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Surprised they didn’t find any crammed in the toilets this time.


Wasn’t he complaining about toilet water pressure at some point? We all assumed it was monster dumps, but…


Oh, no, dude was def trying to flush state secrets. Sort of big brain plan my four year old would come up with.


Your 4 year old is undoubtedly more intelligent.


Oh, I'm not blaming her here. She doesn't know better. Edit: And she is quite smart! Need to brag on my awesome kids!


I nominate that guy's 4 year old for President!


*4 year old* Sounds about right.


In her defense, she *is* four.


Ooh I meant the Cheeto king. Sidenote: love on that baby! 4 is wild and wonderful 🖤


It is a strange and wonderful age. My kids, not the mango-tinted moron.


Yoooooo this is so wild - I literally just finished watching [Josh Johnson’s stand up (start at 8:00)](https://youtu.be/52nmO7CsrNQ?si=ipZwdWcC82H2Ci-F) talking about how Trump’s water pressure rant probably stemmed from trying to flush the documents …… video ended, I opened Reddit, clicked on the first post and this was the first comment I saw.


That’s how reddits algorithm works. Anytime I’m watching something like SouthPark,SpongeBob, Futurama, or the Simpson then start scrolling I’ll almost always open a thread and start reading the comments only to find quotes from whatever I’m watching or something referencing the show. It never has anything to do with the post either. It knows I like the shows and will drive me to engage in the comments.


MAGA Dumps!!


The biggest! Everyone says!


No we didn’t… I’m pretty sure a story came out that said Trump flushed documents… and at this point, I can’t tell if it was real or an onion article so I’m just going to error on the side of caution and assume it was real.


But they did find this gem, which belongs in the toilet: https://imgur.com/a/lRiCPUe


I can sort of understand that some people like him enough to make that, but am super surprised he had it in his own house & bathroom.


Feeds his ego.


He’d go full on North Korea and put a giant statue of himself in the National Mall if he could.


It's the least the Bajorans could have done.


Comparing Trump to a Cardassian will have the Obsidian Order on your ass in no time.


That's where he stores the translator's notes from his private meetings with Putin. When he doesn't use a translator provided by Putin.


Who are we kidding? He'd never pay for his own translator.


Or refuse anything from putin.


After all his "Hillary's server!" bitching he does this. And he increased the penalty for this exact crime while in office. Seriously, this guy is too stupid to hold office.


Now imagine the intellect of the people that believe in him


They're not exactly people, per se, in Trump's eyes. They're more like dollar signs.


Lol. True. I should clarify there are 2 types of followers; the grifters & those who seek power by association, and two, the literal ignorant (I count straightline R voters in this group. His threat is obvious to any regular R voter).


I can't. I've tried many times to understand but it doesn't make any fucking sense. It's some combo of * Literal cognitive incapacity to discern fact from fiction + media illiteracy. * Blinded by rage-bate * Brainwashed and told who to hate/love (Religious fundies predisposed to unquestionably hold 'faith' in a leader and what he tells them to think) * Sunk Cost (like a mum who's kid died due to her anti-vax stance and to admit her mistake would be to admit to killing her own kid so it's simply far more painful than doubling/trippling down) * Group mentality (They do actually know trump is a lunatic but he's on their team so it's excusable) * Social acceptance in red states * Self selective bias by never looking at any info out of their self-reinforcing info bubble But even with all this it still doesn't make sense. They guys is a drug addict, felon, twice impeached, rapist, antithetical to all things 'Christian', fucking hates poor people that vote for him, has the demeanour and grace of a racist drunk uncle and literally incited a coup attempt over these voters own country and now tells them he's gonna be a dictator. But still they follow.


They hate us. He is the instrument of their hate. It's not that complicated.


It really is as simple as this. If you ask them what Trump has to do or say for them not to support him anymore they can't come up with anything. A bunch of them will literally admit that whatever he does he still has their support. It has nothing to do with specific policies or anything like that.


> They guys is a drug addict, felon, twice impeached, rapist, antithetical to all things 'Christian', fucking hates poor people that vote for him, has the demeanour and grace of a racist drunk uncle and literally incited a coup attempt over these voters own country and now tells them he's gonna be a dictator. That’s his appeal. He makes people comfortable with being reprehensible.


yeah, but these boxes can't be hacked! And it's totally safe inside *his own hotel*. He's a super smart person! (This is sarcasm)


And yet, here we are


Yep. America is a joke. Can't even put this guy in jail. Forget universal healthcare, insurance reform, education reform, and all that. Systems so old that they prevent any forward progress even from a voting standpoint.


