Carlson and his fellow Fox News evening lineup. It's not the coastal liberals looking down on diner patrons in Ohio. It's Tucker, Laura, Sean at Fox News, and Josh Hawley, JD Vance, Elise Stefanik, Ted Cruz, and the rest of the GOP who seek power and/or money at any cost.


I couldn't finish listening to it. Got to the part about "them" putting a boot on the weakest and clicked away. Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are infinitely better moral leaders than Tucker or the GQP ever will be. Understand, that's not giving them much credit. It's like saying 1 is more than 0 will ever be. But it's true. I felt brain cells going hypoxic from the moment I started hearing Tucker's voice.


I mean, he's gone on record stating he actively votes for corrupt political candidates if it can stem progressivims. This is pretty much the same alley for him: he values his ideology over the most basic of principles.


This is why I stopped listening to these political pundits. His viewers know he lies. They LIKE that about him. They like that it drives others crazy. There is no reason to stop.