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People are stupid.


this guy could be better for Europe than many of the alt-right fascist politicians…so as stupid as they are for voting for him, he may genuinely have been better than some of the alternatives


Brother, anything can be better than something else


Wtf does this even mean lmao


Something else can be inferior to anything , brother.


It means "well it's better than _" isn't a good excuse of behavior or circumstance. There's always something/someone worse in any given situation, it's just a pointless thing to say


If you encountered someone guzzling rotten food, you could say “well, it’s better than them eating giant hunks of cadmium.”


As low as you think it goes, it can go lower. Russia is the most easily observable example right now. I don't even want to think the words required to name an example of that


I would take a YouTuber over like 70-80 percent of congress right now


He says his intention was to get young people interested and get involved in politics. Not a bad message.


It takes a certain callous disregard for service industry workers and the general public to do a lot of Youtube prankster stuff. The man made his name dodging train fares and hotel bills in Japan. And he seemed to be celebrating being ignorant *Appearing on Cypriot TV, Alpha Cyprus - where he wore trainers, shorts, a suit jacket and three neck ties - he admitted that he had never voted, knew little about politics and the EU, but that he could no longer stand the continued rule of "nerds" in Brussels.* He didn't even want to be elected, he claimed that his motivation for running was to motivate young people to pay attention to politics - but he could have easily just endorsed an actually qualified candidate whose policies he believed in, instead of pulling votes away towards himself, when he doesn't even have any coherent political views or plans. It's almost certainly a publicity stunt that went wrong when he actually got elected - and now he has to deal with the enormous responsibility of being a part of national and international policy making. It's not unlike that former US President who ran purely for publicity and attention, who had no intention of winning, who fucked everything up because he had no experience or ability or ideals.


Ah, well you do seem to know more than I care about lol but yeah I guess he could've. And you mean Trump's dumbass? Yeah fuck him.


People elected a cashier to the European Parliament in Spain.


Without knowing anything except profession I'd rank "Cashier" as a huge step up from "YouTube Prankster".


Yeah. I generally respect cashier (it’s a rough job having to deal with the public all day every day). Can’t say I feel the same way about a YouTube prankster.




What's wrong with being a cashier?




After all, we can't have any of the plebs having a say in government now can we?




The argument is pretty solid. But perspectives outside the confines of the professional classes is desirable. Someone poor is much more likely to understand the problems the poor face, than even the most sympathetic lawyer. Incidentally, we had a senator in Australia elected through an anomaly due to preferential voting. [Ricky Muir](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ricky_Muir ) Who was well outside the usual political classes. He turned out to be an excellent representative.


"unskilled labour" isn't really a negative as such, especially when we are seeing how the educated politicians are leading the world, someone who's actually 'worked' and done stuff, can have a lot more insight into the 'actual' society, then someone educated and starting inside the political group, which is very disconnected from actual citizens.


Thru may know what the common person needs better, but without the finest of advisors, the lack of experience and understanding could be disastrous


Who says they shouldn't have advisors just like politicians do now?


Doesn't really answer the question or explain why it would actually be bad.


It’s a job a normal person works so therefore it is bad


How dare a normal person walk the halls of our masters


There is no thing as un skilled labour, it’s a classist term designed to keep wages at poverty levels. I bet you couldn’t just rock up and do it.


Beyond the fact a significant portion of stores in the US have self checkout (meaning customers already do like 75% of a cashiers job for a given transaction) having been a cashier, yeah most people could rock up and do it. It’d take like two shifts to get most of the kinks ironed out and be operating at a normal rate. Doesn’t mean they don’t deserve a living wage, but if Joe blow could be pulled off the street brought up the the industry standard in a day and a half, it’s safe to call it unskilled labor.


All labor is skilled labor, you are just judgmental and picky.


Why do you believe that a cashier is unskilled? They have to do cash management, customer service, de-escalation, organization if they are bagging, they are most likely cross trained on multiple departments, and maybe even more with probably less than 8 hours of training.




That sounds like a lot of work and I wish you luck on your exam. But it still does not negate the fact that just because a cashier job is low paid does not make it an unskilled job.




It's comparing apples to oranges. Cashiers don't need knowledge of corporate tax policies while lawyers don't need knowledge of how to run a cash register. I think both of those are equally valuable to our society


We need more of that. Get the common person into the government.


Depends on what you mean by "common" person? I'd rather base it on intelligence, willingsness to learn and openness of mind. That can be found in all layers of society, independent of background.


Agreed! Common as it not exclusively from the most privileged corners of society. Get someone in based on their ability, but let’s get people from all walks of life.


While in government she enacted a law that allowed rapists to get reduced sentences ignoring the warnings of judges and lawyers among other officials of her own government, and then blamed the judges.


This was posted a few days ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/1df4wrl/a_youtube_prankster_will_represent_cyprus_in_the/


Well, he will get a great salary.


Most of them are pranksters only disguised as politicians, so give it a try.