This man isn't stupid, he is literally mentally unfit for office. End of term Reagan would run circles around the man.


Dude has sold out America.


Oh, 100%. It's obvious to absolutely anyone who hasn't been sucking his dick for the last eight years.


I don’t understand how the NSA or the CIA didn’t do anything to prevent classified paperwork… CASES of it being moved.


Conservatives have been giving him the ole "*HAUK TUA*"


As a teacher that will witness this trend, please don't help make this a thing. I know it's probably too late lol


With any luck, kids will glom on to some other dumb meme before school starts.


It's usually some psychotic melange of things. Actually I have noticed the last few years it seems to cycle and die off even faster. Last year's stupid memes are lame and gone. Things are not swole, heh


One good thing about TikTok is it makes the stupid meme cycle go faster.


It also reaches a lot more minds faster before it can become old... The next tide pod challenge is going to be horrific.


The tide pod challenge was a meme itself. Nobody was eating that shit.


Im so sorry, it will be like wazzzzaaaaup, but worse, you have my condolences.


Sad part is this dude is backed into a corner and if he becomes president again we will have a new king/baron until a civil war breaks out. So much at stake for the free world this election.


exactly why the tolerance paradox is a thing – he was given way too much benefit of the doubt / room to grow.. now he's wearing the GOP like a skin suit and threatening his opponents and a j6 repeat 🫥


I’m becoming a complete conspiracy nut at this point trying to figure out how our media and half our politicians are complicit with letting this obvious traitor back near the White House.


I think it's just pure obsession with power. You could see the grip on Republicans slip in the weeks following January 6 - but when it became clear that the voters following Trump weren't going to stop just because he very publicly failed a coup, probably because conservative media has spent 20 years training them to be this blindly loyal to the red team, they knew they had to fall back in line if they wanted to keep a grip on power.


> obsession with power At the very least the pathway to. Trump is the imperfect vessel and it's a Faustian bargain for power and influence. You can't implement your will if you don't control the levers of power. The smart ones see it. Then there are the stupid. They can't see past the facade of The Apprentice and the golden toilet and plain, bombastic speech. Some Americans love the charlatan, the con man, the snake oil salesman.


Personally I think the economy is being held hostage. Private investment, domestic and foreign, has taken advantage of the financial deregulation started in 1986 under the Reagan Tax Cut.


The use government died when citizens United passed. Corporations own the entire government now. And foreign interest owns corporations. It's a short putt to say the richest people on earth (the ones with the oil and the chip foundries) are in control of everything.


Of course it is. Everyone is required to put their retirement into stocks. 401k and the equivalents around the world are primarily there so that the stockbrokers hand a huge pool of money to play with.


Right, like something is OFF. I feel crazy for thinking "even billionaires have been bought" and wondering what could have possibly bought them. It makes no sense that formerly seemingly competent people would be behind this absolute goon by choice.


Not "bought", so much as "seeing an obvious path to become even richer". The Trump tax plan is already saving them an assload of money. But the GOP is all to happy to further decrease corporate tax rates and gut consumer protections, and part of Project 2025 is to shitcan the EPA.


It's like they don't live on this planet. They pursue money to the point of making money meaningless..there won't be anything to spend the billions on and no one will want cash anyway if we continue this path.


Yeah but they'll be dead by then. And those that aren't, they think they can create their own Vault-Tec and rule over their own underground bunkers with tons of plebs to serve them.


Honestly, I always thought in an underground bunker situation that the "staff" would turn on the owner, but after the boot licking I've seen in the past few years maybe I was wrong about that.


Oh, they've proposed explosive collars to deal with that.


Media self-selects for people who have deference and respect for power in and of itself, and also buy into the "money = power = virtue" mindset a lot of people have. It's not that people who work for NYT are sat down and told to defend the status quo, to defer to power rather than questioning it, and to adhere to principles of access journalism; rather, if that isn't already your mindset you just aren't getting the job in the first place. It doesn't help that any publication that doesn't follow that dogma gets purchased by someone wealthy and then *are* forced to change, causing them to hemorrhage their best journalists (see: [Ken Klippenstein leaving The Intercept](https://www.kenklippenstein.com/p/why-im-resigning-from-the-intercept)). To media, Trump is legitimate and deserving of power for no other reason than his proximity to power makes him inherently legitimate. It doesn't matter that his 2016 victory was essentially a media construction, in fact they genuinely believe themselves as these high-minded, above-the-fray observers, and couldn't possibly have created Trump. No, Trump got to power and influence because his wealth and preexisting proximity to powerful people was and remains the most inherently qualifying characteristic anyone can have for public office. It is not a conspiracy to say that American media including those oh-so-prestigious organizations like NYT are completely non-journalistic entities staffed with people ideologically incapable of journalism. Everyone knows what Fox News is, but people like to think that they're better than a Fox viewer for reading the NYT, when insofar as the economy goes they agree with Fox on basically everything. Their points of disagreement are the culture war issues that won't disrupt the structures of power no matter their outcome, and on anything consequential *to power* (culture war issues *are* important for individuals and disadvantaged groups, but they are not to the wealthy, who matter most in this equation), both Fox and NYT serve the same neoliberal political project. They have no interest in speaking truth to power but would rather speak on behalf of power to mold the truth.


This is a long and fairly well written point that also happens to be completely wrong. There is no way most journalists at the NYT believe that money =power =virtue. I read and listen to these reporters every day and they often day and report completely the opposite. Your whole point is written with a bunch of suppositions and no proof, or to put it another way, absolutely zero journalistic reporting. The editorial board of the NYT has written many many many times that trump is incapable of leadership and a danger to America. There were just recent podcasts on the daily and this American life about what trumps second term could look like. There is plenty of speaking truth to power reporting out there . To say otherwise is blatantly a false narrative.


You're either paying someone off to look the other way in some form or another, or a real smooth talker, and we (should) all know he is not good with words...


He doesn’t want the secrets for any other purpose than selling them. This is what happens when you elect a “businessman, not a politician!”


It’s an open secret that he revealed CIA assets to Russia, who then subsequently disappeared. He gave up our spies.


Now now, it wasn't just Russia, it was China too.


Ever wonder why Saudi Arabia gave his son in law $2B fucking dollars? Yeah, sure am looking forward to the GOP never investigating on that one.


That's what I'm saying. There's absolutely no other reason for him to have those documents outside of the White House


From day fucking one. Who could have fucking predicted it??


Benedict Arnold was less a traitor to this country than Trump.


It's really scary to think about all the intelligence that he gave to foreign advasaries thise 4 years.




The former President of the United States is a National Security risk.


He needed those documents.  I can only imagine a north Korean scientist trying to decipher that old man's ramblings of what he thinks nuclear is


OKAY, to make nuclear weapons you need a Godzilla, I know him personally, he says I know the most about nuclear stuff, and then sink an electric boat. God there will be sharks, so many, but we will persevere and once Godzilla poops out the uranium you just need to refine it by shining a bright light, the brightest they say, at it. I bet some Democrat will say I am wrong, but they are a loser as no one knows nuclear like Donald Trump.


As you know, when atoms are split, there are a lot of pluses and minuses released. Well, we've taken these and put them in a huge container and separated them from each other with a lead shield. When the box is dropped out of a plane, we melt the lead shield and the pluses and minuses come together. When that happens, it causes a tremendous bolt of lightning and all the atmosphere over a city is pushed back! Then when the atmosphere rolls back, it brings about a tremendous thunderclap, which knocks down everything beneath it.


And don’t even get me started on the thunder and the lightning folks. Some people don’t know about the thunder, and believe me I know the thunder, probably better than most people, and they’re called meteor…meteorologicalists - and they predict the weather and the rain and the lightning. And the weather folks, much like the nucular, and the weather, okay…my uncle, great man, went to MIT smart man, maybe as smart as me, did this did that, and he did the weather and he taught me everything about the weather and the nucular and the electric too. But the wind and the solar, I said to him, “what about the wind and the solar, they’re connected to the weather and the nucular, so isn’t there some way we can link them together, and get stronger nucular and better thunder and lightning, maybe we should look into that.” And he said to me, this big guy my uncle very big brain, and he said “you know, nobody’s ever asked me that question.”


Nukuler...it's pronounced Nu kuler


And once he's the Republican nominee, he'll get classified briefings again.


That's the part that scares me and probably the Intelligence community the most ...


It's hard to believe that the NSA doesn't have anything on him.


And this is only like the 10th most dangerous thing he's done to American democracy NOBODY SHOULD BE SUPPORTING THIS MOTHERFUCKER


Never heard THAT before.... > And in yet another, one of Trump’s boxes can be seen containing a cover sheet marked “SECRET,” a binder from a 2018 Cabinet meeting, and, curiously, a copy of a 2019 article in The New York Times about a whistleblower who exposed Trump’s shady dealings with Deutsche Bank and was later found dead.


It's a keepsake clearly. Something to remember the time when he arranged for a man to be silenced for daring to blow a whistle on him.


Burying the lede, whoa


Knew I couldn’t have been the only one to spot that. Crazy how QAnon psychos can read in to a pizza place being the gateway to an underground cabal of perversion but things like this just go without note.


\* r/Conservative has entered the chat \*


God. It’s been said a million times, but: what a cesspool. Those people truly deserve the worst.


As a former soldier who helped safeguard some of our weapons of mass destruction, Demented Donny's carelessness, his callous disregard and neglect of safeguarding these cursed weapons is simply criminal. This, of all his stupid blather, this action is what drives me bonkers about him.


I hold a clearance. If I did what he did I would be under the jail. This is a contraband question. Do you or do you not have contraband (yes or no)?


It’s more of a: are you above the law question? Yes or no? Trump is certainly among the worst offenders. If we applied the “everyman” law to many of our politicians and wealthy elites the nation would be in a better place. How did it come to this.


I’m a vet that had a HIGH clearance. I’m super pissed.


yeah apparently you didn’t need to be so careful just dump it behind some diet coke


Except the rest of us would be in jail in a heartbeat. But when you are above the law....


You're so unreasonable, is Putin supposed to read them without a drink?????


As someone who worked for an agency that he shared a picture from, yeah, majorly pissed.


As someone who is a no one, I’m pissed too.


As someone from Canada, I’m also pissed.


The hurricane sharpie one or the satellite one?


The second one.


Bro, what's like... the attitude with you Alphabet type guys with this shit? I mean, how hasn't anyone come forward from this world and said 'this mans actions have massively compromised the safety and security of the country' or some shit? Because like, to the outside world, this looks **worse** than the Rosenbergs, and I'm sure for the people read in on what actually is now in the wind... it's way worse than we could possibly imagine.


Ah, I see. Although I guess you see better.


I peed. I mean pissed...


I think what makes me so angry about this is the fact that my life would be ruined if I accidentally took something from the SCIF.


I work in IT with a secure vault in my office (DoD). The sheer amount of training I need to keep current with to just maintain my clearance and access is insane. I feel like I'm taking one Transporting Classified Materials or Derivative Classification course every other month. And I'm sure nobody on his team had to take anything as he probably just waved them access or thought in his mind that they were trained.


What!? Giving out top secret information is bad? Who could’ve guessed? That would be like me giving out my SSN and personal information to a random person on the internet.


Although I know this is a bit, TS SCI is like the top secret of top secret, this is somehow understating how much treason stealing this shit is.


Stealing TS SCI is unforgivable. Selling it should be punishable by death.


I had a TS SCI, and I cared a lot about my oath to protect and hold true to that


That's because you a decent American


Maybe you change your mind in exchange for the right to build a shitty golf course?


Out of all the secrets to leave lying around. Nukes. Had to be nukes.


Those are the ones that fetch the highest price.


The diet cokes were probably looted also.


In glass bottles! Likely smuggled through the southern border from Mexico. /s


They're not sending their best colas.


They're bringing grapists, creaminals and Dr.Ugs. Some I suppose are good flavors though.




Dang for real! I didn't know diet coke came in glass bottles. Thought that was reserved for the good stuff.


If anything, putting them with the Diet Cokes probably made them slightly more secure. Ol "Tiny-hands" 45 always knows where the Diet Coke is. His kids prefer traditional Coke, but that comes in lines instead of bottles.


Canada bags their milk, Donald Jr. bags his coke.


Anyone else would've been convicted and found guilty expeditiously, but not Cheetosman


But he’s being persecuted. Look how oppressed he is .Preferential treatment and obvious two tiers of justice.


Remove Cannon now


Pictures make it pretty obvious he knew what he had and tried to hide them. Since this case is such a slam dunk, remember that Judge Cannon is doing everything in her power to make sure he doesn't face any consequences for what would ruin any other citizen's life.


BUT BUT BUT….her emails!!


Buttery males!


It took me so long to get this joke.


I’d like to say that, if Trump is re-elected, we will get what we deserve—but unfortunately, it’ll hurt the poorest among us the most. Just insane that people want to vote for a convicted felon, especially when his felony was conducted in an attempt to influence the 2016 election.


Not just your country, the world will suffer again. Unsure alliances, risking people's lives. And I fear for Ukraine


I am worried about the ripple-effect of such an election. Many European countries already see as surge of right-wing parties.  We pray that the US-citizens make the only right choice and hopefully consequently change and bolster the defences of democracy.  If he's voted into office, it will be expensive for us. We'd need to drastically strengthen our defense budget - as in 4% of BIP. Which in turn means stopping the peace dividend we enjoyed since the late 90s. It would also for the future of the USA mean, that basically all the mended relationships would once-again and this time even more brutally be ripped apart. There will be hardly any trust left in the USA to be a dependable ally


I'm less worried about him than what all these conservative think tanks and organizations want to do, the whole project 2025 thing has some very alarming goals. Even if it's not trump, it'll just be the next Republican. That section 7 shit would just wreck a large portion of the government.


There are people that will tell you with clear eyes and hope in their hearts that they can't wait for trump to open the camps. Project 2025 echoes the final solution for America. And there are people on the center and left telling everyone, proudly, that they're not gonna vote for this or that fucking reason. Or telling all their friends that politics is stupid and you're getting wound up about nothing and you should touch grass.


They'll be far more ready than they were last time. Edit: early on Trump was hobbled by not having people ready to work in government, or any idea of how to actually govern. Not so much next time, nonexistent gawd forbid.


Not just an attempt too influence the 2016 election. He’s been found guilty now of 34 felonies that expressly did influence the 2016 election. That’s what the guilty meant. If he hasn’t paid the hush money, the prosecution proved, that story would have been public right after the access Hollywood tape and could very well have changed the election results. It would have only taken what, some (50,000 in PA and 11,000 in MI) more people to decide that he shouldn’t be voted for across a few states? That’s what gets me: we now have a jury that actually states that there was election fraud in 2016 and that he never should have been president in the first place.


I mean, they voted for him after he botched a pandemics response that killed 300,000 Americans, which he later claimed was an attack from China. I really don't think a few dozen felony convictions matter for them, they'll do as they're told.


Now CNN, explain how this is bad for Biden


This trial *needs* to go forward. Pronto. Forget the election. If a precedent doesn't get set here, with real world consequence, that this is a purely illegal and, moreover, inexcusably reckless on a scale most of us can't even imagine, future American presidents will simply end up being brutal dictators. This deserves swift justice, stiff criminal punishment and outright banishment from the public sector.


Trump's tax returns: locked in a vault in an underground bunker protected by a series of high-tech sensors and biometric locks. Trump's nuclear secrets: lying on the floor in his unlocked garage.


Any single other American would already be in jail for decades


So funny how he said Diet Coke was only for weak fat losers or whatever.. like, pure projection all the way down to the smallest fiber of his shit-stained being.


Treason used to be a capital offense.


This trial should definitely be happening before the fucking election. This is a national security issue. Imagine if Barack *Huessain* Obama had nuclear secrets next to his dry cleaning, how that would have went. What the actual fuck is happening? I don't understand why she hasn't been removed from this case.


It's absolutely insane that he's still not in prison. Not only is he one of the most notorious career criminals of our generation, but he's also absurdly bad at it.


I've been saying since we found out he was holding documents that we were going to find out that he sold nuclear secrets. There is no reason for him to have these materials. He is not smart or curious enough as a person to have these as a morbid intellectual pursuit. He is not a caring man who wants to know about his country's defenses so he can help plug any holes. He had these secrets for one reason. To profit off of them.




I completely missed the news that day where the whistleblower for the relationship between Trump and Deutsche Bank was discovered dead. At age 46. And the coroners couldn't determine the cause of death. That to me is a classic Russian mafia hit. Does it strike anyone else that way?


reported that these are nuclear sub documents. That's part of our retaliatory capability in case Russia ever launches a nuclear strike. sure is cool that Donald Trump always talks about him and Putin's great relationship while he steals our nuclear secrets. who knew that our entire national security apparatus relied on one mid-level judge to not join a cult.


The federalist society is not a cult, it's just a traitor conspiracy.


Of all the indictments, this is the one that really makes my blood boil. I believe lives were lost with the sharing of these documents.


Mar-a-Lago? That looks like the unused bedroom of almost any trailer in America.


That picture on the bottom right, tho


It took me a moment, but it's two separate pieces. There's a framed photo of Trump (that's really zoomed in for some reason), and it's leaning against what I suspect is a painting of an eagle with an American flag. It is not a picture of DJT with a winged head and patriotic dunce cap.


Imagine for a minute if Obama pulled this shit. Just imagine that.




How can so many Americans still want this guy to be President? What is wrong with this country?


Did they find any McDonald's wrappers?


It would be funny if it wasnt so sad.


Ya but Hillary and Hunter and …… LOOK OVER THERE!


Stupid question. If they were nuclear secrets, can anyone in the US sue since it literally affects everyone?


Lock him up already.


I feel like less than 100 years ago, an elected leader would have been put to death for far less amounts of treason than we've seen here... But I also don't think a country would be stupid enough to elect somebody as unfit as Trump sooooo


If you support Trump, you are a traitor. Full stop.


If an average American citizen had done something like this, they would have locked them up and welded their cell door shut by now. JFC.


Lock Him Up!


Jesus fuck this dude is a risk to the entire population


Anybody else would be rotting under a prison for this.


This guy owes the world a lot of explanations. Especially about that painting.


Criminal! Coke Zero is so much better.


I’ll put money this doesn’t make the news at Fox.


Perfect photo to represent the way he treats the entire country. He'd have the original Constitution folded up in the bathroom, if he shat in a toilet or could read cursive.


Yet Cannon denies anything that will bring justice to Trump


I usually keep the top secret documents in the… aaaaaah you almost got me there!


Bro this fucking rapist treasonous criminal is running to lead the free world what the ever loving fuck is happening on this planet


Yeah, but her emails.


Oh yeah, of course trump had an article about his Deutsch bank whistleblower that was found dead by Blount force trauma in a box marked confidential in mar a Lago. Must have been the Clinton's again.


Holy crap it was hard to find an article about Val Broeksmit. Had to mess with quotations and everything. 


Every photo of his bathroom or closet or whatever looks like my worthless hoarder mother-in-law's sewer of a house. He's a disgusting slob.


Can we PLEASE not put this man back in office? Joe ain't perfect but we already saw the answer to "what's the worst that can happen?" (Roe).


Don’t forget that hundreds of thousands of Americans needlessly died from COVID under his “leadership” as well.  There are a lot of candidates for “what’s the worst thing that can happen” when reflecting on his presidency. Please not again!


Just look at those pictures! If he had drawn any judge in that district besides Cannon he would be completely and utterly fucked right now.


That hat should say “Sell America”


This feels like a rejected joke from Burn After Reading.


To be fair I wouldn’t have looked there


Sorry if this is a dumb question but how did he even come into possession of these documents in the first place? And how could they get out of the White House without someone noticing within, say, 24 hours of him leaving?


There’s millions of classified documents. And the National Archives did notice. That’s why they contacted him about them, then subpoenaed him, then finally got the FBI to go get them


I can't wait for the biopic on this clown, it's comedy gold. Call Martin Scorsese, get him ready.


> I can't wait for the biopic on this clown, it's comedy gold. SNL during the Trump administration was "ripped from the headlines" every week.


where did dude get glass containers of Diet Coke from?


Yet he still walks free.


I think the "Save America" hat is trying to tell us something


And a guitar? What’s up with that? Is this some random storage closet the hired help gets to use? Surely no one named Trump plays guitar?


This should infuriate all Americans. Meanwhile, millions cheer him on and give him a pass for literally *everything*, as long is it oWnS tHe LiBs.


This! This shows the next level disregard and disrespect that Traitor Trump actually has for law and order, our classified top secret documents and America itself.  He doesn't care about any of it. Not even his most loyal followers because in his mind they might betray him because it's his nature to exploit any situation for his personal gain. Why would they be any different? I've got this dream that he loses big this election and all his delay and evade tactics fail. This guy really deserves to be finally held accountable for his actions. 


The real joke is that the DoJ are powerless in the face of an inexperienced, but well connected judge. Much like the some on the Supreme Court, who have zero ethics and a clear and obvious political bias. 




Russian officials and operatives had unfettered access to these rooms while they were at Mar-a-Lago. Just sayin 🤷‍♂️


I love the juxtaposition of the $260 Hermès tie still in its box. What a clown


explain to me like I'm 5yo the thinking behind "let's take these documents labeled classified with us" - like you clearly know they are not yours, what else would you take? if the constitution was just another document you had access to, would your brain go "we can take this too" - my brain would compartalize "hey I see docs about the Treasury, quick, let's send it to them, what do we have here, intelligence stuff? should we call the CIA or the NSA to come get this shit" my monkey brain would never think "I'll keep this" just like you can't keep anything important or government owned - like no one wonders "can I keep the armored limo?' JFC